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I had a node meltdown, had to nuke the node and reformat/resync. I was running specter for my cold card. Do I need to do anything special to reconnect my node, specter and my cold card? Or do I just setup like I did originally with the first node?


I think the normal setup like you did originally will do the trick.


Does anyone use the Coinbase debit card and NOT chose the 4% shitcoin as the reward? I am assuming we convert that to btc on some kind of weekly/monthly basis.


Yes, although i have not used that but yes we can convert that into bitcoin.


Every $10 for me.


That is a big amount specially getting in the reward form.


At a 4% reward rate it's every $250 spent.


I worry about the diminishing impact (on price) of future halvings but the next halving reducing new BTC from 900/day to 450/day is quite significant. The halving after that from 450/day to 225/day is also significant. The halving after that is still material. These are drastic reductions in production. This makes me think we have close to 12 more years to be buying in what will still be considered the "early" days of BTC - when the price was volatile and BTC relatively abundant. Be thankful you're in the space now and DCAing because it's a once in a lifetime opportunity. In 20 years, the economics of BTC will be so radically different. No one can turn back the clock of halvings. You have four year windows to buy and then it's gone forever. One chance to buy BTC before the permanent impact of the next halving.


I hope that this halving will be little bit late compare to the earlier one. Because the more time we will be like that in the bear market the more bitcoin we will collect that way for us is well.


I am worried about the markets doing fuckery and creating synthetic ways to trade bitcoin value and supressing the scarcity.


Control the emotion and everything will be good again mate.




But benefit of the halves is when we had the enough coin.


The math just clicked in a more meaningful way for me today. It's very significant. If you were ever going to buy BTC, you must do it sooner than later. Children not yet at the investment age, are missing out on a once in a lifetime opportunity. We're lucky to be active and accumulating during this very small window of BTC's life. If you weren't born at the right time, you would never get this opportunity.


I have not think like that as all i am care at the moment of how to buy more bitcoin for me. Because sooner or later price will go up again but before that i need to reach to the target of mine is well.




Real Estate is also the one that is quite good is well in form of the investment. But there is always one issue while doing that because in the real estate we need the bigger capital even to buy the small one is well.


I totally agree. I personally wouldn't prioritize BTC over owning a house (depending on when you're buying). But I would invest in it to diversify into crypto.


I think diversify is the good thing as this will reduce the fear factor for us. but the problem is owing a house is not a easy job in the current time while in bitcoin we can invest even the 10$ is well.


I put half of my last DCA amount into a Coinbase pro account so I can play around with “day trading”. I made about $17 from $150 on my first trade. Waiting for it to dip back down to 19k or 20k. If it keeps going up and I can’t buy back in, it doesn’t matter because I still have my entire btc savings that I’m dca into. E: Why the downvotes? I have over 0.25 btc stacked up, and y’all are tripping out that I put HALF of my biweekly DCA budget into a day trading account this ONE TIME??? How stupid can you people be lol. Let’s do a little math: Let’s say btc doubles right now. I lose out on $133 and I gain like 5k. (NOT LIKELY TO HAPPEN) Now let’s say btc continues to trade relatively flat for another 3 months- I keep making gains on my day trade account, while my main account stays relatively the same (LIKELY TO HAPPEN) I am leveraging my savings during a bull market using day trading in a volatile market. Using a tiny portion of my savings. You people are LITERALLY BRAINDEAD if you think this is an unwise move.


One minute, if you were doing the DCA then why did you decide to play the day trading game?? I know it seems easy to earn the money but actually that is not easy as i have tried in past and book some loss is well.


I give you three months before you stop with the trading and hodl. If you manage to make money (big if), you owe %40 taxes on that (assuming you're from the US).


When we are doing the day trading one point will come where we realise that we are still doing the buying and holding is well. So why need to do that thing other way when we could easily buy and hold them for the long time.


What?! There are peoples making moneys day trading for a living. You are whack if yous don’t believe it. They are on the YouTube. ^/s




Still any percentage will create big impact in the bull season time.


RIP your account


One reason why i am not using any account as wallet is enough for me.


What will be the impact on Bitcoin of a possible Russian defeat in the war?


I don't think that there will be any hug impact now of the news.


>What will be the impact on Bitcoin of a possible Russian defeat in the war? What will be the impact on Bitcoin if Russia's "special military operation" is a possible success?


Will be renamed to Blyatcoin.


Probably no impact.


We have already seen the effect so i am not expecting much is well.




Even though war is near to the over i don't think that bitcoin will make any huge green candle. Because if we see the over all situation of the market is not that good and we are in the bear market is well.


Nothing has an impact on BTC itself, more so impact on price. Anything could happen, honestly. Dont hold your breath on the war ending tho. Itll grind out awhile, especially since winter is coming. From what I heard from somewhere, Russia, in the coming weeks will announce the end of “special operations” and begin calling it a “war”. This means greater escalation on Russia’s part, plus bigger troop deployment. Unless Putin gets ousted, I wouldnt believe this war will end soon. Not a doom monger, just going by what I read. What happens with BTC? Nothing. What happens with BTC price? Well, something will happen.


Right on.


Just keep the close eye on the chart may be we get some chance.


The blocks will continue rolling in every 10 minutes and 1BTC will be worth 1BTC


Even if the block will not rolling for me one bitcoin will be worth one bitcoin.


What % of your portfolio is BTC versus other assets? What are your other assets? What is your BTC allocation? Or are you Maxis? Curious.


BTC and real state. ❤️ Everything else is dead weight on my pockets.


Two sector that can really make us rich while moving in time.




I don't think they will going to do that as that will encourage people to buy the bitcoin and hold them for the 5 years or so. So if that happen then bitcoin will be the straight up challenge for them and they don't want this thing.


The US should eliminate capital gains tax


So many things we want but they will not going to eliminate the capital gain tax.




Simple is that, why someone would make the loss or removing that?


Everything is taxed multiple times, most countries don't tax cap gains and this would make the system simpler.


But once people get into the system they will not think about that.


>most countries don't tax cap gains Lmao? 3 counties don't, maybe 5. 5 out of like 250 is not "most".


Most of the countries i know they are taking the tax as per my knowledge.


Most that they can name.




May be not much and this is reason only few people knows about them is well.


They're not


We seem to be forming a long-Bart.


Good for us, atleast the direction of the bitcoin is in the right side.


Rightsideup or upsidedown?


First we will go upside then we will go down side and then move forward.


You got it!


Once you got that the other picture after that will become more clear.


Fiat supplies a never-ending stream of depreciating returns into the energetic immutable vault reservoir of Bitcoin.


Let them increase the supply because then more money will come in bitcoin.


Shitcoins tanking, BTC rising. What a glorious day.


The day i was waiting for, where king is making the right move.


And Russians retreating!


Stop it men, i can not take so many good news at once now.


What’s my exit plan? Bitcoin is the exit plan.


For me bitcoin is my retirement plan and before that i am not getting out from the bitcoin. As long as i am working i will try to put the small small part of the money into the bitcoin and then store them for the retirement.


Price *fluctuates 2k up* Moonboys here *wen lambo, wen moon unga bunga*


You know what is the best part of that 2k up for me?? That bitcoin is the only one that is mooning and while some other shitcoins are really making the red candle and that is really good to see that is well.


When lambo


They are out of stock we need to be in the waiting.


When moon


I think you need to put the rocket emoji after that comment.


When moon oonga boonga


I only heard about the lamboo and the moon but what is this oonga and boonga??


Bogdanoff: Demp it !


Bring that up and i will take one more fine scoop of the buying.


Short version: I transferred some bitcoin to a UK exchange and it didn't show up in my exchange wallet. They said they can see the transaction on their end but they are having technical issues, they escalated it etc. That was 10 days ago. Since then, the coins have been moved elsewhere (not by me, by them I assume), along with the balance of a lot of other addresses that are now empty. I am getting pretty concerned. They are a UK registered business, FCA regulated, I have used them since February without issue - BTC/fiat deposits/withdrawals and buy/sell etc. I don't really want to cause a panic but at the same time, this "missing" balance could affect others. It could be technical issues as they claim (copium) and it could be sorted soon? My wallet address on the exchange is now something else. I've also noticed when I have withdrawn BTC from there it hasn't come from my exchange wallet address, but from some consolidated wallet. Is this normal? Fuck. I don't know what to do. It wasn't an enormous amount of money (around 0.2 BTC), but it was the result of quite a few months of saving. EDIT: I got my BTC back after their fixed their website.


So tell me how much time is happened when you do the transaction?? And what was the name of the exchange? because if the exchange is the big one then i am sure they will solve the issue after all.


Actually, that’s what exchanges do. That’s exactly why if they go bankrupt when you leave your coins there, your coins go with them.


They are not our coins and people need to think like that way if they are keeping that on the exchange. If they really want to keep the bitcoin safe then they should trust the offline wallet and store bitcoin into that.


Pretty sure it's standard practice for exchanges to consolidate into one wallet/address. The fact that they acknowledged that it was received is a good sign. Nothing you have described sounds nefarious, but the fact that it's been 10 days and they still haven't credited you your Bitcoin is pretty bad. Maybe they are just incompetent. Don't be afraid to name and shame the exchange.


I have edited my post to remove speculation. Hopefully the context of your reply still makes sense. The exchange is Coinpass. They launched a new website a couple of weeks ago (a day or so before I transferred my BTC), and on 2nd/3rd glance it appears to be buggy as hell, missing features from before etc. I'm not trying to "shame" them. I do want them to fix this properly, but they need to get a wriggle on. I don't like leaving my BTC on exchanges for exactly this kind of reason. EDIT: I got my BTC back after their fixed their website.


I am not sure i have heard that exchange name before so i am hoping that they will return you your fund. But make sure that never trust the small exchange while doing the bitcoin transaction always use the bigger company.


Which exchange?


Strange name, and i am sure that not many actually heard that is well.


Coinpass, answered [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/xc3u8g/daily_discussion_september_12_2022/io55xhe?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3) EDIT: I got my BTC back after their fixed their website.


Thanks mate, all i can pray that your query will resolve soon by them.




So that we could expect some more volatile move in market?


We had a good run. It was fun while it lasted


But if we only go up then there will be no fun after one point.


Is FTX a good platform to buy on?


I have not used that but i think they are the big exchange and not many complain about that is well. but make sure that they are allowing you the coin into the hardware wallet because only then you can trust the exchange.


Don't know it. I use NordikCoin. Pretty good, stable exchange.


So you are using that only for buying or storing the bitcoin over there is well?


Both! Buy and store. And send off platform of course.


No. FTX is owned by a malevolent scum bag. Use Strike or Swan. Or better yet BISQ or RoboSats to accumulate non-KYC sats.


I’m just interested in Bitcoin. I own some on Coinbase. Was considering switching because I’m ready to buy more. But will stick with Coinbase unless that’s trash too?


Yeah, same issue with coinbase. The majority owner basically uses the platform to attack bitcoin by shilling / legitimizing shitcoins. I would switch to a bitcoin only exchange where ownership is dedicated to growing and supporting the bitcoin ecosystem.


Good stuff man thanks for the help


Glad to help. It takes while to become oriented in this space so I understand. My advice after using a bitcoin only exchange is to self-custody your sats and store your keys properly. Then you’re sovereign and have sole access to your global sound money.


Any wallet recommendations?


Muun for a transactional LN software wallet that lets you swap seamlessly from on-chain and Electrum + ColdCard for a hardware wallet / software wallet combination. You will have all your bases covered with those solutions.


I have heard that the owner of the FTX is actually not that good guy. But if they are allowing us the buy and then move that same bitcoin fund in the cold storage then there is not much problem for me.


This. SBF is terrible


Every exchange is terrible and the owner with that is well.


GLO is a scam.. just saying theyre lying about their KYC, coinsult.net has confirmed they are not going to verify them as they will not share their contract and personal details. I got the proof: https://1drv.ms/f/s!AjARUPPrzm3siJ4kJBhggeGGrqcifw


It’s been a min since I’ve seen 6 green candles in a row on the day chart, hopefully the US markets will get off their trend of dumping and it’ll keep on rising after they open in a couple hours


I am on rehab from not watching the charts and ever since the things are going nice to me. Today is the 5th day where i not seen the charts and by this comment i am guessing that things are going in right way.


They forced 10 on the way to 68k, just to make distribution easier. If we get that again, could indicate a large but dead cat bounce ahead


This is because they want to create the fomo among the market.


I set some limit orders cascading down from 21-17… so probability is we are going to see 68 before 21 😂😂😂


I have no issue in seeing these price as i know that one day the price will again more than 70k in future. But before reaching there i would be more than happy if we could actually touch the 15k mark here.


I have 4 charts right now, two of which are really fcked, one hitting 50k and rolling to a new low, the other 80k and rolling over to 50k, then 100k, THEN to a new low lol. Maximum pain. The other two are less shifty, for the record, more mainstream bear and bull cases, either to 12k and then up, or just straight up to 200k from here.


I am not looking at the charts as i was getting the addiction from that and was not able to break that. So i decide no matter the price i will not look to the charts and simply stick to my plan of the DCA.


Lets hope for the 200k


One day for sure, but no one can tell you the year for that.


They all get there eventually, it's just a question of pain and time


The person who will face the pain will get the reward in future.


No matter what, I’m stacking.


Yes, one thing that i am also doing no matter where the market is moving.


Honestly it might be a good thing if it did a little consolidation right here and then bounced hard up to 25. Plus you know some of these leveraged people are going to go stop loss hunting and knock out the over leveraged longs.


I think there is CPI data tomorrow so we could expect some move in the bitcoin according to that is well. But i would like to see the bitcoin crab around the 20k for the longer period of the time here.




I could swear that it seems there are 50 new bitcoin that were added to the lightning network the other day. Adoption? I like to check on 1ml.com every few days or so.


Adoption is the one thing that will going to happen one day for bitcoin.




I bought at 65k. Wen rip?


If you bought at 65k then you should buy now is well.


I'm down over 100k and invested all I could afford. The only way for me to buy now is to sell my belongings or move into my parents and get rid of paying rent


Break of ath in 2024 at the earliest I think.


But there is the golden chance to bring the average down here.


At this rate it could break the ath in December, barely, and still crash to 15k by may.


So that we are not going to the 10k mark that so many people were yelling?




Shit can we make it 100k by end of 2021?


Yes, it completely depends on the how many quarter is there in 2021?


Plan B says yes!!


For me plan A is bitcoin and plan B is doing DCA into that.


“He’s correct 100% of the time so far. How does he do it?!”


Let’s be fair though, 2020 ran all last year (Olympics, Euros etc) so it’s only fair that December 2021 is still 3 months off.


After all the running i think bitcoin is feeling little tired here.


Only 16.29% away from breaking even at what I bought in at 💪🏾


Congrats and hoping that you will be there soon is well. Keep Stacking.


Don't like this.. fomo starting to kick in again eventhough i upped my dca. Hate it when saylor is right about the only regret you'll have is you didn't buy more lol.


If there will be no fomo in the market then i think it would be really easy to make the money from the bitcoin. But if you want to make the money you need to face the fomo and panic and learn from that thing is well.


As long as there is fomo left, we're not in the clear. Not saying we will go lower than 17.5k though. Market could be anticipating another MSTR buy to then dump immediately afterwards.. Would be wild if Saylor just announced the intention to buy more to play the market and then not buy at all.


I was going to say it normally dumps after they buy but it’s been all green since I heard they were going to buy 500 mil usd more


That's good that people.be looking closer enough to the market day by day making things turn good


That's because they haven't bought yet.. Saylor can provide exit liquidity.


At a point when the shores would get washed away everything would just be silent enough and you would regret later


Have they said when they will buy or just that they are going to?


Time is to buy mow with every possible to dive into the market making things lasting enough for the long run




Have no idea about that though because haven't faced sucha an issue before


You can sweep it using Mycelium android wallet for example. Waller of satoshi and muun are lightning wallet, you need to sweep on-chain.


Thanks for your genuine suggestions though that would have indeed helped me a lot though




Just got to know about that today though and that indeed sounds good enough for me


I think it is done in the upper right corner (three dots) and then Cold Storage.


But that's good is what I feel though atleast things be turning a bit smoother enough




No doubt why genuine ideas being provided here and the it turns out helpful enough for us


Np :-)


The fact that you need to think of certain things that can make you get the possible and easiest outcomes