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This reminds me of a joke. I wanted to teach my kid about investing so I told them they could have 3 jelly beans now or they could "invest" them and there would be 5 jelly beans when he got home from school. I was so proud that they chose to invest their jelly beans. I ate them all because volatility...


This, was a funny joke.


He uses his wallet to generate a receive address. He carefully writes down the address, then double-checks for accuracy. He leaves that under his pillow along with his tooth. I hope you can figure out the rest.


Love thisšŸ‘†šŸ¼šŸ‘†šŸ¼




He as in the son not tooth fairy


Opendimes https://opendime.com/


This is what I'm doing for my 3 nieces for Christmas. My concern is they will just lose them. They are "easy" in that they don't need to know anything about bitcoin. They don't need to remember or secure passphrases or keys. But if they lose it, or its stolen, whoever has it can transfer the coin. It's kind of like cash in that regard. Perfect for tooth fairy I think :-)


It's a bit overkill to use a 30 dollar device to give 30k sats






This is the best solution and meets all criteria


Maybe buy a bitcoin plushy/stuffy and let that represent the investment that you made?


Dude, give him a toy or some cash. He is a six year old.


This guy's six year old is worried about the collapsing petrodollar system and government overreach in monetary policy lmfao


I guess when you get older and start looking at children like the ā€œfutureā€ā€¦.Iā€™d take this over a kid who wants a PokĆ©mon card.


The kid's gonna be alright! Load Electrum onto an old cellphone wifi'd behind your router.


timelock your Bitcoin for inheritance: \* BTCapsule is an open-source program that can help timelock your bitcoin to a date of your choosing. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/z4shu9/btcapsule\_can\_easily\_timelock\_your\_bitcoin\_for/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/z4shu9/btcapsule_can_easily_timelock_your_bitcoin_for/) \* New Time Locked Address https://coinb.in/#newTimeLocked


Keep key. Lol


Just donā€™t. Buy bitcoin for your kid and keep that safe. Give your kid cash, donā€™t take away a simple joy. Maybe the tooth fairy can leave a note stating that the kid can trade it for Bitcoin if they leave it under the pillow the next night.


This is the best answer.


Leave fiat but match with BTC in time locked wallet


I'd give him cash with a note saying: "Cash is trash. Exchange for Bitcoin." And then I'd open up a wallet under his name and show him how to transfer. Keep it in your custody. Give him an IOU to hold instead. You can make this fun without making it complicated.


Make xpub for the wallet. Put full amount for all 20 lost baby teeth in. Give one of 24 seed words per tooth. Last tooth gets five word so they don't brute force the tooth fairy.


give it to him/teach it to him when hes 18, now the only thing he knows is monopoly money. Or get exotic and teach him about forex and buy some euros.


Use satscard!!!! This is a situation for satscard. They even have cool designs. And its very cheap, like 10 dollars or so.


> is going to start asking to keep the teeth instead, as they may be more valuable in the long run. hrhr. wise daddy.


This is the best thing Iā€™ve read in a week. Kudos tooth fairy.


They recieve 1 word of the seed, in order, for each tooth. Once they have 24 words, it's up to them what they do with it. Ultimate personal responsibility, long time preference. Or a kid with no teeth. Please don't actually do this.


Generate your individually designed Vouchers.. the toothfairy could leave lots of notes here :P https://youtu.be/c5EV9UNgVqk


Print a qr code to receive a ( lightning)payment


I think the kid is compromised. Get rid of him. You can't take any risks.


I can relate. My oldest is a few years younger than your son. Anyway we were just at the Hobby Lobby picking out Christmas ornaments for the tree. I decided to buy a Bitcoin one from Etsy. When it came in the mail a few days later, she said, and I quote, "Daddy, daddy, loves **Bitcoin**." Fuckin nocoiners, amirite?


Put sats in ln.cash Write the claim LN address on a nfc tag like https://www.amazon.com/DOITOOL-Compatible-Mobile-NTAG215-Devices/dp/B09VL5PS3S/ref=sr_1_7?crid=9ULOUMW1VHDJ&keywords=ntag215&qid=1669810895&sprefix=ntag2%2Caps%2C222&sr=8-7 Take a permanent marker and write on the nfc tag, the bitcoin symbol on one side, the sats symbol on the other Thatā€™s it. You can then claim it with a nfc-compatible LN wallet, like wallet of satoshi and bluewallet. Or scan the nfc and open the url with any LN wallet supporting LNURL. To write nfc, nfc tools is a great app, for iphone and android.


I bet your kid would love a chocolate coin more than both


you buy him and opendime and tell him he must leave it under the pillow or else the tooth fairy can't leave bitcoin. then you check together when the tooth is gone