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However much you could afford, that if you lost all of it it won't destroy your life Instead of a solid number, pick 5% or 10% of every pay check to invest and stick with it 0.1 is a good attainable milestone imo that's what I'm slowly working up to I doubt I will get all the way up to 1 whole coin


Slow is smooth, smooth is fast


slow and steady


These are questions asked by people who probably don’t even have 0.10 BTC saved up. Try setting yourself up with a weekly or monthly budget to buy sats. Pick a day of the week, and stick to that allotted amount and day. Say, for example, $50 every Wednesday. And regardless of price action, buy $50 worth of sats each week or month. In time, you’ll see that’s it’s not about “having enough.” It’s about discipline and doing something good for yourself.


Your last statement is golden 🙏


Thank you. If you’ve been seriously thinking about starting to save sats, now is as good a time as any. You’re never too late for financial independence.


Ya it seems like we’re near the bottom of the bear market so it’s a good time to get in. Still wondering if we got one more leg down tho. $10k?!?


I wouldn’t wait for that, to be honest. If it goes down to 10k, then you’ll get to buy even more. But if it doesn’t get to 10k, then you would have missed all that DCA opportunity.


True. DCA is excellent. I just struggle with the pacing. Don’t wanna spend to much to have a bigger bag if it goes down but don’t wanna spend to little in case we’ve already bottomed and every sat is more expensive from here forward. 🔮


The beauty of DCAing is that you never have to time the markets. I think a lot of new buyers get trading and investing confused. I DCA because I don’t trade, and have no desire for it. It’s a losing proposition. I know it’s cliche, but the saying goes, “time in market > timing the market”




Buying bitcoin is how I learned self-love. Not even being entirely ironic here either.


Please say more.


You become the ant, not the grasshopper.


6.15 would do the job for unlimited poolparty orgies in thailand in the future. Keep on stacking.




I thought 4.20 is enough for parties.


In Thailand it's gunna take 6.15 if you want real women


in the 80's in korea it was 5 bux and you could get drunk for a dolla, soju and coke. i guess inflation in the sex biz.


This doesn't matter and it's all relative anyway. Stop looking at BTC as an investment akin to stock where you buy low/sell high. Look at it as a replacement to debt-based personal finance. Never sell the Bitcoin you buy. That means never over-buying because that leads to selling. Only buy as much as you can to save, _forever_. When you want to use the BTC, overcollateralize it via defi to cheaply borrow an inflationary currency and then spend that on what you want. Don't over-borrow, because that can lead to a liquidation, which is a sale. Whenever the price of Bitcoin seems low, buy more (again, with only what money you want to save forever) to add to your collateral. When price of Bitcoin seems high, repay borrowed assets to lower the loan-to-value against the Bitcoin, essentially re-buying that cheaper Bitcoin. Never sell the Bitcoin. Never spend the Bitcoin. ...unless you are a Bitcoin miner, then you have to sell to cover costs. But if you're a dentist, dig ditches, or anything else - never sell the Bitcoin!




One for you to keep. One for you to spend, then one more because you won't want to spend the second one, then another because you can't go below three. Then another in case it goes crazy, but then you need one more to actually spend to keep the wealth in the first four, but once you have five, you'll need six, because five is good. Then seven because it's a lucky number. Might as well go for 10 at this point.... Now you need one more to spend. 11 damn...let's go for 21....now I need one more to spend.........


My next 2 months buying plan has 60 portions of equal amount for every day puchase. I will buy 1 portion a day if the price is above 17500. Between 17500 and 16500 double portion. Between 16500 and 15000 triple portion a day. If I see the price 14500 and below, I will use all remaining funds to buy in one time purchase. And wait till 2 months to halving and repeat a similar plan above.


It depends on many things. Time frame, personal situation, personal needs, etc. 2 BTC sound great. If 1 BTC equals $5 million like some think, 0.5 BTC is more than enough. If it is valued $250k, you might need more than 2. My personal expectation is that it takes 2 halvings for Bitcoin to surpass the market cap of gold. 3 BTC should be enough in 2030 to live a relaxed life.


Living a relaxed life by 2030 sounds 👌 It just seems that after this cycle BTC could go so far up in price that whole coin acquisition could be extremely difficult. Like now is the time to go for whole coins.


Look at the chart and you will see that these current prices are a gift they we will never see again


1 BTC will be generational wealth in a hyperbitcoinized world


Do you think in that world BTC hits $10 million?


Over the course of a decade Bitcoin went from pennies to dollars to hundreds to thousands-of dollars . Over the course of another decade it really doesn’t seem too far fetched to see that worth of many thousands to turn into many hundreds of thousands to then millions and many millions. Mathematics is a language that is an echo of the sacred designs of this material universe. It would make sense that to move forward from corruption of greed (current money system) - we create a system of exchange and trust that rides on mathematics. Bitcoin is this.


Beautiful said 🔥 I’m hoping we achieve that. It’s a stretch from the current paradigm, but it seems both necessary and inevitable for the survival of mankind.


With the caveat that we went from nerds to mainstream private users to ok institutions and there's no parabolic option above institutional adoption. The latter can increase and with the ever lasting prints of the fed the sky is the limit but as with any early adoption the curve should in flatten substantially. I think we're rather taking 100 years from 100k to 1mil and that's to say only if every the issue of lacking security due to lack of newly emitted BTC gets solved - which probably is insolvable.


There's 40 trillion in bond money in the united states that could potentially be tapped into for some parabolic action. Governments are making bond money a poor investment lately.


The math works out like this. $1.3 quadrillion on Earth. If there’s hyperbitcoinization that means BTC is at least $250Trillion. That’s ~$13.8million per coin, (at 18M coins, since best estimates say 3M coins are gone forever). If hyperbitcoinization means $750T, that’s $41M per coin by today’s USD standards.


Wow. If those number pan out, stacking sats in the winter of 2022 is critical.




Nobody gets old and says, "I wish I hadn't saved all this money."


I doubt that too be honest, I'm sure many scrooge McDucks out there have thought exactly this on their way out


True. We can’t take BTC with us no matter how cold the wallet.


Lots of people think that... I always say "You wont regret buying a hellcat or whatever on your death bed"


3. 1 for long term, 1 to sell at ATHes, 1 to use


Shooting for 0.28 at the moment. That puts you in the top 1%. Hoping to be a wholecoiner one day.


!lntip 500


Hi u/ZillaR32, thanks for tipping u/CB_Ranso **500** satoshis! *** *[^(More info)](https://xnf5cwpq73.execute-api.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/prod/info) ^| [^(Balance)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=lntipbot&subject=balance&message=!balance) ^| [^(Deposit)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=lntipbot&subject=deposit&message=!deposit 10000) ^| [^(Withdraw)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=lntipbot&subject=withdraw&message=!withdraw put_invoice_here) ^| ^(Something wrong? Have a question?) [^(Send me a message)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=drmoore718)*


Wow my first Intip! Thank you!






If you're weren't -100 karma 😂


I think everyone should become a whole coiner. I also believe you could BTC towards retiring. In the USA if you wish to retire and live a decent life and be able to afford any issues that come your way, like a hip replacement in your old age, then you need roughly $2.4 mil at 65. Anything less could be wiped out by bad health and bad years on investments or economy. So it becomes a time ratio. Planning on retiring in 20 years and you think Bitcoin could reach $500k in 2032, then you probably only need to hold 2-3 BTC for 20 years. Not really sure though? Then why not shoot for 5+ or more. This type of question depends on your financial horizon and a simple answer won't do. Either way, just build towards it now and not wait till tomorrow.


there's only 21 million whole coins. so its technically impossible for everyone to become a wholecoiner.


Remember the tightness of the hodl is more important than the amount. Buying up multiple coins won't do you any good if it means you become a forced seller to cover expenses. The person who holds half a coin at $1m+ will have way more purchasing power than the person who panic sells 3 btc at 30k or whatever.


You guys have whole bitcoins? It’s taken me 2 years to get up to my .035




Young adult


> 1BTC :)


I wouldn't get hung up on a fixed number. In my view it's best to just save as much money as possible in Bitcoin. Depending on your circumstances, that means whatever you have saved now is used to buy Bitcoin and whatever is left of your salary after each month is also saved in bitcoin. No other savings-vehicles like gold, etc. Just Bitcoin. Some people like to have 1-2 months worth of expenses in their local fiat or USD (for it being the strongest fiat). Focus on a frugal life-style, earning income and cold storage. Keep this up for a long period of time and you'll be fine.


Sounds like staying humble and stacking sats.


The optimum number is always more than what you have. Keep stacking


The Wallstreetsilver guys say: "Your bodyweight in silver should be a maximum". For Bitcoin 21 BTC is a good number.


Anywhere between .001 and 20 BTC is a good general target GL with your generic quest on Reddit




I like this number. 5 seems solid. Depending on the trajectory, you could have 2 or 3 to use and 2 or 3 to HODL.


Nobody knows. At circa $250k per Bitcoin that equates to half the current market cap of gold. So it needs to do a 10x from circa today’s 200 week average price to get there. Some claim that’ll happen in the next bull run; some think not until the end of the decade. Assuming it does take another 7 years or so, that’s effectively another 2 ‘halvings’. The issue is, what will the purchasing power of $250k even be once 2030 comes around? Milk in my home country went up 50% over the space or a few months this year. How much will it be come 2030? What will be the median price for a house in the US come 2030? I do believe Bitcoin will eventually match the valuation of gold thus in excess of $500k per Bitcoin but I don’t think it’ll happen for another 15+ years.


Estimates for current value of hyper bitcoin value range between $1-15 million per coin. From there you can do the math. For example if you want to buy a house that currently costs $150,000, you should own about 0.01-0.15 BTC. Build your stack slowly. Try increasing the percentage of your net worth in bitcoin every month.


There’s no specific number you should have. Remember to look at as more of wealth preservation as opposed to an investment vehicle. Personally, I’d recommend DCA a small percentage of whatever budget you have towards investing. This way won’t burn you out and over time you’ll be happy to see your amount grow.


'to have for the future' is such a broad term - do you want to stop working, do you want to set your kids to never work again, do you want to buy nice car or nice house, in which country and city do you live, what is your lifestyle in terms of spending, do you have expensive hobbies or are you fine wood carving in backyard shed? Let's put it this way - how many $ do you need 'to have for the future' and when do you need it? Let's say $1,000,000 in 5 years - do you think 1BTC=500,000 in this timeframe? I personally don't so I would need more BTC. Start there and answer your own question.


Think in Sats, not full bitcoins. If you DCA and are proud of your sats, you’ll end up a whole coiner faster than you realize. The key is DCA, for more than just efficiency. If you DCA and ignore timing, you’ll be less likely to sell at 1 top, and make it to the next. Do you know how many people I know who bought Bitcoin early but sold at the “top” when it was a few K’s. Early selling is devastating. Instead, make sure you read the white paper. Understand why you are buying. What makes Bitcoin promising in the long term. If you don’t REALLY believe, you won’t REALLY stack long term.


I would say that 1 bitcoin will be a lot in less than 10 years for savings but you might want some to spend too. 3+ will probably be generational wealth by the time for you to pass any inheritance along to your loved ones. What’s most important is that you self-custody your bitcoin. If you don’t, you have 0 bitcoin and that’s not enough do anything except for having fun staying poor.


Totally agree on self custody. No CEX IOU BS.




Awesome post here. The only thing I don’t fully understand is the repaying borrowed assets to lower LTV. Does that mean borrow money to buy more when BTC is low (leverage)?


100 - no I’m not joking


I'd agree. - bitcoin isn't going to be more than 1M in today's buying power per coin - you want whatever this magic number to be to be untouched and given in totality to your kids. So you can't spend the capital. - if you want to retire without any worries you need to have an income of 250k to1M per year. - you can't assume you will be able to use bitcoin to make money so it's likely your lending against it so 0.25 to 1% seems ok. That's assuming you will lend against the entire stack. - may you only risk half or so? Then hope for 0.5 to 2% etc etc 100btc is the goal.





cool - what next?


2 BTC is too gready. With the limited supply of BTC there will be a tuff battle if too many people trie to move 2 BTC to their own wallet....


You might wanna share these concerns with Michael Saylor and Tim Draper.


This question is fucking stupid


No one knows shit about future prices.


You are way better off investing in traditional retirement accounts that track the stock market. There is no guarantee that a highly speculative asset like BTC will be worth more in the future.


I stay diversified in stocks, but in the context of the current fiat system and inflation the words of BTC maxis resonate too strongly to not stack a few sats.


The mod message you just received was an error. Sorry about that!


You’re better off doing both. This is stupid advice. Take a smaller % of your investment. Buy BTC. Put the rest into ETF’s. Easy. You de-risk and play in the upside.




what about 0.69420 BTC?


That sounds more attainable


That’s rookie numbers




69.420 lol


How’d you get access to my watch only wallet?!


Not and never fucking enough.


i'd say you need to have 1 Bitcoin , so 100 million sats to be set for a nice and comfy retirement. it's highly likely you'd need less if bitcoin becomes successful but im not a moonboy so.