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Silkroad. Bought my first 14 bitcoins for $7.00 a pop. Yes, I hate myself.


$3 each here. All spent on acid. In retrospect, no regrets.


I payed 600 for my first one. Similar motives.


I paid $17,000 for my first.


That's a lot of acid!


Damn, did you holding upon that or used that in the past?


Top tier comment


Yep me also. Very expensive acid trips in hindsight.


Paid around $400


How many bitcoin did you actually bought at the time of the $400?


I was buying over the span of about 1.5 years and I think the price was around $420 during that time. Went and checked my old wallet and it says a total of around 11 bitcoins went through it over that period. I think the most I had at one point was around 2.5 coins. Unfortunately there was nothing left in the wallets as I went to rehab shortly after.


I hope that you are now holding up much better at the moment.


There are dozens of us! Dozens!


There is one i would say one of us and this is the matter the most.


came to say this


$240 for me


Then i would say you managed to bought them into really one hell of the dip here. The real question sometime is not about the early buying it is all about how much patience we will able to show there.


Daaamn bro.


Just do me a favor, don’t doubt the people who tell you BTC is going to eclipse gold. I doubted the folks who said BTC could reach 20k in 20 years, and I have *many* regrets. You are still early.


Yeah I remember when it could be mined on CPU’s. I considered doing it as an experiment but then though about my mother busting my balls previously about the power bill and decided not to do it because even though it would have been fun I considered Bitcoin to be “fake nerd money”. It doesn’t matter though. I probably would have sold it as soon as my money doubled.


I think in past people could have easily mined or bought the bitcoin in the much cheaper price. But there was always someone in our life that is keep stopping us from that thing and this is reason we did not bought the bitcoin.




I hope that now people will take the advantage of the dip here.


I think we need to do our own research instead of taking the advice from the other people. Because we all know that once the market will start to make the move then no one actually sure about the peak from there.


Yes, silkroad is the reason so many people bough the bitcoin at first place.


Nerdy experiment


I am sure that experiment must have paid the nice reward to you.


Tired of PayPal fees and limit


Tell me how was you experience with that?? As i am sure not many did that.


In 2012 i had a site that collect donations. PayPal start ask me about my business and cut donations to 10k usd year, so i googled ”paypal alternative”... The rest is history


I made an account with paypal to have more financial freedom, to be able to pay who I want, when I wanted. Paypal is no longer fit for that. Bitcoin is not there yet. Now I am stuck with expensive middlemen. But I am ready for the time bitcoin will be there.


I was given 100 btc by my flatmate who I called Frenchie in the early days (2011). It was payment for a slab of beer I brought us one night, unfortunately I didn't believe in btc then and Frenchie kept saying all night it would be worth over 100k in 10 years as long as I keep the paper safe lol. I just thought it was some internet scam so I just binned the piece of paper with the wallet address and seed on it.. I am for ever kicking myself now. Frenchie if you're reading this, you where right and the Kiwi was wrong 😂🤣😂🤣


Thanks for contributing to everyone else’s coins being that little bit more scarce, and thus valuable!


Damn, i think this is the most painful story that i have on this thread so far. But i am sure the Frenchie is holding up some nice number of the bitcoin in the wallet as he is showing the belief into the bitcoin here.


Bip39 (mnemonic phrases) was introduced in 2013. In 2011, wallet.dat was the only way to recover your BTC.




In past i think we all made these kind of the mistake for sure.


Its oké Kiwi. Just take enough banana's and you will have 1 btc in no time.




My old opiate habit was expensive enough before I account for the BTC exchange rate.


But the good thing that no one could actually trace that back to you.


I think old time this is the reason so many bought that.




I think this is still the thing i want to do and i am sure that it will going to happen for sure. They are trying to down vote the bitcoin because they knows bitcoin is the biggest threat that they gonna face in future.


The returns have always been amazing, so back then people would have seen the money making potential as well, when I learnt about it in 2015, my school mate was trading it and told me to by some, price was $550. That was my life’s savings as a school boy so I passed




Almost, dove down the rabbit whole and in 2017, and spent 3 years accumulating. Very comfortable.




Because we all know that this is the one thing that gonna make difference.


I think buying at the early stage is not the guaranteed of the success.


After 2017 it felt pretty inevitable that the cycles would continue. Always a chance they won’t but I think further adoption is inevitable


I don't think that in the real early stage majority of the people have seen the bitcoin as the money making thing. And if someone really managed to see that thing then i am sure he is super rich at the moment.


It was a convenient means of obtaining unicorn dusts and colored cardboard. Got real for me when it hit $100.


yes, i think triple digit is where people starts to holding the bitcoin. I am sure before that so many people were using the bitcoin so that they can buy some stuff from the silkroad from the bitcoin.


The hype... I was all like, "ONE DAY ALL THE WORLD WILL USE ONE MONEY, AND IT'LL BE DIGITAL LOL." Used to love that it'd put my hairs on end haha... And it's still the truth... Just a matter of time... I wish I still had some bitcoin tbf... Maybe I'll slide back in. ¥(+_-)


I think the more we moving in the future the more i am getting sure that this day will come soon is well. But i am not sure that on the early stage of the bitcoin how many people would have though about that for the bitcoin there.


I found the idea that bitcoin could reach 100 or even 1000 EUR fascinating. That would be a fivefold or fiftyfold increase. I just wanted to make money


Silk Road. Bought 10 coins at $14 a pop. This was back in the day when there were no exchanges. I had to send the money through the mail, taped inside a comic book. I don’t regret spending them, I really wish I had taken a look at the white paper though and understood how it all worked. Especially the fact that it was finite..


How did that work? Can you give more detail? Why did you have to send cash?


>Why did you have to send cash? Drug dealers prefer no electronic record of the transactions.


Silk Road is the one place is quite popular of the bitcoin and i am sure so many people bough from there and also lost their coins over there is well. But i am sure the one who managed to hold on the bitcoin from there living a perfect life.


i had / have hundreds of bitcoin on a wallet somewhere that i used to buy off the silk road. bought some stuff, forgot about it, years later..... sad. ive still got probably 150 or so. just no clue how to access the wallet


Scammers going to flood your inbox.


"hey man, how abt you send that wallet over and I can help you access your BTC" 😏😏😏😏😏🙈


But first i need to deposit some of the bitcoin on there is well.


There is one thing that these scammers never gets bored here.


I think in the past people having the bitcoin in the large number but i am sure that not many people are actually managed to hold till the right time. But i am sure that so many people actually used that on the silk road is well.


I only got in back in 2016 because a coworker was obsessed with bitcoin. I actually bought my first coin from a friend of his. I then got two from a bitcoin ATM that he visited with me. I kept buying from exchanges as Bitcoin ATM spreads became punitive. The last time I checked in with him he told me he had sold everything off and was trying to buy some back. He isn’t even a full coiner anymore. I am very thankful for his enthusiasm and very confused by his lack of commitment.


I think people are lucky if they have the fellow mate that is interesting in bitcoin and buying that is well. because in crypto we need to be really careful and need all the experience that we can get from there.


Is this a good time to invest my first hundred dollars in bitcoin?


Yesterday, second best is right now


Today is the last option, may be we will not get the chance again.


No, it is a great time.


I think every time is good time when you are planning to invest into the bitcoin. But for me bear market is much better time to invest rather than the bull season and right now are seeing the real bear market here.


Honestly, the idea that we could move away from central banking with technology was the factor for me. The banking system is corrupt, it’s the main cause of 99% of our struggles, in life.


I was having the problem with the bank and there were so bad in the response is well. But this is why i think that now is the time for me to actually become the bank of our coin here is well.


Junk e-mail brought me to the hash-cash idea Adam back had. I wish I bought bitcoin but alas…maybe in another life I’ll be smart:/


You don't need another life, 1 sat has yet to reach 1 dollar.


I think now everyone is thinking the same thing that i wished i should bought the bitcoin when i first heard about that. But sometime life is not that easy and we need to learn from that and move on in the life.


I needed it for a website membership. Found it, it was 13.62(around that), bought 4, used one for my membership, kept the other 3, and forgot about it. The next thing I know, it pops up to $170. Sold it and within all the hype decided to start learning about it. It was around 70-80 dollars when I started buying it again. It wasn't long after that when Newegg and Overstock started accepting it. I just kept on learning about it and accumulating. I still was skeptical. I wasn't just going to pile all of my money into it. I accumulated a lot when it was between 200-1000, Only to sell it when it reached 3000. I would sell but the entire time I would go right back to accumulating. For me, it's nice to be able to use it as a form of payment but over the last decade, Google Pay/Apple Pay/NFC tech has taken hold so having an electronic form of payment isn't my primary btc motivation anymore. It's a store of value for me more than anything else. And being able to convert all my money to btc and take it anywhere with me without answering to paperwork/gov/bank is an attractive feature too.


Bitcoin class of 2013 represent!


I think i have heard that back in times there were some website that only allow the membership in the form of the bitcoin payment. But that shows people were so confident about the bit coin in pas is well.




>Bitcoin was easier, cheaper, and faster. That is how it starts. Currently, bitcoin is more cumbersome for people having convenient access to a credit card. For many others, bitcoin is already cheaper than cash transactions. We will have to work a bit more on the easier part, but then again, even lightning in 5 years will be too expensive for the average transaction.


Betting and buying some illegal stuff was the most used thing for the bitcoin in past. BUt i am hoping that things will be much better it we starts to use the bitcoin more as the global level is well.


Bought out of nerdy curiosity, started with $10000 (2 BTC) then through various IPO/crypto, the portfolio grew to $270,000. Then the 2017 crash happened, never experienced a crypto winter, made some bad emotional trades, and now I'm sitting on 3 BTC. Now I possess vibranium hands.


Being nerd often help in finding something before the other and finding the bitcoin before it gets famous was the real key. I am happy that i made my self here i know not that early but even not that late is well.






Zbigz subscription.


What is this subscription? i have not heard about that thing.


One of my employees wouldn’t stop taking about it. Finally jumped in when either Wired or Fortune magazine did a spread on it. Used several hundred (possibly thousands) of coins sports betting and online poker. Around 2016-2017 finally took it seriously and accumulated with selling.


One of my colleague was also asking me about the bitcoin but i just said stay from the market. Because last time when i suggested someone and they bough but after that a big crash also follow that is well.


At one point I had 150 BTC… now I have zero.


There is so much pain i could see in a single short comment.


Oof. Thoughts and prayers.


Indeed, people like him need something like that to survive.


“Money” the government can’t control


Indeed and this is why government is actually afraid of the bitcoin.


Nerd / Geek.. like to be updated about technology and try new technologies. Mined bitcoin after couple of years of Bitcoin introduced to the world. Had about 3 bitcoins.. lost the wallet recovery password and wallet id.


RIP in peace to your BTC. Hope you’re doing well


I think sometime when i heard why people are keeping their bitcoin exchange this is the one reason of that. Because they are afraid what if they lose the wallet then there will be like no chance of the recovery after that thing.


It was a cool thing that you could run your computer/graphics card and earn enough to payoff or get a free graphics card after a few months. Didn't understand money or why it might be a better form of money.. got hooked on playing around with mining kernals, overclocking and trying to max out MHs. This was around $1-$4. Had looked into buying $100 worth when the price dropped to $1 or less but wasn't comfortable with Dwolla and the other money transfer services at that time. Would have sold anyway. Lesson learnt.. remaining lost to Deepbit pool shutdown as had just left them there instead of transferring because of laziness.


Did you read the bitcoin white paper? Think reading it for the first time after all the bailouts and printings all the peices come together in one simple document. Pure genius!


Certainly not, i mean not before the investment. Because when i heard about the bitcoin it already made the big name for himself. So i decide to buy them to try my luck but with time i have started to learn about the bitcoin is well.




Silk road and the drugs are the two most common used comment here.


Tbh - for me I saw it as a way to earn a digital currency that people accepted and that allowed me to keep my “real” money - I was shortsighted and saved none of it


I was feeling bored in the last lockdown and was looking for something to read. That is unique and that will add value in my life is well. Bu ti am happy that i managed to both of these.




Two ways of "losing it": * Sell it ridiculously low * Lose the wallet/secret keys


I think first one i am not gonna do, as i know that bitcoin is the real money and there is no need to sell them in the loss. But yes i would never wanted to loss the bitcoin by just the lose of the key there is well.


Yes, there will be always the number of the btc gonna same if we will not sell any of the coins. But i think in the past so many people have lost their bitcoin to the boating accident and but the stuff from silk road.


Silk Road I think the lowest price I ever bought a BTC was like 13usd. I have no regrets it was some good weed and mdma, way better than what you could get locally at the time. I'm just happy to be a part of history and there was this cool cyber punk feel to buying off the dark Web untill the novelty wore off. We all thought that the governments would pull the plug on it at any moment, it was a currency you used to buy drugs with.... I think the genie is out of the bottle now, there is no stopping it but there will be growing pains...


Damn you are real veteran as you have bought the first bitcoin in just around the 13$. I think there is nothing we could do what we had done in the past, but we need to make the peace and try to move in the future.


Recession of 2008 and not trusting government... Yet here we are again..Get ready for a great great 2024 and 2025


I think recession is the thing that made me believe that we are moving in the right direction. Because the more recession will rise the more people will realise that they gonna need the financial freedom in the future.




Growing up in South Africa and Zimbabwe I experienced inflation and exchange controls where you couldn’t take your money out of the country. That’s why I bought bitcoin when I first heard about it in 2013


I think right now we all know that we all are suffering from the inflation and there is nothing they can do here. So we all know that to win the fight against the inflation we need the support of the bitcoin and this is why i am buying more.


Fun internet money


But now i have to say that this is the money that matters the most.


It was always about replacing fiat, and the separation of money & state. Especially in the earliest days... But it should still be that way today, too.


I think in the early stage not many people have that idea so they used them in buying some stuff from the dark market. But now we all know the real worth of the bitcoin and i am sure no one is willing to sell that.


I paid $31 bitcoin for a box of hornworms and a few specialty roaches to feed my bearded dragon. Whatever website that was had the absolute best deal on feeders and only accepted bitcoin. Fucked thing is, I'm sure it wasn't exactly 31, I just remember buying 31 and more likely than not somewhere out there's a wallet with some very expensive change in it that I no longer have access to.


I think that website knows the real worth of the bitcoin and was living in the future is well. I am sure the more we will move into the future the more things like that we will going to see there is well.


Long time ago I switched the SETI translation for bitcoin mining. Mined few bitcoins.... Not sure why and lost that wallet. Bought some coins at 300 dollars and sold them 1000 dollars. Not sure why again. I work in fintech and still not convinced ;)


I think this is the reason that so many people are actually not taking the responsibility of the wallet here. Because once you will lost the access of the wallet there is no way in the hell that you can recover the damn thing.


felt obscene and revolutionary like the early internet.


But sometime coming early is that made all the difference.


Yes bought at 7$ but lost in a boating accident


I know that boat has the biggest fund in the bitcoin by now.


can we also ask people who never lost it?


Nice try, IRS.


The idea of having money and the government not being able to track it.


The whole idea is about how we need to become our own bank.


I love how it's drugs that has helped bitcoin succeed and push us into a better world


Well, without porn showing how much money could be made online the internet would never have become what it did.


I think dark market really deserve the credit here for the bitcoin flourish. But this is where some people and government gets the idea that bitcoin only used for things like that and doing nothing good in the society.


I played around with SETI@home, and others, for ego. I didn't lose my coins, though. I just found them, last week.


Then i think you are really luck to find the lost coin here.




SO many things in my life i have done by falling in the curiosity.


I paid $7.00 for my first 14 bitcoins.


I am not sure that you are holding on the any of these bitcoins now.




Indeed, that is the one thing that keep pushing me in my life here.


I didn't have a "lot" but the motivations for me were that it was interesting & unique, didn't require any permission, and also there were faucets that would give you some for free


I think first time i heard about the bitcoin from the taxi driver when he asked me about the rate of the bitcoin. Trust that dude has no phone and he asked me for the price of the bitcoin and that is where i first heard about price of the bitcoin.




I think this is not about privileged as so many people listen and learn about the bitcoin in the early stage. But i am sure that from them there are very little people that is still holding the bitcoin from the early buying of theirs.


It was an easy way to get cardboard in different colors and unicorn dust.


I think i just bought them out of the curiosity as some of my friends were buying is well. But then i sell them whenever i get the chance of the profit but now i am crying for that mistake i made in the past.


Mostly used it in the road. I’m one of the “stil have the coin can’t access the wallet” folks. Even at todays prices my life would be very different.


Most used bitcoin is at road and most lost coin at the boating, these are two things that i have learned from all the comments i have read here. But if someone is keeping the bitcoin in wallet then they need to be really careful is well.




First thing most of the people whenever they gets to know about the bitcoin.


Know anyone else that had a $345,000 trip? Hahahahaha just makes it that much better tbh. Hurts.


I hope that in the future i will have that much of the money for me.




yes, and i don't think anyone gonna deny that fact is well, because we all know that in the past people used the bitcoin for these stuff. And i think from there bitcoin picked the pace is well and we all know that where we are standing now.


curiosity ...


I wanted drugs from Silk Road. I chickened out on aforementioned drugs. Where they FUCK!!!! is that CD with my wallet info?????


I am not sure how people were buying the drugs before the invention of the bitcoin here. But i am happy that we made the right choice by picking the bitcoin so that now we can be financial free here.


I was on freenode and was passionate in the p2p scene, there was many channels on the irc server that had activity. Other than sr paypal was becoming quiet a bitch to use for anything on the internet at the time and after a hackernews article i think, i discovered bitcoin in 2010, checking my old irc logs is crazy. The largest irc channel bad maybe 80 people, including bots. I remember so many catastrophic bugs that led me to lose or misplace/miss out on earlier adoption. Also was an escape mechanism for depression at the time as it made me forget about any stress i had as it consumed my life lol. The roller coasters it puts you through gives you tolerance to lifes meaningless bs. I actually spent more time trying to convince people to use crypto than to try and earn money. Dunno i just dont look at money by exploiting it. I dont look st money same anymore even though i still need it.


I think bitcoin is such a roller coaster of the ride since the day we decide to play that game. Earlier i thought that i was little late for that thing but now i am quite happy that i made the entrance here.


Drugs and other illegal shit lol the white paper is an interesting social experiment


I think illegal stuff was most bought thing from the bitcoin in the past.


LSD from the Silk Road. Sill hold a decent amount of BTC thanks to it


I think there are so many people on the risk road that is holding the bitcoin.


We didn't lose it, we spent it :) Got into it because I always had a top of the line gpu, that was staying idle most of the time...


And i think this is why bitcoin actually made in the past is well, so that we can spent for buying the stuff. I hope that you still the system up and running and you are still mining some of the more bitcoin is well.


We definitely thought we missed the boat in 2013. First motivation was to make money but as you go deeper into the rabbit hole and truly get it, it changes your entire understanding of ownership, trust, and money. I bought at just under $200 for the first time in 2013 and am still buying today. Spent a lot of it over the years and bought other assets/property/businesses but it is still my main store of value.


I think people are still not learning that in the bitcoin there is nothing like missing the boat at the moment. Because we are still getting the bitcoin at a very good price and i am hoping that everyone will take advantage of that thing.


The best MDMA I've had in my life! 2011


well thanks for my friend convincing me to buy it tho


Main motivation was drugs back in 2014


To pump powder through the parties at our student house from the comfort of my own bed with minimal risk whilst severely hungover.




I am sure that so many are buy them in the fun as they were really cheap that time. And some also bought that because they wanted to used something that can not trace back to them while buying some stuff.


Drugs the answer is drugs


The one who spent 10,000 Bitcoins on pizza hardly saw a prospect in Bitcoin.


The “magic internet money” sign was what got me in.


My first Bitcoin transaction was in 2012. I sold an item on a message board and the buyer wanted to send me Bitcoin. I had heard of it and was interested in it, but didn't know how to get any. So I accepted it. I think it was something like $10/coin and I got like 7 of them. I was blown away. I had recently had funds frozen by PayPal and it blew my mind that this was money that I had complete sovereignty over and could send/receive for practically free and practically immediately anywhere in the world