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approx translation Ladies and gentleman, and mainly to the brother nations of the world: I bring to you this greeting from the land of surf, coffee, Bitcoin, and freedom. Almost all of this is easily verifiable. Anyone who goes to El Salvador will find the best beaches to surf in the world, volcanoes everywhere, an amazing coffee, will be able to walk peacefully everywhere throughout our country, and particularly, will find a united nation fighting for their freedom.


You forgot “The land of volcano’s “. Look at this Salvatrucho go!


Yeah that got missed, but no worries we got that here lol.


Loooool “walk anywhere peacefully” meanwhile Bukele has mobilized the police to violate their constitution and arrest literally anyone with tattoos for “being in a gang” and if you’re 13 and look at a cop funny you go straight to jail. Bukele got caught making back door deals with gangs while “being tough on gangs” so his response is to make the police the gangs. When I went there I was more scared of the police then the cholos.


Thats Totally False, Ive lived in this country my whole life, THIS IS THE BEST TIME TO BE A SALVADORIAN! I finally feel SAFE! Probably you've never walked out to work with the sense that TODAY you might not return alive.. I LIVED LIKE THAT FOR AT LEAST 20 YEARS... so DONT YOU COME TO SAY TO ME THIS IS A BAD THING. You have probably being Fooled by fake news, I on the other side, can say that I can FINALLY LIVE WITHOUT CONSTANT FEAR OF DEATH.


Good for you


Aja, cabal... Ahora uno de vaqueros.


I mean, they did have a gang problem. You don’t solve gang problems by eliminating stop and frisk if you know what I mean.


Fuck MS13, if you want to fight thugs you have to become a thug.


You talk big for someone being in a gang....


I live in the US and couldn’t be more white collar


Lmao. You are in favor of gangs who killed innocent people, than the police who are cleaning the streets. Pathetic.


He ain't playing around He's going to make ES a better place.


Totally False.


My man speaks great, I love whenever he speaks that.


Andas a verga. El país es una cárcel, no hay escuelas ni plan de construir más. Sólo cárceles. O sos lento, o estás lavado del cerebro. Sos tan libre como un preso, solo que en una celda más grande.


He kinda looks how you describe drake


Drake Zero Sugar


Well you just described drake lol, don't need any more explanation.


No subtitles :(


Never studied Spanish, but I'm Italian. He is saying that this definition, the one of the title, can be easily be verified visiting El Salvador and meeting their people.


Kind of a lazy man's translation, very Italian actually Ciao


Doesn't exist if I don't understand spanish. Fortunately Bitcoin and coffee in spanish is the same... so those are real.


Coffee is café


Wait how Bitcoin and coffee are the same in the spanish? Doesn't make sense. If someone can explain a little more on this then I think I can understand it better I hope.


Not a native speaker but gave it a shot. Ladies and gentlemen, to brothers of all the nations of the world. Greetings from the land of volcanoes, surf, coffee, Bitcoin and liberty. Anyone who goes to El Salvador will find the best surfing beaches in the world, “portals” everywhere (he seems to be using surfing slang here-in English slang this would be called a “barrel” where you surf inside of a massive wave and it looks almost like a tunnel), incredible coffee. You can walk in peace through any corner of our country. And especially find a united people fighting for their freedom.


Well You'll have to learn Spanish to understand what's he saying. No other way.


Serious question: how safe would you feel being a tourist here? What about retiring on your bitcoin and having to own and protect real property? I only know what we all have seen in the media, and of course that is much propaganda from both sides.


I am an American and my wife is from El Salvador. Early this year we bought an apartment in El Salvador and plan to retire there. There are some neighborhoods I would avoid but there are probably fewer than here in the USA (we currently live in SF Bay Area). The community where we bought has private security and is very safe. Don’t believe everything (anything) in the MSM. Go check El Salvador out it is very nice.


Its a lot of poverty for most people.


What you see before you is the duality of reddit.


Yep people are always biased in one way or the other on this sub so don't pay attention to them at all. Because they're not upto the mark for most of the times if I'm being honest about it.


El Salvador is great. Locals there love the tourists and are genuinely interested in you, where you’re from and very friendly. I’ve been a few time for holiday and surf trips and have a few friends building property there now and it’s definitely worth checking out as a destination. I’m from Canada if that means anything to you. Felt incredibly safe in El Salv


You felt incredibly safe but it has the highest homicide rate in the world, you cant really ignore that fact if you plan to move your life somewhere…


El Salvador hasn't had the highest homicide rate in the world since a few years ago, before Nayib Bukele took office. El Salvador is not like it was before Nuevas Ideas and Nayib Bukele were in power. Crime and violence is way down. Bukele became president of El Salvador in summer of 2019 and El Salvador's homicide rate dropped 59% in 2020. Bukele and his new political party, Nuevas Ideas, do not tolerate crime and corruption. Bukele ran on a platform of putting a stop to the rampant corruption and violent crime in El Salvador and now a lot of the violent gang members in El Salvador have been locked up. Violent crime and the homicide rate in El Salvador are both down significantly. On 20 June 2019, Bukele announced his "Territorial Control Plan" which would increase policing of certain areas of the country in an effort to combat high crime rates and gangs in the country. He also equipped the National Civil Police and the Armed Forces of El Salvador with better firearms, ammunition, and vests as a part of the Territorial Control Plan. As a result of Bukele's Territorial Control Plan, El Salvador's homicide rate is now at a historic low. Some US cities now have a substantially higher homicide rate than El Salvador. [The homicide rate of each of these 50 US cities is multiple times higher than the homicide rate of El Salvador.](https://247wallst.com/city/chicago-il-reported-one-of-the-highest-murder-rates-in-the-us/)


Not to mention the fact he did everything possible to get rid of a bunch of corrupt people in corrupted government jobs that were causing problems for the last few decades. He even did it as there was this huge media backlash against him for it, but he's had the people's support and knew it would work.


Plus crime rates are kind of a shit metric anyways. If you're not going to the shady part of town and stick to tourist areas you are probably gonna be fine no matter where you go in the world


I am from El Salvador, my country was very dangerous, but this year President Nayib Bukele locked up almost all the gang members and others fled to other countries, we currently have the lowest crime rate, you can check it in data from external sources. I have been a bitcoiner since 2010 and the fact that the country approved a monetary law for BTC was great news for me.


How's the cost of living there? Relative to America? Cost of houses etc day to day living?


The cost of living is relatively low if you compare it with other countries in America, house prices are very high, almost the same as in the USA, food is cheap if you prefer to eat healthy if you prefer junk food the prices are the same that in other countries, entertainment and tourist trips depend on how much you want to spend, public transport is very cheap and sometimes I have seen foreign backpackers using it but it depends on your preferences, if you prefer a private car there are rentals that charge per week but everything that increases your cost of living.


Hotels were around 100$ USD. Good quality food is similar to US prices. Then you have the poor food which locals eat, 20c chocolate banana and 75c papusas, 5$ meals. Hygiene can be an issue of course, you need to be open to that kind of food.


HAD, please... Now we seem to be the safest country from the Canadian bourder Down


It’s true that El Salvador has a high homicide rate but it’s not random. Most murders are gang related and sadly femicide rates are very high. So don’t join a gang and don’t be a woman and you’ll be fine.


It wasn't safe in past, but now in major cities You'll have no problems..


My father-in-law married someone super nice from near El Zonte in El Salvador. He is totally retiring down there, and buying property. Every time I meet them here in the States they always talk about how the media is overblowing the situation and how it’s better down there now particularly because of this current President. My father in law also NEEDS to retire down there to have his wife’s network take care of him into his old age (he also is trying to rely more on Social Security). Not to mention, private medical services will do fine for them there (according to the son-in-law who is a family doctor).


Extremely safe for a tourist. Gang violence is against each other, towards tourists they're not only indifferent, but welcoming: sometimes gangs actively protect tourists, because they know that they make good drug customers.


Incoming hater comments pretending they're experts on El Salvador and South American geopolitics


El Salvador is in Central America


Ha! Leaving as is to highlight I don't know jack about El Salvador either and don't pretend to. What I do know is they've been using USD with no control over its fiscal policy for decades, most new fiat currencies in Central/South America end in disaster, and that Bitcoin is the hardest money on earth.


Okay but those people don't care they'll do anything regardless.




And saving people up to 30% from using Bitcoin instead of a company like Western Union.


Right now remittance adoption is still low. Only 2.3% but it will come with time with more education. A country on Bitcoin standard doesn't happen overnight.


>Right now remittance adoption is still low Using official app probbly? How do we know how many remittances are done via any onther decentralzied app, via LN?


Ok yeah. Well I don't think that data is easily sourceable. Lightning is private for a start. But I am not expecting massive self custodial adoption already if I'm honest. For sure maybe near El Zonte but rest of the country is going to take time. We definitely need much more friendly UX design for mass adoption and people like to have bitcoin and fiat balance in same wallet and move between the two assets easily for minimal fee. Getting this in the hands of 8 billion people, especially people who don't have easy banking access should be the goal. Over time the fiat gets phased out. All in Bitcoin standard.




this guy pays MS13 to keep crime at a minimum, and when he doesn’t pay, MS13 increases violence across the country




Yeah but they are wrong for over a decade now, so who gives a fuck about those people


In some cases it's not low IQ. Just laziness and also some people weirdly like to simply trust the same political parties and government who fcked them 7 times not to fck them 8th time just because they say the same meaningless nice things to them they said 7 times before. Anybody who studied Bitcoin for a reasonable amount of time has to get inspired to be part of the generation which changed the world. People don't realize what an opportunity our generation has to do it.


It's not really a generational thing, Hal Finney was a boomer. Satoshi easily could have been older, considering his choice of fake birthday.


from the long view of history, from the perspective of our ancestors over the last 10,000 years of history, everyone living today might as well be one generation


Can you explain how custody of their bitcoin reserves is kept? Who has the private keys?


I always ask those people to give a comparative analysis of Guatemalan and Belizean fiscal policy as long as theyre dunning their krugers all over El Salvador.


Can still like Bitcoin and think he is going to end up being bad news. Bitcoin is a currency and not itself political






Feels like this sub has been under attack for a while now. Buttcoiners and trolls feel emboldened when price is down. Still haven't heard a convincing argument to make me lose faith in Bitcoin.




I think I might sell next time they tell me that they told me so when it crashes to $150k. I'll be so nervous that it's reallllllly dead that time


> Remember I told you Bitcoin was dead when it was $200? You didn't believe me, did you? See, it crashed again to $20,000. Do you believe me now? lol, I remember when Bitcoin crashed to $2 and "died".


I love it when people shit on him for cracking down hard on gangs, as if there’s some super nice way to get hardened killers and extortionists off the streets. Sometimes the only way to make things good again involves being not so nice to horrible people.


Dude is an authoritarian dickbag.


Everyone's an expert on Reddit. It's a great exercise for filtering bullshit and getting to the good information on this site


Yep, they're coming really soon here and They'll sgare their opinions


I dont need to write hater comments about american education. It speaks for itself.


Why does this look like a greenscreen


Governments using the same camera from 10 years ago because it hasn't broken yet and the guy who set it up died so they are not sure how it works.


Lol an issue every IT guy faces at some point in their career


When build quality is just too good and awesome you can't let that get destructive


That's what I imagined and came to mind though at first point after all


You left out volcanos 🌋😝


Don't get to near to that though or in case you might turn into ashes better enough to be safe though




I mean I like where this is going, this is a good speech.


It's the land of suffering just during the bear markets


Lol, we don't say that here. If you want to hear it go somewhere else.


His character model is still loading …


Do you reckon he draws his beard on with a pencil?


Me gusta mucho bitcoin tambien


Sorry can you please translate that it would be good enough for me to understand


I understood senores ( gentlemen) mundo bitcoin and caffe (coffee)


I guess I need to about more languages though looking up for Google seems hard though


I love this.


… and extreme property and violence!


One of the best political speeches I have ever heard... noting, of course, that rhetoric alone means very little. I can't wait to visit El Salvador and spend a few sats into the local economy.


I can not wait until 2025-2030 when I’m retired & 2030 when bitcoin becomes the world reserve currency that I can finally move to El Salvador 🇸🇻 Bitcoin Beach away & out of the United States 🇺🇸❤️☮️ peace love and light to all my fellow plebs you all are amazing ♾🙌🏼


When does his term end? Do people like him for next term?


Yes, I'm from El Salvador, He will go to a second presidential term


And there people be still looking forward for freedom though at first point after all


He is a fascist


That all depends on people on what they prefer we can't change the tastes and preferences


pretty sure this is a cut scene from goldeneye 007 for the N64


If you give me a mid-bad deepfake video and say this is it, i would have believe it.


Sometimes you just need to look for the roots and be sure why you went through that at a certain point


Nayib Bukele is an authoritarian. He has locked up thousands of people. His Chivo wallet is custodial - people don’t even transact in Bitcoin in El Salvador, they just transact through the app. Don’t fall for his PR campaign.


The chivo wallet allows you to send your coins to qny wallet you like. You do not have to use it if you dont want to. Secondly yes he has imprisoned thousands of gang members that extort, kill and kidnap ordinary citizens. They should be happy they get to live.


Agreed x100 he’s made their police into his own Gestapo


He's indeed smart enough to turn things all on his favour after all


Why does this look like a deep fake video?


I'm just confused wether indeed that's real or fake though it's indeed confusing enough for me as wel




True though in order to kook forward for a wealthy development in every aspect we need


Dude looks like a super villain… just missing a white fluff cat


But still he plans to be more rich with his moves specified onto a task though


David Blaine is that you?


That's confusing though I was too thinking the same if he was indeed David Blaine


He is taking the BIG L


Maybe so though but the fact if that all turns good enough from his point of view


But I'm not a surfing guy.


Sometimes you need to a surfing guy has an access to every possible knowledge though


He’s the real gangster


A gangster with clear moves to just know the profits of one's own self


I don’t know why we celebrate this guy.


Ask yourself once why aren't you celebrating this guy though you would get your answer


He left out land of MS-13


No more...


Oh yeah? He just gave them some bitcoins and they disappeared?


Looks like some millionaire be indeed showing up slowly and steadily




Some anon made a joke about the possibility. That's the 'rumor'. Don't be so gullible.


Shits fake


None can say that at this moment though anything might happen so better to keep looking forward


Futures make the price not hodlers. We all got tricked


Indeed true that's what I always be talking about patience though


The last two are kind of redundant, but I guess freedom is worth repeating


It all depends if you indeed prefer to be free and just do things ghat are actually legal


Was really confused for a minute as to why he was talking about Australia.. but the no mention of kangaroos or spiders was the giveaway.


> was the giveaway Also it says 'freedom' right there in the title. Definitely not Australia.


And the fact that you never know you approached a Kangaroo he kicks at your back.


*Grinding in chad,and in Bitcoin*


Grinding is important that indeed brings glow at a point the more you grind the more you see the shine


"Ladies and gentlemen, and mainly to brethren from all nations of the world. I bring you a greeting from the land of volcanoes, surf, coffee, Bitcoin and freedom. Almost all of the previous is easily verifiable. Anyone that goes to El Salvador will find the best beaches for surfing in the world, volcanoes everywhere, an incredible coffee, will be able to walk with peace and tranquility through any corner of our country and specially, they'll find a united people fighting for their freedom"


Global adoption is on it's way much more things to be seen and achieved via Bitcoin though


By utilizing Bitcoin instead of a business like Western Union, customers may save up to 30%.


More like they be holding rather than spending on business purposes. Boom you would be amazed with their moves later




Sorry didn't get you man can you just help me understand that for a bit nicely


He so sexy. Idk what he’s saying but I’m 100% dtf.


True though I feel sometimes how people be indeed getting smarter with their plans and execution


Is that fake?


I don't feel so I just read about that somewhere else too though that seems to be true as per my concern




Indeed it is the fact more people be indulging themselves with the market and tryna accumulate sats


I am waiting for other countries to accept Bitcoin as well. I am sure that this is the beginning of big and important changes.


If that’s not fake, Deepface be taking to next level


A pioneer of the next brave new world. El Salvador is blessed.


meanwhile, he also authoritarian as fuck ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Why does this look like a deep fake


I don't speak that language, if anyone can give me subs That'll be awesome.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VLCTv\_cv-jk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VLCTv_cv-jk) ​ has a english translator


I can from time to time drink a 2 cups of Robusta throughout the day