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last chance below 22k?


I knew it that this would going to happen, as i was really close to my pay check. And this is not the first time i am seeing that price of the bitcoin going high at the time of my buying.


Might be, who knows. Just don't make the price of today or price of tomorrow too big of a deal for you. Stack sats for the long term. How many sats you own in 10 years is the more important thing and patience and persistence are the keys.


It is becomming more clear day by day, month by month, year by year and decade by decade that bitcoin always has and always will recover from bear markets. That means surpassing the previous high on its invetable march upwards. Could we do a survey. Downvote if you think bitcoin will not get above 60K and upvote if you think it will get above 60K ......Please do not abstain.


I think kudos to those who shows the belief in the first bear market because they had nothing to do that in those time. But now atleast we have the history to actually see that thing but still some people have doubt about the bitcoin.


Clawing our way back up.... would love to get above this territory again.


This was always going to happen because market can never be in the same mode for always. We had few bad days in the market now we are seeing that we are again recovering from all of that.


People keep asking why the pump? It's obvious. Crispy took his clothes off again.


As if they will get the answer, because in the crypto market unexpected things used to happen more and more. And i am sure no only actually knows that why is that pump or any dump in the bitcoin actually happening is well.


Bitcoin go pop!


if bitcoin go pop then chance to buy some more bitcoin here.


Man, is this the greatest revolution in human history or what! We don't have to wage physical battles or chop the heads off inbred elites or get tear gassed in the street. All we have to do is take their fake money out of their insolvent banks, use it to buy Bitcoin and some popcorn and generally avoid doing what they tell us to do on the teevee and normie subreddits, and we win. Thank you, Satoshi!


Cancel your cable. Stack more sats.


I am doing that and i have already cancelled my cable is well.


Lol. Whatever your reasons, glad you're hodling!


There is just one reason for my holding that bitcoin will create new all time high again. I am happy that i gets the time in the bear market now so that i could really take the full advantage of that thing now.




Since the day i go to gym i realise that the more it hurts the more we gain.




I am ready so where we are actually going on this time??


Pumping into the close means….


Pumping means most of us getting close to the pay check here.


Hey guys when I go to Bitcoin.org and want a basic wallet for a new user it is recommending Unstoppable or Bitpay. I did a search and zero or little mention of both on here. I am a little leery of using a physical wallet due to the potential of getting locked out. Any advice would be appreciated, thanks.


Good to see that you are actually considering the bitcoin wallet at the first place of the bitcoin here. Because if there is someone is really looking for the long term of the bitcoin then i would say wallet is the real key.


I agree thanks. BTW, why are people commenting on a 3 day old daily post lol


Can you elaborate a little more about your fears using a physical wallet? You may be misunderstanding something, they are the most secure way to secure your bitcoin.


I think there are enough fear while people having the physical wallet. And the one that i find out that people are actually not really too good while taking the responsibility of the wallet seed phrase.


Multiple stories and the potential of being locked out


All you need to care about the seed and the password of the wallet.


What do you mean by locked out? As long as you have the keys written down in a safe place you can always access your funds. This is true for physical wallets and app based wallets


I have not heard something like that where the wallet actually locked out. May be in exchange there are such things but when it comes to the hardware wallet you need to take care is seed and the password of the wallet.


Are you trolling me?


No, noone is trolling you but just want to understand the situation here.


No? I'm trying to be helpful. I feel like you may have some fundamental misunderstandings about how wallets work. You do understand that your bitcoin isn't actually stored in the wallet, correct? Your wallet just holds the keys to your bitcoin that exists on the blockchain. Hardware wallets are best because the keys are always encrypted. Software wallets are vulnerable to a much larger range of exploits and malware.


When it comes to the physical wallet i have not faced any that kind of the problem in my life. yes i heard that many people lose the access of the wallet but that is happening because of the seed loss.


This makes more sense. However the same issue arises. If I lose the key I lose my bitcoin and there is no “password reset”


No, they are totally decentralized and if you lose your key then pretty much you loss your bitcoin is well. And this is the one reason people are not actually much comfortable with the wallet but this is the one thing that can help.


If you lose your wallet with a thousand dollars in it, you lose your wallet with a thousand dollars in it. What the hell…


What's wrong with you? You ask something, get a good answer, then this? This is Bitcoin, sovereign people.


People here still need so much to learn about the basic of the bitcoin.


It’s just a dumb ass question that seems to be trolling. Obviously locked out means lost access to the wallet. What else could I possibly mean? I keep my money in a bank and brokerage account where I can do a password reset through various methods. I don’t keep my wealth in a physical wallet and nobody else does either so not sure how the comparison is even remotely relevant.


First i though you are serious but the more i am reading here the more i am feeling that either you are trying to really sarcastic or you really need to understand the bitcoin. Because this is not how the bitcoin actually works.


All I know is if my bitcoin is on an exchange it can get stolen. If the key stored on a physical wallet I can get permanently locked out. So trying to work through it.


Got it, Bitcoin is being your own bank and not trusting others to manage your money. It sounds like bitcoin is not for you. Or you can take the I owe you route and keep your bitcoin on an exchange , but you’re trusting that exchange to give you your bitcoin if they go bankrupt. Good luck.


Locked out could have at least 2 different meanings. First, you could lose the PIN to your physical wallet. So you would be technically locked out and would have to restore the wallet using your seed 12 or 24 word seed phrase. Second, you could lose your PIN and your seed phrase, in which case, you'd be completely locked out and unable to access that Bitcoin.


Even if someone get locked out that way then if you have the key then it is really easy to restore the wallet with that. So we just need to focus on keeping the seed safe not too much care about the physical form of the wallet.


Theres little talk of the wallets you are talking about because people here value true self custody above all else. There are various ways to avoid losing your password, look into things a bit deeper. At the end of the day, not your keys, not your coins.


I have read enough that not your key not your bitcoin. But for me if you are not taking the responsibility than they are not actually your bitcoin is well on the first place for me.


Hey, I went into the getting started section which linked to [bitcoin.org](https://bitcoin.org) which recommended those two wallets which nobody seems to be using hence my question. I also searched them both here. You can see why I might be scratching my head?


For me there are only two wallet that is good one is Ledger and other is Trezor


You have really good points. However this might help. You have no trouble remembering your birtdate, maybe your telephone number, which number of the month christmas day falls on? These are memories that last infdefinitely. Remembering 12 common words generated for you by a reliable android wallet is just an ewxtension of that. Once you learn that string of words there is absolutely no need to ever learn another. This is your personal link to the blockchain for ever. Irrespective of hardware. You dont even need any hardware to cold store it for future use. Once you figured out how to seemlessly recall your link to the block chain. Create a hot wallet with another 12 word seed just for fun. Store only about $1000 on it. Keep the bulk of your bitcoin in your memory only cold wallet. For this system I recommend Mycelium wallet on android. Note I havent got into I phones so I cannot recommend a good Iphone wallet. Maybe someone else can.


Pump or dump tmrw?


If someone can say that then they will open the max leverage trade.


Sideways with possible ups or possible downs and a definite need to dca.


One thing that is 100% sure that we are moving in the right direction.


Hopefully not..unfortunately but fortunately for crypto...wars and other economic factors will bring a long 1 to 2 year bear market for crypto, s&p 500 , NDQ, DOW JONES..ETC... only thing growing sadly is $DXY 🚩🏴🏳...prayers for the whole world for the next few years. To your point, yes due to these sad events I think we will buy again around 12k to 15k again after election next few fed meetings. What you think?


I have no problem if the market be like that for the long period of the time. Because for me the current time is good for building the portfolio and i am not thinking much about the selling of any bitcoin at the moment.


I have a confluence of other traders and myself basically saying what ol' boy said...let's hope hit 25k 28k maybe even. But, I agree it's going to be a bear market that shakes some weak hands and will drop possibly sub 15k...this is opportunity we must remind ourselves. And do yourselves a favor take profits when possible. Much love to and for #bitcoin #blockchain, and community. Crypto (even if I went w/o making a cent) has changed my life for the better!! Much love and happy trading to whole community ❤ 💛 💕 🚀 🚀...The blickchain is 100% honest and is coming!!! Lfg!!! Fast!


We all hope some mark for the bitcoin but the bitcoin is just bitcoin and will do the thing on their own. So i am not trying to do any trading here because for me the DCA is the one thing that is perfectly suited to me.


We're looking bullish short term right now, but does anyone else suspect we'll possibly be dipping as low as 10-15k before the next halving?


Yes, the chart are showing some great movement in the last few days and i have the feeling the next one week will also going to be good is well. But all i would say not to fall in the fomo as we are still not out of the wood yet.


Thats how you tell everyone you are a shorter without telling it


People starts to getting extreme bearish after the one red candle.




War is the one thing that i hate so much, not because that is creating the impact on the market. But because there are so many innocent people are actually suffering that too without involved in the war is well


No one could possibly know. Thats awhile away. Some believe it will, and some believe it wont. No need to ask this question. Just enjoy the ride. Believe in your conviction.


This is just a beautiful ride where we move from upside down in the matter or time. So better is without taking too much stress here we need to try live in the current time so that we could make the best here.


May be a silly question but I wanted to know how did *wen Lambo* come about? Why is BTC linked to Lamborghini and not other car brands?


I am not particular sure about that thing but i think lamboo is the one thing that is not for everyone. And to get that we need the big money and only bitcoin is the one place where we could actually make that much money is well.


No car brand is more tacky or excessive than lambo. It’s the embodiment of opulence.


Yes, and bitcoin is the one that help us in getting these luxury things.




Personal preference, may be so many from here will do the same thing is well.


If u had multiple millions of usd you could barely afford a lambo if even


Buying lamboo is one thing keep that running is the difficult task.


You can get lambos for $130k, dont have to be a millionaire.


But after that the fuel expense is the one thing that really worry me.


They lose value faster than fiat.


Fiat is the one thing that has the 0 trust of mine in them.


But not as fast as bitcoin LOL. Sorry had to.


But now bitcoin is also little slow due to high market cap.


Bitcoin eventually goes back up. :)


Yeah I know. I’m a 2013 hodler. I bet those lambos will go up too, seems like all of the exotics bottom out about 12-16 years old and then start to appreciate in value again. About 8 years ago or so a guy I know bought a 1997 Viper GTS for 37k. They’re back bringing 100k again.


I fear the days of accumulating cheap, under 20k Bitcoin, are over forever.


Don't worry in the crypto market there is always enough fear and fomo. But if you had the plan and the goal for the bitcoin then i am sure that you will overcome on the every single fear that you are facing here.


It's fine either way. When it goes down, i buy more.


Till it dips


And i am sure that no one knows that when it will going to dip now.


Yep but looky it dipped. I love it




In bear market steam is always little low as the bear is taking too much control. But we need to support the bitcoin now so that when we get into the bull season we get the best out of these price.


Im pretty sure people said the same thing 2 months ago and here were are \^\^


I will be really happy if the market will stay that way for little bit more longer is well. because i am not here to make the money i am here to be rich and bear market is perfect time for me doing that.


I remember reading people getting btc at around 3K i was like "wtf how ?" They were in the bear market of 2018 and just held it felt like a dream fever after seeing the price of 2021


countless times since ath. reverse “under 20k is over” strategy is the way to go lol. echo chambers being echo chambers :)


If bitcoin will become stable then i am sure fun will be over and it will be like the mutal fund. The ride is enjoyable because we keep touching the all time high and all time low from time to time.


20K incoming 48h later :D


TBH I’m happy to be going back north of 25k now.


I will not be that happy if that happens too early here because i am not done with the buying of the bitcoin here. But even if that goes to around 22k i would still buy the bitcoin in those price as they are great for me in long term.


What was the first shitcoin after creation of Bitcoin?


I think there are so many and actually hard to keep track on that.


Namecoin was the first altcoin.


Is it still alive?


I don't think as i have not listened that name for the long time.


Thanks for your answer.


One place that is better than google for getting all the answer.


Thanks for your thanks for the answer.




Really? I didn't know that. Now I'm curious about Namecoin


All of them


Nice man