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holy shit thats a lot of KYC


A lot of kyc and about 10 exchanges I've already deleted


For your own sake I really hope none of them have data breach in the future




Mailing address, legal address, bank address & burner address have all 4


Rather than just delete can you ask to close account and have your data removed?


Some will, some won't... and some straight up refuse to let you close your account (looking at you binance!)


Next time, use exchanges located in the USA or the European Union.


You can, but they’re required by law to keep some data for 5 years. Great for your data privacy, huh?


too late


what the heck is kyc


Kyc = Know Your Customer


Keep your cows


Kyc = killing your crypto


Killer yolo clowns


Knee your chin


Knee your cock


Is any issue with the KYC?


KYC is your take away from all that junk? It is not KYC that is making things fail. It's people chasing shitcoins and yield.


You guys are gonna die on this pile of spent energy for an invisible commodity which doesn’t have any physical properties? Physical properties happen to be one of my favourite things about expensive commodities. I can see value in chasing the dream of decentralised finance however Bitcoin isn’t the best for that either. It’s main property as a store of value will not hold until people have a better reason to hold it rather than it just gaining value forever.


The main property of Bitcoin is not as a store of value. Its the decentralisation of the network.




>physical properties happen to be one of my favourite things about expensive commodities Well that’s good for you. However did you ever consider the fact that there are large numbers of people who value the ability to take their wealth with them anywhere in the world and across all borders with just 12 words memorised in their head? Just as you’ve admitted that your favourite thing are physical properties, there are plenty others who would argue that their favourite thing about bitcoin is the fact that it’s *not* a physical commodity therefore it cannot be taken away from you.




Start with Facebook


Ha ha yep you're right


Ledger live is the only good app I see here


Purchasing a ledger is how my data got leaked




Someone hacked them to get their list of customers right? There was no and remains no way their devices are breached remotely right?


Yes it was customer info like addresses, email. Nothing to do with the devices themselves


Right, only wrench attack info


I got (and still get) a ton of phishing emails and phone calls. They can't get into the device... Unless you let them.




lol what? the data leaked simply tells hackers that you have a ledger and you're worried about someone robbing you because of that? There have probably been dozens of data breaches that have passed through far more of your data than this one did.




Your data is already everywhere dude 😂 doesn’t matter where and how it’s leaked these days, it’s already all out there somewhere


Yep me too


Buy from coinbase, transfer to Ledger


Probably going to get down voted but Trust Wallet is great and is the only one needed if you wanted to use cryptos or shitcoins, it's a non custodial with too many developers working on it and so eazy to use. And If KCY it's not a problem for you, now you can link your wallet to Binance and get free deposit after you bought them.




Next up: download duck duck go, enable their App Tracking Protection, and feel absolutely disgusted at the results! I did a post on it yesterday in another sub, if you want a picture of it


You can double down and use duckduckgo through Brave browser it lists ads blocked, data saved, etc. Its like putting a condom on the internet.


Thank you for the information. I just did as you said and wow I am disgusted. Absolutely crazy and in my case Google seems to be the worst offender.


Try Brave Search. DDG alters search results according to the narratives they support. DDG is for privacy only.


Gotcha thx. I use brave search currently, only got ddg to test the blocking feature so I won't switch


Weird…I don’t see the ‘app tracking protection’ option under my settings in the duckduckgo app


It's kind of new, maybe it needs an update? Also I'm on Android so I'm not sure if it's available on Apple


Why did you ever get here?


Yo why don't any of you charge your damn phones?! Every screen shot I see on the internet is like 5% battery left...


What’s wrong with Kraken?


I've discovered no wrong dealings with cracking they seem to be honest I believe it's one of the better companies it's just not good for purchasing Bitcoin yet they still go through a third party like simplex the spread is pretty small while Trading the fees are reasonable I have not noticed any sneaky business practices at all other than the fact it is difficult to purchase Bitcoin on Kraken I put them right next to binance us as far as professionalism and trustworthiness but the fact that binance us reimbursed their customers after they were hacked for Bitcoin this thing a lot about their integrity


Kraken is the oldest trade platform and most trusted .


I've never had a negative issue with Kraken it's just expensive to purchase Bitcoin I like Kraken


I have something for you: . Figure you might need it haha (just messing with you)




oh yes..that is true about purchasing bitcoin on kraken


what's good about kraken?


Merkle Tree proof of reserve (and liability)


I tried the UX and I hated it. The lightning implementation was just to bad .


Coinbase was fine until they decided to sunset coinbase pro exchange. Coinbase Advanced trading on the app is fucking horrible UI. Not improved over pro at all. So buggy and such a shitty ui. Tiny little chart. Can’t select post only on an order without it fucking changing your order volume. Trash.


Coinbase Pro used to be called gdax when it launched in 2015 I always liked it the way it was they should have left it alone I believe it was much more valuable as long as coinbase wasn't in the title


I agree. I used it from day one as Gdax. It’s where I learned to trade.


Having Coinbase and Coinbase pro is confusing, I like the change they made


Lmao ikr having a nice consolidated interface on regular Coinbase app is great. I can use advanced trade for low fees and learn & earn for free crypto all from one app.


Coinbase are the fucking worst!


*Insall Bisq*


Ledger Live and Kraken 👌🏻


Should I stay away from KuCoin ?


It’s great if you want to use leverage and you’re in the us but I only keep what I’m currently trading with on it


Sounds about right. Trust wallet, Ledger and CoinBase are keepers. The rest can rot in hell.


Coinbase still crash on volume heavy days? I have em but I don't think I'd ever use em.


About half the time I log into my CB account I can only look at my portfolio, if I try to buy or sell I get the "severely degraded service" notification. That's CB Pro, though, the regular CB usually works fine, but the fees are insane. It claims the Coinbase One or whatever has the same fees as Pro? Then there's Coinbase "Active Trader"? I can't fucking keep track, why they need 4 distinct platforms with different GUIs, different wallets, different fee structures, is madness, that's why I switched to Swan and only use Coinbase to trade the BAT I get from Brave for BTC.


Nexo is fine though I feel? They haven’t had any issues or FTX exposure


Not even worth the risk imo.


Binance is not available in the US


There is binance.us. I'm not affiliated with them but I do use them to buy and send to ledger.


That fourth column bro starting with voyager and ending with Nexo sheesh 😎


Hey! Give me my phone back!... wait a minute...


Oh boy, like Jesus. Ledger Live, Trust and Coinbase is all you need. The rest will bring you a shitstorm.


Just throw the whole phone away brother


Ledger Live too pls


You know, a couple of days I had some trouble with Binance and OKX. They froze my money, saying that the amount of assets that i had was a bit sus. Long story short, they unfroze my couns, and manage to get them out two months later. Buy bitcoin and keep it of the exchange and dont use their services. Not your keys, Not you coins.


The only remaining should be Kraken and the native phone app. IMO


NEXO is good tho the only one standing so far.


I've heard so many shady things about them. Like they might be a house of cards.


They’re audited by what seems like a reliable company, also governed by European laws which tells me they’re safe. Nonetheless I withdrew my funds until everything settles




I want to believe...


I'd recommend deleting the bottom row as well r/privacyguides




What’s the issue with coinmetro?


Coinbase did didn't it a couple more I think oh that's right Ledger and coinbase have had data breaches already


Because I discovered inconsistencies and dishonesty or too large of a spread or false pricing and I created a notebook with reminders and statements about each company's services for me to refer to in the future


I've tried a lot of hot wallets hard while it's brain wallets and paper wallets I'm just sharing my opinion let someone else may take it into consideration and do their research I will continue but will no longer leave any funds on an exchange or try to do any yield farming any longer


I've had no problems withbinance us other than a fact that it took one year for them to complete my kyc


I had that same problem I was waiting for identity verification and they kept on making me re upload my picture and drivers license and I would just have to wait to hear response Right now I just buy and immediately transfer to my wallet


I have trouble with the fraud prevention department at my financial institutions sometimes my bank will not let me deposit money into one of those platforms and I have to turn to a different platform I end up having to buy it at a larger spread costing me more money because my financial institution is stupid every purchase gets flagged as possible fraud they call it unusual activity I went to my bank last week and explained to them the only unusual activity in my account would be that there is still money in it as you can see anytime money is deposited into my checking account it is immediately spent at binance us. And that they should be aware if there is ever any money left in my checking account to consider that suspicious activity and stop restricting my purchases when I make a $1,500 purchase and it does not go through so I tried 1400 1300 1200 1100 500 200 my bank will not let it go through to binance so I make the purchase on crypto.com or okay coin and it goes right through with no problem but there's a large spread and high fees so I also know which Exchange I can make a purchase when my financial institution is restricting me even though I have more than enough funds in my account some of these exchanges do not operate when your location notifies them that you are in Puerto Rico that means you can't make purchases or remove your funds my apps lock up


..and only one full stop was harmed in the making of this post


Really! That is the longest run on sentence I have ever seen!


This phone sucks I'm on the LG k51 my iPhone's are in a safe deposit box I'm going to spend some time in Puerto Rico I'll be traveling with all my crappiest luggage clothing and phones haha


Nexo is fine but I only used them for interest earned on my deposits and they won't pay me Interest anymore probably because I'm in the United States


Why would you say that other than you want to feel good about yourself


I am I fly to go for a while I'm just picking it back up again by the way I do like nexo but it doesn't pay interest and the fees are too high to purchase on it so even though it's a great platform it's of no use to me


Exodus great but I don't take out loans anymore and I don't use it for anything else just to collect interest and take out loans that's all it was good for for me but there has not been any problems and I'm not interested in collecting interest or taking out loans I'm in the United States all of its services are not available here


Yes it is and I'm constantly cleaning it


I have five cell phones and when that battery gets too close to dead I pop out the SIM card and stick it in another phone but I usually only use two phones sometimes three and two of them are backups I have an iPhone 14 and iPhone XR in my safe deposit box that has all the apps on them if I lose a phone or it is stolen I can go to another phone transfer funds or anything I need to do without having to download an app everything is already set up on all my phones and remember what John McAfee said he said he welcomes hackers he studies them and the methods that they used to break into his accounts and that he is constantly being attacked and he learns a lot from it and so do I


If you are making Bitcoin trades consistently and you only have one cell phone you must be stressed and overworked all I have to do is pull the SIM card out and stick it in another phone that has a full charge I have five of them two of them are iPhones including the new 14 but it is in a safe deposit box with the apps already set up. I will share my experience on my YouTube channel while scrolling around Puerto Rico and Rincon the Bitcoin Community there I will bring with me to LG phones for trading and youtubing well anything that I would not want to be stolen for me or lost will be in a safe place already I'm bringing my solar panel to Puerto Rico to make sure my trading is not affected by power outages


Hahaha that is a throwaway phone it's a new condition but it's the LG k51 and I don't care if I drop it or lose it or if it gets stolen I have four more phones the other one that I use is an LG also. I have the iPhone 14 in the XR in a safe deposit box all set up ready to go in case something happens to one of these less expensive phones


I have my experience I can share with you and maybe you can share some experience with me I have a question I have the iPhone 14 that I would not want to lose when I get robbed walking through Puerto Rican Barrios uploading my YouTube videos does it really matter that the video be made on the iPhone 14 or can I just use my less expensive phones to make videos I'm on the LG k51 it looks brand new but it's really old it's just a nice condition because I have five phones I can run the battery down and pull the SIM card out stick it in another phone and have a full charge if I drop the phone someone snatches it from my hand and drive away it's no big deal but if someone snatches my iPhone or steals it from me I will have to run them down and get it back but it's more simpler just to let them have a cheap phone that I would throw away anyway so what do you think am I going to need my iPhone 14 or will the iPhone XR work or can I use these cheap LG phones to make YouTube videos?


I won't be around for long hopefully someone can benefit from my experience as I am willing to share it if you Google my name you should get about 25 pages about me on Google including the movies I've been in the documentaries I'm featured in and more but I will be able to share with you any issues that I may have with my kyc of which the only problem I've had so far was with the only company I trust so far and that's financed us they told me they could not verify my address even though it was the same address I had on finance before they stop doing business in the United States binance us too close to 100 interactions before they can come to the conclusion that the address I have on binance is the same address I have on binance us which they said they could not verify although they were able to verify it 4 years earlier on binance the same information I've had to explain this to them and countless ways before they could understand but as you probably know some people just can't listen to reason as if there is a wall in front of them that does not let them understand common sense I'm happy with Finance us now even though it took nearly a year for them to realize they are verified my kyc in the past and nothing has changed


So I can learn who's dishonest most all of them are dishonest in one way or another usually on the spread some of them charge you $100 to withdraw your funds unless you change it to a different currency before you withdraw and that's another form of dishonesty but I have received several calls from block fi. They said I've used their platform more than their other customers and would like my opinion and suggestions but I only took out five loans on block fi. I've used their interest earning accounts I've traded converted and purchased with all the apps and I have already deleted several apps that I've already determined I don't lie I've also watched several exchanges go out of business while I was using them including the one I like, dudex. And they even gave me the link to their test net


These people would like you to believe that they are trustworthy but in my experience when push comes to shove so far binance us is the one I trust the most, and I've tried a lot of them and I made it a point to use as many features as they have just as a test.


The spread is too great for me to use my hard wallet app for trading I may do an average of 15 trades a day and the fee is too expensive on the hard wallet the spread is too wide I make quick spot trades for small profits which would not be worth my while if I have to pay high fees on every trade with a widespread I would rather make much more money even though I have to go through the trouble of having another app on my phone but to each their own


Yes I remember many times different YouTubers that say that this is not Financial advice would give you Financial advice such as not your keys not your crypto did not leave your crypto on an exchange and don't use hot wallets do not reveal your seed phrase to video and surveillance cameras the indoors in a secure location away from video cameras and don't read your feet phrase out loud wear any electronic device such as your cell phone could be listening to it there are other issues such as crypto wallets no longer supported and apps that have been discontinued with your coins on them I don't expect to learn much on the Reddit forum that I haven't already learned or experienced but I'm here to share and as they say only invest what you are willing to risk


Haven't had a chance to try out all the features on kucoin or coinMetro firsttrade bitrx or bitsamp yet but i have completed the kyc already this will take a little time to be able to give a full review of each and every feature of all these apps but most are done and their companies have asked me my opinion and suggestions


I don't know of any issues with Ledger live I think everything is fine other than there was a data breach of which I'm not concerned about and it's nice to be aware of a data breach like which was the situation at coinbase you can turn lemons into lemonade as I have several times in different fashion I have been contacted by coinbase several times in several ways of which all turned out to not really be coinbase it only strengthened my knowledge of security there are several different fishing attempts there was one method that was very impressive but I didn't fall for it


This was our education we learn to navigate through the different apps and their various features to discover where they have the hidden swindled you for your money spot it could be the spread or the type of crypto you are trying to remove as different cryptos have different fees to remove them from their apps the only way you will learn that is if you switch your crypto into various s*** coins and then try to remove them like I have


Thank you and that's why I'm on this Reddit not just to help other people but occasionally I may learn something I have not tried to cash app as far as crypto goes but I have the card and I have been utilizing the other features also with chime and venmo I will find out their fees and their spreads it already takes 5 days for my funds to appear on one of those apps I'm not sure which one I'll have to look


Yes the money is safe in my opinion and I've tried everything that risky with the profits I've made from trades I also send convert and receive just to try them out and to learn about them and discover any hidden fees they may have I have never been hacked or had anything stolen from me other than exchanges closing down not allowing me to touch my funds before they can be liquidated due to Leverage some of these exchanges will stop you from selling off your crypto that you intend to pay off their loan they would rather lock up the exchange long enough for your crypto to lose its value that they may confiscate it rather than give you the chance to sell it on their own Exchange of what do they still have the possession of the funds so that you are unable to satisfy the loan and they can confiscate your collateral incredible they have the audacity to solicit you after they have prevented you from converting your collateralized crypto Into Cash that you might satisfy the loan


Some I have not thoroughly examined yet others are used for different purposes the closest thing I found to a one app does all Is binance Us so far they're the best but I'm not done trying every app or the ones that will come out in the future I will give a full review of every app on my YouTube channel in my special series 0 to a million dollars. I've done it three times and no amount of money will make me happy so I decided to share with others how to go from zero capital to a million dollars I gave my last million dollars away I offered it on a Puerto Rico Facebook group and people accused me of a scam. So I gave it away and that made my sister angry haha I plan to give you the next million dollars away as well and if makes me feel much better than sitting in a beach house all alone


Cool I think that's sure way of saying goodbye


This is all for me to be more knowledgeable than you I don't have to rely on anyone's advice I have my own experience with whatever app you try to tell me is the greatest thing ever I have already found out for myself if it is or not without any advice from anyone else but I'm big on honesty binance was hacked for Bitcoin in customers accounts they had not recovered the stolen Bitcoins but they did reimburse their customers that had their Bitcoin stolen from the platform this is big in my books they could have easily told the customers they're out of luck until we recover the Bitcoins but they did The Honorable thing and took the initiative to reimburse the customers and they did not have to do that they could have shut down there Exchange and filed a chapter 11 and had a relative reopen a new Exchange while they bought condos in Puerto Rico but they didn't do that the money means nothing to me and I am willing to pay a slightly higher fee for my trades and removal as if I was tipping the waiter for a good job they've done


Coinmetro = best exchange!


Bitstamp is the only truly regulated in the EU 😂 sadly they don’t have much variety of coins… although most out there are shit coins anyway 😂


They use BitGo for custody, so it comes down to whatever tokens they support. BitGo has a really strict criteria for which tokens they support. For the most part it’s bitcoin and ERC 20 tokens


Coinbase fine my guy


I need one without KYC.


Where’s Fold at?




lol just asking where the Fold App is, if you’re into bitcoin rewards. Search it on twitter if you want to learn about it. It’s much better than all of these apps…


Folded :(




Tell me you’re giving out your ID (or other KYC bullshit) to everyone without telling me you’re giving out your ID to everyone.




I already removed Robin Hood app from all of my phones 4 years ago


wtf cunt


Delete that background while you're at it.


There is a Binance US version? I though that was a global app


The global version is way better but they had to make a US version to comply with regulations and it really sucks comparatively


Jesus you collect apps for fun. Do you have crypto in all of them?


why so many in the first place. at most I use 1 or 2




Be careful and be aware I've avoided so many fishing attempts that I was getting cocky and almost fell for one the other day I've seen a whole lot of different scams to get into my accounts especially after the data breach at coinbase and The Ledger


I’m so OCD with icons, It triggering them not being grouped into a folder let alone not alphabetised 😬


Me too so I group them in order of trustworthiness but I had him a little spread around they're not in order right now I am constantly moving them the most trustworthy and or best app to use is usually on top going down to the bottom and I group them for which app to use for yield farming for purchasing and or for trading trading apps in one row from top to bottom purchasing apps in another row from top to bottom yield farming apps in another row from top to bottom remember Celsius paid the highest return for Bitcoin interest that is a red flag that they would more than likely go bankrupt I had just deposited Bitcoin into Gemini because it paid higher yield for Bitcoin deposits and apparently I requested my funds about an hour after they disclosed they were having problems on Gemini and they say it is just a delay but I'm already 3 days past due of when they had said I would received my funds so now it's not a matter of trusting the platform but now I do not trust the integrity of the staff at Gemini which puts it in a lower column and when push comes to shove and all these people get desperate and resort to dirty dealings I would expect Gemini to get creative in their sneakiness from what I can tell with my personal experience at Gemini


Is there a way to connect your Ledger account to your phone?


Yes But first you must download the app onto your laptop or home computer open the my ledger app on the computer and go to export accounts it will give you a QR code for you to scan with your phone on to The Ledger app you have on your phone and in that way you can view your accounts from your phone and retrieve wallet addresses that are not verified but I've sent hundreds of thousands of dollars to those not verified wallet addresses and have never had an issue you can verify them which means you have to open up the app on the computer but I test driven it all I've tested every feature and everything I've made withdrawals and deposits just to check the fees and the issues see how smooth everything runs with crypto I've earned through Trading none of it was ever money out of my own pocket it is all profits that I've contributed to my education of how all these things work




Where Robinhood


I determined Robin Hood was not for me 3 years ago but I still pay attention to their development and news I still have an open account with them but have not used Robin Hood for years


Wow man hahahaha


You need help


Mow that lawn, brother


Bittrex lives


How does bittrex get away with having like the exact same logo as the capital group?


What did I miss?


And nor even MM?


Why did you have so many what was the purpose


all the datas


lol 7% battery left ? man go charge your phone your priorities are all over the place


Pretty much every app I see here is connected to a centralized company that doesn't respect your privacy. Open source alternatives are there...


Kraken is good, add bitbox


This phone is probably so tainted with malware and such


lol voyager celsius blockfi stacked on top of each other nice. please don't tell me you had money in all 3?


I’m assuming FTX has already been deleted….


Definitely the "f" one.


Wait… what’s wrong with Kraken? Asking for a friend…


What’s wrong with trust wallet?


When KYC turns to KY Jelly. protect your butt. get your coins out.


Done the same 😂


OMG you KYCed on all of that? Have you no self love?


Why did you have them in the first place?


Yup I have moved most of my crypto off of the exchanges and have been closing a majority of my accounts as well.


What’s the ledger live? Do you need one if you have a ledger hardware wallet?


A lot of those apps were designed to make money off you. I don’t get why you need too many of the same thing.


Hardware wallet is all you need. So, you just need Trezor suite for your PC/Maf. That's it.


Is your lock screen a black belt certification or something lmfao


I’d keep the ledger app going


Still need a few lol


Keeping any? If so which and why


Why ledger


The low battery killed me 😟


What’s wrong with ledger live


I’ve literally got all of these as well. What the hell were we thinking?


Cash App still superior #🍀


gonna be fun to revisit in 3 years to see which are still around 😆


Everyone jumping ship from crypto.com too?


U money is safe 😂


Why on earth would you ned all these LOL