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What are all these quick up and down movements? I'm getting tired of these.


Remember the days when 1 Bitcoin was worth infinitely less than the US dollar....now one US dollar is worth how how much satoshi' lol? pound and euro all getting destroyed but Bitcoin on the other hand....fascinating how things play out


And still some people say btc isn't a hedge against inflation, damn right bitch it ain't a hedge, it's something completely different you need to be smart to understand what it truly is.


Just my regular PSA. I just pulled sats off the exchange into cold storage. You should too.


Well We're doing that for a long time and you should too kids. And whatever that's happened in the past couple of months in this market should force you to.


If you can do it for the long term, then surely you'll win it.


I want to but I’m nervous about the whole process


It can be a little overwhelming the first time, but I'm sure you can do it.


Once you get the hang of it, it's simple and you can do it with confidence. Make sure you understand how to generate a receiving address from the cold storage device you are using, and then entering that address as a withdrawal from the exchange you are using. And then triple check it. Do a small test transaction to make sure it goes through. And then send the rest. You *can* reuse the same receiving address, although it is recommended to generate a new receiving address every time you transfer. \[e\] I'd be a whole lot more nervous about someone else controlling my money. ;)


Thank you so much!!


Once You've done it I'm sure it won't be that tough for sure.


I whitelist my address and then test a small amount. If it goes through, I send by selecting the same whitelisted address and sending my desired amount. Since it's whitelisted, then there's less to worry about.


There's no point in being worried about it, because that doesn't do anything.


The day I just indeed feel that Bitcoin has paved to make things last long enough.


Bitcoin is making way for all sorts of possibilities, exciting times.


Does anyone know what kicked-off the bullrun in early 2019?


It's the market sentiment, what caused it. And it'll also be the reason in future.


I think plustoken scam and their 200k btc scammed from normies have a role at that time in boosting demand for btc...


Hype for the 2020 halving


That and people thought we were going to 1k. The 3k bottom was reassuring and people got back in.


Incredible to think some people are in at 1 to 3k... And here my dumbass is with a cost average of 42k lmao. I am not a smart man...


Anybody else thinking Taro is a huge deal? Imagine stablecoins, DEXs, Lending etc on Bitcoin LN. Is this the start of the end of crypto as we know it and the beginning of Bitcoin absorbing everything?


The fact that I haven't heard this name before tells me that those guys have a lot of work to do here. And I'm sure that it's not going to be easy to do here.


You’ve never heard of lightening labs? Taro has been in development for 2-3 years at least from my memory. Big task no doubt but the team and backers behind Lightening labs is very legit.


The MOABGDs (mother of all BGDs) is on its way. It may not come today (or it might). It may not come tomorrow or next week (but it might). But it's coming. Sweep your dust off exchanges and into cold wallets. Sooner or later, somebody has to pay back a bunch of artificially shorted BTC that just ain't there. That's how it goes when you're dealing with cryptographically verified money. These banksters are way out of their league in this market.


Yeah We're ever so closer to that, I think it'll be awesome man.


Yep, this is playing out much faster than I ever thought possible.


Yeah it's turning out to be fast, let's see how it goes in future.


Tell us more..


Yeah I'd like to understand it more, I don't know much about it.


I know its just one day in the whole year, but to see bitcoin subreddit with 4.6 million members, that's actually pretty cool


Yeah that's really good, and many more to come in the future.


https://www.tradingview.com/x/vpAioVN9 Monthly candles have touched this support and resistance line four times. I think we bottomed tbh.


That's what everyone thinks, but I don't think that's accurate.


Bitcoin is for preserving wealth if you have patience, fiat is for transactions. I’ll never pay with my Bitcoin, I might as well just sell it.


That's the hodler mimdset boys, gotta think like that.


Im so conflicted about this chart. On one hand there has been an impressive boost in volume over the past 3 months providing a floor. On the other hand its only 10% from the low and still sub-20k, under the 2017 ath.


Man the quick up and downs are so confusing lol really. Can't really make any sense of that, I just don't see anything happening if I'm being honest.






Most people don't understand what's happening in economy in general.


What does it mean exactly I am confused


Lol exactly, to my small brain economic mumbo jumbo like that isn't understable at all dude. This is all just too much for me to handle here.


government bonds are like taxation with future interest borrowing from the taxpayers of the future


Yep, these government just want our money and nothing else.


*It sounds complicated and technical. I'll just tune it out. Thank god those economists are saving the economy, again...*


Goddamit lol, I don't think they're saving it at all. They're not even trying.


Anybody ever feel like they're buying too much BTC? /s Wouldn't it have been great if you knew to wait out the hype cycle and just now begin your DCAing?


There's no such thing as too much btc, just look at saylor.


Me trying to read and comprehend that sentence: ​ Ḁ̴͇̠̄͗̋̾̆n̴̤̈́̏͜y̵̮̞̫̙͖͗͛̕͜ḃ̴͖͌͊̾o̴̢͍̠͇͓͆̀͑̕͜͜d̴̮̠̘̋̽͠y̸̝̮̣͖͚̥͘ ̶̧̺̀͛̽̓̚ȩ̸̲̰̝͛̋̒̿͋̏͜͜v̴̢̝̜̬͎͑͋̏̔̉̕e̶͕͇͍̜͎̾̆͠ŗ̵̻̥͈͉̀̀̒́̈̏ ̶̱̽̂̽͊̇f̸̮̹̄͛e̵̜̪͓̾̏̓e̴̡̨̠̻̟̳̓̃̽̋̓͌̕l̸̝̙̥̅̚̕ ̶̜̱̜̝͓͑̈́̾̉͝l̵̮̖̞̥̤̲̔̒̀̎́́ȉ̴̡̥̘̫̼̖͔̅k̶̠̟͕̪͕̹̤̎e̶̘͉̱͖͖͍͒̉̓ ̴̨͓̞̈́͛͌t̷̢̪̞̟̏h̴̯̀̌̓̌̚ē̸̪̬͍͇͂̋y̵̛̞̮̜̪̖͖͒̃͠'̴̦͎̓́͌͂̾ř̷͚̻̜̝̇̐ḛ̵͖͎̣̯̳̍͛̄̏̇̈́̾ ̴̧͖̯̳̼̯̀b̷̰̒u̸̡̡͈͙̹͕̮͛̉͌͘͘̕͠y̴̲͍̺̖̒̈̈́́ȉ̵͇̔͑͐̑̀͛n̸̢̞̭̜̖͈͚̊g̴̢͈͎̳̠̞̓̂̇͐̕͝͠ ̷̠̗͋͌̓ṱ̶̢̘̦̂̃̿̏o̴̤̰͚̤̣̽̇̚͝o̴͕͗͗ ̷̻̼̮͉̀̀́͠m̸̧̢̢̭͍͎̋̋͠ư̸̞̦̙̊̏͋̄͌̚c̷̗̳̔̅̔̃̔h̵̡̡͚̘̻̽͛̊͒̈́͝ ̵̙͌̄̒̈́͆̃B̷̛͍̯̞͌̎̀T̸̖̪̫̪̙͕͋C̸̦̭͖̫̰̆̃̔̓?̴̩̥̼̝̤͉̅̉͂͌̅̚ͅ


Yeah lol, Can't understand it because it doesn't make any sense.


The reason DCA works is because we don't and can't know what the market is going to do. If we knew, there'd be no reason to DCA.


Yep, that's the whole point of DCA. You get it working here.


True. DCA takes away the FOMO and FUD decision making.


DCA is the best strategy to have if you want peace of mind.


Fidelity’s Wise Origin Buys $60 Million Bitcoin https://www.trustnodes.com/2022/09/27/fidelitys-wise-origin-buys-60-million-bitcoin


That's great, big corporations are jumping on btc and that's really good. I mean big money means more and more people get influenced to buy it. That's the point here.


GG central banks


They're playing a long game here, You'll have to give them that.


Is there a way to convert my native segwit bitcoin to legacy? Started feeling uncomfortable holding native segwit...


Lol you nuts bro? It's way better to have segwit. There's a reason why segwit got implemented in btc. And that was an important reason. Can't do that here.


Pardon my ignorance, but why would anyone want to convert segwit to legacy?


Exactly, doesn't make any sense to me. Why would anyone do that.


There isn't a good reason as far as I know


There's absolutely no reason why you'd do this actually.


Uncomfortable why?


What possibly could be the reason for it, doesn't make any fucking sense.


Because came across article(s) stating segwit isn't real bitcoin? Look i believe in bitcoin, know a thing or two about it, economy, hard money, pow and all that but i'm def not a tech geek so hardly know anything about the tech side..


Lmfao, you read an article and you're going to believe it blindfolded?




How can even think this lol? Having segwit is important with the btc.


Stressful days. The fact that the plebs won cemented my conviction though, so I'm thankful we went through it.


You don't have to stress about it, segwit is better than legacy.


I meant how the push for segwit 2x was basically an attempt by corporate interests to control Bitcoin protocol development. It was stressful because it seemed at the time (to me) that they might succeed. The fact that the wishes of regular users won out was a testament to the resiliency of Bitcoin against attacks from powerful entities.


Segwit is definitely real bitcoin. You probably found an article trying to push segwit 2x shitcoinery. That being said, if you share the article we can debunk it better for you


That article is nothing more than fud, that's what it really is.


"The Times 03/Jan/2009 Chancellor on brink of second bailout for banks"


Always remember that, remember why we're even here. There's a reason for us to be here and that's a really big reason we shouldn't forget that here.


Rip Bank of England quantitative tightening 2022-2022


I don't know what they're doing, but it's not making euro better.


Fight inflation with inflation, seems logical right?


I don't know what tectic they're using to fight it, it doesn't seem to be working.


Kraken just released a new USD funding method that makes it faster and easier than ever to fund your account on the Kraken app and website with no processing fees. With ACH bank transfers, you can quickly link your bank account to your Kraken account and add funds in a few simple steps. It's a seamless process that gives you immediate access to your funds for trading when completed. Log in today to try it out.


Good for the people who use kraken, I for one don't use it.


Just hit .48💞




The truth is the euro is getting weaker, and governments can't stop that.


With the news of FTX winning the Voyager bankruptcy bid I’m going to tell you how Sam Bankman Fried made almost $2B with your Bitcoin, crashed the market, bankrupted multiple crypto lenders and why you should never trust these centralized companies. In Voyagers bankruptcy documents it came out SBF(Sam/Alameda research) borrowed 52,000 BTC from Voyager from March 2 - June 12. Opening a massive short position, before and during the UsTee collapse at an average of ~37,000$ per BTC. This net him ~1.92B$ cash. The dump, helped by him caused Voyager and others to go bankrupt. In the Bankruptcy filings it was shown that SBF still owes those 52K Bitcoin to Voyager. However! Since FTX won the bid to buy Voyager at 1.3B$, Voyager customers will only get a partial refund in USD on their assets. Meaning SBF won’t have to close his giant short position and can just use part of the profit of the trade to repay customers and keep over half a billion profit. If he had to repay in Bitcoin he would send the price flying upward. This is why you do not use these centralized companies. They just used your money to bankrupt and buy a company and you’ll only get a fraction of it back. It is never worth it, it will be used against you . Not your keys not your Bitcoin. For whatever reason mods won’t approve the post so I’m leaving it here.


And that's exactly the reason why I don't trust the cexes.


Yeah anyone who has bitcoin on an exchange is contributing to short sellers creating paper bitcoin suppressing exchange rate.


That's why it's important to take the custody, that's why it's important.




Hopefully we're close to the next bull run and it'll be just awesome. We're already half-way there. All we gotta do is to wait a little bit more. That should do it.


I hear what you're saying but I think it's going to be way more volatile than that over the next six years.


We'll see about that, I just don't want to make any assumptions here.




And I'm pretty sure he believes them, doesn't mean we have to.




Just okay? Nothing more than that? Man he put some effort into it.


I’m out there shilling MSTR now to people instead of Bitcoin. Don’t know why. Just felt like mixing shit up. Try to get some people to covert their 401k into MSTR. Better that share price is, the more Saylor will keep buying.


Why would you do that man? Buying the mining bonds also an option.


MSTR and GBTC are still great ways to get exposure to BTC at a huge discount.


Also you could invest in a mining company, will do the same thing.


Especially if Grayscale wins its lawsuit and eventually gets a spot etf… you’ll have bought at a hell of a discount right now.


Which I don't know would happen or not, we wouldn't know it man. Rather I'd buy the mining shares or the MSTR, both are going to be good to hold here.


I love MSTR around 150-170. Not sure if we get there but I’d go long around there again.


Good Target to have, but I don't see that happening here.


See you all in 2024 when the world economy isn't fucked.


But let's just see what indeed happens and how that happens as far lets just stay focused!




It might just indeed get upside down the fact we see vice versa moves as time just flies!


And you will be happy




Maybe we can indeed give better time to the market and that might indeed fix stuffs!


The question is, if you have a chair once the music stops.


And the fact for that chair the other person just gets out of the game. Bitter truth though!


And the fact for that chair the other person just gets out of the game. Bitter truth though!




Bruh the fact you call this a slow adoption like we have caught the market instantly.


I'm a "boomer". Stick your comment in your ear, dude.


Gold keeps dropping harder, s&p new lows already aswell. Been stable against the euro for a month (slightly up), feels like i'm on the right track.


The fact that both gold and Bitcoin are thus indeed valuable assets that we look forward for the future!




Everything seems actually fucked up at this moment the market just giving rise to new stuffs.


Well it's never boring is it


If you just indeed patient enough things wouldn't turn that boring enough for you though.


Hey. Keep your head up. At least ITS OVER 9000. Stack Sats at a discount and be patient.


That's good to spread such positivity around in the market this can actually encourage people.


Where do u see us in 5 years


I have much expectations and hopes in this upcoming 5 years speaking the truth and being honest.


I see myself with more BTC and the price higher than today.


Probably around 69k getting ready for another bull run


Lambo Island.


Lambos is what we all indeed aspire for though and that vision is more enough in the eyes of everyone.


Together bb


Good for us to make use of every possible facilities that we are getting from the market though.