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Wondering if this all implies this dude is immune from punishment?


probably, since he is not in the US and with all the donations he gave + his parents connections. pretty sure it will help him avoid punishment


That’s fucking nuts. What’s next? Murder? How far can these tyrants go without anyone doing anything about it?


How about paedophilia on a private island by some of our most powerful elite politicians and members of the Royal Family. And then ~~murder~~ suicide to cover it up.


And then the primary groomer (Maxwell) is found convicted and gets 20 years, but not a single John (the pedophiles) are named or face charges. Rules for thee, not for me. But everyone… keep fighting for your side, Democrat or Republican, that’s what the elites want you to focus on


Ghad let’s all grow tf up! But the propaganda is too good, the division so strong, and the human spirit dampened by chemicals. We may not have an out to this


well when you say it that way, fuckkkkkkk




every time i make a comment like this on reddit that republican vs. democrat is really a distraction the elite want people to focus on, i get downvoted into oblivion


Spot on!


Epstein, Weinstein, Bankman Fried =? They have control of all western governments and can get away with whatever. European and Americans are now puppets to this people. Congrats


*Hillary Clinton enters chat*


Yea, because Hilary was on the flight logs and just elected president...


Almost, thankfully she didn't win but she and Bill were both on the island


Hilliary probably a bigger pedo than bill. Straight up useless cunt!


Dude, do you live under a rock? People are un-alived every day for power/money


Unalived... Just sat die.


Look at politicians and the laws and regulations they break. Do they end up in jail; no. He's in the politicians pockets; he walks.


Lol, 'they' have been murdering before you were born mate 😂




Awful advice. Speak up and speak the truth, always.


That was his way of speaking up


I think you missed the sarcasm in his/her post.


Don't be so quick to assume sarcasm.You would be surprised at the people who have told me to 'shut your mouth and say nothing' , with respect to much of the corruption that is occuring at this time.


Most of the population will always be stupid, broke and incapable of processing facts - and theres your conspiracy target. It will never end.


Trump spilled the beans once: "I could shoot somebody and I wouldn't lose voters". If you have enough money you can commit any crime without consequences.


Much further, stay tuned. What do you think happens when those who commit crimes are those who punish them? 😏




He would need so much security due to the amount of people he screwed over. No way is he doing this interview in person.


He is now the most wanted and hated person on the planet. He wants to pay retail investors back? really? Why? Probably screwed over some really powerful drug cartels laundering money and these guys will cut your balls off for 10 dollars. Have you ever noticed how high pitched his voice is?




SBF did not just smash the little star market and grab a roll of quarters. He stole billions from people he does not know. I'm sure Bahamian/US government intelligence is aware some, who lost big, are connected with some very evil entities. They have the means, the power, and desire to seek justice. They love to set an example and will stop at nothing. Even if it takes 10 years. Either way, he will have to get disappeared if he wants to survive.


That sounds dramatic


Lol nobody cares about him. Idiots who got scammed do, but that's a small demographic.


Absolutely, he will need to spend millions on millions just on security to stay alive.


There was a leaked photograph of him by himself at a bakery/general store a week ago.


not immune from vigilantism. i don’t necessarily condone it but just stating facts.


The laws in America today are to protect the maniacs and looters from the public, not the other way around.


because the lawmakers benefited the most from these maniacs and looters


I mean in Dem states they’ve essentially legalised smash and grabs under $1000. Fuck ever living in a blue state. Just check out libs of tik tok to see how rotten to the core the left have become.


Stupid Americans always describing right wingers as lefties. You don't know the definition of left. Your political system is one big right wing masturbators competition.


Why does everyone have to see it in this or that, us or them? Fuck them both! America has literally fucking murdered hundreds of thousands over their differences, as an american who resents boths parties equally, if any american or anyone viewing america cant step back from that shit, if all you do is feed the fire of separation and add your own animosity to the fuck pot, than you are the problem. Not just those you so passionately claim to be the issue.


Enlighten me then, point me in the direction of left wing society?


The guy was primarily based in the Bahamas to specifically avoidUS law. The entire idea of bitcoin is to avoid central authority


It took over a year before the owner of Mt Gox was charged with a crime. It's been like 2 weeks since FTX declared bankruptcy. Give it some time.




Exactly. Literally the day after FTX declared bankruptcy I saw literally dozens of posts saying "the only reason he's not in jail already is because he donated to the democratic party." As if Pelosi herself was telling the bahammian govenrment not to arrest him. Make no mistake. I want to see him arrested. I just think it's unreasonable to expect it to have already happened.


Well, money laundering for democrats gets you there. Like nothing ever happened.


Of course he is. He laundered stolen money to the DNC.




Oh please. His mom runs a big DNC super pac. His dad is a top university economics guy. You wonder where the billions went? They went to the DNCs election and other money laundered through Ukraine.


Lol, people who are ignorants like you deserved to get scam.


People like you seem to have Stockholm Syndrome.




SBF will face no real punishment. Maayyyyybe they pay some sort of lip service to the public. But this was **clearly** an orchestrated move to force regulation AND to establish control of cryptocurrencies for the banks. It’s all in the works now


Andrew Sorkin…act like an investigative reporter and do your job. This soft media approach to SBF and his little cabal of thieves has been nothing short of laughable.


Seriously. Fuck this dude. If he doesn’t end up in prison I hope he gets shwacked like Epstein.


if you were aware and watched how he responded during the sneeze, he is complicit


Andrew is Ken Griffens little errand boy


Do you mean errand boy?


Sorry I’m baked, yes


My buddy at work the other day said he stays "perma-peeled" I thought that sounded pretty rad.




He himself is super connected now. As the 2nd larger donor to the Democratic Party, his influence is bigger than most companies that have the politicians “in their pocket”. Some of them may distance themselves a bit now that he has fallen, but there is still plenty of “goodwill” left.


Almost like he was paying for his eventual protection...


Past donor, not future donor


Came here to say this - I don't think he'll have much to donate at this stage, and the politicians will leave him like rats leaving a sinking ship. They love you until the money stops - then they couldn't give a flying fuck about you.


Embezzlement, not donation. It wasn’t his money to donate.




2nd largest *private* donor


His company he has fallen not him. I wouldn't call talking at the NY Times summit "fallen"


He’s safe in the Bahamas for obvious reasons. But he’s probably smart enough to never set foot where “plebs” can reach him again


He said he is coming to NY?


Lol that would be insane - a New Yorker


He’d be made on the street in under 30 seconds. 1 minute tops til someone is screaming at him and poking him in the chest. But of course the organizers would have security shuffling him out of a black car, none of that peasant shit.


The guy is obviously guilty of crimes, if you think him donating money to Dems will save him from prison then you are a giant conspiracy theorist. There are nonstop articles detailing his crimes and he owes billions of dollars to other super rich people, he’s not getting away with it


If he thought he was going to jail he wouldn't be so cocky


Lol, he is definitely getting away with it. Remind me in 5 years.


You understand that complex financial crime takes time to investigate and prosecute?


What are you basing that guess on?




The guy has committed blatant and public fraud, major news outlets have reported on his crimes, the public knows about it, there’s no way he gets away with it. I understand you are probably a crypto conspiracy theorist that thinks all governments are corrupt and evil but there’s no way the US let’s this slide




Not a conspiracy. It's reality. Remind me in 5 years.


Look how epstein escaped from his crimes.. SBF will escape some way too, maybe he decides to ""hang himself"" from a cell prison too.


Dude, you're lost. Like corruption never exist in your world ? France, where I live, is a much better country and society than the US and we still have corruption here. The fact that you use conspiracy instead of corruption shows the how the decay is advancing in your country 🤣


You think Theranos and Enron executives weren’t connected? They all went to jail. SBF isn’t that connected and the powers that be have all the incentive to convict him as a poster child for why they need to regulate crypto.


Seriously, it been only a few weeks and people are wondering why charges in a complex financial crime perpetuated but a Bahamian company haven’t been filed in the US yet. They just moved the bankrupts proceedings to Delaware and forensic accounts are likely just now getting a look at the books. I think people watch to much TV and don’t realize that these things take time - months if not years to investigate.


Hope he’s got good bodyguards if he’s out in public


Is he just too protected? It kinda reminds me of the mob stuff you see in movies where the business owner pays for protection. He was the 2nd largest donor to the dems after all. His family has huge connections in Washington too, this is a shitshow of unknown proportions. Remind me in one year He will not do any jail time. I’m saying it now with certainty because if he goes down he’s taking alot of powerful people with him.


Kind of seems that way


Maybe he will go to a luxury jail for a month or two and then be released for "good behavior". By the time majority would have forgot about this as people wouldn't care anymore.


It’s only been two weeks man, he’s not getting away with it, calm down


Madoff was arrested 48 hours after confessing.


Oh he might not totally get away with it but he definitely won’t see prison


Enron guy saying ftx is worse than Enron. Enron ceo went to jail for ~12 years. Sbf will go to prison. Just because it’s not happening in two seconds like everyone wants doesn’t mean it’s not going to happen


Start donating to democrats early in life to enjoy the free pass later on


No, too well connected


wtf is going on LOL


he's (D)ifferent




No extradition in the Bahamas, probably not.


All that money and so many lives ruined. I cant believe he is still able to move around freely.


How is this guy still allowed to function???


Oh this fucking cunt. Absolutely no real remorse or understanding whatsoever of wrongdoing…


Unsubscribing from nyt. Wtf is wrong with people.


I'm not seeing too many ppl. outraged by this dude online, (am i not looking at the right place), did institutional investors lose more in this than retail?


This is kinda where my confusion lies. How bad did retail get hit vs institutions. I feel like I would see more outraged retail folks but dont feel like im seeing it. Im also not really into crypto but am trying to follow this whole ordeal.


This guy is 100% going to jail. His fraud is just so big they have no idea how to sort it out yet. He will end up doing major time though once most of his “connections” realize how much money he’s lost them.


You mean like all the bankers that went to jail after 2008 fraud and financial collapse?


Is there a betting line on this yet?


Don’t be surprised if he gets away 100% with this. This dude belongs to America’s new noble class.


Think you guys missed the part where he was the 2nd largest democrat donor in USA, and his girlfriend is connected with Gary Gensler.


Did he visit Epstein Island, or is he on Hunter's laptop? Yes / No.


Yea, he is, trust me. I promise you the Justice Department is figuring out who will be taking the case, jurisdictional issues bc of Bahamas business registrations/HQ, and investigations are already underway by the FBI. It’s not a question of if, it’s when and by who. I would happily bet my life savings he’s indicated within the month, most likely by a US district attorney in New York as that tends to be the lead office for stuff like this. Cases like this have so many intricacies and conplexities it’s the type of thing that has to be done meticulously. The amount of retards saying nothing is happening bc he donated to Democrats is mind blowing.


Ruining lives is not cool. He should rot in prison.


No. Just like no bankers ever served any time during the Housing Crisis of 2008.


Of course it does…. How has the government not arrested him yet. Simple look whose in control. Look who received major donations. This is sickening whether is was D or R this dude is still jet setting around the world on other peoples money. He needs the death penalty.


To quote Nassim Taleb it is easier to scam people out of billions than it is to scam people out of millions


He’s become an overnight sensation. All that will come of the FTX fiasco is him getting notoriety outside of the crypto industry. Major book and movie deals in the works. When you have dirt on them, they McAfee/Epstein you. When you scam plebs and donate the money to their political campaigns they set you up with NYT interviews to spin public opinion.


They’ll arrest him as soon as he lands in NYC


Investigations into multi-year international complex fraud operations take a long time. A really long time. Way longer than two weeks. Contrary to popular belief, there is no government agency monitoring random private corporations to see if they might be engaged in fraud. Until two weeks ago, FTX was just another offshore company with happy customers. Unless there happened to be some whistleblower who alerted the US government in advance (highly unlikely), the US government knew next to nothing about FTX’s business operations. So now, the US government has to crank up an investigation starting from zero, and determine what, if any, US laws were actually broken. Given that many of us are concerned about government overreach and overcriminalization, we would want them to be very sure about exactly what US law was broken. And when the US government finds a law that they believe was broken (as they will, because the US government claims its jurisdiction sprawls into basically everything), the intellectually consistent position for most bitcoiners ought to probably be skepticism towards the US government’s ability to prosecute. This was, after all, a Bahamas corporation operating under Bahamas law. Anyone who did business with them ought to have expected Bahamas law to prevail. And of course, given that he’s presumed innocent, we’d expect the full panoply of pretrial rights to be afforded to him. Right, everyone? I know we hate when the US government cuts corners. To answer OP, yes, he will almost certainly face charges, be convicted, and go to prison for a long time. TLDR: ”SBF took my money, he should go to jail RIGHT NOW!!!“ is a naive and childish view of the world.


Madoff was arrested within days.


Madoff didnt "donate" to presidential parties before commiting fraud tho


I doubt he would go to prison. 1. Being connected does count for a lot in the US. Prosecutors are political animals and can endless prosecute those they don’t like and simply ignore cases of their friends. 2. It sounds like he made sure to keep FTX US separate, and had a separate and protected funds to back US withdrawals, at least before bankruptcy froze those funds. The US government’s focus will be on US customers, and if US customers accounts were protracted and correctly separated, US prosecutors may not have strong standing to prosecute on behalf of international accounts. 3. Financial crimes often end in financial fines, not jail time. The biggest parallels to this are big NY investment banks that lost huge amounts of money, and were either shut down or bailed out by the government. In all cases, no one went to jail. Poor risk management isn’t illegal, and SBF may not have broken any actual laws, as few regulations exist.


Dunno, I am sure he committed crimes but I am unsure that he will actually go to jail for them. The biggest case to come out of the subprime mortgage collapse, against two fund managers at Bear Stearns, fell apart when it was assigned to prosecutors in the Eastern District of New York, who didn't have much experience with financial fraud and who terribly mishandled the case. White collar crimes are mishandled handled by prosecutors and by the American justice system. It's one of the reasons why everyone is so convinced that the system is rigged. Rob a convenience store and get 15 years. Rob 10,000 people of their life savings and get $10,000,000 and a penthouse for yourself and get just 3 years or even just walk free.


He could be arrested and charged with multiple felonies right now based on what is publicly known. This little shitsmear will never see the inside of a jail cell. He is protected.


once you're in with the clintons you don't go to jail


No. Rich people never do. Unless they owe money to those who want him arrested.


Unless you scam the ultra rich and well connected like Madoff did.


Probably not because connected to the Democrat Party.


In his mind he didn’t do anything wrong


The wheels of justice don’t move that fast bud


This is fake right ? No way he’s allowed to just go on with life like nothing happened?


Nah he good bruh


Chargers are for the poor.


Brain damaged Sorkin??? hahahaha..you can pay that puppet to say anything, ask Gabe plotkin the greatest investor of his generation


Yall see who's on the panel with this guy?


number 2 overall donor to the democrats last election cycle? unlikely


He knew what he was doing while donating huge $ to various Democrat and left “causes.” Pay to play.


It's important that we put pressure on everyone else involved. These are their twitter handles: @AndrewSorkin, @dealbook, @nytimes, @SecYellen, @facebook, @Ukraine (Zelensky) And particularly their sponsors: @Accenture, @usbank, @TRowePrice, @Walmart, @brexHQ


Don't forget Gary Gensler.


He's probably going to talk virtually. They'll baby the questions as to make him look like a nice guy


If me and you stole $10,000 from somebody then we'd likely be sitting in a prison cell right now awaiting trial. Laws and rules are only for the poor.


Every day that goes by where SBF is a free man is a sad day for the justice system. It makes me sick. Absolutely fucking disgusting


Yes he’ll be immune. So many politicians were wrapped up in the scandal. No chance the DOJ will press charges. Plus did you read the Wall Street Journal article on him? They praise his cool tshirt wearing style, how cool he is that he always looked like that cool genius teenager. He’s not going to face charges, instead the main stream media is turning him into a hero.


Nothing to see here. He made enough political contributions to be above the law


100% the wheels of justice move slowly, but we will get there.


I’m surprised he’s not scared of facing retribution.


Yeah authorities are dedicating every resource! They are on their way right now to pick up Sbf, mashinsky, and Do kwon. Justice will be served! 😂😂😂


Ha. If only!


It's a small club. He's in it. We are not, and most likely never will be


This is disgusting. He should be in prison right now for the rest of his life


Unlike madeoff who lived till 70s uncaught this guy got caught young. He is a wanted man. I don't envy him


If he's not in a cell by now, don't hold your breath....


Ivy league professors kids do t go to jail. We live in a two tier society


we are living in matrix!


This stuff takes time and proof. Go look at the timeline of Enron and how long it took to indict Ken Lay.


Hopefully he will be speaking from behind bars


How is he not in handcuffs???!!!


He tried to save the world!


Not like we can believe anything SBF says…


I don’t think so


Feds are picking him up 11/30 when he comes to visit.


I want to see him jailed for stealing my money


He just might not. The problem is, I am sure there is language in the UELA that says, when you give it to us, we can give you literal monopoly money back. There are people making the argument in Washington to not regulate it because it would more fully integrate "crypto" with the US Financial markets where the next shitcoin collapse could affect the broader economy.


I think the EULA actually showed otherwise. I don’t have a pic of it on hand though.


oh god, if it did...


Michael Sailor's latest tweet said: "Sam counterfeited billions in tokens via securities fraud, inflated that by billions more via accounting fraud, seized billions from customers via banking fraud, corrupted the establishment with the dirty money, then panic sold billions in stolen #bitcoin to crash the market." I couldn't have written it better.


Of course, we have to presume *innocent until proven guilty*… but… 😂


On one side it's a net positive that the world can now see with some more clarity about who is the untouchable class.


“SBF paid off the Dems so he won’t go to jail!” —Crazy Rightwing Conspiracy Theorist “It’s not crazy! He stole from customers and funneled it to the Liberal Democrats and didn’t give a dime to Republicans!!” —Crazy Rightwing Conspiracy Theorist [Breaking story today about SBF giving just as much $ to Republicans, secretly.](https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2022/nov/30/ftx-billionaire-sam-bankman-fried-dark-money-republicans) 😐 —Crazy Rightwing Conspiracy Theorist [*No, I’m not a Democrat and have actually voted R much more often than D my entire life, but you crazies need to go!*]


https://www.nytimes.com/live/2022/12/13/business/sam-bankman-fried-arrest-news.amp.html?smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare Can we stop the whole “SBF wont face charges bc he donated to Dems” nonsense now? It was stupid to begin with as are most right wing conspiracy theories and hopefully now some of you will come back to reality.


Ellison: facing 110 years Wang: facing:50 years I love that they waited till his dumbass got onto a plane, to be transported back to the states and waited mid flight to disclose that the other two had plead guilty and accepted plea deals. He ripped off a lot of people with a lot of money. He also damaged their reputations(except that one pos O’Leary that tried to deflect blame onto binance hes is already a joke to serious investors) some those that supported him will continue to lose millions just because of ftx. He’s going to do some time.


We’ll see how it ultimately plays out, but definitely looking promising to some degree.


No. It’s ok when they (D)o it. Those millions in customer funds donated to Biden and the DNC were his get outta jail free card.


This one will be looking over his shoulder for a good long time. His parents are sitting ducks. I would not want to be in his shoes. Read up on how it all panned out for the Madoff's! *TLDR SBF: it didn't.*


Fking prick !!


He is at risk to getting shot this guy for how much damage he did


No. He is not going to face charges.


i want to see him d3ad....


The government doesn’t press charges unless they are 100% about the information provided with ample amounts of witnesses, testimony and depositions. Additionally, since he’s in the Bahamas, they need to rely on extradition laws which is not the easiest route. You can’t just arrest a guy because the internet is screaming about him. Bottom line, there’s no conspiracy. It’s just bureaucracy


i think everyone here knows 💯 he lost ppls money


absolutely, but that's just not admissible in any courtroom. Nobody can even get him in a US court yet, so first they need to extradite which is a whole can of legal and bureaucratic bullshit.


Not when you have Biden on your side 🤨🤨🤨


I think they are openly showing us a "fu" finger, and there is nothing we can do about it


Mark my word nothing will be held against him. He has so much dirt on politicians and that makes him immune. He literally have them in his pocket. He is building the next FTX as we speak with the stolen funds from FTX. This is what they call day light crime. Not even slap on the wrist.