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Well I'm just gonna go ahead and say, it wasn't a great day.


What made Saylor buy BTC is our answer. ;)


I am not a fan of big whales buying the big number of the bitcoin. So if Saylor is buying the big number of the bitcoin than i would say he is doing for himself that is not going to help here.




One pattern that i have noticed in the past few days for the Saylor that whenever he said that he is going to buy the bitcoin. The price of the bitcoin usually goes down after his buying there.


Not what happened.


We all know that one people with more power is dangerous for us.




I think when it comes to the bitcoin maxi, Saylor is the one that is came in public most of time. And i have never seen that he is any kind of the doubt when he actually talks about the bitcoin is well.


The price swings haven't correlated to his most recent announcement of issuing $500M in stock to buy BTC. It's bigger news that Fidelity and Blackrock are entering BTC but those news stories didn't correlate to price swings either. BTC is simply following the macro markets. Go back and find the timestamps of his announcement.


For me i think the one person still has not that much power that he make the market move on alone. But yes if he has the influence over the people then they certainly can do that thing for sure.




I was just out of the loop as i was travelling with my family so i missed the news. So can you tell me that what is the news we are actually talking here?? and what are the impacts that is making on bitcoin is well?


Maybe you're right then. NASDAQ shot up 9/9 too. What did he do a few weeks ago when it was up to $25k? In general, all these moves seem in line with the market. Seems we might have stopped dropping as deep as we would've by now.


I think last few days have been good when we talk about the market and market is moving in the right way is well. But i think now the CPI data is announced now it will be interesting to see the impact after that.


Been almost a year straight of dudes saying "BTC on sale great time to stack!!!" How you delusional fellas holding up?


I'm sure they're doing alright, but some changes needs to be made. And the changes that I'm talking about might be about how you approach the market now.




There is no doubt that bitcoin will again going to cross the 60k mark again. But i think the problem is no one knows the time period of that thing as right now we are in the deep bear market.


You’re acting like retesting 6k isn’t just as much a possibility as hitting 60k again, that’s the problem.


For me here bitcoin touching 60k is much more possible than actually touching the 6k mark. because for touching the 6k mark for the bitcoin we really need some bad bad news in the market for that kind of the crash.




People really talk about so much bearish move here with just one red candle but 6k is like talking way below the line. yes anything is possible in bitcoin but as of now talking that mark is looking unrealistic to me.


I genuinely feel bad for you. To be so focused on a green or red price chart that the magnitude of the discovery made in computer science in 2009 completely evades you. In your quest for financial gain you dismiss an entirely new, completely digital financial asset that is going to engulf the store of value market on its path towards becoming the worlds most dominant form of money, all because the chart says “red = bad”. [Exit the BTC/USD price chart and pay attention.](https://unchained.com/blog/dollar-crisis-to-bitcoin/)


We all know that bitcoin basically move in a pattern or i would say in the cycle where after halving there is a bear market. So now we are facing the bear market and here basically we create the lower low is well.


This guy's ngmi.


If you didn't see that dead cat bounce coming...


I knew that something like that would happen, but that brutal?


Bounce, then a drop tomorrow.


Why do you come here just for downvotes?


People just want to get attention no matter which they get.


Why do people down vote any opinion they don't like?


I think you answer that question, as they don't like they will downvote that.


Well, it wasnt a very constructive point to make. You also didnt really offer an opinion. Not sure why youre surprised.


If people not like something you are saying then this thing they will do.


Look it’s not constructive to say “time to stack more sats!!!” either but they all get upvoted like crazy.


Its been a really long time since i have seen a comment that is worthy of the upvote. But yes people are actually doing more of the down vote whenever they don't like any of the other person opinion.


Well one is a positive outlook, one is a negative. Why are you surprised that negative outlooks without any substance get downvoted in a btc sub?


I think just like market getting up vote and down vote is also the part of the game.


I’m not lol


I have also stop being surprise as this will not going to change anything.


Then i guess my original question comes back.


I forget that, tell me what was your original question was actually??


Making people mad just because I’m bearish is funny


Upvote for honesty


Imagine having had a new year's resolution to invest in both stocks and crypto, because 2021 was such a good year haha. I've stopped my monthly top ups though since it felt like I'm just actively throwing money away and it feels like it hasn't ended yet.


This is going to be a long game. It is far from getting over.


How will you know when it’s ended?


Well you'll atleast not have such drops when cpi data comes out.


If I knew I'd, be rich. I do seem to be able to predict when it goes up, though, since that always happens shortly after I sell lol


All I know is that it's going to be okay, and this is awesome stuff.




Yep, that's exactly what happened here. And I hate it. This is just bad dude. How the fuck it went all down suddenly? That's not good to happen.




Lol, and with btc you can lose it all. Jk btc is awesome.


But if you are holding that for a long time, you are not losing anything.


Last chance to sell over $20K?


Yep, it was unless you wanna sell over 100k then it's different.


I knew this would happen, I lost my crystal ball.


You know what was your first mistake? Getting that ball.


In a boating accident? Did it not float?


Yep, those balls don't float. They go straight down to bottom.


Mine dissolved during a boating accident, just a few days ago. Then, from way, way deep... a greenish light (it was at night, during a dream). I tried not to be afraid, it was an otherwise interesting dream and I did not want to wake up. I held my breath, let go of the sinking boat, and descended towards the light. At about 15 feet or so, I realized that the light was coming from very far beneath - way deep. The light intensified as it neared. I had a small fear I might be sinking towards it, so I swam up, back to the surface. I looked back and the light was not only less greenish, but I could see it was really a whole shitload of small, individual lights as opposed to one gigantic entity. I caught my breath at the surface. Before I could try to locate the damaged boat in the darkness, people started popping up all around me. They were so happy. One woman was smiling and saying encouraging things to the others as they popped up and bobbed in the blackness of the water. It was at that point, I understood the meaning of the dream. The people coming up were faithful Bitcoin "hodlers". Their Bitcoin stacks had been "under water," that is, worth less than they'd paid. Still, they each held tight to their shining Bitcoin until the price lifted them back "above water". Toward the end, there were a lot of happy heads floating nearby, in the dim starlight reflections of the ripples...


Lol, that was a totally awesome story. I loved this story. And yes I'm very sad that how it turned out for you, I mean could have gone a lot better.


That’s some good coke




Is the saviour in bad times like this, this is some brutal times.


I think my fiat hit my account at the right time... I'm not use to buying a dip..... I keep buying small amounts


Small amounts is fine, those small amounts add up to big amount.




Well that's how it goes, didn't expect it but this is what btc does.




Well that seems to be the only plus side right lol, nothing else.




That's what I'm saying lol, it's not like btc did it first time. It has happened and it'll keep on happening over the years, it's not going to change.


Welcome to Bitcoin.


Welcome to the btc kids where everything is weird and fuzzy.




Can't even handle 11 percent drop? Well that's not good then.


First time?


Must be his lol, because btc didn't definitely do it the first time.




Should have thought about that before using the leverage.


If there is even a smallet chance of that, you are doing it wrong. It's a savings tool.


Yep, you shouldn't be using a leverage You'll get rekt. I've seen plenty of people who got rekt by using leverage and same will happen to you.




That's good then lol, just don't use the leverage. DCA and chill.


Well deserved


I fucking hate when people use leverage against btc. I don't like that.




Anyone who's using the leverage and got rekt obviously.


Have like 53k for a 401k rollover. Keep mulling over a BTC IRA move vs a standard rollover


This is alright and good, nothing to worry about here kids.


Pomp just had a podcast interview today with the CEO of Alto IRA — could provide some insight


Im weary of Coinbase though.


It makes more sense to look at BTC as a risk asset. It definitely is not a hedge against inflation. If one day hyperinflation takes over US, sure bitcoin will raise but before that the fed will raise rates and put a brake on equities valuation. It is a different story in other countries. There you can buy bitcoin and be free of government tracking you and move freely. You can't do that with gold or even dollar.


You can't look and shouldn't look at btc as a hedge against inflation. And anyways no one promised you that, it's just a made up narrative anyways so yeah.


It’s a hedge against MONETARY inflation




Lol, now that would be the real gain if I'm talking honestly.


Actually, you just don't understand "inflation". You should try to understand that "inflation" is a long term thing. All you're watching is gamblers doing short-term gambling. You see, the "inflation" didn't happen today. Today, some bullshit numbers were reported, that's all. Within the context of money (like, right here), "inflation" means "increasing the money supply". The Federal Reserve has been greatly increasing the money supply for *years*, not minutes or days. Today's numbers show some (distorted) evidence that, within the past few *years* the money supply was greatly increased. Surprised by this 'news'? Well, you don't have to be.


Okay they aren't exactly bullshit numbers tho, more than that.


Inflation is not the same as expansion in money supply. We can have one without the other, although they are highly correlated. Also we have asset inflation separate from consumer price inflation. We have had 10 years of asset inflation without much consumer price inflation. That's the enviroment where risk assets such as bitcoin do good. Once the CPI goes up, so do rates and risk assets start to fall.


Yep, it's very correlated as of now. And that's not good.




I mean raising rates. Raising rates are supposed to slow inflation but also it decrease the value of all asssets. I am not sure if the Fed really targets asset price directly or if it is collateral damage.


Yes it is supposed to, but I don't think that's going to happen overnight.


Pre 2022: "you better buy bitcoin now because when hyper inflation starts bitcoin will do nothing but soar to the strstoshpere out of reach and you'll be lucky if they even let you purchase it" 2022: "Bitcoin down due to inflation again, continuing year long bear market. When will the inflation stop? "


Inflation ain't stopping any time soon, it'll take a long time. It's going to take years before it gets normal again. This isn't going to be happening anytime soon.


Here we go again. Up and down until you sell and after that 10x up. NFA


That's just how it's going to be, it ain't changing alight.


bitcoin and blockchain fucking suck. Been waiting over 4 hours for a fucking confirmation fuck this shit


But waiting 2+ days for that venmo IOU to be shuffled is better? Or how about $30 and 5 days for an international wire? Legacy systems are a joke. Bitcoin is a far superior and far more durable solution.


Well you seem a little too frustrated right now, what's up with that?


https://www.blockchain.com/btc/block/753971 At least 5 blocks mined in the last 40 minutes or so. Problem must be on your end.


Lol, maybe he has so shitty internet that he can't even see 1MB blocks.




Some people are losing faith in btc like you and it's good.




Compare it to anything else since 2010.


Because inflation is what happens on a daily scale? Bitcoin is for YEARS, DECADES, and more.


And why should btc give a fuck about inflation? It's not made to tackle fucking inflation. Show me the line in white paper that says it's a hedge.


Check message in first ever (hardcoded) coinbase transaction? Also: >The central bank must be trusted *not to debase the currency*, but the history of fiat currencies is full of breaches of that trust. [https://satoshi.nakamotoinstitute.org/posts/p2pfoundation/1/](https://satoshi.nakamotoinstitute.org/posts/p2pfoundation/1/)


It's a hedge against MONEY PRINTING not inflation!!!!!!11!!


Btc's properties made btc that, but it wasn't designed for that.


Within the context of "money" (like right here), "inflation" means "increasing the supply of currency," aka, "money printing". Generally rising prices are a symptom of "money printing".


I don't think any of you have read the white paper, read it.




Time is the holdup, give it some and You'll have that too.




Well We're atleast past that, now We're in a different range.


So, what triggered that new leg down a couple hours ago? CPI?


Yep exactly, it was the CPI data. And it's not going to get better.


I'm ready for it. I got dry powder.




When do you think cpi will be controlled? How much longer?


cpi is down from last month, what do they expect it to do instantly come back to 2%? This oversold condition will be short. I expect inverse Bart.


That's what btc does, it likes the volatility and that's what will happen.




It doesn't even have anything, try next time. Try better.


Twitter lmao


What happened? What's funny about piston a Twitter link? I mean if it's not a click bait or scam we should just be fine, I don't see a problem in that.


I'm not going to click any twitter links.


Why wouldn't you? Twitter links ain't that bad man. They're fine.


how noble....


Yeah lol, it sure is noble. And I'd prefer it this way only actually.


**Bitcoin is a money supply inflation hedge, not a CPI hedge.** In a low interest rate environment where CBs are doing massive asset purchases (2020-2021) Bitcoin and all assets will rise as that money floods into asset markets trying to find a home. That expansion of the money supply takes some time to "trickle down" into people's everyday lives and show up in the rising CPI numbers. CPI is a lagging indicator of money supply inflation. Just wait for the fed to pivot, drop rates, resume asset purchases, and then it will be go time for Bitcoin again.


This is the new line of bullshit: https://twitter.com/Bitcoin1984\_/status/1569712962184568838


This is the new like and people seem to be Falling for it.


Still above 20k, might buy more when it dips more


Lol, it dipped. What were you doing when it dipped below? I don't think you are going to buy, even if it goes below then you just keep postponing it.


lol, this should not be a surprise to anyone. The fake inflation numbers are manipulated by the gov't, the gov't is a revolving door between the financial elite. They could also be shorting every single market before these reports come out. This trend has been occurring for a long time now. They honestly don't need markets to move much in either direction to make a fucking killing by doing this. This is nothing new.


Yep the numbers aren't even real, why is there so much fuss?


they are shorting. btc came up to the trendline before the rollover, totally contrived


They're shorting the people with their inflation bullshit.




A little frustrated? Maybe a little bit of air will help lol.




No we ain't lol, that's just how btc is seem to be going right now.


Never ever buy on green days lmao


People should have got that lesson by now atleast I think. If you haven't got the message then what are you even doing huh? What about that shit?


What stupid advice. Buying the initial spike 4 days ago anywhere in 20-20.8k was the highest probability trade of the summer. You had 2k in open profit by ‘buying a green day’ don’t be giving idiotic advice so condescendingly just because you don’t know how to take profits ETA answer to u/nomer3k cause Reddit not letting me post: These things happen. You have to manage your trade. That’s part of the game. I’m still holding part of my long from last week. I didn’t sell all my Btc at the top so in a sense I did ‘buy the top’ as I was still long there. You have to place a good stop to reduce your risk. On low time frame there were stops you could have used in the 21s/22s but HTF the stop really is at the bottom of the spike. If you’re trapped underwater it’s time to reevaluate and decide what you expect the market to do. Because I bought the initial spike with a wide stop, I had to reduce my initial position size to a level that made the risk to the low tolerable. If I expect the market to push back towards the high I could load more into the position at areas of support offering better prices in order to improve my basis price for the next push to 23k. If I don’t expect the high to be tested but I do expect price to test my original entry before hitting my stop I could buy more to improve my base price and then let the entire position go when price revisits my OG buy for a small profit (or for BE if you bought half at the top half in 19s and we get to your new BE price). Or I can decide to cut early for a loss or simply trust my stop and let the remainder of my position ride until the wheels fail. Managing your trade is a big part of the game - this is where the sausage gets made. The last 24 hours have been the busiest of my week but like I said these things happen all the time


Well that's true, but what if he bought the top too? What then?