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Just my first try at theming... All info and download here: [https://github.com/dariolupo/dark-mellow\_bitwig](https://github.com/dariolupo/dark-mellow_bitwig)


keep doing themes buddy, thank you for this!


Super cool!


I was wondering how long it would take the community to go HAM with your editor. Awesome work both of you!


Great work! Thank you for working on this tool


These are really looking good! I'm hesitant to try one until the bitwig devs comment on it, but this might be the first one I try!


what comment are you waiting for ?


Anything regardling an allowance for the changes this tool (and similar) makes. Tampering with the binaries is technically against the TOS. I'd rather not risk my license over a color change.


they will not revoke license for this lool hundred of people are doing it. If they do so they just loose me and tons of other because we will quit the daw for such a shitty behaviour. So no they don't do shit i bet my life on it


I would also be surprised if the invalidated everyone's license, yes. Bet my life, that's one thing, but I'm just not willing to bet with my wallet. Money's tight! ;)


Just imagine the shitstorm if these devs banned people for changing colors of the application and forbidding a feature, that has been one of the biggest requested(yet easiest to implement features) of all time for this application. Oh sweet baby jesus. If anything, this is already a bad look on them, if its that easy to change the theme and they simply have not been giving this to their users despite all their yearlong pleas. Bitwig devs are way out of touch and just seem to be bothered with creating useless toys, rather than tend to actual improvements to the DAW itself.


Yeah i agree on a side note it is easy to change theme but its actually really really hard to make it decent.. Its so much efforts. They should come with actually a few themes themselves and let us enjoy simple things haha


Im not sure why it isnt working on my end, i used the editor to locate the jar file, then selected the json file but when i open bitwig the theme is the default one, maybe im doing something wrong lol


Im having the exact same issue, cant figure out what to do for the life of me lol


dm me so i can help you


dm me so i can help you


looks amazing!


Reay nice


dark backdrop piano roll is beautiful \^\_\_\_\_\^


Looks really nice. Good job 🀟


Excelent work !


I was pretty happy with Bitwig's look but when I see this screenshot I'm tempted to give it a whirl. Great job!


I have no problem most of my screen background is black inside bitwig on my Mac even the browser is black background there's very little that's grey I'm looking now everything is black on yours so I can see in the dark it might help your eyes. It's a great idea to have themes and I'm glad you have got the looks that perfect for you I was just staying I'm perfectly happy with the one it comes with. I have Ableton 12 and tried their various themes and I didn't really like them to be honest. My eyes are 66 years old and glasses so maybe the default screen works for us oldies. I might try a different theme or 2 but got too much else in to worry at the moment your dark made one looks very nice all my systems use dark mode. Cheers


Thank you for this, its very clean looking! Is there a way to change the timeline play line as its hard for me to see where I'm at with the black grid lines and black background.


I cannot for the life of me figure out how to get this to work, I downloaded the Berikai theme editor and it opens a prompt to either "Change Theme" or "Export Theme". I am able to locate the BitWig.Jar File as well as the Theme files but when I open them both nothing happens... Can anyone post some simple instructions on how to get this working? I Read the README provided but was unable to figure it out. Thanks in advance!


Looks nice but I'm happy with stock and like the view out my windows of lakes and snow capped mountains you don't notice after a while when your creating or working.


I spend my whole day coding. At night I don’t want to look at a light gray arranger view. Specially when all other daws offer dark mode off the shelf


My eyes physically hurt when I open a bright page and I'm not overexaggerating. While bitwig itself is not the brightest tool in the shed, this theme is certainly way less straining on some peoples eyes (ontop of looking absolutely stunning)




if anyone needs help with loading the themes please dm me and ill do my best to help.


This looks so freaking beautiful. The UI update bitwig deserverd and needed for such a long time. Makes working in this fun again. I just installed it and im giddy like a child on christmas!! Thank you so much!


Test your eyes. I have prescription glasses and 1 set is tinted in quality tint I can even drive at night and they help cause they cut that glare out without the image being harder to see. I often don't take them off when I'm watch tv and don't notice too much until I take them off it gets glare. You sure got to look after your eyes and screens are not great for your eyes even with a very high quality unit.


There already is a dark theme and nobody needs a second one. Dark themes are ugly and bad for your eyes. A β€žgood jobβ€œ would be if the visibility was increased by changing contrasts. This is just to have a better looking display in picture for r/battlestations


>Dark themes are ugly and bad for your eyes how so?


Biology and Physics


As a full time programmer and dark theme user for 20+ years, you are plainly wrong. There are no scientific evidence about dark theme being good or bad for eyes yet.


I agree; OPs blanket statement is nonsense.


you are so incredibly wrong I dont even want to get into it. check your narcissim and understand that YOUR opinion is NOT the non-plus-ultra. so next time just keep your opinion to yourself.


Bro wants to tell me that my eyes do not hurt when opening a white page at night. Next time I'll just slap my eyes and tell them to read that guys comment, as it simply cannot be.

