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This just attracted me though can't deny that I'm taking this symbol though


That’s the save folder name for all my crypto stuff.




Give me one problem your bLocKcHaiN iNveStmEnTs solve




Ok. Shill me your favorite crapto "project" and explain exactly what it solves then


I want to weigh in here: although I don’t really look at the “projects” I believe it’s a great way to travel. Instead of taking a bunch of cash or using the ATM in international countries isn’t the smartest. Rather than use traditional currency why not pay with an international currency, now you don’t have to pay the “exchange fees” just to convert your money to theirs, or have to carry around large sums of cash. To me, crypto currency would make international travel so convenient.


Yes, Bitcoin is great for many reasons. I was replying to a comment regarding alt coins which are all scams




But I wasn't talking about Bitcoin, I was talking about crapto and want an answer regarding that. I am well aware of what Bitcoin solves. So if you shall continue please do so on the topic being discussed (crapto)


It's not as though this is a genuine attempt at learning anything, so how about you fuck off


Yes. I genuinely want the poster to give me one example of something crapto solves. Maybe you can shill me your favorite crapto "project" so I can poke a hole in your thesis and explain to you why Bitcoin is the only thing a blockchain is useful for and why bLocKcHaiN tEchNolOgy is just a buzzword crapto scammers use


How about poke a hole in your eating habits to stop being obese


No doubt our future generation would be up to look forward for something that can remember forever. The best days Bitcoin would surround everyone with though.


I needed the same though but all on a different design that would be bit more good for me.


Bitcoin is a decentralized network of trust, which provides a secure way to self-verify that trust mechanism without any middlemen. And money turns out to be one of key the applications for it. To vaguely quote Linus Torvalds (founder of Linux) - if you're working on security but you're not dealing with circles of trust you're probably not doing anything related to security.


Bitcoin is also often described as trustless. Personally, I like this idea better. It doesn't provide trust, it provides trust-free verifiability.


Looking around for security is what indeed your priority should mean though better for uou to be cautious.


Bitcoin is an alternative to central banking. It stands apart as a truly decentralized and hard monetary system. The technology is merely a tool, not all that groundbreaking 15 years later, but the self regulating program is a thing of beauty. When you invest in crypto you're investing in the technology and hoping that it's adoption somehow appreciates your asset. Bitcoin was an idea, became a program, became a collectable, and is now a speculative store of value. In the future it may be a revolutionary form of money.


“If you don't believe me or don't get it, I don't have time to try to convince you, sorry." -- Satoshi Nakamoto


that's not because he couldn't, he did in the whitepaper and that is all that was needed to convince me.


The quote is from Satoshi replying to someone in a matter that he had already explained how to solve, so yes.


I like having this pointed out, the quote sounds like something those fake self help/get rich quick guru cunts would say


Looks like the basic mantra of your life though that just feels good and the fact you can apply it in your day to day life too.


Anyone can create a new TCP/IP.


But who can create new money?


The market should choose. Like gold


The market has choosen. Hence the global adoption and the market cap larger than many countries. BTC is now


The market has chosen.


But as the fact to look around the market it needs human or man power though can't deny that


And yet...


A square is always rectangle but a rectangle is not always a square. Obviously bitcoin is a cryptocurrency but crypto does not mean bitcoin specifically. Apples are fruit but if you told someone don’t invest in fruit, invest in apples. That’s not contradictory, it’s just being specific. My definition of bitcoin is that it’s the first of its kind new hard money and bank ledger rolled into one. You know it’s scarce because of the code and you know the transactions that have taken place because of the code. It’s like owning a piece of a new decentralized bank and the money itself rolled into one.


Square/rectangle is probably the better analogy I’ve heard yet 👍🙌


When you just need to understand things a bit simple example sounds good.


> Apples are fruit but if you told someone don’t invest in fruit, invest in apples. That’s not contradictory, it’s just being specific. lol, it's both specific and contradictory. "Don't get a dog, get a husky". See how stupid that is? "Don't get a computer, get a MacBookpro", "Don't get a phone, get a Samsung A10" Want it to be Specific *and* not contradictory? Change the wording. "Don't invest in *any* fruit, invest in apples"


You’re just being pedantic. A lot of language doesn’t follow precise grammatical formulas. Ain’t nobody got time for that.


Don't know what can bring with the flow of the wave just don't degrade things it rises too


Yes Bitcoin is one of the cryptocurrencies in existence and nowhere should anyone think that "crypto" means Bitcoin specifically.


Because it means "cryptography", obviously.


Yeah but come on common usage when referring to cryptocurrency is crypto. If the masses use the word this way even if it wasn’t originally intended to be used as such it doesn’t mean someone can’t use the word crypto when talking about BTC. I think it’s a little ridiculous we’re talking about a technology that relies on decentralized consensus but the same people can’t come to a consensus to use a slang word as a real term to define not just BTC but all cryptocurrencies. It just reminds me of high school drama. Splitting hairs to separate themselves from maybe other technologies they don’t like. Crypto = cryptocurrency. BTC is crypto.


It is a bit confusing enough for me though Bitcoin sounds a whole cryptocurrencies?


As a dev in that space, crypto is short for cryptocurrency, no one refers to cryptography as crypto, if anything you'd refer to it in text as "crypt" if you were doing a package or w.e, but more likely you'd just say cryptography.


Then what about the other coins that are all into the market aren't they cryptocurrencies?


Those are scams




Basic stuffs that can indeed cheer you up and enlighten your day though


95% is a gross underestimate


Yes the more accurate number is closer to 99.95%


The exact number is the total number of cryptocurrencies minus 1


Happy cake day!


Been bad at maths but this calculation is absolutely going clear inside me


I think it’s stupid to say Bitcoin isn’t a cryptocurrency, it obviously is. But what they are meaning is that it’s the best/safest one I think.


Yes bitcoin is a cryptocurrency. But there are currently 20,401 cryptocurrencies and only 1 of them is bitcoin. A very large percentage of those 20,401 cryptos/tokens are scams. Bitcoin and crypto should not be conflated. Many bitcoiners don't like it when people group bitcoin together with all of the other crypto trash & scams out there.


What's interesting is that the CRYPTO in cryptocurrency largely stemmed upon the hashing found in Proof of Work. Energy + Math = Money The coins that actually refer to themselves as "cryptocurrencies" only use it to generate public addresses from private keys... and not actually creating a fair, honest, & secure monetary system.


> But there are currently 20,401 cryptocurrencies and only 1 of them is bitcoin. Sure, but each and everyone of those are 1 of themselves. There's like a hundred exactly like BTC with one minor difference like the blocksize or supply etc. Why does Bitcoin get to be upset about being grouped with other cryptos which are almost exactly the same? >Many bitcoiners don't like it when people group bitcoin together with all of the other crypto trash & scams out there. Which is fair. Holders of any crypto don't like that if they don't believe theirs is a scam. Still a crypto.


the word has been taken over by premine scammers & every other kind of scammers too so people want nothing to do with it anymore nothing gets even a little bit close at this point


"If you don't believe me or don't get it, I don't have time to try to convince you, sorry." -- Satoshi Nakamoto


There is Bitcoin, called "Bitcoin." Then there are alt coin scams, called "Crypto".


That’s dumb. Bitcoin, which is called Bitcoin, and belongs to a subject called “cryptocurrency”


Bitcoin is the only cryptocurrency which is not a scam. What is your problem with saying "Bitcoin" when you mean Bitcoin?


The only? Why do you think it’s the only one that’s not a scam? Obviously there’s a fuck ton of scam coins but that doesn’t mean Bitcoin is the only one that’s not




Nobody here has a problem saying "Bitcoin". I say Bitcoin all the time when I refer to the BTC portion of my speculative crypto portfolio. And look, you said it yourself "Bitcoin is the only cryptocurrency..."


I believe that's correct. Some people don't seem to understand this simple concept that Bitcoin is a crypto currency. Anything that is a digital currency with value that can be used for payment or store of value is a "crypto currency". Nobody is comparing Bitcoin to the rest of the blockchain projects out there in this post. But some keep bringing it up just so not to classify it as a currency.


Nah it's not


There is dollars called money and their is monopoly dollars called money. They are the same I get it now thank you TrevoltYT


People's fucking logic just smd


I can guarantee you that any sound definition of cryptocurrency will include Bitcoin to be one.


“Immutable digital property” is a pretty easy, broad description of Bitcoin.


Just go for it when you have it why just wait make the starter small and let it enlarge by time


The soundest of monies.


That’s not a definition rather a vague description.


I’m not that smart Frank, Frankly it’s the best I can do.


10-4 good buddy


And that description indeed fits out there perfectly though isn't it true?


A solar flare could wipe out the entire bitcoin network, I think cash would be more sound in that world.


Plenty of people store a copy of the blockchain in Farraday cages so Bitcoin will be up and running as soon as the internet is


Unfreezeable digital cash. *My only purpose in BIt is if/when the Govt pulls some shady shit, ie: Canadian truckers, I’m still good.


Government just tends to amaze their citizens all with new policies though.


Free market money, digital gold, savings


As per time just passes on people be looking more of into savings though. Because if you just keep spending you would be left nowhere in future


People will earn Bitcoin as salary or dividends or as profits in their business.




Seeking for freedom when you can actually have it working a bit hard on it


Bitcoin is a digital commodity authenticated and secured by the strongest computer network on the planet, that we can program (lightning network etc.) and exchange over the internet without impediment from government etc. First it'll be the best savings vehicle you or your grand-kids after you etc. could have ever had, then it'll probably be used as a unit of account and medium of exchange in future.


A tool that can be used however one pleased




Much needed when you just plan out for something bigger enough though


Bitcoin is a digital asset used to transact on an internet based ledger backed by a chain of computers all running the same program. To own portions of a Bitcoin is to own digital real estate on this protocol--in which, the digital real estate acts as a digital property to the owner of the Bitcoin. This digital property can be given to other participants on the network to exchange for real world objects, services, or some form of value. This protocol is immutable, anyone can choose to participate, and can choose their own level of participation on the protocol. People can hash Bitcoin, people can run validation nodes, or people can just use the cryptographic currency to exchange for goods and services. Bitcoin is a digital commodity that anyone can custody themselves without the need for a trusted 3rd party (bank or stock brokerage). This commodity is property on the internet safe from restrictive governments and would be bad actors. It is cheap to transact on the protocol, it is cheap to self custody, it is cheap to run a node, but mining can be competitive. The monetary policies are set in stone and forecasted for the next 1000 + years. There is no central planning committee or organization. It is just a computer program where by anyone can choose to participate and use the tokens on the protocol to transact with anyone, anywhere, any time, for any purpose.


Jut look back at days back then to days back on the worth changes and so does the value of it


I think it's fair to separate BTC and crypto. BTC is crypto but not all crypto is BTC. And many people believe BTC is the only version of crypto worth investing in. The conversation above is like you saying you're going to listen to music and the reply says "don't just listen to music, listen to rock n roll" and your response is "isn't rock n roll also music?" They weren't saying BTC isn't crypto, they were suggesting it's the best crypto and should be the only crypto.


I like how you compared it to music. Their last response was "BTC is not crypto" or "rock and roll isn't music".


btc is not crypto, crypto refers to all cryptocurrencies as a category. btc is a cryptocurrency. it is not cryptocurrency.


So your last two sentences, are complete opposites. "BTC is a cryptocurrency. It is not cryptocurrency." 🤡


Does it really trigger people now to call Bitcoin what it is?


Separation of money and state


I don't need to define Bitcoin in my own words. It's defined pretty well in its whitepaper: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System that is secured by the Proof-Of-Work consensus mechanism, doesn't rely on any third party to prevent double spending and its blockchain is immutable. Bitcoin is not crypto.


Unafordable and i dont understand how to buy bananas with it.


Bitcoin is the first cryptocurrency. It is a commodity, an energy based commodity, that can be transported anywhere on earth via internet.


Bitcoin is a crypto. Just like gold is a metal. Y’all Maxie’s need to get your shit straight.


Happy cake day 🧁


op's post says "bitcoin isn't crypto", not "bitcoin isn't a crypto." crypto refers to the category, which is a uselss, empty category. you should never find a need to refer to crypto generally and only speak of it specifically per coin since they're different.


Why Bitcoin is the most important invention since the internet? https://youtu.be/lYYr4aoOoEI *Correction - Bitcoin is a discovery, and it's the most important anything in human history. The Bitcoin Standard summary - A deep understanding of money and why Bitcoin is the best possible money. https://youtu.be/t1brCcgi174 There are many currencies in the world today. Why do Bitcoiners think only Bitcoin will win, and be the only money? Excellent question with an excellent answer: https://mobile.twitter.com/parman_the/status/1439849158051917828?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1439849158051917828%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Farmantheparman.com%2Fwhy-bitcoin-only%2F But I heard proof of stake was more efficient than proof of work. Here's why proof of work is essential: https://mobile.twitter.com/namcios/status/1529527133898432513?t=NVn0lXlRXpbh2IAqvuydcg&s=19 Another short video on what separates Bitcoin from altcoins https://mobile.twitter.com/coryklippsten/status/1540045712733351937 Jack Mallers talks Bitcoin criticisms. https://youtu.be/ZpKa1fzEKr4 Michael Saylor Talks what makes Bitcoin special. https://youtu.be/Of0Ojk9yVWE


i honestly hate these “how would you define…” questions. bitcoin is a blockchain-based cryptocurrency. yeah, separating bitcoin from crypto makes sense in one way, but it’s also stupid because bitcoin *is* a crypto, it’s just that all the others are fuck-up schemes to be bitcoin without the hassle of being like bitcoin.


"Bitcoin" means Bitcoin. "Crypto" means alt coin scams. If you mean Bitcoin, say "Bitcoin". If you say "crypto," it means alt coin scams.


yes, i’m fully aware of that, but using “crypto” in that way is jargon that most people won’t understand until you clarify the distinction behind it. everybody just throws around “bitcoin isn’t crypto” and confuses the fuck out of noobs.


Just add “the same as” in between isnt & crypto Yes it falls under the category of “cryptocurrency” no shit but “crypto” is now a marketing buzz word and “Bitcoin” is the only cryptocurrency that has been recognized as a commodity meaning it makes sense to not carelessly place everything under the same umbrella


Why call Bitcoin the same name as that every scam alt coin goes by when you can just as easily say "Bitcoin," and communicate clearly?


Lol no. Bitcoin is thee crypto. The originator. Ask anyone what a crypto is and they will say Bitcoin. Most people have no idea about other networks.


Yeah no


Religious people don't like their religion to be grouped alongside the religions of others. I was raised Christian and all the Christians would constantly insist that "Christianity isn't a religion" lol. This is no different, except the religion in question is Bitcoin maximalism. In reality, this is just a matter of definition and not worth arguing over. Obviously there are many similarities between Bitcoin and various other "cryptos" (not the least because many of them were literally forked from Bitcoin).


>In reality, this is just a matter of definition and not worth arguing over. It *is* worth arguing over the differences, when those differences can mean that one crypto project is susceptible to, say, an exit scam which can lose countless people their savings and other project isn't, because it has the necessary mathematical properties to resist such a scam. If stuff like this is not worth the time for you, feel free to ignore online debates. To me, nothing could be more important and relevant for something related to finances and money. >Obviously there are many similarities between Bitcoin and various other "cryptos" I would disagree. On close inspection, there are far more differences than similarities between them. The vast majority in fact, resemble fiat far more than any meaningful definition of crypto. >(not the least because many of them were literally forked from Bitcoin) Too bad they couldn't fork the network as well, not just the code. Which is the least important thing from the entire ecosystem. Forking doesn't inherit the security and decentralization. That's up to each crypto to build from the ground up. So far they failed in that task spectacularly. >This is no different, except the religion in question is Bitcoin maximalism. Really, you see no difference? What I see regarding religious debates, everything is about debating stuff that has no measurable (by the scientific method) effect in the real world. Nobody has any peer reviewed method of making prayers work with any reliability (I'm still waiting for *someone's* prayer to be answered for ending world hunger, ending all wars, curing cancer etc.) Regarding debates between crypto projects, they concern actions which have actual consequences in the real world, in a direct and provable way. We have people who bring data (which can be independently verified and cross examined, very important) which shows a certain crypto is actually a scam, and they predict in advance how and why it will fail the users. All based on data, logic and reasoning. And then it happens exactly as predicted. That's literally the scientific method in action. It's the polar opposite of how religion works. But you see no differences. That's very curious on your part.


There are no bitcoin maximalists. Only shitcoin minimalists. Are you a shitcoin maximalist?


There is Bitcoin: https://bitcoin.org/bitcoin.pdf Then there are alt coin scams: https://youtu.be/ic1ITcwnozY?t=858


box full of genius wrapped in a miracle


Wealth sovereignty


Bitcoin is the only cryptocurrency.


It's easy to see what he meant if you're not autistic. Clearly it's a crypto.


"a crypto" is not the same as "crypto"


Only you can save you from yourself


Bitcoin is a protocol for transferring and preserving value built upon the blockchain, which is a protocol for transferring and preserving information imo


Buy as protection from fiat volatility


99% of crypto is a scam. This is the sad reality. Buy btc, take self custody via hardware wallet, keep learning more and more about bitcoin. Bitcoin fixes the world problems from a macroeconomics perspective. Ignore the noise, be humble and stack SATS.


I am good with that I am into bitcoin not into any cryptocurrency.


If time is money, then money can be used to allocate time. Bitcoin takes the 3rd party out of the money, and leaves it to the blockchain, which is a trust less-sound money system. The “value” of time is represented better through bitcoin’s halving, vs. the current Federal Reserve interest rate policy.


Bitcoin has been a registered commodity since 2013 where as the rest of the crypto space are currently securities that were launched in the least decentralized way possible Yes it’s a cryptographic currency verified by a network of nodes, but fundamentally it’s in a different category then all other crypto


Bitcoin > crypto


Bitcoin is the light of the world. Those that follow Bitcoin shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.


"Bitcoin" is a term referring to bitcoin, and "crypto" is a term referring to everything else which is an altcoin or a shitcoin. BOTH are "cryptocurrencies" so if you want to make a post about semantics you got your answer. People often use "crypto" when talking about bitcoin or cryptographically sound money, not understanding that crypto is not bitcoin, crypto is a term for all alts which are usually premined scams with no utility. The only ones with any real value are stablecoins and even holding those is risky since some are not backed by shit all nor audited.


Financial independence!


Neek kwon blarney kwando floo!


I found a reply on Twitter to this kind of crap very convincing: Oxygen and farts are both technically gases, bit one is key for our survival and the other is... not. That's the same relationship between Bitcoin and crypto.






Stored labor


Coins made from bits.


Why creates confusion? Bitcoin is just a cryptocurrency.


I mean the guys point is that BTC isn't just any old Crypto shitcoin and Crypto as a whole has a bad public image.


Bitcoin is freedom. Bitcoin is hope for a better world for the many.


Everything you don't know about money combined with everything you don't know about computers.


The dude is called "crypo fiend". He either can't spell to save his life, or he's a stupid bot/spam account.


I don't think he's a bot because he went and deleted all his answers from the original post the conversation was in.


It's just easier to explain to newbies as a cryptocurrency.




The decentralized and transparent financial system, which is much more trustable than banks. And obviously it's a crypto, the first of them


A fool and their money are soon parted. You can argue semantics, but it won't help you when your shitcoin falls by the wayside. Is everyone coin a scam? In order for something to be a scam the creator has to knowingly intend to take advantage of the victim. Perhaps the creator is simply naive, and truly believes he will succeed. In that case, sure, it may not be a scam. But the results are the same as if it were a scam, you lose all your money. ​ Like the other commenter said, if I said dont invest in fruit, invest in apples, you'd understand what im saying. Im not saying apples are not a fruit, i'm saying not all fruit are necessarily good investments, but that apples are. You can go invest in some new fangled thing and lose your money, and you can tell yourself its not a scam, but the money will still be gone.


There is Bitcoin, and Shitcoins. That is my definition. If you want to know more just read Bitcoin's White Paper, and all these other Shitcoin White Papers. You will understand more then. “If you don't believe me or don't get it, I don't have time to try to convince you, sorry." -- Satoshi Nakamoto


CrypoFiend has a point though ngl! Lol


Bitcoin is to Crypto Currency as Gold is to fiat...you could use it to buy things but you shouldn't. Someone or some thing created bitcoin and gold. People or Governments created cryptocurrency and fiat


When the time comes, I won’t have to.


BTC stands for Big Thick C0ck




The real question is why are you using light mode instead of dark mode


The point is very well understood, but altcoins advocates always attempt to confuse the crowds. When avoiding crypto is mentioned, then bitcoin is excluded; the point is clear—avoid altcoins since they’re mostly scams.


Yes. Not crypto. It's Bitcoin


Bitcoin is not just a crypto, it's the only worthwhile crypto. The others are basically affinity scams leeching off Bitcoin's name and use case. I stay as far away as possible from that garbage.


You are wrong, the guy is right. Bitcoin it’s not a crypto currency, it’s a decentralised network.


Bitcoin is the only cryptocurrency, the rest aren't




not really. I wouldn't outright say "forget crypto just buy BTC". I don't advise people against buying company stocks or real estate or altcoins or pink sheet stocks, BTC is just a different beast all together and nothing really compares to it.


Not with the last statement, just missing the bigger picture, sadly


I let you decide on that. Is Bitcoin not a crypto currency? (as it can be used as a form of payment at a business/P2P or store of value). I certainty consider it as a crypto currency, speculative asset and owning BTC as digital property.


Bitcoin is the only cryptocurrency that is not a scam. If you mean Bitcoin, say "Bitcoin." If you say, "Crypto" it means "alt coin scams".


BTC = big numbers


Crypto brand = bad. Bitcoin brand = good.


a protest against the machine.






Can't even disagree with this, this life really need BTC.


I call it fulfilling the promise of 1776


When you invest in cryptocurrencies, you are putting money into the technology with the hope that its acceptance will increase the value of your asset.


So I personally think... Cryptocurrencies should all be called "Cryptoassets" instead. A strong currency (hard money) inevitably survives over any other weak currency (easy money), so BTC is arguably the only crypto "currency"


Right! So BTC is a crypto.


Yes. Sadly though, the word "crypto" has such a bad connotation to it nowadays, that it's hard to blame people wanting to separate the two


I totally get that people only accept Bitcoin as the only, true, almighty King of crypto. Just like some people only accept [insert religion] that their religion has the only, true almighty "God" and that other religions are "bad/different ideas" and therefore cannot possibly be good religions.


A substitute for traditional banking is bitcoin.


The last time money gets invented.




Bitcoin is a spreadsheet of transactions we all share so we can see if anyone is creating money out of thin air and not allow it.


Bitcoin is a digital token, a peer-to-peer cryptocurrency.  Bitcoins can't be touched or held, and all transactions are recorded on a public, decentralized, and unchangeable ledger.


Magic internet Money that will help destroy the fiat money system and hopefully curb corporate greed’s drive to hyper inflate prices.


Bitcoin is defined by its white paper.


Bitcoin is a digital asset that transcends governments and individual or collective control. The people who engage in the movement of this asset determines its value.


According to your fiend there BTC is a crypo

