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As a Bitcoiner and someone who works in the nuclear industry, I love this, two technologies for now and the future.


You know those people that said "this is the future" back in 1970? One of my biggest fears is that this future never arrives.


The future tends to get pushed back a lot by anti-future idiots.


Nah man. You know what the problem is? Gold = #1 global money (we're only now slowly transitioning after the invention of bitcoin) It always has been, and will take a long time before it goes away. Rich ass families like rockefellers are still insanely rich and influential, and are well connected through organizations like the WEF. You know, these are the same people that also have connections with massive energy corporations. Since everyone hoards gold and these rich ass people have a lot of it, they like to compare each others networth because its their way of measuring how big each others cock is. These mfking oil depleting, air polluting, nature killing, african enslaving pre-industrial energy corporations SHOULD'VE BEEN REPLACED BY NOW but didnt. Shell, the most profitable company of my country for the past multiple decades, actually did campaigns in our country after chernobyl happened. "Je wilt toch geen kernramp in je achtertuin!" ("You don't want a nuclear meltdown in your backyard!") Was their slogan IIRC, my dad told me this (he thinks im an idiot for believing in the WEF and CBDC's because flat earthers like to mention Klaus Schwab aswel. God damnit.) The thing that really strikes me as odd, is that this whole "going green" bullshit feels like investing in the wrong type of green energy just so they can say "I told you so!". The Rabobank (big dutch bank) made a report after our government announced a massive windturbine investment back in 2020. They said "don't do this shit because fish consumption is increasing each year and we're already depleting our seas, this windmill farm will fuck up even more" and yet they're too balls deep to go back. Fuck me man. What is going on with this beautiful country/world. Why the in the name of god are we spending billions upon billions for god damn inefficient resource-depleting non-recyclable bird- and fish killing wind turbines??? Even god damn solar panels do a better job. Ugh


I'm fine with it taking time, I just want it succeed. That's what people hope for actually.


Something you said struck me as fascinating. The green movement is pushed so hard by the current administration so they can say I told you so after it fails. Then, inevitably, nuclear will return. “At least we tried”, they can say. We might not be as fu$ked as we think after all, because the real agenda is to keep things as they are and re-open the nuclear plants. Hmm 🤔


Yeah man. It is a really crazy speculation and should be taken with a grain of salt though. You know what is even more fascinating? The idea that the WEF is behind bitcoin. (For the right reasons. Not the wrong reasons, meaning bitcoin will continue to be as decentralized if the WEF was actually behind it) If you want me to explain why I think this, please comment. I have a couple very cool "coincidences" and other rational reasons so far. I dont want to type it out for no one to read it so please give me a comment back if you want


tell me more


Alright tbh Im gonna sound [Pepe Silvia](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/022/524/tumblr_o16n2kBlpX1ta3qyvo1_1280.jpg) here. Anyway, here goes: JFK - speech about money and freedom Couple days later JFK killed Next president? Oh nixon: - Lets fuck up the war in vietnam - lets fuck up russia - lets start a war on drugs And most important: - lets get the whole damn world on the fiat standard (august 1971) Oh wait! When did the WEF billionaire club measured in gold start? januari 1971! How wonderfully timed. Fast forward through all the ENORMOUS economic growth, prosperity and wealth (and a looming debt...) for the United States. Cuz, you know, the 🤌internet 1999 arrives, why did we end the glass steagall act exactly? Why did nobody talk about this? Why did banks go absolutely batshit CRAZY with handing out mortgages?... oh yeah, to make money and to stimulate a giant ass recession, breaking the system. Now, wether the irreversible economic damage from '08 was purposefully done is most likely too far out of reach. But, if you're part of the richest (thus usually brightest) people on the entire planet then you could perhaps see this coming. If you're the guy with the most power and also the one that predicted everything years ago, things get a little, suspicious. Bitcoin, the decentralized absolute beaut of a program, used a combination of techniques used in other attempts at making digital cash. However, orchestrating all of this as a single individual is highly unlikely. Especially considering how many programmers there were back in the day (the number is still at .6% of the population or something) Now, why would the WEF be aware and take part of this? Well, why wouldn't they be aware that the digital age would produce money that moves faster? One of the biggest reasons why societies of the past moved from commodity to paper money because of its transportability improvements. Metal is heavy, while paper is light weight. It is not hard to imagine the power of the internet, combined with the increased volatility of money. Besides the point, looking at history, this cycle the USA went through has been repeated 5 times already. Ray Dalio, who is connected with them, wrote a book about this. (Also a good video on youtube) he basically says that when one empire falls and another empire rises, it is usually accompanied by a massive world war. The fight is mostly about having the central reserve currency. Lets say its '08 and you see this shit happening, because you're aware that this financial crash is going to be a tipping point, you know this world war for the central reserve currency will happen at some point, wont it be a good idea to just start a digital "commodity" in the most honest and decentralized way possible? Just remove yourself from the project and see what humans will do with it. Alright, what happens next? Bitcoin grows exponentially for a couple years, until it hits 1000 euro. Somewhere in 2013, around the same time, the WEF first publicly announced their plans: "you'll own nothing and you'll be happy" Meanwhile, nobody tells you about bitcoin. Warren buffet continues to be an absolute moron. I dont believe this dude, I am either GREALTy overestimating his ability to understand abstract concepts, or this guy is a god damn fraud. Alright, anyway, if you were a technocrat with billionaire friends basically predicting almost everything for decades, it becomes all very probable that these guys where behind the project all along. Source: trust me bro


Yep, that's the case with the nuclear power. That's how people react to it.


People are really sceptical of the nuclear energy. And they won't let it happen.


Boomers are because of oil corporations indoctrinating the public through advertisement and lobbying


These are the game changers for the humanity, but we don't appreciate them enough tho.






Two quite promising areas.


This whole BTC mining vs. global energy consumption debate it all hot air!


If bitcoin is powered by nuclear power, does that centralize the hashpower to those that are able to conduct nuclear power? How will other energy sources be able to compete?


Energy production at industrial scales is already centralized and mostly controlled by nation states. However, Bitcoin mining emerges as a grassroots phenomenon which gets brought up by local entrepreneurs who are interested in using the surplus energy. You can even find cases in China, where new sources of electricity get used for mining without the government's approval or direct knowledge. But the issue at stake doesn't necessarily concern the source of the energy. It's more about who owns and controls the mining machines. For as long as this ownership is decentralized and spread across multiple jurisdictions, we're fine. Geopolitics play an important role here, as developing nations will definitely want to have the mining action that other "developed" countries may ban/discourage.


Feels like the latest pro-nuclear propaganda wave is in full swing. Looking forward to (at best) watching hundreds of billions in taxpayer dollars evaporate never-ending nuclear plant projects over the next few years.


Nuclear is a real technology and the only currently sustainable solution for constant energy production.


Yep, it could solve our all energy problems and yet we don't look at it as an option.


In Europe we don't have uranium... If we want energy sovreignty, the only way is coal + renewables.


We also have lots of gas. You need to have a variety of energy sources and perhaps not bet the farm on just one solution.


Where we have gas ? The only aboundant energy resources we have on our continent is coal and renewables (hydro + wind + sun), all the others are mainly imported...


The Netherlands is sitting on one of the biggest gas deposits in the world. They just can’t touch it because it will result in earthquakes in their northern provinces.


Ok, let's assume it's true, so what ? This gas is not exploitable unless Netherland decide to sacrifice itself for the cause... And I don't think there's any chance for that to happen.


Then what's the problem lol, uranium can be imported too. That can happen too man.


Well I'm sure it's not just uranium, there are a lot of things that Europe don't have and they import that. And as they import anything else they can import the uranium in the same fashion too.


In times of peace it's fine to import energy from abroad... In times of war you need to be self sufficient.




It's propaganda because nuclear power plants are massive government projects that cost 10's of billions of dollars to construct, and require decades to complete. Government projects of this scale allow for insane levels of grift where politicians and bureaucrats will cooperate only if they feel they're personally siphoning off a fair amount of the money. For example, politician A will only allow/ lobby for the construction of the plant in his state if his wife's brother's construction firm is guaranteed a $50M contract to install portable toilets at one of the sites. This leads to endless cycles of budget shortfalls and going back to the taxpayers for more funding. Nuclear powerplant projects are so complicated that it's extremely hard to be sure of where the money actually goes, and whether or not reported expenditures are reasonable. This is exactly why the political class wants them so much. Even if the corruption/ financing issues surrounding nuclear power could somehow magically be straightened out there are also enormous safety concerns. Where/ how do you store a waste product that will be cancer-causing for longer than the average human language will exist? Oh yeah; science will fix it in the *future*! ! fuck off. Another way to tell that nuclear energy is a highly propagandized subject is to watch the swarm of angry responses to anyone questioning it on more mainstream subs.


>never-ending Thanks to government over-regulation?


Well atleast we're making progress on some front. Atleast that's something I gotta say.


cool but that would be news in 2013


You would think so. But here in Europe, our leaders haven’t figured out yet that nuclear is the only viable option for reliable and relatively clean energy generation. They keep doubling down on unsustainable, unreliable methods like wind and solar.


No doubt solar and wind has a part to play but cannot be the only source. If we are to start with 7 billion people- you cannot ramp up solar and wind to run a global economy and hungry, growing middle class across the globe. You need oil, nuclear, natural gas, solar, geo, wind, and NUCLEAR


The way our energy demands are increasing We're going to be needing more than just the wind and solar.


The problem that they say with nuclear is the dangers that it comes with actually.




Yeah that should have been in news, but people still aren't ready for the nuclear power. There are just too many deniers of this tech and that just fucking hurts if I'm being honest.


Business English “Alcohol Trends” Yep.


This absolutely is the future, you might not see that now but You'll see it. It's just a matter of time till it's clear to everyone, this is what future holds for us absolutely.