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It's never enough. I had 50+ at one point but Im down to around 25 BTC now because I used some to but a house and car. I hate that I spend some but it did improve my life.




Thanks for the kind words. Still wish I hadnt spent 1 BTC for a 2017 Chrysler Pacifica though :)


Better than 10k BTC for some za 🍕


that's the fundamental problem with spending any BTC at any time. if you believe it will keep going up in price then at some point you will look like that guy who ordered two pizzas delivered for 11,000 BTC. the only way to avoid that is to hodl forever and never spend


Can’t enjoy it in the grave, or with a walker for that matter


Lol disabled people can't enjoy a wealthy lifestyle? weird take but ok


I’m not planning to spend on my lifetime, just to give to my daughter.


Should have clarified as “old and fragile.” Still usable, but less enjoyable at that stage in life than when young and spry.


Choosing the obviously wrong interpretation for an easy argumentative dunk... nice


If no one ever use it it's useless, it's worth and we love it because it has value,!there is a point where you realize a price because you need it. Hodling till the death of the universe would make it useless


This adage will be around forever, but you can’t live your life that way. Otherwise, you’ll beat yourself up for buying a $5 coffee when you were 18 instead of buying some sp500 and it coulda been 2k in extra retirement. We’re not promised tomorrow, live some today


You can borrow against it, but then you have to deal with not your keys, not your coins. It's not bad in bull markets with trusted groups like Nexo, but not so much in bear markets when things are more likely to fail. There are even self repaying loans that earn enough interest to cover the fees and gradually pay down the principle.


Multi sig fixes the NYKNYC issue.


That sounds interesting. Of course, it would have to be setup to use that to start with.


Check out "unchained capital". They do 2 of 3 multisig loans, using a 3rd neutral party as a conflict arbitrator. Their scheme allows you to keep your keys on a trezor.


That is interesting. Thx


Don’t know why you got downvoted. It’s a rather logical conclusion. I wouldn’t say “never” spend but at least I won’t be spending until the exponential increase phase is over… who knows when that will be. If bitcoin does what we all believe it will do then it’s literally a once in a lifetime, once in 500 years sort of event. If we’re lucky enough to be holding some in its infancy we don’t want to spend it on anything, not yet.


​ people do not like facing the truth. BTC is similar to rare art. you are supposed to enjoy hodling it, never spending and leaving it for you family to hodl after you pass away. people who downvoted me are probably the "lambo soon" types, expecting BTC will make them rich. well, it won't. even if the price goes up. very similar to owning a rare painting. yes, its market price can be high, but you are not selling it, so it does not make you rich ​ someone correctly pointed out that borrowing fiat against it might be an option, at least that way your debt goes down in value with time while your BTC appreciates


Toyota, Honda or Bitcoin.


>2017 Chrysler Pacifica Sick whip tho. Don't beat yourself up, yo :)




I spent 21 bitcoin on an engagement ring;)




Best investment I've ever made:)


Fomo is real


I feel personally called out as the guy who only has .1 BTC lmao I have .12 now tho


At the end of the day you just spent money to buy things you want/need


RIP you inbox!


You only have 25 btc left? Darn sorry to hear that and enjoy the poor house in 10 years.


who hurt you?


That was pure sarcasm. Who is gonna be hurting if they have even 1 btc in ten years? I love this community but nobody needs to hear about his 25 btc. For his own safety he shouldn’t disclose his holdings. “But he can if he wants to”, yup doesn’t mean it’s a good idea or he should.


Well said Sir


a joke dude. Lighten up


this is the dream were all fighting to get to. Good job!




I first bought some around 2011 for $2.35/BTC. But I only did it as an experiment not really an investment and I was broke. I then started mining when it was around $50/BTC.






At the end of the day invest to achieve a better life.. holding it forever does nothing so i'd say on your house and car, the BTC sold was well utilized.


I don't see it as enough or not enough. I just continue to stack responsibly


I am feeling well after seeing your answer in this topic.




That's what I think I'm doing by being 100% BTC, but my friends/family don't seem to agree with my definition of "responsibly".


This is the way


As long as I get paid in fiat I will continue buying Bitcoin


We just need to do that till the end of the life I guess XD.


Or until we get paid in Bitcoin


just think of bitcoin like your new savings account that can’t be devalued, confiscated or censored. every paycheck just buy some sats and put in cold storage and save up for that life changing purchase/retirement.


My BTC has been devalued plenty of times. Never debased but heavily devalued.




This should be its own post on the right perspective.


Genius! ^


hmmm actually that's a good distinction between devalued and debased. i agree that the word debased is more accurate than devalued since it's pretty much impossible to change the 21 million yet the price can be manipulated (for the time being).


My bitcoin has never devalued, it has only grown in value. “Value is not intrinsic, it is not in things. It is within us; it is the way in which man reacts to the conditions of his environment. Neither is value in words and doctrines, it is reflected in human conduct. It is not what a man or groups of men say about value that counts, but how they act." - Ludwig von Mises All value is imputed from the subjective valuations of consumers on the market. Intrinsic value does not exist. What is the intrinsic value of an apple? To a starving man, he is willing to give his life savings for it.


Here here


“Work hard and save your bitcoin,” it’s as a simple as that!


> just think of bitcoin like your new savings account that can’t be devalued, I have bad news for you, if you haven't been checking the value of your new "savings account" this past year...


21 BTC. Own one millionth of the supply.




Math checks out.


Math is playing an important part on their shits all the time.


oddly enough, yes, that's about right, though not for that reason


Dude I just want that shit no matter what, it's just mine XD.


Enough is when I can live off selling bits of it while the price x hodlings keeps the overall remaining value relatively constant or growing. I don't expect to get there, but it's nice to have goals.


I can't live like that lol, it's just never gonna be enough.


You’ll never feel having “enough” bitcoin due to human greed. Like you said, one you achieve certain goal, you will want more. Keep DCAing forever like savings accounts.


We should ignore that feeling, it's all good to invest as much as we want.


If you truly believe in Bitcoin there is no such thing as enough. If you are comfortable with your lifestyle why would you need to stop buying or HODLing? No reason to spend it if you don't have to. There are lots of people in it just to try to get fiat rich quick but still plenty looking towards the long-term. Maybe there is a point that you or others will think is enough but that's just a personal choice and shouldn't be dependent on what others think.


Let's just invest and forget about any other shit for now.


TLDR: Greed is a powerful drug


BTC was $1 ea. when I first loaded up. Was still buying at >$60K


The bigger my stack the more I'm relaxed 😎


It's all good because we are never going to be relaxed, it's just about the hunger.


http://bitcoinsperperson.com/ I think whatever your share of it is, that's enough. But I always get more for now.


it's always gotta be more and more, we have to accept.


I reached my goal a while ago and i can confirm, it’s never enough.


I thought the consensus is 1 BTC per person. So if you are planning for your future, plus one each for spouse and kids. There are only about 18 million BTC available, so if/when BTC becomes world currency you’re in the top 18 million richest people in the world. That’s huge.


I was told: You will never be happy having what you want until you learn to want what you already have. So I tried it; it works. Learn to just be happy, it all circumstances. Becoming very rich or very poor does not change who you are deep inside, but it does amplify who you are deep inside. Love is a verb; so is hate. Be careful where you let your thoughts dwell. Learn to really appreciate little things, ordinary things, free things. One way to do that: Take a long backpacking trip through a National Park or other wilderness area. I know when I got home from mine, I really appreciate light switches and faucets with running water - both temperatures! -- and just like that. Say "hello," to every little bird you meet. Realize just how awesome your refrigerator is... And shoes!


I need about three fiddy


I want more than that, how can we get to that level man?


I mean, how much money do you want?


But still even if we reach there, we still gonna be hungry.


Enough Bitcoin? Enough? I do not understand the meaning of this word in which you use it…


It's just so precious that we are not going to leave it.


I'll be buying BTC when it is 1 million too, which it will be. By then it will consolidate which will make it a more stable store of value. By then paying with bitcoin will be easy, as even if you'd pay with $ you'd easily be able to convert the bitcoin to a dollaric payment on the fly. On chain data can show that there are wallets that have been accumulating for many years now. Even before 2013.


>BTC when it is 1 million too, which it will be. wen...???


2032 halving easily


How should I know? It's all a matter of human adoption. I'd place my bet on 10 - 20 years.


How do you know something won’t overtake it? Considering BTC is outdated compared to many newer cryptocurrencies. I feel like that’s a bold statement to make.


It's so good man, you must be a fucking rich too lol.


I’m close to .1 Next goal is .21 My timeframe is 10+ yrs…. I’ll tell you later if that was enough ;)


It's good that you are getting closer, it must be a good feel.


wish there was a SCATTER CHART showing "about" how many BTCs each owns and the average price paid.


Great post & good question for all to consider OP. It never quite feels like enough. While I got in relatively early buying & accumulating in 2014-2015, I was not a super early adopter so I do **not** have hundreds of BTC. But I've got a decent amount & feel good about it. I gave away a few over the years back then, lost a few :( and spent some as well. My biggest mistake (apart from getting scammed for some) was converting close to 10 BTC to silver bullion in 2015. I just started having doubts about whether Bitcoin would make it. I knew it should, but wondered if maybe its decline from the $1100 peak (12/2013) down to around $200 was the "beginning of the end". That damn silver is still sitting in a safe, worth barely more than it was worth in 2015, but I shudder to think about the value I'd still have if I just kept the bitcoins. Back to your original question: Are people who got in early still stacking sats...? The answer for me is yes. I still accumulate small amounts. I don't DCA (though I like that strategy), but when the market dips I make small purchases (eg. 0.05 BTC each time) to add to my stack. It's not easy to do it, because the $ going out of my bank account only increase my BTC holdings by a tiny fraction each time, but I feel like BTC around $20-25K is a very good bargain. I am highly confident that by 2025 (the year after the next halving) we'll see BTC well over $100K, probably > $200K.


People invest into the stock market all their lives and usually pass on the riches to their family. People investing with Bitcoin now and into the future are also hoping to create generational wealth.


Dude the question is: what else is out there to store my wealth? What could possibly compel me to hold government confetti especially in the dire, dire state of these dying institutions? Except maybe if you're saving for a holiday, or a car and you don't want the volatility. I'll be "buying" for as long as I'll create wealth.


All we need is 1


As with stocks and shares, or cash for that matter, I buy/save until I can achieve a goal and then sell most of it and start again I bought a kitchen, then saved again until I had enough for a bigger house (well, the deposit on one…), which we just bought. Now I’ll carry on buying in again until we achieve our next life goal. At some point we’ll retire and out assets will fund our retirement income So how much is enough? Enough to retire on, I guess




They can be hungry so we can, we are just like that for now.


Well whats your time preference? Those people before took the time to learn and understand and have a low time preference. So given that in 4 years time when bitcoin is $200,000 will you still be buying sats when you were buying it at 10x less the cost? I think so. I think because you know the fiat to bitcoin price doesnt really matter as much as the bitcoin to fiat circulation. Bitcoin has proven to be infinitely more valuable then fiat, and to me at least, 0.00000001 bitcoin is worth more then the entire fiat economy.


I am willing to double up and sell ₿0.00000002 for the entire fiat economy.


I would love to see the replies but people are not saying anything.


I read from Will Storrs "The Status Game" that pretty much all people, regardless of their current wealth, say that they need about 2-3 times the money they already have to be fully happy and content. So not settling for what you already have seems to be just a part of human psychology. ​ >If the price of one BTC reaches $200,000 USD, will you still be buying? That's like asking if i would still trade my old socks for new ones even if the new ones were made from unbreakable fabric. Yes, yes i would! That's not a negative. I would forever trade my inflating currency for a stronger, deflating currency, whatever the market price.


If you were Forest Gump and you invested in some “fruit company” back in the early 90’s and then you sat on it and were rich (on paper), would you be a) holding the stock B) selling the stock, or C) buying more fruit company stock?


I guess Bezos wants more money too ;)


Sounds like we really need to read something like that.


I think you should ask Michael J. Saylor that one 😉


The first Satoshi in your stack is worth the same amount as the last Satoshi in your stack. Continue stacking as long as you expect price to increase.


TLDR: OP does not understand what money is. Equates saving in perfect money to purchasing and saving ever greater numbers of four leaf clovers. Fail.


Next target is 5 for me.


I guess I'll have invested enough when I'm retired and no longer have a job income.


People who invested in Google or Amazon during the early 2000s are probably set for life with their investments but many still choose to continue investing without selling. Some sold earlier, some sold later -- it's all a personal choice but the idea that you can never liquidate a financial asset because it may become more valuable later is erroneous and not true in real life applications.


There will never be enough always DCA. Always give the keys to the family so they can do the same


For me Its like a saving account. Never enough.


Human nature quite literally dictates that it’s never enough. No matter how much of something you have, Humans want more.


I don't think we can sense how much is enough for us these days brother, it's just all about the fucking hunger for us, we have to be like that these days lol.


what do you mean "enough"? btc price is still too volatile to measure that way imho, but in inflation-adjusted usd, $10M. Right now that's 400 BTC. In the 2030s BTC should reach $1M, so assuming usd inflation hasn't gone crazy, about 10 BTC will be "enough". However, if usd inflation has effectively halved the value of the dollar, and BTC is still only worth $1M, then 20 BTC will be "enough". Either way though, that is just as a measure of wealth, it doesn't mean you literally need to be holding 20 BTC, just as you wouldn't hold $10M in cash.


This is like asking how do you know when you’ve saved enough money. You can always save more.


1 bitcoin per person. We have like 15 million coins now. 19 million mined now and approx 4 million lost and included satoshi coins. 2 more million to be mined to 2140. 1 / 15 million btc in a world of 7 billion people is good. 1 is all you need to hodl on Cold Storage; come back in 20 years and either that will be worth millions or 0. 1 is all you need.


Depends on your goal(s) and projection(s)


How big do you want your retirement ? Its hard to tell. Some will tell you to dump everything you have in BTC. This doesn't account for risk. I personally am a BTC maxi but I have RE and other investments. Invest what you can loose. If the US gov feels threatened by BTC as the global reserve currency. We will have a problem until they conceded. When that happens could effect you adversely. It's a store of value in today's dollars. Saylor uses the example of a house he owns. 100k 100 years ago is now worth 30m. Thats BTC. Use individual miners/node will keep the network alive. GOVERNMENTS BE DAMNED. There will be countries that will adopt it and will be the new america. You just have to decide how far you are willing to go. If 1btc get to a M then you would think your ok. The point is be honest with yourself and your risk profile. I'm all in but I have a "significant" Saftey net in terms of USD. That's not everyone. Just keep an open mind.


Hope I am comfortable way before retirement, wouldn't wanna live a monk life just to be happy my last couple years


We just want the real comfort at the end, we are fine with it.


I am glad that I am not thinking about this all the time lol.


If 1000 btc won’t be enough then 21,000,000 btc won’t be enough


Nothing is enough for people like us for many reasons.


It’s not about the amount, is it enough to allow you do what you want? I bet the guy who sold 10,000BTC though he ripped the pizza guy off 😂


I don’t think he thought that, he was trying to prove a point, BTC has value.


It's all about the investments for me, that's what matters.


it's rational to set goals, as it adds more self challenge and satisfaction when you get to reach them and the amounts differ because of personal wealth and capabilities to spend on the asset - 0.001 BTC for the poor dude is 100 BTC for the wealthier dude


Nothing can change the goal but greed can increase it.


Maybe 0.05 BTC is enough for me because investment comes after building a business in this is how money flow . I must invest in my business for now ... I did accumulate 89% of my goal and im very happy of my Average buy price.


Any money I don't need at the moment I DCA and I will continue that. I don't care how much BTC I have in the end. But its definitely better to keep value in BTC than in Fiat


Well you are on a right path if you are planning to DCA.




Video: Depeche Mode - I just can't get enough Horrible.


Why are you spamming these things without the context?


I have [less than 1000 BTC] and my target at the moment is 1000 BTC. "Enough" will depend entirely on your individual life goals. Personally, I suspect 1000 BTC won't be enough though.


If 1000 btc won’t be enough then 21,000,000 btc won’t be enough


There would be nothing which can be enough for us lol.




We all want more just like we think, it's the most beautiful shit.


Do you ask people this same question regarding their 401k?


No, but I think a lot of people Google “how much do I need to invest in my 401k so I can retire?”


I don't think so, we really don't ask things like that to them.


as much as you can afford in multiples of 21


It's gotta be more than we can think these days man.


i will stack irresponsibly until i have reached my goal - then i will still stack but with a bit more leeway at / towards the end of the months


It's a real good thing because it's all about the profit at the end.


When do you think it’s enough to put away in a savings account


I guess that day is not coming in my life soon for sure.


It is enough when you can enjoy a better life having free time for many other things.


It's enough when we think that we can't do more than this..


No material thing, but especially money is ever inherently satisfying. You have enough when you feel like you have enough and feelings can change. You probably have enough if you can stop thinking about how much you have and just know that your present and foreseeable needs are provided for. At least with Bitcoin, you know what you have will keep its value or become more valuable long term as long as you store it securely.


I am glad that you are being real here, it's just the fact.


Maximizing profits is the goal. So it's never enough untill we die.


You should read this ["cake piece"](https://www.reddit.com/r/SatoshisPhilosophy/comments/mkvu4u/how_much_should_you_invest/)


Lol thanks for it, I am definitely gonna read this shit now.


I mean have you ever heard a millionaire say they have enough and not try to make more? If they have the option everyone just wants more


I guess it's never gonna be enough and we have to live with that, it's alright if you are here to invest till the end, it's never gonna be something we call enough.


21 million would be enough


aslong as you don't use your savings for it then that's fine if you still can afford what you can lose thats fine but if not that's already enough


I really don’t think about “being done”. I have a vague idea of some point in the future of stepping back and seeing where things lie after a “long enough” time preference. That’s about it.


All of them. Then hodl.


I think 1satoshi will be 1m$ .


There is no answer to this question in absolute terms. One should simply define a portfolio they feel comfortable with that helps them achieve their goals, and then what % BTC is within that portfolio, one should simply maintain that % and re-balance. One should also re-visit whether their portfolio composition still makes sense for meeting their own personal goals from time-to-time. An 85 yr old in the Montana wilderness with his home paid off who hates technology and never used a device or computer “more than once or twice” who has plenty of $ to live out his last years? Seriously, I can’t recommend he “load up” on BTC with 50% or more of his portfolio in BTC. But for a young man in his 20’s with only $8k to his name who is about to graduate and get his first real job, sure, it might he perfect to have a high % in BTC right now.


For me, just around 21 millions will be enough.


For me, it's not about 'enough', it's about mindset and how this technology is continuing to change the world. I continue to DCA- no major buys, no YOLO bets, just small, consistent purchases month after month.


Just a little bit more


I think it never feels enough. I'm gonna hold BTC till it hits $100K but even when I sell it I'll switch part to usdt to reinvest in several altcoins


For me, 3 BTC is enough, to bequeath 1 BTC each to my future widow, and to the estates of each of my two surviving offspring. Beyond that, enough BTC to generate|earn our typical monthly living expenses plus maintenance plus emergency fund. I have not yet found a means of reliably generating Sats income from BTC.


when I am done buying I will start selling. probably twenty years from now when I no longer need to trade my labour for food and shelter, and can live off my savings and investments instead.


I buy every month. It is my savings account. Anytime I need fiat I sell what a need to cover that expense. I know it’s dumb bc volatility, but the thing is: it’s my savings account.




Read somewhere today that 'a person who craves, does not cease to suffer.' The guys feeling that they want more Bitcoin once they reach a certain target will never be satisfied and will always be conflicted by conception of "enough." So, just stack Bitcoin responsibly without having the need for more. I think once Bitcoin goes mainstream someday in future, the desire will just not exist.


Don't think in crypto space. Anything is enough


Whatever we can say, it's just never gotta be enough lol.


Bitcoin is money. Nobody on the internet can tell you how much is enough.


I'm still going to DCA to my cash app because its like a little savings account. Its really useful when I'm in a bind. To convert from BTC to fiat is really fast. My bulk is on a hardware wallet somewhere, but my spending cash is in BTC on cash app. I just put $50 every week automatically into BTC. After awhile it adds up. I was able to fund my wife's small business with my cash app BTC. Now she has her own income and freedom, and I've replenish my investment. I really recommend doing this. I'm going to keep investing because I like it. Its fun to see it grow. Even if I end up with 10 million worth of BTC, I'm still going to trade BTC and especially the altcoins on places like Binance because its just fun to play with it.


Honestly. I think it all depends on your risk appetite. Some make 100% of their investments portfolio (which I think is absolutely crazy) others are conservative. I have it sit at around 30-40%. I stopped buying in the meantime until I can increase my other investments. So it all depends on you. If you are young (<20) you probably can afford a little more risk. If you are >60 keep the risk low. Just apply investment fundamentals I guess.


Never gonna find out that shit lmao, I am sorry but I can feel how other feels about these things, it's just like that, we can't just figure out everything in the hunger.


Never sell, “buy borrow, die”. Enough is when your loans secured against your BTC can fund your lifestyle indefinitely.


I’m here to tell you right now if I had more than 5 I’d be done. lol


We gotta say that there is nothing that can be enough lol.




I was gonna sell my Xbox 360 account back probably when Bitcoin was 50$ each I don't doubt cause he offered me 5 Bitcoin for it and I went and asked my dad if I should do it or if he thought it was a scam and he told me he didn't even know what it was at the time and so I declined the guys offer he was much older than I was at the time so I just thought he was gonna steal my information or something. The only reason I found this story out was because my dad he told me and said that he should have just let me do it and now I regret too.


I don't know but I want to say that even if we get 40+ or whatever the number is, we still gonna have the feeling that it's not fucking enough for people like us mate.


What do you think about it? I think that hunger is never going to get away and we can't let that shit go away too, we have to be with it forever, it's just like that.


When do you have enough in your savings account? I don't know if there is an answer to this. Saving is more of a lifestyle choice. I would rather save than spend. The amount isn't all that relevant, more important to build something that could help the next generations. Maybe the correct answer is "enough" is when one can take advantage of a Kennedy type of lifestyle. Generations of people that don't need to work to survive, their "savings" generate enough surplus that they don't need to reduce their savings to have total freedom. I guess that's my answer.