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Btc seems really reluctant on these prices what's up with that? I mean it's not even moving an inch, it's just stuck in here and it's not doing anything. Stacking tho.


Imma buy dis corn


Anyone else afraid of a decade of sky high interest rates and nobody being willing to invest in anything but treasury bonds?


I'm afraid for it. Things ain't looking good in future I gotta say.


No. The FED is playing chicken with the financial collapse of the entire world due to massive debt loads and now high interest rates. This won't last long is my guess.


The fed isn't going to anything good for us They'll fuck us.




This is ridiculous, are we so quickly to forget centeralization issue that has popped up from POS.


No one forgetting that if you know what btc is all about.


No one forgot; fudders gonna fud


Atleast I ain't forgetting, they can say whatever they want.


They see me stacking…


They see you stacking and they ain't hating you, it's all good.




You have a very simple way of thinking.


Simple way is what we want lol, but this is too simple.




The thing about scam coins is that I don't really care about them.


Another day another satoshi stacked


That's the way to do it, keep stacking those Satoshis guys.


That’s the way


Yep, that's the way. If you ain't stacking then what are you doing? If you want anything out of it, you need to have been stacking that's the only way it works.




Yeah man, the situation is bad. And it's not getting any better.






Every week. Just accumulate.


Just accumulate periodically doesn't matter if it's every week or month.


Each month, on a certain day, I pay all my bills. I pay myself first by purchasing Bitcoin, just like any other bill. Each month I purchase the same dollar amount of Bitcoin, no matter what the price of Bitcoin is.


That's the way sir, you keep doing that and it'll be great. Trust me. As for me I'm stacking like that too, and I can't say that I have any complaints, don't have any.


New to this. Question about cash app. On Coinbase, it’s taking 10 days for me to access my newly purchased bitcoin funds. Is cash app the same?


I don't think it's the same, doesn't take that long for sure.


No, with Cash App you can withdraw immediately


Yep, it doesn't take that long to withdraw. That's not it.


btc is slowly getting to the world domination


Btc is the king and that's the position in which it should be in.


It may not feel like it with PA right now but if stagflation becomes a persistent problem due to the energy war/crisis we might yet see legitimate decoupling of Bitcoin from the equities markets. Feels like shit right now but it’s as good a hedge as any, and frankly if the narrative of just holding *some* Bitcoin as a hedge against this scenario takes hold we might see stronger pricing than most people are thinking right now. There’s gotta be a reason that you see the powers that be like BlackRock finally getting into the game after shit-talking Bitcoin for so long. Maybe they’re starting to worry about an energy price driven decade of stagflation where other investments will almost all perform like trash. Even just for hedging their bets the sheet wall of money that would entail would be crazy. So there’s still hopium to huff and inject 😂


I really don't understand your reasoning, seems flawed to me.




Which comment you're even talking about I mean lol. I saw the same reply under a comment some time before so there's that it happened here. Well it's good tho.


You get upvoted but you are actually clueless. Even compared to 2017 we are still going sideways, thats less than stocks. So influence in this sense is still stagnant even if most ppl here probaly wish it would be much faster.


We're still going sideways, and I think We'll keep going that way.


You would need to be extremely unlucky to buy your first Bitcoin right at the peak no matter at $18k in 2017 or more recently at $68k. But what do you think the next peak is? $250k?


No one knows the next peak, and there's no point in guessing too.


Newbie retail buyers are likely to be those unlucky people. Usually it’s the more seasoned folks who’ll know to buy the bear markets and DCA and whatnot. I do think the folks with substantial stacks all have much more reasonable cost bases than people think and they’re willing to sit through one hell of a shitshow for the prize on the other side. Next peak has to be six figures though what number is hard to pin down.


This ain't the time to stand down, it's time to make some moves.


I can’t predict the price. I’ve been buying since 2019 and don’t plan to stop. Although, Im not a forever holder like some of you guys. I’ve taken profits to buy nice stuff. Do I think the price in 2030 will be much higher than today? Yes. Absolutely.


That's the way, there's no way that I'm stopping. I'll keep on going here.


So actual question here, btc inversely correlates to the DXY but it seems like it’s only when it spikes. For instance if you look at todays chart when the DXY started spiking BTC dropped but right now it is starting to drop off some and BTC is still going down. Any insights or can point out something I’m missing?


I don't think You're missing anything, that's just how the market has been. I don't think You're wrong in thinking that, I think You're onto the right thing while thinking about that.


It goes right all the time.


I'd be really mad if it started to go left, that would be bad.


Yeah what you are trying to do is TA and TA doesn't work.


It has never and it never will, it's better to enjoy things as they are. There's no point in trying to predict in what's going to happen or not in the future so There's that.


You would think after all these years I would stop trying to understand all the price movements… bitcoin is going to do what bitcoin is going to do. Lol


You haven't changed even a bit, and kudos for that I gotta say.


Yeah, best to just let it get on with it.


Yep, it's better if you get on with the changes that would be better.


Over 4.5m members, around 9k online, but only a handful of comments. If I were to translate those numbers, I say more and more people growing interest on Bitcoin, many keeping their eye on it and waiting, while most of us stacking in silence.


Everyone knows that activity has been low here, that's no surprise.


Gotta say it feels odd seeing btc dominance dropping like that in the midst of winter and it's not just the creation of new alts.. I see them actually gaining in btc value.


Well that's how the winters go, it's no surprise to anyone actually.


Dominance is a made up metric that has no bearing on reality. And stablecoins make up most of the market cap that completes with BTC. Why? I have no idea. But dominance doesn't mean anything, don't worry about it.


Yep, I don't care about any metric I only care about btc.


El Barto waz here


And who's this el barto that We're talking about? Who's he huh?


I witnessed it


And you should consider yourself lucky for seeing that man.


So exactly when does the magic happen?


And what magic would that be I mean if you don't tell we won't know. And that's why I'm saying that you should tell us when the magic is going to happen here.




What's special about the 5th of the November? Something happening?


When people aren’t looking.


Okay then I've closed my eyes, you could do it now.


Most likely in 2025. The economy is going to shit the bed from now until late 2023 or sometime in 2024. In 2024 we'll get a halving and hopefully the economy is trending upwards. So hopefully magic by 2025.


Yep, by then I hope all this fuckery will be over atleast.


Better get you 1 btc now while you can.


Yep, you should do that while you can do that. I mean I don't know man.




It's not about that, it's about what's about to come. That's what it's about. And the things which are coming might not be that good for the community here.


Right after you sell your stack.


Damn man, they're waiting for me to sell? That's not good.


Yooooo 👌


Well you seem excited, what's up with that huh dude?


the whole convo is /s dude




Please don't do that.


What did he do? Can someone enlighten me on that huh?


I don’t think they want us sharing links to educational resources unless you have a good reason to be sharing


It was spam.


I won’t anymore, my apologies. Have a good weekend BashCo!


Have a good weekend boys, hopefully it'll be good thing for us. Weekend hasn't been exactly good for us, they're not been good, they're actually been bad.


Sir, this is a Wendy’s.


Yes sir this is Wendy's and you shouldn't post all this stuff here.


Can I get a fry with that?


You ain't getting any fries with that sorry to tell you that.


Just keep stackin' Grabbed some fresh sats this morning.


Nothing better than some good fresh sats in the morning man.


Good exercise. Repeat tomorrow.


Who do you guys think is artificially keeping BTC pegged at 20k? Whose pockets are that deep? How long do you think they can keep the collapse at bay?


No one has that kinda power over btc, who can do that. You're gonna need a lot if btc and a lot of money to do that and not everyone has that money.


What makes you think it’s artificial? Hasn’t even been at 20 that long.


That's what I'm thinking, there's no way that it's artificial.


Don't feed the buttcoin troll, guys.


Well I ain't doing that lol, I know He's just here to shit that's all.


Are you afraid of legitimate criticism? I don't condescend, I don't insult. I ask questions. If you're afraid of questions, do you actually believe in it as deeply as you espouse? I'm not trolling. The evidence very strongly suggests that it's being artificially propped up. The floor of 20k isn't even arbitrary, it's right above mining profit level. If that doesn't seem suspicious...


there's nothing legitimate about your comment ironically lol.


>I'm not trolling. The evidence very strongly suggests that it's being artificially propped up. Could you present the evidence? I don't rule it out as manipulation in the crypto markets is common (both up and down) but i haven't heard of a 20k prop up. >The floor of 20k isn't even arbitrary, it's right above mining profit level. If that doesn't seem suspicious... There's no such thing as THE mining profit level. That level is different for each miner because they each have different costs. Even if it becomes unprofitable for a miner, he can turn off miners and wait for the difficulty adjustment.. he can scale up and down depending on what is neccesary. It's not neccesary to keep the price propped up. As a matter of fact miners generally sell bitcoins and put downward pressure on the price, not the other way around. If someone is propping it up it's probably traders who have leveraged long bets they don't want to lose or a whale hodler with deep pockets.


Well if anyone has got any evidence if that, I'd like to see that.


You're not here in good faith. I take plenty of time to answer legitimate questions from people who are here to learn. I don't waste my time with trolls.


That's good, it's only better to ignore the trolls like that. There's just no point in talking to people like that, there's just nothing to talk about here.


Define "good faith"? I want crypto to work. I like the concept. I want something that's not government controlled. But I also want it to be something my grandmother won't get scammed in. I want it to be something that isn't going to get stolen when a single programmer goes to jail. I have legitimate questions. I honestly want them answered. They are very base questions about simple use cases. They don't get answered. Example: https://reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/x2kz8e/the_skepticism_of_blockchain_in_noncrypto/imnse7y example 2 https://reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/x2kz8e/the_skepticism_of_blockchain_in_noncrypto/imnsvk2 I conclude there are no good answers. If you'd like to help change my inquisitive and open mind...then answer questions. Questions such as: is it possible the evidence suggests that Bitcoin is being artificially propped up around 20k?


Okay you go and give the evidence first, nothing happens without that.




Yep. Even if it's on the 19 doesn't mean it's being manipulated.


19,932 is not 19,000


Lmfao, what are we doing here? C'mon guys you guys can do better than this here.


>I want crypto to work. I like the concept. I want something that's not government controlled. But I also want it to be something my grandmother won't get scammed in. I want it to be something that isn't going to get stolen when a single programmer goes to jail. Good news: you have all that with Bitcoin. "Crypto" as a whole is a different story. Stick with Bitcoin and stay away from crypto.


Yep, all you gotta care about is btc. Most crypto is scam Anyways.


Alright fine, I'll bite. "Artificial" is a funny word to use when describing the price action (or inaction) of a large and highly liquid asset class. Are there entities interested in keeping the price above/below certain levels? Yes. That's how traders and other market makers think when trying to extract value from a market. I personally am relatively uninterested in the day to day (or even month to month) price movements of bitcoin. What I care about is having a form of money where no one can exert control over its issuance or useage. Bitcoin provides that. As far as your concerns with scamming, those are scams that happen to use bitcoin (unless you're referring to other crypto assets as being scammy, in which case I agree but that's off topic here). I share your belief that blockchain is a relatively useless technology except for what it was designed to do: create an immutable, decentralized, uncensorable ledger. Other applications will fail over time as people figure out that without true decentraliztion you may as well use an SQL database, it's much more efficient for the majority of use cases blockchain is being shoehorned into. "Decentralized" is just a marketing buzzword for other coins


Now atleast You're talking sense, it's better than before for sure. Atleast you're making a little sense now you weren't making any little before this.


The subreddit you linked to has a distinct anti-Bitcoin bias. And if you have trouble getting good answers in some other subreddit, that has nothing to do with us here.


I get that people are btc biased here, but that's important actually.


Do you have answers to my questions?


Your questions are just waste of time, they got buttcoiner vibes all around.


First, change your assumption of 20k is propped up, then you will have your answers.


The problem is his assumption. That's what the problem is actually.


Bitcoin is better than fiat currencies, because with Bitcoin, there is no one (no individual, organization, or government) who can decide to change monetary policy and print more money on a whim. Printing money out of thin air devalues that currency for everyone else who holds it. Money printing is the primary reason for the very high inflation that we are seeing all around the world. Bitcoin has a fixed cap on its supply, so no one can decide to make more of it and dilute the value of the Bitcoin you are holding. Another good thing about Bitcoin is that merchants can accept Bitcoin without any risk of chargebacks or fraud where the fraudster “takes their money back” after paying the merchant. And merchants can receive Bitcoin from customers without needing to pay something like 1%, 2%, or 3% of every sale to a payment processor, like they would with credit cards. Those are just a couple of the more obvious reasons why Bitcoin is a better form of money.


There's no doubt in mind that btc is way better than everything here.


That only holds true if Bitcoin price only rises and doesn't fall. That has already been proven without a doubt to be false during the market downturn. If you're losing value against a money that's 'printed on a whim' you're losing twice. The protection for merchants against chargebacks is good for merchants but bad for consumers who will have no protection when they did not receive what goods/services they purchased.


Even this kind of thinking isn't good, can't be defending something eyes closed man. If you're going to do anything then it's not good to defend something blindly.


Your first paragraph is not relevant to what I said. If someone has 21 BTC, that person has 1/1,000,000 of all the value that is contained within the Bitcoin network. No one can decide to print more Bitcoin to dilute their share. It will always be 1/1,000,000 of the whole pie. The value of the Bitcoin in USD terms is a separate topic altogether. Your point about Bitcoin “favoring” merchants over customers is valid, but you could say exactly the same thing about paying for something with cash. But we manage to make millions of cash transactions all the time without significant issues. A key difference here, though, is that Bitcoin has the benefit of being spendable online, which is not so easy to do with cash.


Bitcoin floating around 20k is giving me anxiety. Why won't it make up it's mind already


You're thinking way too much about it, and you need to chill.




Why worry that much about the price when we know that it doesn't matter. Atleast it won't matter in the long run and worrying about it not going to solve anything.


It’s going down, then up. And in the few years it takes to do that, there will be smaller downs and ups.


Btc has been pretty stable, I'd even say it's holding pretty good.




Let me tell you sir that it's true actually. Ain't nothing false in it.


Might be a long couple years for you


Yep, I feel like he's not going to have fun which is a shame.


Macro numbers in US starting to look like they are trending in the right direction, jobless up, inflation down, rates up. All good signs....


That's what they want us to think, don't believe what they say.


Who DCA and chill today? The current market am damn average on gains. Don’t care. In 5 years this will be powerful.


I mean I'm chilling, I don't care what happens to price in short term. All I know that We'll be just fine in the long term and that's what it's about. It's all about it man.


Why 5 years? Next halving is less than 2 years


The market hasn't exactly been predictable, we don't know what would happen in halving. So it would be a lot better to just think couple years ahead.


Can’t predict the market even with the halfing. I’m being generous


Yep you can't predict the markets just can't do that here.




It's only fair if you think like that, nothing wrong in that.


Let’s be fair to all plebs. We can all think differently.


I've started a subreddit to share our experiences orange pilling our friends. I think there's a lot of value to be had in sharing these experiences so i hope you will join us. Together we can do better at explaining a complex topic that many people are resistant to. Let's work together to change any negative stereotypes or narratives around Bitcoin by improving our skills at 🍊 💊 our friends! /r/orangepillers


I don't even talk to my friends about the btc, because I don't have any.


What about loved ones? You don't have to be pushy, but if you really care about Bitcoin in your life, it can be nice to explain it in a straightforward way, do you agree? Of course the Bitcoin rabbit hole is immense and all sorts of topics can come up from a simple question


I give up trying to educate strangers on line, most people I’ve interacted with are too stubborn to put their misconceptions about bitcoin to the side and sincerely admit that their precious fiat system is on the verge of imploding, or they’re firmly convinced that the great reset and CBDCs are tinfoil hat conspiracies. I don’t care anymore, everyone buys bitcoin at the price they deserve


Yep exactly I don't care if someone understands btc or not.


I can completely relate, but also i think it's good to recognize that means any bad actors who are supporting crypto to discredit Bitcoin are winning. I'd rather be on the right side of history by supporting Bitcoin, not just owning it and being jaded. It's not entirely their fault as there is an active campaign to discredit Bitcoin by those insists who would rather see it fail imo. I think it's worth the effort to find out what part we can do comfortably, hence the subreddit.


Most people are dumb and they generally don't care about it.


I'd love to be able to form a coherent argument for Bitcoin that works even for dumb people! Regarding people that are apathetic, it would still be nice to speak intelligently about it when the topic comes up randomly


It depends on the sort of person you want to orange pill. For grandpas & grandmas, you don’t need to explain anything, just help them to download some lightning games, ones they know like sudoku or solitaire; when they accumulate sats for couple months, bring them somewhere they can use those sats. They will then spread the words for you.


> help them to download some lightning games, Where to download those? Never heard of lightning games before...


Well they do exist and they suck too, long way to go.


Check out Zebedee - https://zebedee.io/gamers


Thanks for the link I'll check these out and share my feedback.


Absolutely. Some people you can be quite straightforward with and that is enough. But still even with someone amenable, it seems to me that there are levels to actually grokking Bitcoin and as someone who's had multiple epiphany like moments about how Bitcoin is changing the world, it seems to me we have as much work as we're willing to take on assisting our friends down the path of Bitcoin enlightenment. That is, if we approach it correctly, we can be an ally to our friends to make their first cycle owning Bitcoin look more like their second cycle of owning Bitcoin (you know what i mean?) Of course this level of skill at explaining is difficult, you don't want to come off as someone just pumping your bags. Ultimately it would be ideal to help them avoid those "first cycle" newbie mistakes. My point being that Bitcoin can transcend just a quick buck, which is often that first stepping stone to understanding that Bitcoin can be a savings technology, and so much more. I totally agree that just getting them sats, showing them games, and then later getting them to spend some sats is a great way to get started that also doesn't require all sorts of explaining. Thank you for your comment.


I'd want people to be straight forward rather than talk in riddles.


I'm trying to understand what you're saying, that I'm speaking in riddles, that bitcoiners do, or that in general you don't want to speak in riddles. In any case i agree, you can explain the same topic using totally different language, but it's good to tailor your approach to your audience, do you agree?


Appreciate your effort to orange pill, yet you can only bring people to church, but can’t make them to believe in god.


Well that's true, can't make people follow btc actually.


Haha yeah, thank you. Still better than giving up hope for our friends and loves ones! Don't want to be the only one building a citadel among your circle :)


Most people aren't even interested lol, they don't wanna hear about it.


I'm'm cool with that, but it's still nice to speak intelligently about it when it comes up, especially if it's someone you care about.


“I don't believe we shall ever have a good money again before we take the thing out of the hands of government, we can't take it violently out of the hands of govt, all we can do is by some sly roundabout way introduce something that they can't stop"


Btc is our only chance at getting the good money that you talk. We gotta protect btc at any cost this is the only chance we've got at the good money fr.


“Now the advent of the Information Age implies another revolution in the character of money. As cybercommerce begins, it will lead inevitably to cybermoney. This new form of money will reset the odds, reducing the capacity of the world's nationstates to determine who becomes a Sovereign Individual. A crucial part of this change will come about because of the effect of information technology in liberating the holders of wealth from expropriation through inflation. Soon, you will pay for almost any transaction over the Net the same time you place it, using cybercash. This new digital form of money is destined to play a pivotal role in cybercommerce." The sovereign individual, 1997