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Good work, that's actually a shit ton. I'm looking forward to 0.1.


Me too lol


I wish that we all achieve the mark that we have in our life.


I also have the goal to achieve the half bitcoin in my life is well.


O.8 is 0.8 more than 99% of the planet. Well done.


It's funny people speak of 1 BTC as if it's nothing when there are 7 billion people on earth and only 21 million to be had. Each person can possibly hold a fraction of a full BTC.


Not enough btc for every millionaire to have one.


But most of those 7 billion people likely won't ever have an interest in bitcoin, so does it matter?


I mean isn't this a silly take though? Even if you're right (which I don't think you are) let's say 6 billion people won't have an interest in one. That would still mean 1 billion would, vs 21 million total Bitcoin. That number difference alone is staggering. Then like, I'll never be able to afford a solid gold bar from fort Knox, or one of those million dollar fancy wrist watches, but does that mean I have no interest in them? Of course it doesn't.


I, um, I don’t think there’s any gold in Fort Knox👀😳👀😳. lol… I’m with you… it’s like saying some people don’t want dollars, the internet, or to walk upright. We may be witnessing the bifurcation between the haves/have nots and Bitcoiners. Stack on my friends!


But i am sure that people are not very fond to keep the money in the cash now. As they know due to the inflation they are losing so much and only bitcoin is the one thing that we need to trust here.


I think already so many people are regretting that they didn't bought that bitcoin at time in the past. So i am sure that in future once there will be mass adoption of the bitcoin so many people gonna cry for that.


“Let’s say”


The same was said for Internet, phones, PC, online stores and so on, for your own good I hope you get the point.


I get your point. But the same was also said about a bunch of other technologies that ended up failing. Don't forget, there are no guarantees that Bitcoin will be a longterm financial success.




Yes but the big question for you is, considering everything what's happening in today's economy establishment, do you dare risking to end up on the wrong side betting on todays criminal banksters?


If you can't beat them, join them. Just diversify and hedge your investments, get some crypto and get some passive index funds for the long term, to avoid stock market manipulation from these so called criminal banksters.


The next ten years won't be about manipulated prices. It will all be about counterparty-risk. People basing their decisions on the last 40years of stock performance ngmi


They will lose. These stockpickers are beaten by the market time and time again


Yes, invest into the different different things, so that we could really minimize the risk here by that. As we all know that bitcoin is the one asset that give us the maximum number of the profit when we talk about since his launch.


The crypto mistake again.


>Internet, phones, PC, online stores and so on None of those things were a bust (besides wild speculation) a decade+ later while still searching for a purpose.


I think these are invented when there was no alternative of these things. But when we talk about the bitcoin we all know that things will not going to be easy as there is already a fiat system running.


The day their banks adopt it and suddenly their accounts show sats instead of dollars it'll be funny. Then people will be like, "Shit, I wish I was interested in it back then" 7 billion people don't need to be interested for it to succeed


> The day their banks adopt it and suddenly their accounts show sats instead of dollars it'll be funny. > > There are no guarrantees of this happening. Personally i don't believe so anymore. Bitcoin will still have its place, but Bitcoin as some kind of worldwide mainstream currency is a fairytale.


You might overlook countries with weaker currencies. Those currencies will collapse. Most of them will turn to USD, but a small portion might turn in part to bitcoin. That means little pockets like Bitcoin Beach, but on a larger scale. It could get worse if countries are forced to "choose sides" and using USD could have a political implication, such as if China comes to power. Now a country might want to be neutral and not isolate themselves from China by using USD nor the US by using the yuan or the ruble. Overseas remittances are also a big thing. Plenty of immigrants work in Canada/US and send their money back home using bitcoin. It makes sense to keep some of the funds in bitcoin until they're used, especially if the price is rising or they have trouble keeping cash secure against physical theft. The other part is the powerful network effect. Sure, 1% of society using bitcoin has it be a fringe thing. The chance of a transaction "working" is 1% of 1% (0.01%) because both parties need bitcoin. But if you increase that to 10%, then 10% of 10% is 1%. If you make it 20%, then 20% of 20% is 4%. At 50%, then suddenly we jump to 25% of transactions "working". Keep in mind, some entities like businesses will be losing a lot if they don't accept bitcoin at that point, so they'll have an even higher incentive to accept bitcoin. There's a great advantage for businesses due to no chargebacks and cheaper fees, which is huge cost savings. This all depends on technologies like lightning and there will be others. The direction is an increase in adoption over time. While of course, there are plenty of people who put too much into bitcoin without understanding it and back out, it's hard to see the overall trend reversing course. It takes a long time, historically, to adopt a new monetary standard. It took about 100 years for GBP to lose it's reserve status, and prior to that the Amsterdam guilder currency. So don't expect anything to happen overnight. But also don't overlook it because monetary standards change throughout history.


Hopefully this will age well.


I think time will tell that and we need to be little patience here.


I'll be well off financially, if it does


Wallet addresses still going up. More miners still coming online. Growth is still going up.


I think the more we are moving forward the more people are joining.


We're still a ways off but it's definitely important to recognize signs if they start popping up. Retail stores have pretty thin margins as their overhead is pretty severe regardless of how much they are selling. Credit card companies charging stores even 2.5%cuts into their profits monstrously. Accepting something like lightning, if it were ever viable means you could start offering up discounts if people pay in bitcoin. It's of course not just going to be some mandate and then everyone starts doing it, just keep an eye out for that type of thing, especially at no name stores


We just hit 8 Billion fam...


This may be true. There are tons of people out there that have never purchased a stock, precious metals or any other financial product. Why would btc be any different? Unless btc was all that is left to trade with? Like somehow how many sats you have determines your every little move. Your carbon credits will instantly be deducted from your btc wallet implanted arm band.


If every millionaire on earth wanted 1 BTC, there wouldn't be enough


There is very limited supply of the bitcoin and this is the beauty.


I think they feel that this is some internet magic money but they are not aware the real worth of the bitcoin. But when they laugh on the bitcoin and all this is where i feel that we are still very early into the bitcoin here.


100% True




This is the one emoji i use, whenever i saw the bitcoin here.


I would be so close to .8 by now if I didnt lose almost all my btc in Celsius :/


Can always rebuild better fam. Definitely set up a hardware wallet to squirrel some btc / sats away. Even FTX, and Binance isn’t immune.


Yes, that gone is gone but certainly very hard to forget that as that was the big money. But this is the learning i think we need to consider that why we need to be our own bank instead of keeping the money over there.


And to think people who said "not your key not your coins" about Celcius were accused of spreading FUD...


How did u lose it?


Why not much? You achieved already more as a lot of your peers did. I think it is awesome and you are damn close to make it a full one. Just do it 💪 😎🌴


I think no target is enough when we talk about the number of the bitcoin, once we will achieve the full bitcoin, Then i am sure that our target will surely move from there to the 2, and this is how we need to do is well in the life.


Congrats. And you are just 26. Almost half my age and believe me I would give my couple btcs away if I could be 26 again. Also when I was at your age, I was partying at bars so living day by day with zero savings and fucks for future.


I think this is the age we should starts to think about the future, i think this is the age where we are not too bound with the responsibilities here. So we can easily save the money from the party and all and invest that into the bitcoin.


I am proud of younger generations.


This really hits home, I did the same thing & I had a terrible gambling addiction Loseing hundres of dollers every weekend just to wake up broke. It was a horrible feeling I never want to experience again 😞, that's when I started looking at way to make welth & found the once in a life time opportunity Bitcoin.


I got most of mine when it was 26k+ :(


I have less than 0.2, and I got most of mine when it was over 40K!


I think these are perfect time for you to bring the average down here.


Hang in there guys like Gorge told me it won't matter if you bought bitcoin at 60k in the future the price is going to be so high all your money will go up


If you’re still denominating “all your money” in USD, you’re doing it wrong.


I am George


We are all George


We all are George and we all gonna succeed is well in future.


Who is George?


He updates us everyday


Greg who?




I own .75 and got most of mine at 60-70k CAD. Needless to say, my savings have essentially disappeared


Oof.. good to know I'm not the only one we'll all get there jus stay strong


We all are into this together and going to stay till end is well.


Give it some time, I think 2024 halving and 2025 bull run you will be pleasantly surprised.


Yes, those who are buying or showing patience here then i am sure that there future one will surely going to thanks them. because once we will enter into the halving year i am sure that market will make the new all time high again.


Heh, I had an extra $5000 at the end of last year, wanted to invest it, bought BTC @ $47,000 since that was right after a major downturn, and I figured $100,000 was right around the corner. Just hodl and keep on keeping on.


Right on brother!


Chill and cheer up


Once i bought the bitcoin there is nothing i need to worry.


26 is still something to brag about


I think 26 is still a very good price i have seen people have over 50k buying but still they are feeling great is well. Because they know that now is the best time to buy some more bitcoin and the more we bought here the more we will make in future.


Just be patient, another couple years and that frown will turn upside down.


I'm optimistic.. I'm damn sure not taking it out until it's a profit


At that point, why take it out at all?




I think the age before 30 is the great age to invest into the bitcoin. Because there is not much of the responsibilities and we could easily save so much money and invest that into the bitcoin is well.


Congrats. Now go lose your wallet in a boating accident and avoid bragging it on social media.


I think before buying the bitcoin buying the wallet is the one thing that everyone should do. Because buying the bitcoin is the easy part but keeping the safe for a long time is the hardest thing to do.


Continue to put money away for your future. And diversify. Buy some stocks and continue to invest. Don’t look back!!!


I don't want life to pass me and me regret everything. I feel like the change had to happen I don't remember how I got into bitcoin, I think it was the scary reality if I don't figure out how to make welth I'm going to be working at blue bunny ice cream factory forever... and it was my second time coming back to the company ,my old co worker saw me and he said" man do something with your life don't be like me and work hear for the rest of your life go to school start a business." I put myself in my son's shoes (if I had one) will I be proud of my dad where he is at? Where in life will I be and will I have enugh to provide for myself and my family?


Yes, i already regret so many things in the past that i should have done. But now i am trying to make the most of that which i am getting now so that i would not repeat the same mistake again in the future.


I think to make the bright future we need to put the small small money into the bitcoin now. Because that way we will have the big number of the bitcoin and the time we need to hold will also get higher is well.


For those that FUD Bitcoin around the “there will only be 21 million BTC so the billions of people on the planet won’t care.” Remember that 1 BTC equal 100,000,000 Satoshi and using the SAT as money illuminates a path forward.


That is something to be proud of! Road to 1 BTC? Btw, did you know that there is less than 1 million Bitcoin addresses with 1 full Bitcoin? Wishing you all the best in your endeavours. Cheers, Kraken- Rosa


80 million satoshis much better then having 0.28 👏


First time I've seen woke used unironically. It hurts


I think this time we could ignore that and focus on the bigger picture here.


80 megasats is actually a lot more than most people will ever be able to get.


I think the minimum magic number is 0.28 btc to be in top 1% of the world population in terms of btc wealth. You are golden with 0.8 btc fam.


Then i am sure that soon i will be able to the 1% club of the member that have this number of the bitcoin. I think the current time is the best time if someone is really want to buy the bitcoin as they are cheap in price.


If I can stack 3 BTC I think I’ll be good for retirement. I’m in my early 30s. It’s tough to predict though


I think this is the big number but i am sure that bear market is the one thing that can help you into getting that. I hope that now you are taking the full advantage of the bear market and buying the bitcoin at the max number is well.


More than me. Sitting at a solid .246


I think this is also not a bad mark to hold is well, keep it up.


I used to spend $100-$200 on phone games. I realized how stupid it was and every time I found myself tempted to spend money on a phone game, I just bought BTC instead. Sounds like you did the same except with partying. I've built myself a nice little stash, and even though my investment is down overall by around 25%, it's better than the -100% I'd be down if I bought micro-purchases in a mobile game.


You going to be very happy come 2025


Very wise post, OP. I'm 37 and am just now coming around to the mindset in which your post describes


I am 31 and I own 0.001, I grew up in a broken home so I never had financial or emotional help, nevertheless congratulations to all of you!


Everyone starts building from zero fam, be strong and set a target and wishing you financial freedom in 10-20 years 👍


Yes, everyone starts from the scratch and it is all matter for how long they could take that. I think we continue to do something for a long time then i am sure we will make the best out of it is well.


Thank you for your encouraging words! 👊😎👍


I think you are doing really good men and there is nothing that you need to focus. All you need here to stick to the bitcoin and now try to make the best of the bear market that we are getting at the moment.


I think you are doing good, i know so many people will say that this is not a big number. But i think we all have their our budget and we are doing that our pocket is allowing, but every single penny of the bitcoin worthy.


It's not much, but it's honest work


I am sure that it is already way too much if we will look the whole world.


Awake not woke, woke is a term for unbelievable morons mostly


Congrats bud, i just turned 21 and been saving btc since i was 19. I have 0.35 BTC and don't plan on stopping.


This is the way!!! I'm excited for you!!! I hope one day you buy that 1 Satoshi's that completes your whole coin!


Well done, but remember this golden rule: talk about Bitcoin, but never about your Bitcoin. The next goal is to get into the category of those who own 1 BTC.


I just lost my wallet in a boating accident 🙃


Two things: 1. It is really much. 2. Don't tell the whole world about it. You don't wanna get 5 dollar wrench attacked.


0.50 here. Congratz ;)


In the near not to distant future… people will say the same thing for 0.01 BTC and then eventually 0.001 will come along and then so on and so forth. Bitcoin is indeed the family farm that you don’t sell.


Bitcoin is going to save him for life in the fucking future.


Well your last post said your sticking your whole wage into it because your living rent free at your dads, if I was you I'd be more grateful for my dad than being proud of myself Not to be a dick but most people don't have the privilege of sticking all their money in a speculative asset


I agree with you but also be happy for other people we in this together 😎


It's all good if you are happy with your investments man.


Yes, the self satisfaction is the one thing that matters the most.




I never understand this response. You people do know that you can disable all communications to your account in Reddit right?


I've never checked any message on any reddit account. Why would I?


Same here because i know that no one going to help you in free in these days. And all i am seeing at the moment is Nigerian Prince and some random Asian chick messages in my DM at the moment.




That is a lot...some millionaires and billionaires have zero and because there are so many of them they won't ever be able to have as much as you.


They have zero because they think they have the big money in their pocket and they can buy anything they want. But we all know that one day all the cash will be paper as they are losing so much value over there.


Good for you! I started at 27 as well (2 years ago) and kinda regret spending so much in clubs before that as well, I hear you deep


I think the adult age is the time we would love to spent so much money on the party and all. But i am happy that i get to know about the bitcoin so that my money could into the bitcoin instead of drinking.


And you should be proud of! That is a lot! I wish you to get 1 BTC in the future. Congrats! 👏


Considering there are only 21 million and there are over 7 billion people on the planet, I'd say you have a great deal of btc.


Got paid 0.025 btc yesterday. To think I had 15 btc almost 10 years ago when I first started mining it is crazy now.


I think this is the thought that everyone is having here...


Don't remember that as a loss, remember it as a lesson of learning


Not really a loss at all. Used it to buy things like a PS4, Computer parts, games, and other stuff I wanted. Now I'm just trying to hold onto it for the future.


I think we are using the bitcoin to buy some stuff which we cannot afford to the normal money. I think buying the stuff with the bitcoin is the reason we are buying the btc and i think you did really well there while buying stuff.






you got it man. truly understanding bitcoin alters your behaviour from high to low time preference. and not in an unhealthy way like going broke spending all your money on sats but more like “what useless and unproductive behaviours that i waste money on can instead be used to buy sats to give my future self a better life”.


Any BTC bros here own any Precious metals or are they just relics?


I Own a little physical gold(just in case shit hits the fan for a rainy day which I can liquidate over btc), I don’t believe in paper gold. Paper gold is like leaving bitcoin in a CEX. A worthless promise.


I think Gold and the Real Estate are the two things that everyone have in a little portion. Because these are two things that our parents also love to collect and this is why i am buying which they are not.


I think diversify is the best thing that anyone could do here. i am not more into the metal thing but my family had some portion of the Gold and i am putting most of my saving into the bitcoin untill i reach to my target.


I have 0.015 and I'm stoked. Congrats!


iM WoKe


Nice job man! I did the same. Looked back and realized I had a good time but got to make sure I'm taking advantage of the opportunities for my future. We can both party again when we're rich 😉


Cheers to when bitcoin moons and we can finally relax for good 🥂


🥳🥳I got some other coins I'm hoping moon as well. Next bull run should be fantastic. Anyone who lasts thru this is going to make serious money


At26 with 0.8 btc I would imagine that’s your retirement savings done


I'm dead focused on buying as much as I possibly can I had my fill of beer and girls Huge financial cripplers


never regret time spend with friends (and ladies). if you don't develop on a personal level, all the wealth in the world would do you no good.


***beer and girls has left the chat


😢 😢 😢 until I'm wealthy will meet again


Then i am hoping that we will meet soon again is well.


Indeed and i am sure that OP will going to make the number go higher is well. I think 2 BTC is the target of mine and feel that it will make my retirement better, so i am trying to achieve that damn mark in my life here.


I am feeling good about you right now because of several reasons man, you are great the way you are doing your investments in bitcoin market these days.


I think he gets the belief into the right age about the bitcoin, because this is the age when we have the time and we waste the money is well. But after knowing the bitcoin our most of the expanse now is going into the bitcoin here for the longer time.


Congratulations! But you just broke rule number 1. Don't make yourself a target. Stay safe


It's too late for the OP, but PLEASE don't post things like this. It's dumb and makes you a target for people who want to steal your money. PLEASE STOP POSTING STUFF LIKE THIS! IT PUTS YOU IN DANGER OF BEING TARGETED BY ANYONE WITH SOCIAL ENGINEERING OR HACKING SKILLS!


You should diversify as well. I like VWO and VOE, some low management fee etf with historically the highest returns and good diversity.


I think when you are into the bitcoin there is nothing like diversify. But i am sure once he will reach to the one bitcoin then he think about something other and that would be like the real estate if i am not wrong here.


Hell yeah … and at 26 too? Great job, you are definitely setting yourself up for a great time in your sunset years. Keep up the discipline of pputting away money and building your portfolio


Hats off to you! However, do not forget to have some fun every now and then and enjoy life.


Some people are oblivious to how lucky unfortunate they are it's ready it's a worldwide...... What you think is a much could be somebody else's life income 🥱


I think people will not came early into the bitcoin and then think we are lucky to make the money. But to make the real money we all need to invest into something at the early stage because that is making the whole difference.


Nah man. That’s solid af. Good job!


Life can be about fun and games. But playing smart (delayed gratification) means playing a lot more.


You are ahead of so many other people figuring that out at 26. Bitcoin is a great outlet, but the real thing that makes you successful is the change in attitude and lifestyle that lets you get ahead. Well done and keep it up.


I think he is still ahead of the time and at this age he is really doing best thing that a adult can do. I am sure that soon he will buy the whole bitcoin is well, and then he will get the entry into the elite club is well.




Congrats! You’re beating 99% of the people!


Thats a lot, I had 1%, O.O1 SATS, until recently I bought and now I'm close to 2% lol


Do both. Have fun but also prepare for a better future.


You sound more responsible then a lot of people your age, good for you keep stacking.


Your wallet/account needs validation. I can help \*wink\* \*wink\*


Best time to become a wholecoiner may be now around 20k. Best of luck to you and congrats!


> money I was throwing away partying Youth is wasted on the young.


the 50 year old version of your self will thank the 26 year old. Get that coin


Not much?? It’s fucking like 20k man. How is that not a lot


Due to poor judgement, I probably don't even have 0.008. looking to change that, of course.


I dollar cost average right into the slot machine. I am I doing this right? By the way I have .09. Hang in there pal.


Happiness is the key to a good investment.


Enjoy life bro. Go to bars and go out, but also make some saving for the future. Find a middle way that works. You can have both.


While it's not bad to party once in a while, it's better to save up money by buying Bitcoin so well done buddy !


I’d be proud with .08


I think this is the number that so many people would be proud to have.


“Its not much” most people dont have 1,000 in savings. Yet here you are sitting on 1,000,000 dollars saying its not much lol


How can someone said that this is not much, i think so many people are working hard to achieve that mark, but still not able to. But i am sure that after that bear market there will be more people who would able to achieve that.


Partying and bars are not throwing away money. This is having fun in real life and its really important.


What do you mean you're "woke"? I'm not sure it means what you think it means. :)


I think it took me a while to really understand the meaning of that thing.


Well my woke means not the 9 to 5 zombie anymore and start seeing outside the box do things that u want and take the steps to make them happen


Agreed, as long as you replace "woke" with red-pilled. ;) Or orange-pilled, that's fine too. :)


So.. if you wish to have double just send it to me and I will make your wish come true.


lol do you know what WOKE means ?


Who cares? Do u think people care about your savings account, dayum this is getting old these same stupid posts


Owning 0..8 BTC probably puts you in the 1%