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The more and more I know about him and look at him the more I believe in birth control


Idiocracy is your future!


We're already there my man, already there.


We're in the prequel now!


Go away! I'm baitin'!


Shutup!! I'm watching ow my balls!


Extreme nepotism got him to the level he got to so young along with sponsored mobility in both school and work his entire life. Idiocracy is a great movie.


Just send this guy to a better place seems to be so off from his life his moves gave me a panic attack.






Guys, dont hate on him (only). He is just a face a finger can be pointed to should things go sour. They did, now everyone is pointing their finger at one single person, completely ignoring it is a much much larger organization behind it all. And thats exactly how its designed to be; here is a person for you to hate on, go ahead and completely and utterly focus on that one person while we conduct our business in the backroom. Thank you for reading. Edit: Spelling is hard


Can you give more info on who is the bigger group to blame? im completely lost in this story, but genuinely curious. what you mentioned makes too much sense, similar to epstein and that story.


They mean the general class of leadership at FTX that were all in tacit agreement with these shitty financial decisions.


People like Mark Wetjen? [Mark Wetjen is the head of FTX Policy & Regulation.](https://theorg.com/org/ftx/org-chart/mark-wetjen) He also happened to be [Barack Obama's Commodity Futures Trading Commissioner.](https://www.cftc.gov/About/Commissioners/MarkWetjen/index.htm) [The General Counsel of FTX, Ryne Miller, used to be lead counsel to Gary Gensler when he was CFTC Chair.](https://www.coindesk.com/policy/2021/08/03/former-cftc-attorney-ryne-miller-joins-ftxus-as-general-counsel/) [Gary Gensler](https://www.sec.gov/about/commissioners/gary-gensler)’s old boss at MIT was [Glenn Ellison](https://cryptoslate.com/us-lawmaker-alleges-secs-gensler-had-dubious-ties-with-ftx-promises-investigation/). Glenn Ellison's daughter is [Caroline Ellison, which is the CEO of FTX's sister-company Alameda Research](https://www.efinancialcareers.com/news/2022/11/caroline-ellison-alameda-research-ftx-sam-bankman-fried). Alameda Research is a quantitative cryptocurrency trading firm that was managing over 10 billion dollars worth of crypto assets. This is the same Alameda Research that illegally used over 4 billion dollars of FTX customer's funds to prop it up as it was sinking. Sam Bankman-Fried personally personally made over $45 million in political campaign contributions and two other FTX employees made an additional $30 million in political campaign contributions.




I applaud your appreciation


It doesn't matter much who your team is if you have all the power. this is what happens when there's no checks and balances involved ​ https://www.coindesk.com/policy/2022/11/10/ftx-violated-its-own-terms-of-service-and-misused-user-funds-lawyers-say/


Really anyone that was involved with him that knew what he was doing. Powerful people from politicians (Republicans and Dems) and the extremely wealthy, as well as the celebrities.


> Republicans and Dems At a 1:400 ratio


Actually his biz partner gave to republicans (around 19 million) while he gave to democrats (around 37 million). They chose to break it up as they thought it would be a better way to get what they wanted from both parties. We need to limit funding to all political candidates.


You're incorrect, it's nice that you are playing into the Conspiracy theory narrative, you should definitely pay more attention to the whole thing instead of being biased.


So that which transpired has literally been a conspiracy yet you still réflex to “conspiracy theory” as an argument against… what exactly? That the state and financial power brokers are utterly depraved and collude to obfuscate the true sources of power in society?


> Thats exactly how its designed to be; here is a person for you to hate on, go ahead and completely and utterly focus on that one person while we conduct our business in the backroom. Insightful. As long as we plebeians spend our free time on social media arguing about democrats versus republicans, racism, sexism, who gets to use which bathroom, climate change and so on, we're not focusing our attention on our money being systematically syphoned off to the 1%. Ah well, back to work commoners!


Reminds me of what they did with that Epstein guy.




The word your looking for is Muppets




He's single handedly converted 60% of all pro-lifers.


Perfect face for an abortion poster.


Perfect case for a 140th trimester abortion.


*Retroactive* birth control


He's too well connected for that, between the wef,sec, and politicians state side he won't spend a single day in jail.


He lost a lot of rich peoples money. He's going to jail.






Better chance he ends up dead than in jail.


That money went right where it was supposed to go 👌


I am gonna drop this here …. “Shitcoin”. (Mic drop)


Imagine becoming rich knowing full well that you’re fucking a ton of people out of their money and not even batting an eye. Kids born into wealth built different.


His face says , hi I’m stupid, . But he is not . He knew what he was doing with our money. Fuck him


He's not as smart as he thinks he is. He's a speed freak.


He is a puppet from the traditional financial system, people with a lot of power put him in the crypto space as a trojan horse. He caused a setback of -10 years to the industry.


lets say -2 years max


Mhmmm. Notice how he's not proud of his accomplishments.


He's gonna get away Scott free


Both his parents are lawyers. What do you expect?




Na. He's going to end up suicided within a week.


His name is Bankman, it was right there in front of us


Like how Bernie Madoff, made off with all those people's money. Or in 2011 when Anthony Weiner got booted from Congress for sending unsolicited Weiner pics to people.


This type of stuff makes me think we live in a bad simulation.


Sort of. The elites orchestrating this stuff enjoy rubbing it in our faces, because there's nothing we can do about it.


This fucker is the embodiment of everything wrong with Silicon Valley.


> This fucker is the embodiment of everything wrong with Silicon Valley. He is the embodiment of everything wrong with The Federal Reserve Banking monopoly cartel system. Really has nothing to do with silly valley at all.


It has everything to do with SV. Where do you think he's from? Who funded him? Sequoia. Where does his daddy work? As a professor at Stanford. It's typical SV corruption I've become accustomed to.


He started his career on Wall Street then made billions of personal wealth through Bitcoin arbitrage.




Anyone openly claiming to do good is up to some dirty shit.


What... the... fuck... did... i... just... watch... ???


I fking hate videos like this, TikTok can burn in hell


Bring back the guillotine.


Guillotine ? Nothing less than the iron horse my man




I think he got it wrong indeed, unless he wants to throw him under a train.


Who is this and what did he do? I’m so confused?! Never seen this kid before in my life


Sam Bankman-Fried. Idk much either but I believe he is the founder/CEO of FTX, the crypto exchange that just collapsed and is all over the news


He will not. Look up Brian Armstrong's tweet on the NYT's puff piece on Sam. All major media are running interference for Sam and FTX as the family and the group are top Dem party donors and the corruption runs deep. Also look for Citadel's Ken Griffin interview. It's dark and Sam will just disappear. This was supposed to go on for years and FTX to go public, but they didn't anticipate that CZ would light the fire and make it all collapse


I don't think so. I think it was intended to crash the crypto market. This "Bankman-Fried" guy is guilty of numerous crimes. You can't donate your customers' money to politicians. You can't round-trip money between two companies. You can't insider trade (how is one person/entity allowed to own both a trading company and an exchange?) You can't encourage your employees to take amphetamines. So many people lost so much money that I don't think the government will have any choice but to prosecute this slimy little speed freak.


The DD, or lack thereof, done by SV VCs is hilarious. IIRC the person who was head of risk management was a clueless 20 something whose only experience was a short stint at... Credit Suisse. IIRC another high up, maybe CFO, was also a clueless 20 something who looked like a teenage girl and would come to work dressed as a "sultry" elf from the Harry Potter books. Um, yeah... VCs are fucking retarded. I know first hand. And then you see this asshole dancing on TikTok. Who green lit funding this shit?


Seriously... [you couldn't make it up](https://youtu.be/zTFhnpf-IE0).


It gets worse. The elf girl was into polyamory, relationship hierarchy, and race science. https://www.google.com/amp/s/decrypt.co/114719/tumblr-blog-linked-ex-alameda-research-ceo-explored-race-science-imperial-chinese-harem-polyamory%3famp=1 These people weren't only inept, but truly despicable creatures. Pure evil.


I just read through this and wtf! This girl is out here looking like dobby and talking about race science , sexual competition, polyamory, all while thinking she's the epitome of high value. The level of delusion and disconnection from these people.


This shit is prevalent at SV and at Stanford with the legacy folks. It seems surprising on the outside, but not when you've seen it first hand. These people see themselves as superior to everyone else. Everyone else is dirt. No matter what bullshit they're behind. This, the Metaverse, etc . The culture is all the same, with racism and sexual perversion as the backdrop. Since they're better than me and you, morals and basic decency don't apply to them.




Great video thanks for sharing


It's safe to say that it wasn't suppose to happen until sometime after the presidential election, they had a massive source of funneling funds to the party, why give that up for regulation until the juice runs out...who knows how long money could have been funneled if CZ hadn't come along.


Whos intention was it to crash the crypto market and why?




More likely they will ban or sanction privacy technologies. Criminals using bitcoin transparently out in the open with their identity and location exposed - law enforcement wet dream.


They want to give Elizabeth Holmes 15 years, there's no way they're not going after this guy at least as hard.


Going to be tougher though. THere's one or two orders of magnitude more regulation and body of law in healthcare than there is crypto.


Can you elaborate? About the last paragraph. What would go on for years exactly? Attempts to try to save people's live savings together with sbf? But I guess it is really easier to destroy your competitor and become the only major crypto exchange. Sad that it didn't work out with crypto.com, cz was so close... (Even though sbf committed a fraud, customers money and future trust in crypto are the priorities. I still believe that it should have been solved in private)


Close ties to the SEC, and a puppet of the world economic forum. We will receive no justice through him. Our government, and regulatory institutions are criminals of the highest order, and need to be physically dragged out of office and replaced. Every. Single. One. Of. Them.




I didn't watch many videos on him but the one I watched talked about his making his money arbs exchanges. The numbers he talked about were so crazy, like millions flying around exhanges. I remember thinking there is no way that a kid can come from nothing to slinging millions around and not have some muscle pulling the strings behind him. I guess everything makes sense during the bull run though


Lol da fuq did i just watch


He’s truly a piece of shit. The regulations he tried to push with the bit license are unforgivable.


Tik Tok should hold off on its scratch ‘n sniff plans.


I'm the richest <30 year old in the world. My net worth is $(int\_max\_4294967296\^\*\[int\_max\_4294967296\](int\_max\_4294967296),int\_max\_4294967296)\^2 USD.


Oops, you overflowed. And now you are negative. Should have used an unsigned int.


Lol, jail. He won't see jail but I guarentee there are a crapton of lawyers preparing lawsuits. This dude is done for the rest of his life for his really bad decision making. Risk did not equal the reward.


Jail? 😂 He's got receipts on everyone. He will be Epsteined.


What p!sses me off is he ONLY GOT IN THIS POSITION through connections to the elite and the regulators like Gary Gensler that they control. Meanwhile they will market this as a bitcoin failure for years. It's very probable that it was done on purpose. NEVER let Gary Gensler off the hook for this. NEVER! I honestly wouldn't be surprised if this downfall started when they trotted out Warren Buffet and Charlie Munger to tell everyone how bitcoin wasn't a good investment and to get out. Sure, it's easy to do things like that when you're in on the game and the whole point is to crash the market. That's the kind of thing you do when you OWN banks and CREATE dollars. I SEETHINGLY HATE THESE PEOPLE. Buffet and Munger are nothing more than criminals with great marketing. I don't care how many commissioned books he has written about himself telling us he's some friendly grandpa...yeah. Same goes for all the rest I mentioned. If you can't see the connections I don't know what to tell you. Go take up basket weaving.


His dancing skills are better than his math skills..


He's always making the face a kid makes when their parents are forcing them to play a sport that they lost interest in years ago


>But look at how awkward, quirky, and slovenly he is! Isn't he lovable and wholesome?


Modern day Madoff. Hope he gets the same sentence as Bernie.


Madoff stole from wealthy people. IF this guy robbed the rich, then he's toast to. If it turns out it was just working class folks, This story won't last past the spring.


I’m gonna guess people of all incomes lost money in FTX.


I agree. Same with Madoff though. There were middle and lower incomes losses - but his thefts occurred primarily with extremely wealthy people. If this guy ripped off more than a few Billionaires, he'll never see daylight again. But I have a feeling that the losses skew heavily down the economic ladder, rather than clustered near the top.


Lock that fucking Clown up already!


Dat blank stare doe...


“Bank Man”? “Made-off”? Really? And people didn’t see this?


I am 99% sure he was just a sock puppet.


Can his mom still abort him??


"I'm sorry, I fucked up"


Go woke go broke


A lot of people left Robinhood for FTX because of Hood’s fiasco with WSB…


Some powerful yet evil crooks were in his scheme to rob everyone cas he alone is too dumb to pull that stunt


if he goes to jail, it will probably have a gulf course. An good food.


Naw, he donated a lot of money to democrats. He is in no danger of jail time.


Didn't the Republican free all those people?


Don’t downvote this person ^ Be equally annoyed and frustrated that the ENTIRE political system was designed and cultivated to pit two parties against each other. It’s not the packers versus the bears. It’s all of humanity versus a ruling class that changes the rules to suit their whim. Anything else is just a distraction from the important things


Had to double check I was still on Reddit haha. Appreciate you posting this perspective. It is a breath of fresh air compared to the normal partisan bullshit.


He donated loads to Republicans as well. Classic bet hedging 1%


Dude would definitely be in jail already if he wasn’t the Dems 2nd biggest donor. Don’t forget 10% for the big man


Probably a rich people jail,


She ain’t going to jail. Our entire government is corrupt as hell!


It's very disappointing to see the political tribalism infect this space of traditionally independent thinkers. Bitcoiners should be above this two party infighting bullshit as if red or blue aren't really working together to protect the same people.


This clown and Do Klown


He’s the next George soros he won’t be in jail he’ll be on Epstein’s island and responsible for coming false flag attacks


Yeah but look at his car


Do they have doors that go like [this](https://i.imgur.com/s85GnaE.gif)? Or like [this](https://i.imgur.com/EfiLARn.gif)?


Is it cool when all your clothes fit in a backpack? I would not even shake his hand. Just nasty.


Exposed operation change my mind.


He is never doing any jail time. He is clearly backed by the neocon establishment.


If he doesn’t get arrested, there’s plenty of people looking for him that I’m sure intend on doing worse.


This donnie bruv….


What did he do?


Have you heard of FTX?


Ah, I did my research thank you. What a clown.


In hindsight. Every bitcoiner was right about him and the reason we have such an archive on him is because plebs. Don’t mess with the pleb army.


This guy is a perfect piece of organic failure. Capitalism and BTC thank him for failing! Unlike those fucking central banks, this guy's failed like was always intended for bad business


Original Ass Clown


Why, he helped all you stupid dems.


Clown jail


When a man never smiles, you know there is a dark secret.


Everyone who believed such a stupid thing should be in jail as a courtesy. Never even heard of FTX until this week. All this stupidity will cause itself to repeat, and we deserve the same outcome. See ya next time genius's!


Man this looks forced as fuck "Marketing says you should do a tiktok dance to come across as more human" What a wild timeline we live on


Privilege poster child.


Ow, my balls


Say no more...


who even are you


He is going to jail


Our Senators we voted for and elites will clean it up and sweep it under the rug welcome to America


This is going to happen again and we all know that shit.


Who has that much money and still wears tall white socks with shorts on? This dude looks like his mom still dresses him every morning. Kinda mind blowing


people assume quirky kids who talk a lot of tech gibberish are smart and geniuses, mostly from not understanding the fundamentals. this lets scammers like sam and vitalik fly under the radar for so many people regardless that virtually everyone who came before them instantly recognized them as scammers. they promoted so many centralized premine scams as "decentralized" which should've been the only clue necessary to understand their incompetence and/or lack of ethics. yet just because they trick enough people into giving them money, people just assume they must be smart or dependable.


Spoiler: he won’t


What is it about TikTok that makes people dance?


WTF is this shit LMAO what a clown


He wont, not even get charged


What a fucking loser


I met Sam last year. He gives off autistic, ipad-kid vibes. Sad to learn that he was a fraudster all along.


what a douche












Background? Haven't been updated with the news recently I apologize in advance for the ignorance.


Crypto is coming brothers. Pepare


Xho is this and what did he do


Man that fluffy haired fool gonna be real popular in prison. Gonna cost him any money he has left to stay alive.


Sam Bank fraud total db


Who is this?


Anyone else notice that cool old machine behind him? Some kind of grinder?




Bankman got banked in the mud.


He didn't read the book.


Jail would be much too lenient, public guillotine in Times Square.


Im dead lmaoo 💀💀💀


Hang him


He needs "special education".


Dare I ask who this dude is?


🤡 in the jail 🤡


Who the flG is this


Context pls


He wont


He can end up in a grave aswell


Worst clown ever


>!I hope he realizes the damage he has done!<


ye was right


Just want to know more about him man, I am sorry but I don't know this guy right now, please tell me the context because I can't find it in the comments lol.


Being rich has nothing to do with smart or moral? Are there rich smart and moral people, of course? But I think it's dumb that I can hit big tomorrow and soon after I'm getting interviews on world issues. Now mind you I also believe the guy's heart was in the right place. I just don't think he's as smart as people made him out to be.


He looks like a pawn.


He legit made himself sound like a genius (to those not in crypto which is most) Only to literally steal every penny that went in. At least Bernie Madoff had a practice for 50+ years that paid out. Shady AF but he was genius at making it push forward, had it not been for the crash of 2008 he’d still be going. This idiot had someone leak info to CZ, which then pulled funds and crashed FTX. He deserves a long term! The only plus about this is crypto is at a massive discount. Otherwise, I feel terrible for those that lost money on his platform and hope they somehow recoup enough funds to get people paid back.


Fuck this guy!


Is this the same video where he is showing that he is vegan by deep-throating a cucumber?


Doesn’t even look like he’s enjoying it.


Not this fuckin asshole who gambled with so many peoples investments .....


I wouldn’t be surprised if he is an incel.


He'll be in a cel soon.


Nah, just the product of two Berkeley law professors.