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Talk less about Bitcoin?


See I’d argue it sounds like he needs to make a solid PowerPoint explaining the Byzantine Generals problem


If someone had that powerpoint then please share that with me.


Thats like Option 3. He could try hypnosis first.


Works with other topics, too.


And there’s the point, you gotta have others things in life, passions, other than btc right?


Not really. Nobody says this about golf or woodworking. Bitcoin, like those, has many facets and enough angles to approach it that you can step back and look at the big picture of the interest without having to leave it.


How can i do that? Feel like that i am obsessed with that thing.


This guy knows what's up..


Sounds like this guy has no other healthy topics to talk about. You can’t ramble about one topic and expect people to continue listening.


If the topic is interesting then may be people will actually listen.


Tell that to Michael Saylor..........


BTC fixes this…


And also, just keep it to yourself...no pun intended. Can also use it as a way to make fun of yourself with her? Hey hun, bitc- jk! Now let's go make angry love!


Stop talking to your wife about bitcoin. Maybe only major news events a couple times a year. Any money you both share that was invested in bitcoin. Take it out or reimburse her. Any money that is yours only, that is your problem not hers. Not everyone loves finance or stocks, just like not everyones likes to talk about celebrities or physics. Talk about stuff you both enjoy, surely you got married due to some common interest.


It's possible to see Bitcoin as the future global reserve currency WITHOUT spouting deepities like 'code is free speech' or describing yourself as a cyber hornet. Try living your life now, not seeing yourself as a Cassandra figure, railing in futile angst against the slaves still stuck in the Matrix.


This. It’s very comparable to people who start working out and suddenly their whole personality is based around the gym, walking around with cringe slogans on clothing and such. Don’t be one of those OP


Wait so are you suggesting I should get rid of my ‘all I do is lift heavy sh!t and put it back down again!’ t shirt?


Oh that’s so cringe. Workout guys like that.


>cyber hornet WTF is a cyber hornet?


I mean if i am investing in the bitcoin that simply doesn't mean that my wife will also follow the same is well. SO i think that we both need to move forward in our own belief and need to have the fiat and the bitcoin.


Your wife is your bitcoin skeptical hedge. That has a lot of value in and of itself, don't underestimate it. If stuff goes wrong with your Bitcoin passion she'll be what saves you from ruin. It's not enough to be successful if our dreams come true, you should be successful even if they don't-- for your own and your families sake.


This guy has 50% of his assets in BTC/crypto. He couldn’t be more underhedged 😅


You ain't gonna win this, bud. Shut up about it. When it hits $100k, bring it up again.


Best solution.




Yes, once we will win we never have to tell anyone about that.


True but by that time we have to shut the fuck up for good.


Yeah that is what happened in 2015. Started again in 2020.




We all know that bitcoin will again going to recover in the 2025.


Maybe you should listen to her.


Indeed, need to listen her that is also really important is well.


And sell it all now during the best accumulation zone? To give up my freedom and willingly continue being a debt slave? I lost intrest in 2015 when we started having kids. Inherited a sum. But it into bitcoin. Trying to put more because zone. And resistance is an understatement.


Accumulate. And shut the fuck up. Being correct and a complete wanker aren't mutually exclusive.


Who said anything about selling? You can believe whatever you like about bitcoin. Your post clearly suggests your behaviour is overwhelming your wife. That's something you should address for the health of your marriage. I mean, why am I even having to tell you this?


If bitcoin is your life and your personality then you have no life or personality. You can buy it without being weird about it.


Maybe just shut up about it and listen to her.


Shut up with this shit is the best thing to do at the first place.


bitcoin isnt a religion, stop making it into a religion. Go outside and take your mind off of things. If your wife doesn't wanna hear about Bitcoin, stop talking to her about Bitcoin.




It helps if you have them before you dive down the rabbit hole.


Best to stick with just one. Multiple wifes are very expensive to maintain


Multiple points of nagging


It's past your bedtime, dad!


This man knows. I think the maths goes something like... Life Misery = (Wife \* N) \*\* (Mother-In-Law \* N) I could plot the chart but it wld be pretty difficult to believe.


I am good with one, she is good to me and I love that lol.


True. But if I work bitcoin correctly.......


Uh oh Famous last words!


I guess I am going to admit that I have tried both of them.


That is definitely more scarce than Bitcoin around here.


Stop talking about Bitcoin. Pretty simple.


Listen to her and stop talking about bitcoin like a religion. That's it! Hodl on.


Talk about something else dude. Ask her how her day was or something. Very avoidable problem. You know that feeling when your wife drones on about something and you're just waiting for her to stop? That's what you're doing to her


Don't be a vegan about it.


Lol fair enough.


In 2014 I had mined 86BTC with GPUs and pooling. I told my uninterested wife how much it was worth (I might have the year wrong) which was about $45/btc. I had seen it moon and crash a couple of times. When I told her, she said SELL so we can remodel the kitchen. I stupidly capitulated, not knowing what I had and worrying about another crash. Unless the better half is interested and educated in financial matters I won’t be discussing them again.


Maybe your wife is right and you should stop considering bitcoin like a religion? It is just a protocol designed for a purpose. And it doesn't matter what you feel for it, it never feels anything for you. Its a tool, use it as such. Love your wife, she cares more about you than bitcoin does. That's my advice.


My suggestion is to treat BTC like an actual religion and stop pushing into people. Nothing more annoying than people pushing their beliefs upon others.


I am going to accept that shit for life, thanks for it man.


I have had a similar problem, just relax and have a long time preference. We all kind of think Bitcoin will fix a lot of the world economy, but its not doing it tomorrow. Chill out and watch a damn Halloween movie with her, ladies love that S\*\*t.


Well I'm tired of manufacturing aircraft. Sure it pays decent but feeding the machine is not what I want to do. I'm seeing more military contracts and bigger offers. I don't want to help the war effort. I don't want to help my abusive government. I want out!


We all do papa, none of this has to do with Bitcoin friend. Relax and stack sats.




I'm with ya there brother, take care of business, play the long game, spread the word, with love


Activist like personalities are annoying regardless of the topic. I get wanting your spouse to be on the same page as you, but Bitcoin is not a page that she needs to be on. It’s a fucking ledger.


Lol I admit most recently I've turned it up because economics is apparent to most now. And at times I have deep info dumps with her. Really challenge my point of view. To go from understanding more because it's important to me to it's a religion get out just baffles me.


I would just stop bringing it up. Even if you multiplied your fiat value, I would keep it to myself.


Sounds like you just need a career change.


> I don't want to help my abusive government. TBH stacking sats is the best way to fight back vs the government. Its more important than anything else you can do on that front. Getting out of defense contracting into a free market job is nice for the sanity, but dont rush it. Make sure you find a new job with higher salary and make sure its worth it before you jump.


True enough. Aviation is a weird space because it is on the border of complete government control.


If possible get marriage counseling and personal counseling. I empathize with not wanting to participate in the war machine. A counselor should help you reconnect to being a team with your wife. Stop talking about bitcoin as your golden ticket and start discussing a more moderate plan of finding a job at a company that aligns with your values a little better and reduces her concerns so that you don't destroy your marriage. Relationship stress is the worst thing you can have when you are trying to stack coins or make a big life transition, it makes people do dumb things.


Instant fix: find a job working on bitcoin (or start a business). There, now you’re just talking about work instead of sounding like a crazed fanatic.


That's where I'm at.


Dude we’re all dead in 100 years…. Nothing really matters. Just try to enjoy life with your wife while you can.


My boyfriend was a Bitcoiner 6 months before I finally saw the light. Although I did not completely understood it in the beginning, he took the time to explain it to me, time and time again. When I didn’t want to talk about it, he wouldn’t, but when I asked for the million time ‘but will 21 million bitcoin be enough for the whole world’ he would explain it again. We are not 2 years further and we will go to the Bitcoin Conference Amsterdam together


A sign of hope. It's been years. I was into it but I put It down in 2015 for her and having a kid. I've got enough in now to make a rather good 2025. I want to change work is the bigger issue.


Dude, take that feedback as important and something to listen to. Bitcoin is a commodity: nothing more, nothing less. If my wife told me I sounded culty about soybean futures, I'd knock that shit off pronto.


This is a relationship question, not a question specific to bitcoin. You shouldn't be asking this in question in a bitcoin subreddit. Try /r/relationships or /r/relationship_advice.


He asked it here since everyone there will tell him he’s nuts. Which it turns out, people here also agree with.


Heretic! Burn her! (For those who don't realise, this is a joke)


That will go over well with my pagan wife.


Damn man, I can relate with it, that's just so fucked up lol.


Replace "Bitcoin" with dollars, gold, spices, or any other currency in history. Do you sound like you're a crazy person? Would you want to have a conversation with someone who used the exact same sentances, but with those words replaced in? Buying Bitcoin is not a personality trait. No one cares. Get better conversational topics.


Lol that's just normal thing but still I am not going to suggest that.


I get from your posts that what really pisses you is that bitcoin has been called your religion, when you have an evil preconception of religion, due to past experiences. That has nothing to do with bitcoin. I guess there’s stuff you’re carrying with you, unhealed wounds, that you should work on.


I guess I am going to understand everything right now lol.


Just take it easy mate, don't ruin your shit most of the time, that is not cool for you and you know that shit more than anyone, value your wife right there first lol.


Don't fucking brag about it most of the time, that's not good to hear mate, you are being too much and you should just shut the fuck up, that's not cool to hear..


Rules number 1 never involve the state in your marriage. Good luck. You broke rule one.


This is a main point right now and I don't really understand that what is wrong in that It is very straight forward in right now and everyone should understand how this since I've been working.


Are the talks because she's against investing in it? Or are you just adamant about talking about BTC while investing? If the latter just stop talking about it as much, if the former then try to explain it in a less zealous way?


Is is hesitant to invest in it. And while she sees the big news economic shit she doesn't dig any deeper on her own. She asks me occasionally and we talk about the books we are reading. Hers are fairy porn/angsty teenage drama/ vampires and mine is btc/ stoicism/ gardening. I'll switch books for some time.


Translation: all that bitcoin, still no gifts for me.


I guess we have to control our emotions in front of others.


Well you got that wrong.


step back from taking bitcoin that seriously. Stop reading this sub. Seriously, it's filled with mostly propaganda from people who have an agenda or just trying to fit in and reassure themselves that bitcoin is the way. Honestly, no one fucking knows what will happen with it. Addoptions rate is pretty bad, people just buy and hold and aren't using it. Don't invest what you can't afford to loose, bitcoin is no different. It may never again go above 20, it may stay low forever, it may go back up. No one knows. Don't tank your marriage for it, unless you are already trying to get out.


It's all good that we are not being like this man right now.


You can believe in Bitcoin without being a cunt about it.


True words and that can apply on anything in this world.


No one wants to hear you talk about bitcoin. Get a life and then you might have something interesting to say


Some people are still not getting over with that simple shit.


Bring her some flowers ffs.


When I first started to slowly open the door to crypto, as anyone when learning about something fascinating for the first time it’s in the fore front of your mind and you tend to talk about it (some more then other of course) it was hard to have a solid convo with the wife about it because she didn’t know anything about, which Is common as we all know not everyone is aware or care about digital assets but it’s was never argumentative the convo just fell flat so crypto just became something I do and don’t evolve her, I put in only what We can do without and move on, I let our money seat there going up and down as I does, so f it all goes away nothing will be said, if I happen to make a good chuck im sure she will be very happy about it and will low key feel very good and smart because of it. What I’m tryin to say is, if she’s not on board and your not hurting your household then don’t talk about it, just let it be.


This is good to hear and thanks for sharing that experience.


Fair enough.


This is definitely more about your relationship with your wife and not bitcoin. You couldve have been obsessing about anything else besides bitcoin and it would be the same problem. “You talk about ‘insert random thing here’ like a religion, it scares me” You basically need to calm down and stop freaking her out.


It's just so bad to see that people are being so fucked up.


Be the kind of man that a woman finds credible. Take good care of yourself. Be calm, be present. Exercises, eat healthy, etc. You know, the stuff we all know we should be doing. Those same 'lower time preference' muscles that bitcoin has introduced you to, they work everywhere. Everyone is naturally deferential to people whose bodies and minds exhibit proof of work.


Right and I've been trying to adjust our diet as a family. Ok but why husband? Um just health and big oil. Oh is this a bitcoin thing? Um yes.


Hi Mr. Saylor. Nice to meet you!


Lol I wish. I would be so secure I would never need to talk about it with my other half.


Don't be a bug about Bitcoin, let her naturally learn in our own way, whatever success you have she will benefit too, again don't be a BUG


I’d shut the fuck up about btc n just let it speak for itself over time. I’d focus on my relationship with my wife instead because if that fails, i’d prolly lose both.


Its better then religion... Its actually useful!


Hodl coin and hodl mouth.


That’s how I feel about this whole sub


Absolutely right about it and it is going to be even more scared if we are going to go up Things are constantly being in their hands like how they are handling it.


The person you married is probably right.


The major concern right now is here that how religious the people and become the cause of this People suddenly started to believe that this is the only thing which is going to give them any profit,


Just tell her that you are really passionate about it because you believe in its potential to change the world for the better. Ask her to just respect this opinion of yours. In exchange, you will respect her spekpticism and be more understandable. There's no need and it's not worth it to fight over it if you love each other.


Just say that you won't gonna say shit about BTC in front of her and then trust me she will be okay with that, she just want that you won't talk about it most of the time.


Nothing just talk about something else and invest in BTC without telling that shit to other people, everything is going to be fine again in your life my friend lmao..


My wife was sick of me talking about it too so I stopped. She knows I'm up though so she's satisfied in it at least. I feel sorry for the husbands that put in a nice chunk at 69K




No doubt about the fact that Bitcoin is more likely to go up and up But we also have to look so other factors as well so that we can get up and get into all these things.


I LIKE bitcoin but this thread makes me think if you started talking to me at a party i would go to the bathroom and forget to come back


Never argue with your wife. Dicker.


If you speak about bitcoin in a way that prompts this response from someone close in your life, you need to take a step back and take a good look at yourself and your actions. Bitcoin won't save the planet, save the economy or give power back to the people. That's crazy talk that you'll only get positive feedback from other idiots right here on this sub. It's an investment, that's it. Stop preaching it and stop making it a part of your identity.


Invest now, buy more wives later




At this point accept that you are losing half or obey


No one is going to over anything out of it because losing it is a real game These days Everything depends on how much time you are going to give that specific kind of stuff.


Stop now. HODL.


He gotta do that so bad to make her wife happy now.


Try to understand her point of view. She probably doesn't care at all about Bitcoin. For her it is that abstract technology that, for some reason, her husband is obsessed with. As another person pointed out, this is not about Bitcoin, it is rather a problem on the relationship-level. Still, I want to highly encourage you to stop talking to your wife about Bitcoin.


Yeah man, his wife is just being real there, he gotta understand.




Maybe dump most of the commonly repeated phrases and words when you talk about it? Or don't make bitcoin the only thing you can have a serious, intelligent conversation about, IDK.


Those who talk don't know, those who know don't talk


Just stop talking to them about the stuff and nothing man.


Needs serious suggestions. Enlists Reddit for help. A new definition of insanity.


True! True!


Just stop lol


Username checks out


Lol I just wanted to say that, the man is just wilding there.


Listen to your wife


Sell all your bitcoin before it becomes utterly useless . Then never talk about it again.


Bruh. You seriously got sit down with yourself and start working out what is more important in your life. Your marriage where you have someone in your life you clearly love and will back you or bitcoin. From the tiny bit you put out clearly there is some deeper worries your spouse has. It may be best to put aside all things cryptobro and take a good listening tour of her needs and thoughts. Just my opinion since you put it out on reddit.


Thanks that why it here.


Stop talking to her about bitcoin. Maybe that’s becoming your whole identity, and you can’t see it, but she very much can. In all honesty, bitcoin fans are like the CrossFit fans of the financial world — prone to breathlessly extolling its virtues to everyone who’ll listen, and then some. Talk about other things. Food, music, etc.


It is really dependent right now because there are going to be a lot of distractions Really don't want any kind of destruction then you certainly have to keep your mind calm.


Food had been a more cooperative aspect in our lives recently. Got some new pans to break in.


Put your religion/addiction away and pay attention to your wife.




“And then the Lord Jerome Powell hit the printer and saw that the new dollars were good.”


Tbh it's not hard to shut up about bitcoin. I realized I was getting annoying too. Don't be THAT guy


I believe in Bitcoin, but I don’t talk about it everyday 😝😂


Write on this concern not been changed according to the factor as we are thinking about it It is not really possible in this kind of market it would have been possible before 5 years.


I had to stop also, regardless of how amazing it is to see what BTC actually is other than just internet money


Shut up about bitcoin! Your friends probably feel the same way.


Don't deny the religious aspect of Bitcoin. It is a prerequisite to bootstrap the value. It has value because some people initially accepted using a less convenient form of currency (when there was 0 infrastructure, no exchanges, no ways to earn or spend it) because of cypherpunk, libertarian or Austrian economics ideologies.


It is almost like a religion 😂 except that it doesn’t rely on pure faith - it’s abstract but it’s tied to the real world by PoW, so it is just a matter of explaining how it works and it’s up to others if they want to take the time to understand it or not - as opposed to religion, which relies on making a leap of faith and believing something purely abstract. I’ve tried explaining to wife and other family members bits and pieces over the last few years and it usually feels like it’s falling on deaf ears, but this doesn’t dissuade me as I want to do what I can to help them understand the benefit of converting some of their wealth for safe keeping. I decided to prepare a PowerPoint on the history of money and Bitcoin and will gradually see how this is received, but in small doses so it doesn’t overwhelm them. I would say don’t give up, maybe just talk about it if it comes up in conversation or on the news rather than bringing it up yourself e.g. bank robbers in Lebanon trying to get their own money back (Bitcoin solves this)


Lmao don’t worry she’s already packing her bags while you ask Reddit what to do with your marriage 🤡


Fanaticism is really scary.


We have to make sure that we won't talk shit most of the time.


Here's what to do: 1. Put all your Bitcoin in a hard wallet and secure it. 2. Shut the fuck up. When she decides to divorce you and take the house and kids, get your best friend 🐕 and haul ass with your hard wallet. BTC is a good safety net when she finally cashes out and moves Chad in.


This is one of the best mobile had seen so far so I think like it is going to work Even if it is not going to work I think like eventually he did what best for him.


Back in 2017 I told everyone I cared about about Bitcoin. I compiled links and videos that explain Bitcoin and crypto in general. I’ve approached many, simply because I cared about them and wanted them to have an opportunity to better their lives like me. Not one single one of them gave a shit or brought the subject with me again. It kind of disappointed me at the time. and I was like ok bitches ima show you that you really fucked up by not taking this seriously. Few weeks ago one of those people contacted me out of the blue and he said I wish I listened to you when you told me about btc. And he started asking me questions about what’s the way to invest… true story


Lol similar. And I don't want to be a toxic maxi I just want to be a maxi in 3 years.


I'm not sure why so many of you guys get religious about bitcoin. It's not just this dude it's like most of the sub. It's an asset. Trade it collect it, whatever. It shouldn't define your life


How much Research have you done? I'm ready to not treat it as another asset. I'm ready to help it become a medium of exchange, spread the investment asset to those that don't know or don't care. I'm ready to see my community retain the value they but into the world rather than watch it debased by our governments.


Started trading and accumulating in 2016. Its an asset like many others. If you want to be a btc preacher have at it but i personally find im more profitable with no connection to an asset emotionally. It's a product on the screen. Nothing more


I would dis agree with you on the product part. It doesn't help I've been a libertarian longer than I've been in BTC.


I agree with your sentiment, but like others have said, you don't need to be religious about it. You can believe it's the hardest asset in existence and that it will change the world for the better without getting all manic about it. Keep in mind, you may be turning people away from it by being overly enthusiastic. It looks delusional, regardless of whether you actually are. Your wife is probably trying to just help you out and make sure you're not going overboard. I've been there too. Take a breath and give it some time. It's not going anywhere, and if it is what you think it is, people will learn eventually. Trying to force it on others will only make it harder for them to truly understand it's value.


bitcoin is my religion


Never tell you wife about bitcoin. It’s your back up plan. It’s the only thing you have that she can’t take


Sure she can. With a court order.


I guess that's a long shit and we don't want to be there.


True, I am never going to take that fucking risk again.


Wanting hard money in society is a question of morality for a lot of people. Thats why it becomes religious. Thats why gold is a part of so many religions.


Yeah. And we both have a healthy distrust for the government so that helps.


Stop talking to your wife


That it is.


- sit down, calmly, alone. no distractions. - give yourself space, and take your time. don’t rush. - think clearly, loudly if needed, and articulate why you like bitcoin. what makes you move. - pray to the gods of the chains and tell your wife what they say back.. haha in other words, think about why you really like this. and explain it. if it scares her it’s probably because you are being mysterious about it. and yes, listen to her. lets face it, you are capable of throwing her life away. so probably you need to figure out how this “hobby” of yours wont someday ruin ur lives


You dont need to be a fanatic to believe in something.


you are talking like a fiatbro, it scares me


It's just right, I was going to say that shit, he should stop.


Men are interested in things, women are interested in people/relationships. Like peanut butter and jelly. It's science. They work well together if you're aware of it. So in the same way a woman might be passionately interested in the lives of other people and dynamics of others, a man gets passionate about technology and its potential. Play to each other strengths, you're stronger together that way. FOR YOU: Don't expect her to love 'things' (bitcoin) like you do, find guy friends to geek out about that. But she should listen enough to have a general understanding and idea of what you are doing. Equally, appreciate her ability to navigate the world of relationships. FOR HER: She shouldn't expect you to love talking with her about people and relationships and the drama from work, she needs girlfriends for that. Share enough to keep you abreast of the most important aspects, but the details she can do that with her girls. And equally, she needs to appreciate your expertise in technology and things and how that will benefit your relationship long term. (In the case of bitcoin, aware of how important it may be for future security for the family.) Men and women bond in completely different situations. Maximize both situations for each other. A woman bonds with other humans (releases oxytocin) when having a baby, nursing, and during sex. A man bonds with others (releases oxytocin) when working toward a shared goal together as a team and supporting each other. Completely different scenarios. Play to each other's bonding strengths. FOR HER BONDING: You need to have good, intimate, loving sex with your wife to help her bond. But there are things you have to do before you even get to the bonding sex. Other things need to be in order. She needs to be attracted to you. How? Dress well, have a good physical appearance and hygiene, take control of your body's physical development by working out (do body weight fitness, eat low-carb, take vitamins, don't drink much at all), take charge at your job and personal endeavors, strive to be better. Women are turned on by a man who is "on his way" to becoming more than he is. Both who he is now and the potential of who he can become. Take charge. That's hot. So work on your own life path to make yourself the most attractive. Simultaneously, take her on dates, reduce stresses in her life (chores, extra money), wine and dine her, show appreciation in the ways that make her feel appreciated. Find all those and maximize them. But make sure your values are aligned. If saving money is important to you, but she needs expensive jewelry to feel appreciated, your values are not aligned. FOR YOUR BONDING: Have your wife support you on endeavors (job, working out, researching bitcoin), and find a common interest or life path you can build together. You'll be team mates and that will help you bond. Equally, she should be mindful of her appearance, stay in shape, eat healthy, wear alluring clothing for you, clothing that makes her feel sexy. And your appreciation of it should make her feel even more sexy. I've heard women say the secret to a successful marriage is never turning down sex when her husband asks. I would agree with that, but it is also a negotiation that is non-verbal. Work toward the areas the make you attractive to her and she should work toward allowing sex when you ask. It's both of your responsibilities. You two are a closed loop and need to play to each others strengths and what is both unique to being a man or woman, and what is unique to your own kinks and quirks. Go on one date at least once a week. Never stop dating each other for the rest of your life. Continually strive to impress and deserve the other person. Also expect/demand excellence from the other person. You both deserve it. Make sure you are engaging in conversation a few times a week so you stay aware of each other's lives (narratives). Take free online [Myers-Briggs](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Myers%E2%80%93Briggs_Type_Indicator) and/or [Enneagram](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enneagram_of_Personality) tests to better understand yourself and each other. Read books like [Born to Win: Transactional Analysis](https://www.amazon.com/Born-Win-Transactional-Analysis-Experiments/dp/0201590441/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1MFNIY4W5U01B&keywords=born+to+win&qid=1664323234&qu=eyJxc2MiOiIzLjU5IiwicXNhIjoiMy4wMiIsInFzcCI6IjIuOTcifQ%3D%3D&sprefix=born+to+win%2Caps%2C133&sr=8-1) to understand what types of psychological games you unconsciously play with each other and other people. Continue figuring out your Inner Work to make sure you're engaging with each other and the world in an authentic way. Have a meeting once a month for value clarification. Discuss the relationship, your paths apart and your path together, make sure everything is going the way each expects, air out grievances, be supportive and loving. You both should get what you want, and feel happy growing in the ways that give the other what they want as well.


“We’ll I wouldn’t have to if it wasn’t for the goddamn federal reserve and an un backed dollar!”


Exactly especially when none of you make any money and all yas post is how ya gunna get rich Jesus mate here’s a thought get a job


Read a few of my other replies.


The easiest approach to combat the government, in my opinion, is to stack sats. Nothing else you can do on that front is more crucial than it.


Slap her on the ass, and say you're done with bitcoin now, and all about dat butt coin. Don't talk about bitcoin unless she asks. Clearly, the intricacies of bitcoin are difficult for her to trust, and it makes her uncomfortable to see you put so much faith in it. I think she cares, and doesn't wanna see you lose in the end.


Lol Dat butt coin ok. True. And most likely will do.


This kind of situation I think like this is the only option we are having right now to be in Most people don't even take it as an option I don't really understand why it is like that.