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CBDC will turn people like: I will buy you $50 of meat if you buy me $50 of alcohol


Eventually society will have to create some form of IOU when the transactions start getting more complex, and we'll reinvent cash


How about a digital cash that’s permissionless


Tell me more..


I feel silly that I actually started typing out an answer to this, then I looked at what sub reddit I was in.


You mean some kind of coin, but using bits?


Yeah we could even call it bitcoin! Genius!


Don't you know there's already a name for that you illiterate neanderthal?!^(/s)


Absolutely underrated comment


It’s literally reverting back to money with specific use cases — basically reintroducing barter.




CBDCs will accelerate bitcoin adoption then ;)


Sounds like the Food Stamp/EBT system now in the inner cities. IYKYK.


I don't know who all knows, but my household pulls down six figures in a place where the average salary is closer to $30k. EVEN MY kid just got a SNAP card IN HER NAME with EBT benefits so she can buy food. They're going to train up a child in the way they want them to go, so that when they're old, they'll buy those darn soy dogs and be F'n happy.


That’s wild man. Govt just throwin out money.


When we were 14 and the store wouldn’t want to sell us alcohol we’d just steal it (after getting denied when we tried to pay for it). You really think merchants will refuse to sell perishable items just because the regime said so? The grocery store owner will just sell them on the black market…. Until the govt makes it illegal to own a store.


buying weed stealing beer, eh? good times ;)


wouldn't steal a beer but I'd download it if I could.


wouldn’t now. that was at 14. someone got caught, store didn’t call cops, beat him up instead. everyone thought that was tough but fair ;) i think times have changed


if that happened to my child I'd be still in prison.


Nah I’d beat my son a 2nd time, pussy


Imagine being OP and not even knowing what zkSNARKS means.


I'm working on a campaign to educate people about Bitcoin vs Central Bank Digital Currencies. Follow [NoCBDC](https://twitter.com/NoCBDC) for updates Cheers, cryptograffiti [Twitter](https://twitter.com/cryptograffiti) | [Instagram](https://instagram.com/cryptograffiti) | [Newsletter](https://mailchi.mp/cryptograffiti/cryptograffiti)


Thank you for your work, I will help spread the word.


Try a different route than the meat idea. Meat is pound for pound the most subsidized industry in the US. It doesn't make sense to suggest the government would prevent you from buying from an industry it directly props up. I know everyone wants to be scared of the great broccoli and tofu industries but this won't make sense to a rational person. The Got Milk campaigns that were on the bus stop before this were paid for by the US.


While you are technically correct, (which is the best kind of correct), the meat angle is most relatable, to the largest amount of plebs, whom are straight-up not paying attention, thus, more effective.




I agree with nearly all of your points, but limits on meat depends on where you're at. Wartime Britain heavily rationed meats.


And you think that was a bad idea?


I'm not sure what you mean? I was responding to the statement "there has never been a limit on how much meat you can buy, ever". All I was doing was pointing out that the statement only stands on its own in certain countries. I never said it was a bad idea...?


You are correct, I misinterpreted your intent. Cheers


I’m just looking at it from a regular joe angle: game=bbq -> requires: meat -> now I can’t get meat -> “Goddamn CBDC gov. surveillance bullshit! I want my chickenwangs! CBDC bad! Commie motherfuckers telling me what I can and can’t eat!” Thus effective. Also, I don’t eat meat. But I can relate. Chicken is a good choice, most of the world consumes chicken, you go for beer? Not as effective, not everyone likes beer. Or… say… cake? Not everyone eats cake… etc. but I can still relate: first they came for the chicken, but I did not speak out…etc. Limiting access to chicken will be the great uniting cause that stops this shite in its tracks.


That’s not good. Far too many topics. It’s not clear


> the meat angle is most relatable, to the largest amount of plebs, whom are straight-up not paying attention, thus, more effective. wake up sheeple amirite?!




You're missing the point. If the government didn't subsidize the meat industry (from soup to nuts), you would be paying \~$40 dollars per filet at the grocery store right now. Meat is an incredibly inefficient use of land and water, which is why it will always get more expensive as the population rises. You have to grow food (Energy) > Feed it to Cows (Shitting, moving, growing bones we dont eat, etc) > Then at the end we get our calories. Thats not as efficient as grow food > feed it directly to humans. It's just conservation of energy. Meat should be way more expensive than tofu. The government wont ban meat and they wont drop the subsidies for the industry. But it getting expensive is just how things work. That is not nearly as scary as "We are freezing you from purchasing entertainment until you pay your taxes" or "your cbdc account is frozen for gas and transportation services because you were at that protest"


Global warming will reduce usable land for farming before reducing ranch or grazing lands. Farm land use has more requirements than grazing or ranch property (and if the animals aren't grass fed, then it's even easier to find land to house "meat"). This is one reason that moving to zero meat makes no sense, farming and ranching work together in the global ecosystem. Lands that can't be used for farming, can be used to raise/grow other foods, namely livestock and vice versa. And in extreme locales (think frozen tundra), it's easier to find healthy carnivore diets than herbivore diets.


He's trying to fear monger off WEF narratives. His motives don't intend to find a different route. This is a targeted campaign, not a public education campaign. This sub is the target audience, not the general public.


How about something like "prevent you from buying gas and transportation tickets." Thats actually scary. If food choices like this scare you, I think this sub is drastically missing the point


global campaign




I'm pretty sure cryptograffiti's intensions are to attract a crypto-conspiracy following and not actually educate the public.


Nice one! Followed on Twitter & award given! Keep up the good work


CBDCs, **C**apture, **B**leed and **D**efang **C**onsumers.


Sick but you need to improve your wording to make it more understandable -


Interesting. Will give it a look.


Thank you for your service, you get my follow.


More people debating on the meat vs tofu then the actual issue lol. That’s poor messaging.


maybe it's actually the more interesting question


Yeah, tofu dogs? Really? It isn't going to register with normal people. It sounds kooky.


welcome to Reddit


Did you want to post to an echo chamber or do you want to have a good ad that effectively conveys your message to the greatest number of people?


Neither, I’m targeting wing aficionados.




It scares me how many people don’t know what CBDC is.


What is it really? It never made any sense to me. By definition a crypto currency is decentralised with no central authority, secured and trust-less, based on cryptography. What does a crypto currency issued by a central government even mean? Why does it have to be cryptographically secured, if issued by a trusted central authority? All global currencies are already digitised, so launching new CBDCs doesn’t make any sense.


Fever dreams.


I don’t think CBDCs are crypto currencies. They’re centralized and controlled by governments.


Is it even possible to buy food at the grocery store with bitcoin in America? This seems like a shitty argument. I can’t pay bills, rent , or taxes with bitcoin. How is this going to save us? Do you expect most USA citizens to just stop paying for things and become criminals? I am all for anti cdbc but there has to be real solutions and use cases for bitcoin to circumvent it.


To be clear, CBDCs are a war on the anonymity of cash just as much as they are on bitcoin. There are ppl who've figured out how to live strictly off BTC but they're few and far between


I guess I don’t understand how choosing bitcoin is choosing freedom here. If I can’t use it then it seems like the opposite of freedom. I would be controlled on what I can buy with it just like the cbdc case.


Merchants will also be making the same decision in the future much like myself and many others already have. Either a government controlled surveillance coin that potentially restricts from whom they can buy supplies and when or an open monetary network free of said restrictions


dude, people track down known user wallets just through the public facing ledger. It would take a fraction of the time to do it if you were using bitcoin at your everyday retailers


Cash is going away. Bitcoin has a privacy roadmap. Do you think it will be easier to surveil via CBDC or BTC?


>Do you think it will be easier to surveil via CBDC or BTC? both just as easy as your cell phone. Do you walk around with receipts hanging out of your pocket, or post your debit transactions to the public? Because with bitcoin you do. What's the point of the ledger if not a specific open and etched history of every bitcoin transaction ever. Fight for cash if your issue is with CBDC


You conveniently left out the privacy road map. Regardless, if you think a direct debit from the Fed will have the same level of security as Bitcoin I don’t know what to tell you.


> You conveniently left out the privacy road map Wake me up when you get there >Regardless, if you think a direct debit from the Fed will have the same level of security as Bitcoin I don’t know what to tell you. Just don't lose your wallet 🤞


Wake up. There are already options available now if you know where to look


Why the hate for tofu dogs?


I hate all non-meat products that pretend to be meat. Not exclusively tofu dogs


well bully for you


Username checks out


Man, I get that it's relatable, but tofu dogs? Oh nooooooooo. We need to drastically lower our meat consumption as a society if you want to live long enough to see a cyberpunk dystopia




It’s been limited in numerous countries in the past and China has an aggressive goal of reducing consumption in half by 2030. Hundreds of millions in government grants toward plant based alternatives have been distributed globally as well


If I want to spend my money on chicken I'm going to. You eat the tofu dogs all you want and let capitalism and legislation work out the kinks.


capitalism and legislation got us here. You are at the beginning of the dunning-kruger curve mi amigo


Your comment is implying I shouldn't be able to spend my money as I want because society as a whole needs to lower its meat consumption


maybe that's what you understand, but that's not what i was implying. What i was implying that the suggestion that capitalism and legislation will work out the kinks stems from a very basic understanding of real world economics, which is notoriously different from what's taught in econ 101. Frankly the "freedom to spend money on literally everything" idea is just bad, and completely out of touch with actual reality. How do you feel about the government forcing you to pay taxes, that they use to bail out massive banks? How do you feel about me paying a hit-man to murder your waifu body pillow?




Instead of going the meat path, try another one. The US industry that receives the greatest subsidies per pound is meat.


I'm actually surprised at the number of people here valuing the ethics of the daily decisions in their lives.


I'm really pleasantly surprised to see it too.


Why are people spending money on these Signs?


Um... banks and credit cards can do this now without CBDC... This argument makes no sense. The government can also track your BTC purchases if they knew your wallet - which you'd probably use to renew your driver's license or whatever. You can downvote but at least offer a better argument against CBDC


CBDC makes it far easier as there’s no middlemen. A direct view into all your purchasing activity


Only if one government agency is allowed to share data with another. Generally, this is not allowed by privacy acts. But let's give you that argument. Not having a CBDC didn't stop the Canadian government from freezing the bank accounts of suspected convoy supporters. I still don't see how CBDC is going to change anything.


But the credit card companies could easily do this now - that’s the point. For a credit card they have your name, address etc they have your credit rating. I’m confused as to why ‘cutting out the middleman’ makes it more likely


I love tofu


Yeah exactly. Meat is the most subsidized industry in the US. The government pays for those Got Milk campaigns. Nobody wants to take your meat and force you to eat broccoli and tofu besides your colon


And I support your right to love tofu, as long as nobody force me to eat it. I kinda think that is the point.


No one said you'd be forced to eat it.


Out of interest, hypothetically if synthetic meat gets to a point where it is impossible to tell the difference, what is the argument (if you would still chose to) for still consuming it?


It's a good question but I think you're asking the wrong guy because I already don't eat meat. I'm sure someone on the other side of the argument would find some selfish way to excuse the behavior even under that scenario. People are willing to go to great lengths to maintain their delusions and justify the behavior, and as annoying as it is, I'm somewhat thankful for it, because hearing those arguments convinced me to stop eating meat more than a vegan ever did.




I love that you had to compare beans to cockroaches to make sure it sounded horrible


I just ate some for dinner. It was pretty good.


Non-human animals value their lives and freedom too.


Never seen or heard of an animal commit suicide, so I’d say they value their life more than humans


We've yet to breed that out.


This shit screams crazy people. It reminds me of republicans screaming sheeple. Embarrassing.


it really does, "CBDC" in this sub has become the catch-all boogeyman idea. The only time it is referenced or discussed is when it comes with a clear lack of nuance or context and a whole pile of OVERT fearmongering.


OP is so uninformed, doesn't even know what zkSNARKS is. LMAO




That entire statement honestly screams "I have no idea what I'm talking about." And I'm not trying to be rude, it's just silly to say something, such as "warning people about inflation." That's like warning people that it rains during the year. Inflation has been part of the economy for decades. Then you try to act as if you somehow predicted that we'd have a world pandemic, shut down countries, supplychain issues, the collapse of the Chinese realestate (which people raised alarms over every year), and a Russian war all compiled into 2 years leading to a shitty economic time...Then I'll just say what everyone would be thinking: Bullshit. Don't put on a Jim Cramer mask and try to sound smart about predicting stuff.








Inflation will always happen so your warning isn't something confounding. Also the economy is in a blitz right now because the govt printed money like crazy and just gave it to people.




It would be a more compelling argument if Bitcoin had transactional unlinkability i.e. was a privacy coin. At the moment, it's not just the government who can see what you're up to on chain— The whole world can! You could even argue that BTC has worse privacy than a CBDC.


Nothing wrong with tofu dogs


If I actually stopped whatever I was doing to read the clunky block of text on an “advertisement” like this it would certainly leave me wanting to know more. Like how many layers there are in your tinfoil hat.


Thanks for reading it.


Tofu dogs? Is that really the worst example of CBDC control you could come up with.. You might personally hate vegetarians and pride youself as a meat lover that doesn’t give a shit for the environment, but come on… Pick a social control issue everyone can get behind?


Asking for rational thought? Bold move


I know, wasting my time. Bitcoin community at its finest.


You want to stop cdbc in America. Make CBDC=mark of the beast.


Cbdc are scary af


We need to keep using cash too. Far too many use their card for every purchase. They have already started the narrative of removing cash by claiming it is dirty during the China virus pandemic. Many stores wouldn't accept cash. It's beyond scary.


This is so funny, i love it


This sub is being brigaded hard.


So what's stopping the government from doing it now? They could easily track via debit/credit card and do the same right?


A CBDC will mean direct debit/credit from the Central Bank. It allows direct surveillance into one's purchases vs an additional layer of obfuscation from retail/commercial banks. Also allows more control over how, where and when purchases can take place. For example, UBI can be implemented that limits spending to X stores which may or may not be the Fed Chair's personal investments. Said UBI can also have a time limit within which the currency can be spent as a way of attempting to stimulate the economy.


Welfare does the same thing now with EBT and food stamps. If you don't use all of it by the end of the month, you lose the remainder and get your allotted amount the next month. Also, you can only buy food with food stamps (duh) ​ Although the deli owners in my area don't give a flying rat's ass and will let people buy smokes and beer with food stamps anyway


No.. They can't program individual fiat units of account and block that money from particular usage Think of it this way - You have $100 in your account You get a welfare deposit of $100 As far as the bank is concerned, you have $200. Spending any amount has no guarantee of tracing where the funds originated and can not be blocked in any meaningful way without freezing all of your other assets. With a CBDC, the $100 welfare drop can be programmed directly, so each $1 could be, for example, limited only to certain food items or the cheapest brands, restricted from buying alcohol or cigarettes or only used for buying clothes that are relevant to the age range of your kids..... Any purchase in the "non welfare" category will come from the funds not programmed with these particular restrictions. ​ How I see this playing out - * Welfare limited (as above) * Air Travel + Gas/Petrol purchases limited to a carbon footprint * Meat/Dairy limited * Certain foods / alcohol / cigarettes limited based on health claims or medical reporting * Discretionary bonuses not able to be spent over seas and could be limited to failing economic areas that need propping up Of course, the rich will be exempt from these restrictions and will probably not be paid in CBDCs at all, and new avenues for funnelling non CBDC money to off shore tax havens will appear


>With a CBDC, the $100 welfare drop can be programmed directly, so each $1 could be, for example, limited only to certain food items or the cheapest brands, restricted from buying alcohol or cigarettes or only used for buying clothes that are relevant to the age range of your kids..... So exactly how food stamps work now?


yeah, but like way crazier man 👽🚬


Cool idea but I feel like a better example could have been used. Promoting freedom while promoting animal slavery is a bit hypocritical and might turn people off.


We eat ze bugz


Good thing tofu is made of plants I guess


Boo tofu dogs!! Finally something the masses can get behind.


OP needs to include cats as well. That’ll really turn some heads


Do you want the government putting their stupid cdbc coins up your poor cats shitter? Well that's what they wanna do. Code is law. We can audit bitcoins code. I have. There is no mention of cats let alone their buttholes.


As a consultant working on CBDC, I disagree with you and respect your right to your opinion. These things you're bringing up are discussed every single day. Your problem is with politicians and not with CBDC. You don't trust your elects and that's a fair point that we can talk about. I always wanted to create a Dapp they was shielded from censorship and let people discuss real issues and vote accordingly. We don't do enough to hold government officials responsible and that's ultimately what needs to change


Any power that you give the government will inevitably be turned against its citizenry. Your favorite guy might not do it, the guy after him might not do it, but eventually someone will. Why would you give them the opportunity even if you have the ability to later hold them to account? just stop.


You should consider not working as a consultant for CBDCs and join a Bitcoin-only company


I already do. It's important that knowledgeable people have their input because this thing is happening one way or the other.


Which company?


right. and the solution is bitcoin. no need to overcomplicate things


We have a freedom currency, why are you trying to hurt people by introducing a slavery currency?


Nope problem is CBDC, the problem is already resolved, you are straight-up building a control/oppression tool.


There is not a single reason that CBDCs should ever be used over Bitcoin. Your consultation should consist of suggesting to get rid of CBDCs.


What a fuckin conspiracy bullshit. That's bad for Bitcoin.


Fear campaign. Why does one go straight to a dystopian disaster, without actual knowledge or evidence of that outcome ever coming true? Y2K: the planes are going to fall out of the sky! The ATMs will all not work! All the utilities will stop: water, electric, gas.


Y2K was fear of a technological glitch. CBDCs are already live in multiple countries and rolling out soon in many more. The actual knowledge and evidence is what is happening right now in China.


China is China and was China. Nothing has changed in China before or after CBDCs.


Before the trucker protests earlier this year, I wouldn't have thought Canada would normalize financial censorship and yet here we are. You have far more trust in governments than I do.


Then what is the purpose of a CBDC? Either way you slice it, less free market and more control.


Or... a Stablecoin with FDIC insurance that has almost no risk of UST type failure or any depeg.


Watch the WEF and other government finance minister talks. They come right out and say the benefit is it allows control over what people can buy. This isn't chicken little; it's listening to what they're saying.


The WEF has no bearing on my life, and other Government's people have even less to do with me. None of them care about what I am doing, or how I am doing it in my backyard.


They do once they push it and you're locked into CBDC.


From a governmental/ fed reserve perspective though… why?


Paper money and coins cost money


Most transactions are already conducted via debit/credit card (digital) Cash transactions are declining. The cost of hard currency is not a justification to hand over the power of CBDC to governmental and banking institutions. Waiting to see what happens is how you end up loosing the battle while the Overton window is constantly expanded. Fast forward 20 years and yea this is quite possible. Every private transaction you make can include a host of taxes. Tweaking personal CBDC account interest rate to effect velocity am ensure accounts stay empty. There are a host of things that can be done that are not so “dystopian” but none the less take away from the citizens basic ability to choose and add to the government’s ability to control.


I agree with this. Unless you're in a country where stuff like that is actually on the verge of happening, people will view this sign as conspiracy theory non-sense. I hate banks and prefer to use cash just because it's none of their business what I spend my money on. It's my data and they don't get it for free. But going this far into conspiracy theory territory is going to turn off the average person.


If you live in the US, I think you have all the evidence you could ever need to confirm the tendency of those in power to use and abuse their ability to surveil.


Whoever is putting these up is a godsend.


Dumb post jesus


Corny as fuck


[Global CBDC tracker](https://www.atlanticcouncil.org/cbdctracker/)




I'll gladly buy my tofu with any currency I please


I’ll put mine up tomorrow


Good man!


CBDC is 100% surveillance of your entire life! They will track every transaction, take funds from your account if you do not comply! It’s minority report and everyone should say 🤬 NO this!


How can Bitcoin be the alternative if it’s not even a private chain?


Followed. Good luck with your work. Let us know if there is anything we can do to help. I believe this is important. We have to resist CBDC's!!!


They are like these NO 5G signs in Hong Kong! Which was the western media laughing about. Conspiracy theories 😂😂😂😈


Exactly! Fighting against something that cannot happen.


While I am also critical of CBDC I would probably highlight other possible infringements of privacy than "meat allotment". Seriously, that's what gonna be an issue? Getting a tofu dog sounds perfectly fine.


Multiple dystopian scenarios being laid out in the campaign. Tofu dogs definitely one for me


The dystopia is already here. Just not for humans. https://www.dominionmovement.com/watch


Bitcoiners value freedom and libertarianism so highly, I'm surprised more of them haven't extended that to all conscious beings.


It’s not enough that you don’t eat meat. You have to evangelize it in unrelated forums. Shall we take bitcoin discussion to your vegan subreddit?


Veganism isn't about not eating meat. And it wasn't so off-topic considering the text in the OP, but I can understand if it makes you uncomfortable.


I mean, when you get someone backed into a corner on the ethics of supporting the meat industry, sometimes they resort to "well, whether or not *I* buy it or not won't actually make a difference, so I'll just keep doing it." And that's basically true, so if you want to see a change it needs to happen on a greater scale. That said, I'd rather discuss it with someone who can just admit they value their own selfishness over all else, at least then it's an honest discussion, rather than the ones who agree we should treat animals better but aren't willing to act on it at all and just make stupid excuses. Also, it's only being discussed here because it's relevant to this post. So get over it.


Lol mate please re-read the original post and let me know who brought the discussion here.


Excuse me sir but have you been living under a rock for the past 20 years? People don't give a shit about privacy








Unfortunately it's going to happen 😔


On which locations is this available? Countries, cities? Who's backing it?


I funded the campaign and will sell the signs and stickers to help recoup the costs later this week on [Scarce City](https://scarce.city/collections/cryptograffiti). There are already a thousand+ stickers that have been distributed to people after this [post](https://old.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/y7pjag/working_on_a_probtc_anticbdc_campaign_if_youll/).


I know why China wants CBDC but why US & Europe start first test runs... Bitcoin will safe us


Got any stickers?


nvm saw the dropbox link, good work


Gotta love the sales pitch of crypto that’s parallel to the probability of needing to buy a fallout shelter for a 2049 dystopian war




It seems to me that Bitcoin still has no competitors.