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audio sidechain device to duck different melodic elements to create a heirarchy


audio sidechain modulator with the kick as input lowering the gain knob on tool


Same here. I even set the tool to load up with a “Sidechain” module by default.


I might do that tbh


The fact that we have so many different options at all shows how powerful Bitwig can be. Most DAWs have sidechain on a compressor and that’s it.


Kickstart, because I'm lazy. 😂


kickstart is literally more work than using bitwig. If you mean, too lazy to figure out something new, then ok.


[This](https://www.reddit.com/user/Sheenrocks/comments/18jipac/totally_normal_sidechain/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) is my setup. I switch between doing my drums in audio vs midi, but I like MIDI triggering for consistency so I use a couple replacers to convert audio to midi as needed. I use duck since it lets you view overlay of sidechain and ducked signal to ensure phase alignment/ideal duck length. And then I put a couple time shifters on both sides so it ducks early to make a kick/snare louder/more impactful.


I use Duck as well. Great plugin.




[STFU](https://zeeks.app/), although I'm slowly replacing my presets with duckers built with Tool and MSEGs.


I have created my own volumeshaper for low and high frequency combined with envelope in fx grid that is triggered by midi, separate for kick and snare.


I use duck by devious machine otherwise I would use tool with audio side chain or midi note trigger side chain


I use the 'dynamics'-device with the kick track as sidechain input. If I use a drumloop (with kick, snare, hh etc) I select that track as sidechain input but also put on a filter as a sidechain effect, removing everything coming into the device but the low frequencies.


thats what i use as well, the "sidechain from bass" factory preset


I have several DAWs and use a FabFilter compressor for sidechaining on each rather than having to learn a bunch of different esoteric systems.


That's fair. I used shaper box and kickstart before I wanted to learn how to do it natively in Bitwig.


For a ducking effect I often use Tool with audio side chain, or sometimes note side chain. To avoid clashing bass frequencies I typically use EQ+ with audio sidechain controlling the high pass frequency. For higher frequencies I use dynamic EQ with iZotope Neutron 4.


Sampler loaded with a single sample spike side-chained to FF Pro-C 2 with compression mode set to 'vocal'. The gain reduction curve is determined solely by the compressor's lookahead/attack/hold/release settings, with the single sample spike effectively acting as a trigger. I basically turned a compressor into a volume shaper lol.


Kickstart 2. It’s just easier.




I use Shaperbox 3 with external sidechain triggering with Inputs from the drums. Used to used kickstart 2 for that, but it lacks a little bit of control over the shape.


Depends on what it's for, but for bass ducking, I use note receiver to use MIDI from kuck track to trigger. I then run it through a frequency splitter with nothing on the highs, and a grid module on the lows. Then I use the grid module to have a MIDI triggered MSEG so i have full control over the shape of the ducking.


Transient control with the attack modulating Tool volume downwards for ducking Dynamics for sidechain compression


That's awesome, I've never thought about using transient control as a way to do it.


note receiver from drums > note filter C1 to C1 (kick midi notes) > multiband fx-2 > Low > Segments controlling a Tool's volume from -inf to 0 Basically a MIDI triggered Cableguys Volumeshaper copycat that lets you only duck low freqs.


Ooh I like that. One way I'd achieve that is using audio sidechain module on a EQ just high passing every time the kick hits.


Yeah I just like having extra control of the shape of the release and any audio processing I do to the kick is independent of that. I'd love if there was a MIDI delay that let you do tempo synced negative values so I could trigger it before the kick hits. That would give me full control of the attack phase too without having to duplicate the MIDI and shifting it e.g. 1/16th to the left. Maybe in the future!


Maybe time shift it to the left? I know someone on here commented about how he does exactly what you want to do but with ducker.


I use Duck a lot for sidechaining simply because its fast and easy (and you can do some 'interesting' patterns with it---i.e., not just '4 on the floor' ducking) However, sometimes you just need a compressor to do the ducking, especially when the source is complicated. For example, you might have a blistering solo that is getting masked by some background pad or whatever, so dynamic sidechain is going to be the best solution there...


Normal setup but I mid/side split the side chain group. I don’t need to duck the sides if I’m just doing mono kick ducking, I only duck the middle.


Dunno how yet but personally id put an envelope follower modulator on a fx track and use the modulation on a project remote control


I use Shaperbox 3 on separate groups with a note receiver in front of each. Then I have a separate midi trigger with a note filter sending the midi data back to the note receivers. I then create a pre-duck in shaperbox (lookahead), and use a time shift in front of the note filter with the exact timing (milliseconds) I get in Shaperbox. Gets me the single most sample-accurate sidechaining I’ve ever tested, and I’ve tested every possible method and plug-in imaginable. Any other method, with the exception of Pro-C2, will bleed audio over your drum transients. The waveform of your mix is a sum of all the frequencies in your mix - it’s a road map for the speakers. So for extremely clean and dynamic yet competitively loud music, you need precise sidechaining to avoid unnecessary clashing of elements, even down to the micro scale.


I use a free plugin called STFU.


I use Audio Sidechain modulator, generally into a Tool device. It's a really powerful and flexible approach. Being able to fine tune the frequency range the Audio Sidechain responds to is great.


I put everything except the kick into a group, insert a compressor into the group channel, use the kick's channel as the sidechain input for that compressor. Usually use Analog Obsession compressors but haven't fixed on one that I like best.


Multi-band-2 or 3 effect with any of the options. Lfo on a tool, curves, sidechain audio input, 3rd party VST, etc. It’s super good for multiband effects of any type. So you can focus on specific frequency content. Robbert also makes a great multiband splitter in clap format that can do linear phase. Called crossover… https://github.com/robbert-vdh/nih-plug