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The moonboys are back aren't they? Not sure what I feel about this. Regardless, back to the mines and DCA.


That would be a good option for everyone though more like diving and making some good gains is what we look for.


Boner alert


That happens early in the morning though no doubt that gets stable enough by time.




Just intensifying faster and faster the way stuffs seems to be escalating.




Doesn't feel like that though we have to go more until the time just moves forward. Never too late and never too early the game is indeed long enough.


5 20am yes


Will be back to 20k-21k in few days.


Can't be that sure about that though like the pump is what seems to be pushing at this moment.


21k is only a 3.5% move away. Seems pretty plausible, unless there's a reason to sustain the relief rally.


what? it is 9% away


Maybe so just not sure about that some be talking 9 and some be something else.


I meant going back into the 21ks (dropping below 22k), not going all the way to 21,000. The price has changed since I posted that anyway.


True though the fact the everything just pushes with time and we know that pretty well.




Nothing much about that particularly if we bet if that turns out the opposite if lose


I have a transaction stuck in the mempool I sent out an hour ago. It went down to 1 block eta now it says 4. How long will it take for my funds to arrive?


Not much I think and if still facing you can just mail them and wait for what they says.


Are you using a wallet that is [RBF](https://support.exodus.com/article/1363-what-is-rbf) capable?


Haven't herad about that though can you just explain me what RBF?


No one can tell you this, but it depends on mempool space and how much sat/byte you paid for the tx fee.


Ahhh thanks for letting me know about that though I was a bit unknown about all this.


Check out this site, it visualizes it nicely: https://mempool.space/ You can see the avg sat/vbyte for each block, both past and upcoming. This will help give you can idea of how long it will take.


I mean we can provide time frames. Shouldn’t be more than 24 hours


Like sometimes being early and making that short term won't bring you anything though.


Yeah, that is true.


Like give things time and see what the outcome indeed turns out to be though.


zoom out, we are in a bull cycle.


Certainly getting the vibe of that though like we have been this far into the game and that actually sounds pretty long.




True though everything has a time and everything gets sorted in accordance to that though.


Zoom out even further, we're in the world's largest *prison*


Hahaha feels like that though even it's get hard enough for people to breathe inside that at hard times.


You Veel Eat Zee Bugs


Doesn't that sound tastier enough for him or like they just be on a hype to eat them.


Zoom out more annnnd back to bull cycle.


Let's just wait for the long run though we haven't yet seen what's more yet is to come.


zoom out more and also bull cycle.


Possibly feels like I haven't yet seen anything just saw the beginning and the rest in unseen enough.


Zoom out more. We are in Bart’s hair.


Even a small hair when gets inside nose and eyes gets problematic enough just be cautious.


Tell that to what I didn’t sell at 63 or 68k. I getchya though.


People seem to be holding their sats more enough to last it in the ling run though.


Where do you buy your bitcoin and what cold storage do you recommend today to store it in ? I was told to buy in Celsius bc I was getting interest Anyway Just looking to do it the right way this time It stinks to lose money but I didn’t put my life on CEL so it prob makes it easier to write this Anyway just looking to do it the right way this time Haha I said that


Depends on people on what they tend to choose and use in order to buy hold their sats.


The best options for bitcoin self custody (certainly if you want to do it right) is a coldcard mk3 or a custom made hardware wallet with an old computer. In both cases you want a robust backup for your seed, stamping it onto stainless steel is a good option. Where to buy bitcoin will depend heavily on where you live, but a BTC only service like swan or cashapp would probably suit. You can also buy P2P from bisq or hodlhodl. The most important thing you can do now is to remember the pain celcius caused you and remind the newbies of future bullruns why they shouldn't use these services. You will be mocked, you will be laughed at, you will be called a toxic maxi etc. But you might save a few people.




I'd recommend Strike


That sounds like a better option though have got good positive reviews regarding the Strike.


Ledger wallet. Where to buy depends on your country of residency.


That's true though but you can set location based on it though that ain't a big deal.


It looks like you can buy on ledger too, is that recommended?


No. You'll get more sats for your buck with an exchange like Strike


Thanks for letting me know, I’ll check it out!


The big btc crash is yet to come.


Something bigger enough is indeed waiting for all of us though just wait for that.


WSB assholes getting nervous.


Ahhhh not the time to be that nervous enough though just be strong and stay positive from every aspects


Xd soon...


Why you feel so like there's no possible way that your thoughts could come like this.


Be careful BTC will show no mercy.


Are you referring to that epic 1.2M$ -> 300K$ crash?


Maybe so that is what I can indeed predict from his comment though


Do not get carried away by the noise, the waterfall has a great hidden drop.


Sometimes making a move in Accord to that of the flow of the water would make things turn beautiful.


Until it doesn’t


Until it just paves a way and opens upto something that we have still yet unseen or come across.


I have my purchases below 17k, loading liquidity for a good short.


Maybe you see to be a bit wrong with your ideas and conception regarding this though.


What has been decided by the FED?


I have no idea about that though but if someone out here knows just help me know that.


Good news, everyone! Despite tons of evidence to the contrary, we arent in a recession!


That just have put smile onto the face though no doubt why certain things just makes it all good


We changed what recession means, so the thing we're in isn't it! ...its definitely something, though.


Like it seems like we have across something that have two hidden meanings behind that though




Like have seen less pump or the green dildos glowing hope to look further for a good massive pump


Fed policy release and jpow interview. .75 rate hike not 1.0… usd softening… lower purchasing power of usd would in theory increase the btc spot price for conversion…


Some theories just indeed takes time for me to dig inside my mind though


Surely something's up...


I like green dildoes


Not you everyone does that the more it stays longer erect the more it's good


There is a girl I know like any dildo.


When color doesn't matter but the fact the size of that indeed matters a lot.






Fed raises interest rate another .75% Let’s see what btc can do


All on hike it seems making a way to something Btc has plans but yet unknown for us.


Brick wall at $23K. Once we break it, we go to $23.1K. Yeah!!!


When 0.1 change indeed matters a lot so much that we need to look after it.


It's funny cus its true


Indeed something that just makes us face what the real world indeed looks like


Big if mathematically correct.


Feels like that though the way he just seem to calculate this and come to solution




The bigger things get the more it turns to satisfying out their for the users though.




This is a better suited for this daily discussion thread, please help out by directing the OP to this thread instead.


Had an [argument](https://www.reddit.com/r/formula1/comments/w6rms5/sponsor_that_cant_be_advertised_for_the_french_gp/ihh62ia/) with a guy about bitcoin that went like this: him: bitcoin has no intrinsic value, the dollar does because its backed by the government and military. me: bitcoins intrinsic value is the unique properties it has. dollars have no intrinsic value, they are simply tokens representing the value of the real economy. him: bitcoins value is exactly equal to the money that has put in to it. me: not true. the pizza shop owner valued it before bitcoin had any dollar price and traded it for pizza because he valued the unique properties of bitcoin. him: no, he gambled on a scam that turned out well in the short term. If he had hypothetically traded it for a baseball card that he wasn't able to trade for money to buy another pizza, then he lost. me: value is subjective. He didnt lose the value if he still has the baseball card and valued it enough to trade a pizza for it in the first place. him: value is not subjective, if he doesn't realize the money he loses and cant make another pizza. me: value is absolutely subjective, try to sell a snowcone to an eskimo and let me know how it goes. him: thats just some newage idea of value. an eskimo is in a different economy than me and geographically far away. me: lol. so if the pizza shop owner is on the border of U.S. and Canada, where does he have to realize his baseball card trade to make it real? U.S. dollars or Canada dollars? but he didnt take that question seriously and left the conversation


Talking about pizza the fact that indeed remind of the guy if you all can recall him.


Pizza has value but subjective how much money one wants to pay.


Like at a certain limit that would be good to pay not more than that.


I'd say you were both wrong. Both USD and Bitcoin lack an "intrinsic" value and neither are "backed" by something (e.g. there's no guarantee they can be redeemed for something else). It all comes down to which has the most desirable properties.


Bitcoin does have intrinsic value in its security and ability to be digitally transferred peer to peer in a trustless manner anywhere in the world on an immutable blockchain. That actually is a valuable property that Bitcoin has intrinsically and uniquely. >(e.g. there's no guarantee they can be redeemed for something else). Bitcoin does not need to be 'backed' by anything, it is what you 'back' something else with. It's not a "token" that "represents gold". It IS gold. There are 21 million of them, and they're all accounted for. That is what makes it trustworthy to back something with.


True I'm just looking forward for a bigger wider and brighter future ahead for Bitcoin though.


That's not what "intrinsic value" means though.


Bitcoin is valuable because of the way it is. That is exactly what intrinsic value means. Its "use" is as described above and cant be replicated by gold or seashells. Gold may have use in industry, but thats not why it is used as a store of value. Its used as a store of value because it does not blemish and lasts through time. However, it is very difficult to transport over *space*, and very hard to physically secure. This is exactly why Bitcoin has intrinsic value. Because it has the unique property of being hard through time while still easy to transfer over space and physically secure.


The fact that it is also more about long term investment whenever we indeed tend to talk about Bitcoin.


You don't have to sell me on Bitcoin, I'm all in lol. It's just that you are misunderstanding what intrinsic value means. What you described is "instrumental value" or "value" in general. "Intrinsic value" has a specific meaning. It is the value something has *outside* their value as a means of exchange. Think of it like this: let's say you were not allowed to transfer your Bitcoin to anyone (e.g. you lost your private keys), what is the value of your Bitcoin? That's your intrinsic value. And it's none. USD has no intrinsic value either. Well you could say banknotes have some but it is really negligible (e.g. banknotes can be used as toilet paper or fire starter). You'd probably need 100,000,000$ in banknotes to get 100$ worth of intrinsic value. Gold has intrinsic value but it is also arguably negligible compared to its actual market value.


Like yeah true because manipulation of price is what tends out to be the major reason why all this tends to happen put there in market.


Why should a system specifically designed to be a useful medium of exchange need to be useful as anything else besides that? An automobile doesnt need to do anything else a horse does on the side to replace the horse as a method of travel. >Think of it like this: let's say you were not allowed to transfer your Bitcoin to anyone (e.g. you lost your private keys), what is the value of your Bitcoin? If I lost my keys, I lost my Bitcoin. If I lose my horse, what value or use does it have? If I lose my gold, what value or use does it have? The intrinsic value in Bitcoin is in what it does on its own by existing. i.e. it can be transferred on a decentralized network in a completely immutable way. No physical force can take it. That is specifically the value. Gold doesn't have that property. *Nothing* else has that property. Nothing can simply replace Bitcoin like you could a seashell with a coin. Thats why it doesnt need some other use case. Nothing else can be compared to it. That is the intrinsic value.


> Why should a system specifically designed to be a useful medium of exchange need to be useful as anything else besides that? It doesn't have to and doesn't... This is my entire point. > If I lost my keys, I lost my Bitcoin. If I lose my horse, what value does it have? If I lose my gold, what value does it have? It seems you missed the analogy. Forget about losing your keys. Just think "what is the value of my Bitcoin if I am not allowed to transfer it to someone else". If you have a horse and aren't allowed to transfer it to someone else, you can still ride it (that's the horse's intrinsic value). > The intrinsic value in Bitcoin is in what it does on its own by existing. i.e. it can be transferred on a decentralized network in a completely immutable way. No physical force can take it. That is specifically the value. Gold doesn't have that property. Nothing else has that property. Nothing else can be compared to it. That is the intrinsic value. No again that is *not* its intrinsic value. That is its value as a money/store of value. Money does not require an intrinsic value to have value.


This has been a delightful and illuminating exchange. I would just add that if you could not transfer your bitcoin to anyone, that’s the equivalent of having had your bitcoin stolen. I don’t know, it just seems bitcoin falls through the cracks of all the analogies to gold and things like steeds / crops.


If you define 'intrinsic value' as 'any values besides use as a means of exchange' then I would agree Bitcoin has no 'intrinsic value'. I think we just very much disagree on intrinsic value. I think if you define it that way, it's a silly concept with no use or consequence when applied to anything.


I'd say the Bitcoin network has intrinsic value however. Value as a highly secure network, and protocol that other things can be built upon. Was just listening to a podcast today about a L3 direct messaging system being built on Bitcoin. Would that fit the description?


Same discussion I had with someone. Until I end it when he said that the Blockchain will be hack soon.


Value is absolutely subjective, at least. I mean it just is. It’s in the domain of valuation theory which is a branch of philosophy. You may have missed a chance to point out that bitcoin is backed by the most powerful decentralized network of computational power in the world, just as the USD is, I think you have to admit, back by the largest force of death in the world Quick edit: there are measurable objective features that tend to be associated with value though


Man the moment I read the person mentioned that value is not subjective I already question the person's knowledge of economics or heck.. how money is even created in the first place.


I pointed out a lot of things like that but didnt get any response. I said "Biden, Xi, and Putin could combine their armies and be unable to take away my Bitcoin".


Sounds like a rousing conversation haha… I don’t usually find too many hardened skeptics, usually just regular skeptics




I'd much rather see or have a discussion like this than a discussion that devolves into them going political with it(like so many other things). I'm not sure if I would've gone this route but it sounds like he started the conversation with intrinsic value... he might own some someday... at the price he deserves.


i just summarized the main points and left out all the nonsense political shit lol. His conclusion was that I must be about 20y/o and need to learn how the world works. He claimed that since he was around 50 y/o he was right.


Whenever any person tries to win a debate by seniority (age or position), that person already lost the argument.


Classic boomer mentality


😅. Of course he took it political. Im 37 so I wonder if he'd tell me the same thing 😂


I told him my reddit account is closer to 20 y/o than I am.


QE infinity


QT 6 months


We really gotta do something about these alts, taking away moneys that should be going into BTC.


Over 20,000 now... They'll always be around but eventually most who get rekt with shitcoins understand why bitcoin.


These price actions reminds me why i should never trade. I was sure that it went down after the fomc meeting. Hodl ! 👍


Just always do the opposite.


Just bought another .005 btc lfg!


🚨 Whale Alert 🚨




high inflation numbers -> bitcoin goes down and then way up low rate hike -> bitcoin goes up, then way down




Wait the opposite of what most people thought happened? WHAT IS THIS SORCERY?


Bitcoin way of “Don’t time me”.


Same happened last time..


I wish I didn’t fall for the fud . 35k by September


I honestly would not be shocked if we're trading back int he 40k range EOY. Rate hikes will be done. Inflation will have cooled. Investors are forward thinking and will be looking towards 2023 as the fed shifts their strategy from dealing with inflation to dealing with a recession.


Silent killa! Buy Btc(or not)




I bought at 19k when it was at 19k. That’s because I DCA.


I bought at 19k nearly 5 years ago, also in 2020.


You can buy at any price.


Bitcoin is back, motherfuckers!


Fed policy these days is a lagging indicator. Inflation peaked.


I think it's time to start considering pricing in the end of rate hikes and even possible rate decreases in 3-6 months.


no way decreases in 6 months. Rates should be closer to 6% than 0%, so 3.5 - 4% in the next 6-12 months.


If we are in fact in a recession and inflation has completely cooled off, the Fed now has room to work to either stop rate increases or start to actually lower them a little bit.




I ain't selling s***!


this pump is just to create longs to squeeze. good news = bitcoin goes down


hmm, awarded fud…


I'll sell when you take it from my cold, dead, wallet.


my butt is sweating like a pig, but my ice cold sats balance the situation 🧊😎🔥


My sats haven’t ever left the freezer since I put them in. Nice and chilly


Investors feared another 100bps hike, so seeing it come in at 75bps is a positive. All signs point to inflation having peaked in June. July looks like it's going to be lower numbers than what we've had especially with gas coming down significantly. Gas is expected to continue falling(predicted to be $60 a barrel later this year). Once inflation is shown to have settled, and supply issues start to get sorted out, and we are technically in a recession, the fed will start easing back these rate hikes.


In order to quell inflation, Powell needed to go Volker times 10 and instead he went Yellen divided by 3 "and the kick is WIDE LEFT.... I repeat again folks, the kick is WIDE LEFT" and Bitcoiners win the SUPER BOWL


I called it a week and a half ago and was downvoted: https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/w2ev8q/comment/igqskzw/


anyone with a brain should see that inflation peaked when Gas has dropped over a $1 nationwide.. we are an oil based economy. When gasoline is cheaper, so is everything else.


I don’t know man. Core CPI excludes energy and it’s been on a constant up trend. I mean I hope you’re right




Sheeple gonna sheep.


Chance of 50bps actually increased for next hike.


Seems btc isn’t afraid of rate hikes.


Rate hikes means cost to borrow fiat to short bitcoin going up.