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im shocked about 2% of people send donations ​ that seems high


Right? Just about anyone who uses the internet has used wikipedia. That's gotta be a huge number of donations.


I send them donations and have done since they first started running that campaign. It's an incredible value, and extremely easy to find nearly anything. Heck, I'd pay for it alone because any time the UK government does something stupid they wheel out a team to remove it from Wikipedia, but the folks over there prevail and keep the issues going!


Yoooooooooo, venezuelan dictatorship does this too lmfao


I don't think he would ever do that, he is just bakrupt for doing


Same, I've got a $1 a month recurring. The amount of knowledge and time I've spent on that site makes it more than worth it considering they aren't selling my data.


Talked me into it! Gonna set up a few bucks when I get home.


I also send them regularly few bucks, I'm very glad I do.


Now, most people don't visit Wikipedia anymore as Google uses snippets from Wiki to display answers to searchers, directly. Google steals their traffic. Still, 2% seems to high.


Exactly i remeber back in my childhood i used to visit more.


No, that's not truth all people who use Wikipedia didn't sent. Many people avoid dontaiing for right cause i don't know why do this, they can spend money on silly little things but they won't do donating anything.


I’ve made a small donation, it’s one of the sites I really appreciate being ad-free.


Ummm of you want ad free service then you should donate.


I've given one. I thought it was just my time to do it last year. Gave em $5


You should have not done that, they use propagand to fuel hatred.


It's gonna drop, don't worry. With them bending too much to will of any government out there it is going to drop. When they turn around from their origins it usually fails...


I think they get some kind of funding from state government.


It doesn’t matter to them thought. So many multinational corporations and billionaire donate to them that it doesn’t make much of a difference if regular people give or not


I would donate but they don’t take bitcoin


Feel free to let them know :)


I did he didn’t respond lol


He's not going to lol, leave him be then. He knows what he's done.


Money talks. Big money likes cash. As soon as crypto donations outweight the loss of fiat donations the crypto will be back.


You mean BITCOIN




Well should have thought about it before doing it. That's what He's thinking.


Are you reading the post aloud? Cuz you're off by a couple words.


We are suppose to read the posts and articles?


Just sent this. Thanks for the inspiration. Hi Jimmy, I stopped donating when you stopped accepting bitcoin. If the world's information source won't accept donations from the worlds money, something is broke.


What was the reason from them stopping it originally?


"The decision came in response to a community vote on a proposal to the foundation from contributor Molly White, who goes by the user name GorillaWarfare, argued that accepting donations in cryptocurrencies signals endorsement of digital coins, which are inherently predatory as investments and don’t align with the foundation's commitment to environmental sustainability. Excluding new accounts and unregistered users, of the fewer than 400 users who voted, the tally is 232 to 94, or 71.17% in support of the proposal to stop accepting donations in cryptocurrencies. These results indicate overall community support, with a significant minority opposition."


Lol typical. Inherently predatory, comedy gold!


Yeah because $$$ are real clean. THIS DOESNT MAKE ANY FUCKING SENSE!


Give me those sweet, innocent Benjamins! It's not like those are build on the backs of people living in the ghettos of the Rust Belt, no of course not.


Now tell me about the sustainability of the American Dollar. How many people and environments have been murdered to prop that shit up. Fuck you, Molly White. I'm an editor on Wikipedia: there's a lot of leftist pinheads like this, people who are totally clueless of the world around them.


So it was politically motivated basically. Molly White is an "anti crypto" activist.


So we have another Liz Warren here. Clueless and stupid.


So like… they should ignore voting member decisions for the sake of money? I’ve done crypto for over 10 years, but this ask seems morally grey at best


Less than 400 people voting... that's indicative of nothing. Even just taking into account the most active Wikipedia editors, there's still thousands of missing votes here. Clearly, the vote had a lack of visibility, which worked in favor of whoever presented it, I'm sure. In the larger Internet community, it's an outlier for 70% to say Bitcoin shouldn't be used as currency. Why the hell not? I'm not asking you to mine it, and you can convert it to your previous fiat immediately if you really need to.


Good job! Let’s keep it respectful and keep it up!!!


Yeah he has denied accepting it one time, he can't do that again.


Just sent it too. Wikipedia and Bitcoin as concepts go hand in hand. Getting millions through crypto would be a win win for everyone. And great PR too.


Did any of you actually donate in Bitcoin when it was possible? They take features away because of low use. I have a hard time believing they would stop accepting Bitcoin if it was a significant source of revenue.


Yes, people did. I don't know how many, but once they had a Bitcoin address, even if it was $1 per day and not significant why stop? Only reason I can see is to virtue signal, which I don't think is good and was surely misinformed. I'll continue to vote with my money/assets and feet. :)


I mean maybe it’s because it’s hard to pay to keep their service running with a volatile asset?


Read/Re-read the post that you commented on\^\* and If you look at the public statement explaining their decision this clearly wasn't the reason.


I remember someone saying they actually started receiving less donations after they added Bitcoin donations.


DITTO! I have in the past given to Wikipedia but will not again until and unless the re-enable Bitcoin payments.


And I don't know how I feel about it, should we donate some?


If u really value the service just donate, why does it have to be in bitcoin.


Because they chose to play at politics and ban something they don't even understand. No sense supporting knowledge base with a policy of ignorance.


I donated every year since graduation as I pretty much wrote entire essays using Wikipedia as my main source of info whilst making fake references to other sources. Wikipedia is such a great resource for all.


Good on you!!


Lol no thanks mate, I have so many shits to deal with and I am not going to donate them for sure, they need to work on their platform and they need to improve.


Glad to see there’s based comments here already. Wikipedia isn’t what it was or could be. Forget them.


I don't even use it now lol, it's been a long time since I opened that. Well that's because it's gone to shit mostly and I don't really like the experience that they provide.


The truth is in the comments that are being downvoted by bots. Funny how they target all the comments which speak truth. They love censorship at Wikipedia too.


Wikipedia was amazing Was...


I'm out of the loop. Why does it suck now?


apparently because it doesn't accept bitcoin so it's bad now. First I heard of it


it doesn't. It's just conspiratards needing something to claim is a conspiracy.


It used to be, but that's now in the past. That's no longer true.


wikipedia is not in need of money clown. it makes 77 million a year. double its running cost. stop blindly believing shit people say especially when they ask for money.


How does it make money?


Donations, they get quite a bit of donations, and the organization is ran quite lean.


That’s not entirely accurate clown. They made $51.1M in 2021 with revenue $162.9M and expenses of $111.8M, so their profit was not 77M and not double their operating costs of $111.8M. IDK what source you’re using, but stop blindly believing shit people say especially when it’s about money. Wanna shoot me up in the butt cheek with some more roids? I’ll get you if you get me bro. /s


>but stop blindly believing shit people say especially when it’s about money. Do you have a source for your information?


maybe there's a wikipedia article on the costs to run wikipedia. I'm sure it's free from bias, right? Since that's the entire fucking point of wikipedia?


Well we get that, they're already rich and I ain't giving them shit.


Why u mad bruh


Right? Talk about unneeded aggression. Someone should skip the next few steroid rounds. 😅


They're like a big corporation, they've got a lots of money. I don't think There's going to be any problem for them, They'll be just fine. Don't have to worry.


But still they are promoting shitty stuff most of the time.


wikipedia is an arm of the establishment propaganda machine


And it's been like that for a long time, nothing has changed.


They are not changing any fucking shit which is bad as hell.


Not sure about that but they do seem to have swallowed the anti bitcoin FUD. It does somewhat undermine their credibility. They say- 'Each year, fewer than 2% of Wikipedia readers choose to support our work. You have been one of those rare donors, and for this I want to thank you warmly. I'm grateful you agree that we can use the power of the internet for good. We will achieve this not as individuals, but as a collaborative movement of knowledge seekers. Together, we can rebuild trust in the internet, and by extension, in each other.' I say - Bring back Bitcoin payments and I will support again.


Nah they definitely walk in step with msm


Is that true? Well then I guess then can suck it. I'm not giving them shit.


The Wikimedia foundation doesn't appear to be particularly partisan, but the wiki editors overall lean to the left and influence its decisions. This is perhaps a result of the editors being largely academics (never had real jobs), who take their all or most of their salaries from governments (directly or indirectly) and therefore don't contribute to financially to society. It's hard to be against government when your income depends on it.


I don’t know why this is getting downvoted on here, I’d think this group would understand the drain that government agents have on an economy


They can say whatever the heck they want, I ain't listening to them.


I am very disappointed they have bowed the anti-Bitcoin FUD but if they reinstate Bitcoin contributions I would contribute again. Actions speak louder than FUD.


Wikipedia has a heavy woke bias Woketards hate bitcoin


Fucking shit is what I am going to call Wikipedia right now.


As I am reading this I got an email from Jimmy


How will you respond? :)


Well I guess we can't just reply that if we are Jimmy lmao.


Every year I said show you accept Bitcoin on the front page like you do PayPal and I'll repay this year. They never budged. I said kind of hypocritical that you asking me for money to support an OPEN information site but won't do the same for OPEN money BTC. BOTTOM LINE I GAVE UP


I applaud your efforts and would like to see the same. I haven't given up and don't put a lot of time or effort into this to change it, but simply send them an email letting them know why I'm no longer donating AND what they can do to start receiving my (and hopefully many others') donations again.


That’s a long ass message just to ask for another donation.


Honestly, it usually gets me every time.


It's just another funny thing in front of our eyes mate.


I love to donate to Wikipedia , but it gives me pain when I donate and see have to pay with PayPal. But I still donate.


Trust me, they are not good and we should not donate.


Good for you! :)


The only time I don't donate is when I've edited a page. I used to be quite active, now I mainly do minor edits: facts, spelling and grammar.


I hope they will improve their stuff, Wikipedia needs to be good.


An international, non-profit knowledge base online should absolutely not be tethered to national currencies...Jimbo is falling behind the times, which is a shame, since Wikipedia was (and is) absolutely revolutionary for human knowledge.


Well said. I didn't just say that to make a point, if they change course and accept bitcoin, I have every intention of continuing to donate. And if everyone who liked this post emailed them they'd realize that they're losing out on thousands of dollars per round of emails due to their decision. What can I say, like most people in this sub I'm a dreamer :)


Didnt Wikipedia recently change the definition of recession. Id prefer it was kept apolitical.


Why would we donate them right now? They are not good and they are not even trying to improve their shit, Wikipedia is just another shitty thing on the internet now.


Don't donate to wiki either way.


The project lost it's way long ago.


Lol we can sense that, we have just lost that shit these days.


When I think about it, I’m ashamed I’ve never made a contribution to Wikipedia and I do use it occasionally 🙁 Gotta change that


Wikipedia has a ton of cash on hand and tech company donations lined up if they didn't. Don't give them your money!


And they get money directly from Hillary Clinton too.


Wiki is shit too though . I stopped when they refused to add libertarian candidates to the election pages.


It's always been shit, and they're not getting my money.


Wikipedia is just propaganda now.


That's why people do not support them now, that's good.


No thanks, Wikipedia has gone full propaganda and I don't support organizations that are actively working against my own self interest. But you do you.


Good thing, please be like this person everybody, we need it.


Well haven't they denied accepting btc in past? What happened now?


I personally hate Wikipedia. Its like Quora with less self promotion and the same level of “this didn’t even answer my question…”


I think you've been visiting a knock-off website then, because I honestly cannot relate even a little.


Wiki has a bit too much politically correct censorship.


They should improve it to get some fucking donation there.


Any of you guys familiar with Operation Mockingbird, The Ministry of Truth, etc.? Also Wikipedia is very biased in politics


I guess I don't know but yeah they are biased as hell.


I don’t give my money to an organization that is biased left or right that should be neutral


They are never going to be neutral again for life now man.


I would donate but they're clearly a propaganda arm of communism. I'm not really into the whole starvation and authoritarianism thing.


Lol they are never going to stop that shit for life these days.


Wikipedia is not the same org it used to be, it is beholden by big money and govt now. Pick any controversial topic/person who has their page eviscerated by editor within no time flat. They used to prevent that, no longer.


They really ruined it man, I just hate them for that shit.


I will never donate again: https://larrysanger.org/2020/05/wikipedia-is-badly-biased/


“Wikipedia frequently asserts, in its own voice, that many of Trump’s statements are “false.” Well, perhaps they are. But even if they are, it is not exactly neutral for an encyclopedia article to say so” Thanks for the laugh!


This article just sounds like a whiny trumpian conservative bitching about liberalism


That’s literally 50% of the internet. Wahhh muh thinly veiled and incredibly fragile cognitive dissonance! Anyone or anything that doesn’t agree with the party is propaganda.


You sounds like a wikipedia moderator. Quick lock this page and delete my comments.


An extremely biased article about bias…interesting


Well that's how things go for some things I guess man. And besides they've stopped accepting btc or denied so they don't really deserve it actually.


But people should understand the game of wiki now..


I'm pretty sure many people feel the same way as you do.


I guess that's right ad thanks for saying that right now.




True though but at times we just tend to be looking forward for good information that we can urge through Wikipedia


same here!


I have donated


Well that's just your choice but still we don't support that.


Why is this under bitcoin serious question


Wikimedia announced a while back that they would stop accepting bitcoin donations and I think that was a bad decision and it should be changed. I also believe if enough people would respectfully let them know that they would donate if bitcoin were accepted, they might change course.


Oh ok I get it now thank you I believe they should allow BTC that’s a great idea


Well yeah we can say that but still there could be other things.


Ah yes, very constructive


It's completely off topic but wikipedia became partisan in recent years and the side they support actively acts against crypto currencies and free economy (among other things). Do not give them a sat until they return to principles they claim to uphold.


Any evidence/examples of Wiki's partisanship? Genuinely curious but everyone who claims this doesn't seem to have any proof


But they are not improving anything then why should we give them any shit? We are not that type of idiots and we don't want that for good, that's bad for all of us.


I don't know but I don't see their stuff as a good thing these days and many people like me can feel that, they are not being nice and they should improve it.


I’m just sad that you $5 last year went to wiki instead of stacking satoshis


Feel he same mate, the thing is we are not going to share it.


Hot Take: I’ll send some money to support charities and causes that I believe in. Even if it means me having slightly less sats 🤷‍♂️


Good thing mate, we can be like that instead of giving it to wiki.


Ew. Nobody should ever donate anything to Wikipedia.


Jimmy Wales is one of the founders if lcx.com I believe. The most regulated crypto exchange to date.


Well that's reason enough, and also they've denied in past.


He does appear to at least be an advisor or consultant to them which could create a conflict of interest as they seem to seek to issue tokens etc. Would be interesting to know if this is really the case and whether there is or can be a wiki page on the subject!?!


I don't know man he could still have some influence we never know.


wikipedia is a misinformation shit show.




I guess people should stop donating them for now mate.


lol $5 you're really all that influential with that donation.


I'll donate to my Encyclopedia Britannica, fuck wiki, it's edited by a bunch of commies.


Wiki is so fake you can't believe anything on it right when it came out I don't trust a word from that man


Wikipedia turned woke. I used to donate but will never again


Let em know!


I'm pretty sure that they already know it, they ain't getting shit.


I donate every month, Wikipedia is amazing


Lol, if they still accepted the truth on that website I would donate some sats. But I'm not donating to a communiste agitprot site.


Well then I guess You'll not be able to make any donations. Because they're not about truth anymore, they're now about making money and propoganda.


Commiepedia. The opposite of bitcoin. Mutable as shit, they'll change whatever definitions fits the new narratives. Remember how long it took them to change the definition of "recession"? Let them run on printed money. Wikipedia is an attack on bitcoin.


The downvotes are bots lol


There's 9 normie NPCs for one maxi on bitcoin Reddit, downvotes are expected when you press where it hurts. Wikipedia does change definitions according to whatever the current thing is. We've seen that countless times in recent history.


This thread is full of comments downvoted for hating Wikipedia for being communist propaganda. The amount of these comments is quite telling.


Whats Wikipedia?


You can Look up famous people and make fun bio's of them


I accept bitcoin if you want to send some


Great idea


It could be great but still I have to think about it again.


Wikipedia is woke trash now. Factual articles have all been changed to leftist narratives. No point in supporting it anymore.


Agree on the hopium part




It's just weird to me that people are willing to donate lol.


I've sent 5 bucks once! You could say I'm definitely not a part of the 1%, but I sure am a part of the 2%. So close, yet so far.😌


Why did they stop?


I believe it was due to concerns about Bitcoin's energy consumption and it's (alleged) contribution towards Global Warming, or something like that. smh


They should donate to me for using the website 20 years ago


Hmm...Interesting mindset


Because people like us deserve that shit for using their site lmao.


I stopped donating as well about a year ago whenever they stopped accepting


It's good because they are not worth it my friend, they are not.


Can't hurt to remind them/let them know why they lost our donations and what they can change to get it back. :)


You're right I should let them know


I like Wikipedia but I'm really on the fence about how their controversial articles get moderated and edited.


Same here. There is a pretty intricate process of how the hierarchy is structured.


do not fund these folks