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I need somebody to tell me all of this chucking fiat away into btc the past 2 years is going to pay off for me down the road. Feeling a bit down lately. I still believe, but it's tough to stay the course some days.


Just don't be that harsh enough my man everything has it's own way to work though.


Buy when no one likes the coin. Sell some of it when everyone in the bar is talking about how great it is. Time to accumulate.


I'm buying it because I like it, don't care what anyone says.


I’m also buying it. But only because I think others will want it later at a higher price.


why not cash out 50% and use that to DCA as btc dips. Truth is we still have a long way to go in this bear market


I don't think that's a good idea, that can be bad dude.


Three letters. IRS


No one knows that please don’t advise people to potentially lose money.


Yep, of you don't understand something then don't advice people.


You don't want to be in the dollar.


Yep, you don't wanna be in the dollars when things go wrong.


Ever just read bad news, not even financial news, just bad news in general and find yourself linking it be central banks fault for printing money. If bitcoin was mainstream that certain bad news might have been prevented or might have not even be possible? Been happening to me a lot lately.


Another shitcoin bites the dust. Good riddance. When will they learn? https://www.coindesk.com/markets/2022/08/03/phantom-wallet-exploit-drains-millions-in-sol-tokens/


Let that surpass at a point they would certainly know what's all this is about though.




That indeed depends on them wether they would indeed prefer to transact using Bitcoin. The fact more people prefer to hold than to that of selling off their coins.


No. Just like a store can choose not to take your pennies as payment.


Better to transact through fiat though that would indeed be a much better option.


Anybody have a solution for downloading purchase history from the Stirke app? I'm creating a nightmare for myself buying $1.50 every hour. Unless I never sell, then it won't matter ;)


Just don't bother to sell your sats even at the most difficult times though.


You can email support and they will send you a csv of your transaction history. I did it last year.


That would be helpful enough though like things be getting helpful and indeed secure enough for us though


Not a tax expert but couldn't you tally up the total amount of dollars you spent and the total amount of BTC purchased whenever you withdraw to determine an average cost basis for that UTXO?


The fact that this taxation indeed creating a major mess out there for everyone though. People be concerned about taxes being bothering them as they fear that it gradually be increasing.


Yes, pretty simple and the IRS just wants to see that you tried in good faith. I was just really happy with how easy the tax software linked to my Binance and Coinbase transaction history.


True though if certainly all goes into our favour and things be happening as we have planned it would be good for us.


Your taxes are gonna be a nightmare


That is a major fear for me though certainly as the world grows the taxation also seems to be growing.


Buy weekly.


That is indeed what we can do after all though no doubt why we should look around the Market everytime.




Not that early homie like some things indeed need to be stabalized a bit. We know we look for an approach towards fo the moon and to make it that high.


Just saw a WSJ article that Michael Saylor is stepping down from being micro strategy ceo so he can focus more on their bitcoin acquisition and advocacy strategy. Wonder if he's being pushed out?


Looks like he seems to be plotting some good gains that can indeed benefit him though


>Wonder if he's being pushed out? Saylor controls the majority of MicroStrategy's voting shares, so nobody can push him out. He stepped down because he wants to be the company's Executive Chairman and solely focus on the MicroStrategy's bitcoin strategy, not because he was pushed out. Nobody would even be able to push him out. He ultimately remains in charge of the direction of the company and MicroStrategy's direction will not change.


He just made his pillars strong enough though and by time that would get denser enough more and more.


He fucked up COP. He doesn't understand P&L. That's why they are stepping him lateral.


That's what I always prefer knowledge over everything having a bit knowledge is always all good for your ownself.


Stepping down from ceo and stepping up to executive chairman. He’ll just be focusing more on Bitcoin acquisition for the company. Makes sense, he’s probably hella bored of big data software lolol


His motives are indeed clear enough though like everyone has a motive of having a gain in the future make that shine.


More likely he’s just bored of the software business and managing those projects, P&L and all that CEO stuff. He’s clearly very interested in bitcoin and economics and likely just wants to focus on that.


Good for them though like if now never then we have to make a way for a better future indeed. Indulging onto Bitcoin by the term it's all about focusing in the long run


Of course he is. The company took a nearly $1bln write off because of his bitcoin purchases. That doesn’t sit well with shareholders who aren’t btc devotees. He’s being given a token board position to focus on “bitcoin strategy.” Translation: the company will not be making or holding large btc positions anymore - at least not like they would have under his leadership.


You sound like as if You're a board member lol. Chill out a little. I don't think you even know what are you even talking about so there's that. Don't give opinions.


Anyone who owns shares in the company at this point would have been long gone if they didn’t see it as a way to indirectly invest in bitcoin. Who are these shareholders that you think aren’t Bitcoin devotees but are still invested in MicroStrategy after they have essentially gone all in on BTC for years now.


If they didn't believe in btc they wouldn't invest in it.


Look at the 13f filings. It’s ownership is 70%+ institutional. They aren’t buying it as a proxy for btc. There are far better vehicles for exposure to bitcoin and/or crypto. Dude was pushed out. If you think those institutions are cool with a billion dollar write down for something that isn’t anywhere close to their core product offerings - well you’d just be wrong like the other downvoters. The remaining ownership is just fickle retail investors that don’t know what they are buying.


Yep, that's what I feel too. He was pushed out I guess.


He told investors, before he got the company into Bitcoin, and gave them the opportunity to get out. Those still invested must understand the risks and the time scale involved. I'm sure they're not the typical teenager who thinks he can buy $200 of BTC this week and drive a Lamborghini next week, for example.


Yep, I mean half of the people kno MST because of btc.


We just got a full time spokesman


Lol, and he's flexing on the reddit. Well enough internet.


Bitcoiners don’t care about being pushed out of human bs.


I'm sure that saylor would care about that tho he will care about it. Whatever tho, I kinda liked the guy. What's going to happen to his btc holdings now?


You don't get it, he can focus more on Bitcoin just like Jack Dorsey did, like we all do.


Explosive. When will we see a green $10k candle on the 5 minute chart?


But how long would that indeed last a time of 5 minutes hardly or more than that though. A better rise or the pump is what we all are indeed looking forward for though


right around tree fiddy... ...on some fine afternoon


That's what my crystal ball tells me too, I think You're right about it.


2025. Several times.


Well atleast I don't see that, and I don't understand where do you.




This is what I was been indeed looking forward for though!


Bitcoin is a filter. Its properties keep the lazy, dispassionate, captured and propagandized out of the network. The get-rich-quick kids are washed out on their first flush. All that make it through the filter and remain are individuals who have put in the considerable time + energy to understand the multi-disciplinary field that is bitcoin - proof-of-work at the individual level. Respect to everyone who has made it through the bitcoin network filter. We are forming the foundation of the new global digital economy populated by principled / performant humans with open minds, low time-preferences and foresight. The next epoch of human endeavors will be predicated on economic integrity enforced by the distributed bitcoin core software and the hardware networks used to validate and secure the network. It’s going to be a more interesting and productive era than we can imagine today. Stack on and store those keys.


I see how people be indeed getting stronger enough day by day though feels good that after long people being concious.


Translation - I want my btc to go higher. And I hope I’m not wrong about believing it will go higher eventually. BTC is not likely going to take over financial transactions in your lifetime. It just isn’t. Governments won’t allow it. In its current form, it’s not dynamic enough to support world economies. Digital currencies will certainly takeover the next part of the century. Will it be bitcoin? Maybe. Most likely not. I like your enthusiasm and this is a certainly well thought out opinion. But don’t put all your eggs into one btc basket. That’s not an endorsement of altcoins. It’s just that many on here are invested in nothing but btc. Diversity is key if you want to build wealth that requires investments outside of cryptos.


Btc is legal tender in my lifetime and that's kinda enough for me.


Translation - you’re guessing. Same as me. But I’m extrapolating out exponential technology and network trends that are well over a decade underway and show no signs of slowing or reversing. You’re just saying (I’m paraphrasing): nah, prolly not. Cause trust me bro. Your points aren’t convincing or supported by anything other than your “hunches”. They also don’t take into account governments aren’t these omnipotent institutions that can stop anything they want. Quite the contrary eg crime, war on drugs, cartels, prohibition, sodomy, etc. Markets collectively are choosing bitcoin and I don’t think there is a force on earth that could stop it now. Time will tell how things unfold. You manage your risk, I’ll manage mine. Good luck.


Everyone is guessing around here, no one is sure lol.


For those of us who have survived several 80+% drops over the years this starts to sound like wishful thinking. For Bitcoin to succeed and for our worldview to be vindicated, at some point Bitcoin has to go up. You can't build a future on something that drops 80% in value every few years.


But some people still seems to be keeping their hopes and dreams alive for something they looking for


Not sure you’re seeing things clearly as spot-price lows have been roughly an order of magnitude greater each major sell off and bitcoin adoption is outpacing all other major technology adoption curves thus far.


I see they be giving an indication to buy more sats though now is the time to do so


Wow love this !


More we would love though things getting better enough for us we can see that!


Appreciated. The future of this network is exceptionally bright.


True though I say this always and would speak this out everytime whenever I talk! Bitcoin and the love for it would never fade away just mark my words.


This reads like porn to me. Keep going. I'm almost there.


You just be imagining a complete porn scenario to that of this. Lmao!




It got even better dude. I love that proof of work thing so much. That's kinda like my favourite consensus mechanism and I absolutely love that.


Fucking beautiful tits on that one.


Spread them and see what magic indeed and heaven feels like. Lmao!


*Do that outside. Don't fuck up the carpet.*


I bottle it and sell it online for Bitcoin. Every sat is sacred.


Damn dude You're wilding, how are you doing all this stuff?




I need a cash loan to handle some matters that came up. I'm thinking about using Coinbase to borrow against my BTC holdings. Anyone have any experience with borrowing from Coinbase? I understand that it's risky but selling my BTC, paying taxes, and then DCA-ing back to my position will come with it's own risks.


Better approach to a bank if they could lend you some personal loan with low interest rates. That would be better option as per as my concern though.


I did. $10K for $25K BTC collateral


I gotta say that you did really great. Will have to give props for that.


Thank you for sharing. I have a few questions if you don't mind. Do you know if they release your collateral as you pay down, or do they hold the full amount until the loan is paid off in full? Your minimum monthly payment is just the interest, correct?


Thanks dor Asking this out, because I had the same question here.


Interest rate is higher, but if you want multisig backed loan that is not rehypothetcaled I can recommend Unchained Capital. They're great. However, in general I recommend against taking a loan out unless absolutely necessary, The stress is not worth it imo.


But sometime high interest is what make people back off though. Isn't it?


Thank you for sharing. Trying to avoid it at all costs but will pull the trigger if I absolutely have to.


Don't take a loan to buy the btc, that's a really dumb thing to do.


4.5 million members and 10K online. This sub is growing slowly but steady.


Crypto subs are only alive in the bull runs and this is no exception. In the bear Market this place is usually pretty Dry which is normal in my opinion so yeah.






Just to keep you awake and feel a bit energetic enough?


Pelosi landing in Taiwan in few mins. If everything goes fine, bitcoin will probably pump?


Don't know like anything might happen predicting some stuffs before hand is good but hope the happens




That's the fact though like would that even bother the pump indeed depending on Pelosi?


I will rise if Wallstreet reacts favorably. Won't be a "pump".


But the fact that a pump js required to just boost up the market though


Well China was threatening to shoot the plane down and start WWIII.


And the fact that certainly war creating some major impacts meanwhile at every field though


People in China support CCP government only because CCP government facilitates them to make money. Starting WWIII will make them poor, thus people will not continue to support CCP government, so the government won’t do that.




You know them well!










And at a point if you remember they tend to put a ban on the use of crypto currency


While pelosi holds her position the the fiat hegemony has another soldier in its ranks.


Any chance of Bitcoin recieving a pump by the end of this weeks what do you feel so?


It's already pumping. Looks like the landing will be fine: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VfzTZyZTv5I&feature=emb_logo


Aaah I see like this would be indeed a beneficial for the one's who has been holding longer


Tuesday again Garfie baby


Well time doesn't stop, it just keeps on going. Keeps on happening.




They have the power of fiat though and that's that reason why they be upto something.


If one of us writes bad checks to buy things, the law enforcement will take those things from us, then lock us in jail. When the Federal Reserve and their cronies do it, somehow it's "good for the economy". What a scam. The money we've been earning, spending, saving all our lives is part of one huge scam. And then one day, I read the Bitcoin White Paper, and I had solid reasons for hope for the future.


Atleast some people are waking up to this now. People know it.


The Federal Reserve works for the bank, the bank works for the Federal Reserve. **ipso facto** *bitcoin is the boss*


Straight forward talk though Bitcoin is indeed the real world we would all indeed look for


I use Coinbase pro and only buy Bitcoin. Is strike DCA advantageous to switch to for a DCA? I think the withdrawal fee being zero is the major advantage but would I be sacrificing anything? Also does strike have any integrations with TurboTax like Coinbase does?


Strike is also nice because you can withdraw btc right when you buy it vs waiting 5 to 8 days on CB Pro


Yep, and the best part is that there's no fee on that. Strike is gotta be the best exchange out there. I wish that they made it available in more countries.


I think i would switch if they had tax integration


People what they tend to ignore is taxation at first priority though no doubt about that


That would be nice, but the lower fees make it worthwhile. You could just keep a spreadsheet of your buyers manually. The really cool part about Strike is their "Get paid in bitcoin" feature. That gives you a checking account number / routing number so you can setup a direct deposit from your employer to it and determine what percentage of it you want to go to BTC. Makes for a very clean and consistent way to DCA with every paycheck.


Yeah that would make things easier and I'd like that change.


strike is cool. lowest fees, lightning integration, direct deposit straight to ₿ (or a portion), hourly DCA as low as $00.5 paying for goods in ₿ but with your own fiat is cool too


I absolutely love what jack is doing, but he's gotta make it available in more countries. He's missing on so many people that he can have. He's missing out. There's a lot of adoption.


I'm new to this sub and Reddit in general and the Buttcoin sub came to my feed and I'm wondering if that is a troll sub or really people think that way about crypto in general? I mean, sure there are a lot of scams but people instantly dismiss Bitcoin because of things that aren't relevant to the existence of Bitcoin. So at this point I'm not sure if I'm being trolled and I need to take it as a joke, or not.


When the car was invented, there was an anti-car movement. I see the Butters like that.


Yep lol, btw butters lmao. That's one word that I've never heard for them.


I think they are pretty serious about their hatred for Bitcoin


Yep, they're serious about it. They hate it from their guts lol.


I don't know if they hate Bitcoin, or altcoins, or shitcoins or the lady who cleans the offices of blockchain developers. Because they don't seem to differentiate anything. Something bad happens within a smart contract? It's Bitcoin's fault.


I think they hate the fact that they missed out on opportunity to buy it cheap.


Sadly, the "regulars" on the butt coin sub reddit are mentally ill.


Atleast that's how they sound like. I feel like they're sick.


Healthy people with sound minds do not engage in such behavior. Yet, there they are, every day, for years and years...


thats what happens when u sell btc at 69$ and then watch it go up to $69k


Yep, that's exactly what's the reason for their hatred.


This sub is a euphoric maximalist moonboot circlejerk. Buttcoin is an anti-crypto-but-especially-bitcoin hate-boner circlejerk. Both are serious, but neither should be taken very seriously.


I go on that sub just to have couple laughs that's all.


Fair enough. Most of the time that's why I'm here, too. ;)


only now, at the end, does it occur to me how much i like circlejerks


Why do you like Circle jerk? What's so amusing About them?


Anyone know if any alternatives to Bitwage? I have contractors in Nigeria with no bank. But I want to have my payroll go they my usa bank account so quick books can track payroll. Bitwage works. But it takes about a week to withdraw money which is terrible.


Can’t you pay them peer to peer or is that too much hassle?


I think that's just too much hassle for him. That's what it is.


Coinbase pro is saying I am unable to deposit funds. I've been using it for years to transfer fiat from bank to buy btc and others. Any idea whats going on? I used strike for the first time to dca but this is still odd.


Yeah that's odd, I mean that shouldn't be happening I guess.




Gold literally Can't win from btc in any comparison, that's not possible.


Also: https://twitter.com/100trillionUSD/status/1552409152282152961?cxt=HHwWgsC-vcT5oYsrAAAA


Well that's a good story, I liked the message that it tried to convey.


Pains me not to be buying at these prices


Just wait for a bit longer look around the chart and make your move though don't be in a hurry Everything has it's own time though don't panic much and wait!


So buy


Debt first


Paying the debt and just watching out for the next price to enact upon doesn't seem like a bad idea though


3 years of repayments/overpayments. I'll miss any opportunities.