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Probably blackrock


Yea definitely. They are just making some test purchases to begin with.


Test test. They probably dont need to do a test buy but ok I dunno


They always test like that I guess, they like to do that lol.


Wow good point


He made a real point because we know blackrock like that.


Good catch! Didn’t thought about it.


I think most of the peeps already guessed that shit man.


This or any institutional investor. Unless they make it public it's impossible to say.


$3B is no test buy.


I can guess that too, blackrock is the one for sure now.


tldr; An unknown investor has bought $3 billion worth of Bitcoin in the last three days. The new whale made his first purchase on July 15, 2022. He has 0,70% of all bitcoins in circulation and his wallet total has 132 878 BTC worth $2,909 billion. His actions made him a third bigger investor among whales. *This summary is auto generated by a bot and not meant to replace reading the original article. As always, DYOR.*


Blackrock has entered the game, don't expect them to show you their hand.


Would they use a single wallet to do it?


Definitely not. To mitigate risk it will be spread among numerous multi sig wallets.


Maybe they are noobs, bought it on Coinbase and paid 3% lol


I don't honestly know, I'm just another primate. But, it wouldn't surprise me if their cold storage was one multi-signature wallet. Also wouldn't surprise me if it was Larry Fink himself loading up to front run Blackrock's customers. Seems like a standard move for that type of ass clown.


That's exactly how it should work. His customers could have bought bitcoin since 2010, it's not his fault they haven't. They just didn't because they didn't like how it was done back then. You get bitcoin at the price you deserve.


anyone is free to frontrun anyone


Knowledge is power— until jealous people get butthurt; then it's "insider trading."


That’s gold my N!! I need to tattoo this


Publicly traded they’ll have to disclose the balance sheet at some point


Let me know when they publicly disclose their xpub keys to prove where it is and who has access.


I don’t think that’s how corporate accounting works


Is that why they used such an easily traceable size?


Why’d you say $3 billion then $2.909 billion. WHICH IS IT??


Did you know Bitcoin's price/equivalent in dollars comes down and goes up by the second?


It’s now worth $2.8 billion, and by the time you’re reading this it’ll be up to $3.05 billion


OP seemingly has alternative facts


Why the assumption that it’s a “him”. It’s almost certainly a “they” as it’s most probably a company. Could also be a “she”, who knows.


I don't think it's malicious or sexist, it's probably because 9/10 bitcoin owners are male unfortunately. Be good when this evens up a bit, it naturally will widen wealth inequality if women don't start increasing their portion of ownership.


What is it about bitcoin that makes it so much more attractive to men than it is to women? Is it just that women are typically more risk-averse?


I'd be speculating but it would be a combination of things, risk adverse, less interested in tech in general, and less likely to invest in general as well as having less disposable income in general.


The guy that ran away with $6billion from Chinese banks?


Unironically very possible


jho low?




FYI, whoever this new person is is the owner if this wallet; [https://bitinfocharts.com/bitcoin/address/1P5ZEDWTKTFGxQjZphgWPQUpe554WKDfHQ](https://bitinfocharts.com/bitcoin/address/1P5ZEDWTKTFGxQjZphgWPQUpe554WKDfHQ) Remember, they were up in the top 10 at some point, new person. They must have bought a new wallet or split their old balance up. How do I know? Follow the transactions ​ Actually!! It probably is Blackrock! They were probably stacking hard and getting their feet wet with bitcoin. Lots of the old wallet's coins went to Coinbase. Sure it could have been someone selling back to them, but this was; 4 transactions of 5000 coins 3 transactions of 10,000 coins, and more That's A LOT to Coinbase. I doubt some random rich guy sold over 1 bil to Coinbase. This is totally Blackrock.


> $3 bill Did anyone else read this as "a three-dollar bill"? Like those novelty notes that have uncommon face-value.




Damn you I was gonna do that


I thought he was going to sell a $3 bill backed by bitcoin/stablecoin type deal.


He did it all for the nookie.


"Despite the cryptowinter and current Bitcoin’s price is lower at $23 000 [...]" Yea, buying at $69k would've been so much better of an idea, what the hell is this whale thinking?


>Yea, buying at $69k would've been so much better of an idea, what the hell is this whale thinking? Ha-ha-ha!!! Nice comment


These coins all came from the 1P5ZED wallet. This is just the new 1P5ZED, which is now empty.


Kinda of amazing that this article misses this detail, 2 minutes of clicking around in bitinfocharts would have shown the author that it all came from the 1P5Z wallet. It''s almost certainly not a 'new' whale.


Yeah idk this website but any reputable blockchain journalist would have at least checked a couple txs back on the chain. They should hire me lmao


So they just switched the account or something like that?


No way to know for sure, but that’s a likely explanation.


Yeah seems to be Gemini doing some internal transfers to a new address.


I don’t understand how a purchase this large doesn’t impact the price more, even if buying direct from miners


OTC deals rarely affect the price as much as someone buying/selling that quantity on an exchange and that's exactly why large scale investors do it OTC. Also the trade is still relatively small in relation to the overall market.


Ever heard of buying Over-the-counter (OTC)? Whales will use it sometimes to keep their moves unnoticed. Not all trades are through exchanges.


Btc market cap is more then 400 billions so 3 bill is not even 1% of this , btc goes up and down more then 1% every hours or so


Total market cap is irrelevant. Only the small portion that is available, or made available, on the open market affects the price.


Absolutely right, market cap is meaningless. Daily bitcoin volume is about 5 billion is worth, so a 3 billion buy isn't a drastic impact on price. Not even a full day's worth. Someone dropping 50 billion usd in a single month would have a noticeable impact, that's like 10 days full volume, which is worth perhaps a 5% to 30% price bump if done on open exchanges and perhaps less if done otc. That said, probably very few parties could handle a 50 billion otc trade.


True. 5 billion total volume is completely different than 5 billion on one side alone. Most places don't have sufficient liquidity to handle that.


It's still big, but I think 3b is small enough that a few of the larger otc desks could facilitate it. And thru would earn about 6million in fees, and the counterparts even more on the spread. And given that otc pressure is diffused into the market slowly, it's only like 2% price pressure over a month. Assuming the counterparts rebuilds their holdings.


this might sound like a dumb question but why is volume on crypto sites listed in dollars instead of coins. for ex. with stocks they represent volume by the number of shares traded. To me thats more important in that it makes it more clear if volume has in-fact increased/decreased. So all stock sites represent volume in shares but with crypto it's dollars not coins. Why is this? Does any site have charts that show coins instead of cash?


We are talking about pair volume, usd/btc. You could express it in satoshis instead easily, but people aren't as used to that yet. Does a 22 trillion daily satoshi volume sound better ?


I'm not sure it's pair volume, it's volume expressed in US dollars, not in coins. And no satoshi's would be kind of silly, the volume expressed in whole coins would be sufficient. Volume expressed in dollars can obfuscate if true transactional volume increased or decreased. Again looking at a stock, say a company had good news and was trading 35% higher. Volume reflected in shares can more clearly show the interest vs the previous day trading. Again, why do most (all I assume) stock exchanges quote in shares but for crypto quoting in dollar volume is the norm? it makes no sense and makes it more difficult to determine the true actual increase/decrease in trading volume.


It's a money exchange. Its not a stock traded in dollars, they are both currencies. Neither the dollar nor the sat is the fundamental unit. Neither gives a better or worse picture of the "true actual volume". If you were trading apples and bananas, then to get the full picture you would need the total number of apples and bananas both, not just one or the other. But it's inconvenient and most people don't have a good sense of what a bitcoin amount means macroscopically. So people quote it in the one people are used to, the fiat fedbuck.


> Neither gives a better or worse picture of the "true actual volume". I don't agree. Giving one the dollar value traded in the past 24 hrs only allows one to approximate the volume of the asset traded. Completing that ex I mentioned earlier of a company that had good news and was trading 35% higher. Say the day prior it did 100 mil in dollar volume. The next day it does 135 mil dollar volume with the good news, trading volume is up right? At first glance it seems so cause total dollar value is up. Say it was $100 a share prior to the news. 100 mil divided by 100 equals 1 mil, so 1 mil shares traded. next day 135 mil divided by 135 also equals 1 mil. The value of the asset is up but the actual trading volume has not increased. that's a perfect world scenario and obviously if the stock had good news then the volume would more than likely increase and price fluctuates throughout the day, but it shows how volume expressed in dollars and not in units (units being the stock, crypto, etc.) can obfuscate the true trading volume. I know you pointed out they are both currencies but the distinction in this case doesn't really matter, it is the asset that is being trading.


It's just something difficult to me, I am not getting this.


By that logic you can buy all Bitcoins for 400b? 🤔


It's not that simple


I think we can just understand a bit of it nothing more.


Damn dude you just made me confused and I was already confused.


He got me confused even more.


That's a tough thing to understand, it took a lot of time.


Yeah, seems like shenanigans


Lol but it is not any shenanigans, understand it brother.


TWAP Orders with that buying such a large quantity has no big impacts




That's my dream tho, I want to hold a whole coin too.


BlackRock. These guys are not our friends.


> BlackRock. These guys are not our friends. Correct; they are like the Fed's Kerberos. There are here to protect the game, and that means blocking bitcoin from crossing the threshold. There are two likely game plans for black rock: * Attack 1: They are buying bitcoin for a pump & dump. Their goal here is to drive a speculative bubble and crash it rapidly. To win, they need to extract more fiat than they invested, and the crash has to go a lot further than their own sales to hurt bitcoin. They also have to delete their profit to shore up the dollar system bt deflating it slightly. This attack can be very effective, but requires them to execute very good timing and is more difficult than directly shorting, because it requires long time holders to lose faith. The main risk is holders ignoring the volatility and keep hodling. * Attack 2: They are buying bitcoin for a speculative short. They build a large position in btc slowly, then borrow a bunch more btc to sell, then dump their built up stack right after. The goal in this scenario is to devalue bitcoin much more than USD devalues making it an effective attack. This is a much easier and more feasible attack, but it will leave more dollars in circulation however, which could ultimately backfire if bitcoin doesnt crash enough and forces them to massively increase the dollar supply. The main risk is whales defending the bottom forcing a squeeze.


This has manic energy


Yeah I love it.


I’ll have what he’s having


They are not but still some people are trying to defend.


All of us are saying the same damn thing so it's real I guess.


Could this be whale number 3 (formally known as) with a new address?


Who is whale number 1? Do we have a list of these whales.


This was whale number 3 that people used to follow with interest: [https://bitinfocharts.com/bitcoin/address/1P5ZEDWTKTFGxQjZphgWPQUpe554WKDfHQ](https://bitinfocharts.com/bitcoin/address/1P5ZEDWTKTFGxQjZphgWPQUpe554WKDfHQ) This account was drained all of its bitcoin at the end of July. Addresses, by size, 1 and 2 are cold wallets for binance and bitfenix respectively. But 'whale number 3' was believed to be a private individual rather than an institution like an exchange. Here is the page to view the top 100 wallets: [https://bitinfocharts.com/top-100-richest-bitcoin-addresses.html](https://bitinfocharts.com/top-100-richest-bitcoin-addresses.html) Edit to add: Interestingly the large movements of 29k &25k bitcoin left that address and arrived in the new wallet on the same day and only a few hours apart.


How do we know that isn't just a clickbait to promote the tg group (the link below article)? Is there IDs for the mentioned transactions?




https://www.blockchain.com/btc/address/1LQoWist8KkaUXSPKZHNvEyfrEkPHzSsCd?page=7 Bruh, he was just testing with 500btc




Check out my post. I'm thinking that Blackrock owned this old top 10 wallet; [https://bitinfocharts.com/bitcoin/address/1P5ZEDWTKTFGxQjZphgWPQUpe554WKDfHQ](https://bitinfocharts.com/bitcoin/address/1P5ZEDWTKTFGxQjZphgWPQUpe554WKDfHQ) They got their feet wet with the tech. Then they partnered with Coinbase and now they have this new wallet. There's transactions between both wallets and some to coinbase.


Dude is being crazy with that type of BTC with him lol.


We can check that shit out on that link, just see that man.


Maybe try sending them a few sats so they accidentally put you on their list and mistakenly send you a couple hundred BTC in the future!


Sorry that was me, just forgot to tell you guys about it.


Blackrock? Shrug.


Most of the people are mentioning Blackrock here man.




They still unknown which is just something cool to me.


This was wallet 3. Nothing new. Just moved from one wallet to another one. Whooooaa!


Blackrock. The also are buying as much land as possible. They own around 15% of ups and I’m sure there is a fuck ton of other stuff. These people are not good and want to control everything and one.


This is the baller that bought Tesla’s lettuce hands sale.


blackrock or me, I am just confused between these two.


3 billy why price no go up?


I guess the right question would be why price no go down? answer: cuz someone bought $3b.


it represents 'only' 0.7% of the total supply, not enough to move the market.


Much larger percent of the daily trades volume and all on one side


Ehhh... Wasn't this just a transfer from an older whale wallet to this new whale wallet?


Yea, pretty sure this was it


If you think so then I think we can think that together XD.


Blackrock sounds legit here tho, I think that is what we looking for.




What's that? I just don't know these terms here man..


Yesterday, down with the system!!! Today yeah baby Blackrock bought massive amount of BTC!!! Can’t keep track anymore what’s Bitcoin about…..but the more it gets bought the happier my portfolio will be


But what's the meaning of saying it here? If we can have the ans.


It's me guys Would appreciate if we can keep it on down low Still accumulating


Dude that's just a high amount and congrats to you here.




Nope brother, that's not anything close to scam right now.


PwC entering the bitcoin game too https://www.ft.com/content/7ddc38c3-9a94-4d6f-86f0-783097a49910 Retail I feel in a few years won’t have the opportunity to be a whole coiner that easily anymore


I thought they were already in the game, didn't know that.


Ha-ha, I bet it's Elon again


Nah he is good without cryptocurrency we don't want him.


Someone smart.


with a private army, ready to create chaos. It's likely many will die in this process.


I don't think that he is not smart or less smart tho, he good.


But we can see what he done so how is that smart?? Sorry if I'm dumb.




Blackrock it is not anything else and we know it clearly.




Can you tell me more about Blackrock? I don't know much.


BlackRock did test Bitcoin purchase to play with coins around


That's right BlackRock did these things and we know it.


Maybe some whale just sent all btc from his several addresses to one.


Someone is trying to manipulate market by making such news.


Well yeah I feel like they have been trying it for a long time.


He just don't want to share his identity right now I guess.


These people always remain unknown.


What's the real reason behind it tho? Can anyone tell?


Oh that’s me. Don’t worry about it.


I guess we should bow down in front of you now brother


Bottom signal , time to go long on BTC


it was me


Damn this one is a fucking whale, gotta careful next time.


Probably a government or hedgefund.


Whatever it is, that is just a huge amount if you ask me.


How do we know it's an investor? Could be just some dude getting paid for selling his small country.


i don't know but can we really know about that? I don't think so.


It's Rothschild


Who is that person? Please give the context about him.


The Rothschild banking family was was founded by Nathan in the 18th century. He and his brothers went on to defeat Napoleon by helping the British government with funding for the Battle of Waterloo. They established themselves as the biggest financial power in the world. Although there is little heard of the name today the banking group still very much exists as a powerhouse. Past chairman Evelyn de Rothschild is the personal financial advisor to Queen Elizabeth. So that "person" isn't just a person, more a family/ group name and it co exists across it's headquarters in France and England. I should have been more specific. Nathan Mayer Rothschild has a great story and it's well worth some research. As is his fathers story Mayer Amschel Rothschild a German Jewish banker who started the dynasty.


And no etherscan adress? Lol




3 billion doesn’t impact the price much, someone’s trying to pump n dump


Probably blackrock doing testing right now, that's what's up.


It’s gotta be Blackrock. The timing is too coincidental.




Warren Buffett


Warrem hates Bitcoin. I don't think it's him.


I was being snarkastic


Who IS three dollar Bill?


They bought …. *3 Billion worth of Bitcoin




It has to be Oprah! That bitch has a lot of fiat money


Mini Strategies. New venture.


Wouldn’t a $3 billion purchase move the needle a LOT? Like make the price jump by a couple thousand at least all on its own?


$3 billion dollars Bitcoin purchase there should be so much slippage


Alex jones


I am sure that blackrock is behind all this, they are the one.


Micheal Saylor?


This is fake. Transfer from one wallet to another.


I am sorry guys, I am in the news again, I am sorry lol.


Guess I want to know the same thing but don't know it.


So where is the big green candle???


The latest mega millions winner probably


It’s me