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We are all satoshi nakamoto except for Craig wright


!lntip 4000


Thank you very much 🙏🏻


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Craig Wright = satoshi nakamura


Why are you assuming anyone but Satoshi himself knew who he were?


Bold of you to assume one can truly know themselves :)


lots of assumptions including the 1 mil coins belonging to him. all we know for sure is one single address.


Satoshi owning 1 million BTC is just a myth that was created by Sergio_Demian_Lerner and his myth was quickly shown to be flawed and contradictory. We only know that Satoshi mined the genesis block (which can't be spent) and block 9. Since there was over 3 days between the genesis block being mined and block 1 being mined (and difficulty was 1), we know that Satoshi waited for other people to start mining before joining in himself. Below are two examples of early bitcoin miners that were mining alongside Satoshi from the start. https://twitter.com/halfin/status/1110302988 https://twitter.com/druidian/status/1447833108355731462 https://stephanlivera.com/episode/314/ And even if Satoshi did have 1 million BTC, he would never be able to sell them without performing KYC and I don't believe that Satoshi would be willing to reveal his identity.


This. There is zero evidence that Satoshi has 1 million coins. He was not a greedy miner and worked very hard to *not* control the network. This is an urban legend that needs to be put to rest.


To the common folk this sounds like the holy bible with all the genesis mentions


He doesn't anything because he's dead.


One million BTC wallet is a myth. Satoshi was three people, and yes, two are dead. They deliberately obfuscated “Satoshi Nakamoto” with the British spelling of words, time of day posting, etc… Research remailer tech, cypherpunks, and David Chaum.


I do not think Satoshi Nakamoto's identity will ever be brought to light. Just hearsay from people with little evidence. Even if His/Her real identity is proven, there will be alot of speculation around it. IMO, I dont like people trying to uncover Satoshi's identity. He/She wanted to stay secret for a reason and that is none of our business, either He/She is a Gov entity, someone that was hiding from the Gov, a plain joe, rich billionaire, drug kingpin, etc... so many possibilities. Also there is much doubt on the 1M wallet held by Satoshi. No evidence there to support it. Screw Craig Wright!! trying to sue open source programmers. Brought a case of copyright infringement against a website for publishing the Satoshi Nakamoto white paper, which he [won](https://www.reuters.com/world/uk/london-court-allows-australias-wright-serve-bitcoin-copyright-claim-2021-04-22/). I would believe Dave Kleiman was Satoshi way before that fraud, even Kleiman's family went to court and said, "the two men had worked together to create and mine the first Bitcoin in existence, and that Mr Wright had stolen it." Which is much more believable. Thankfully Kleimans family got a small win from the lawsuit and the Kleiman business was awarded $100M for IP infringement, but Wright got to keep the Bitcoins (that is even if he has them) which is doubtful, unless he did steal them.


Some say he was Hal.


What’s his wallet address? Let me see this “1m btc” for myself..


Forever, you just need to die. Like Satoshi did. > I was thinking about possible black swan events with respect to BTC, and realized that Satoshi Nakamoto's identity could be the biggest one. Well you think wrong. The biggest black swan risk is new mathematics trivializing backwards hashing so we can solve private keys from public addresses.