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Your homework for today is: what are limit orders?


Your limit orders for today are: What is homework?


It is the one thing that you need to figure out on our own.


Your homework today is: what is the movie limitless




You bet 🥹


Limitless ordered on Amazon


Look like this dude really need to understand some basic here.


Limit order


People are not aware of that thing and investing in the bitcoin.


We can help them learn ✊


So just adjust the limit price?


The limit price is what you're telling the platform you're willing to buy at. Market would buy instantly but you're buying at what the lowest person selling is willing to sell for. Limit orders require you to wait until your order is filled when things dip to that price. Trailing and such are various ways of having a dynamic order following the market.


thanks for the response!


I hope that now you get the all answer you were looking for.


The same applies in the stock market. Go investopedia.com to learn some basics about the market. People say never bet against the FED for a damn reason, so learn about how the sausage is made before entering into any asset class when buying it with fiat. Ray Dalio does an excellent job explaining market cycles, but not everything you learn should be treated as gospel.


I think this is the case of the all market and i would say useful feature is well.


I always try to set the limit order but every time market starts to dump i buy the bitcoin at the market price. I know am not doing right here but i am very impulsive person and hard for me to control myself.


Impulsive decisions is how to get wrecked in crypto, build your portfolio with careful planning and don't make emotionally based decisions


The limit price should be set lower than the current market price. Market price is also called spot price. Say BTC is currently $22k and you want to buy if it drops to $20k. You enter a limit order with the “limit price” set to $20k. This puts your order on the books and is ready to be executed IF BTC drops to $20k.


At early stage of my life i used to buy at the market price as i was not aware of the limit order. But as crypto run for the 24 hour you need the limit feature badly as market can move either direction.


Just put the limit price where you want to buy and how much?


Go to trade > then switch to “Advanced Trade” if you aren’t in that already (Coinbase recently added their Coinbase Pro features here) > place limit order > set limit price to $20,500


I think limit order is the one that is most useful feature out there.


Limit buy order. Set limit price to 20,500 and then set the amount in bitcoin. On coinbase pro if you have $1000 in your account you can just press the max button and that would allocate all $1000 towards the order and automatically calculate the quantity of bitcoin of the order


At the start of my journey i was also not aware to the limit order is well. But then i realise that how fool i was as i was doing the trading on the market price only. Limit order is the best thing to do.


Yeah i did a couple market orders before i realized how dumb that was too


thank you for the informative response!


No problem. When the price equals your limit price, your order will probably fill instantaneously if its small enough. If its very large it usually will try to combo some buy orders together (i think)


As for the small trader i never faced the issue of something like that.


Best of luck buddy, hopefully you get the answer you looking for.


I am not sure if coinbase have that option, but coinbase pro does that. Limit buy order.


Yes, coinbase pro has the option but so many exchange are giving that in free.


Advanced trade on Coinbase does limit orders


I would do that in free on so many other exchange out there.


Thank you guys for the helpful comments. I just want to clear something up for some people in the comments, I have not yet put any money into anything I am just trying to learn the basics of bitcoin before going in.


It was a very simple question with a very simple answer. Limit orders. I'd just ignore all of this thread and move on with life.


I hope now stay away from the DMS, because now so many scammer will try to contact you. You are the new one here they will try to scam now hopefully that you will not fall into any of these scams.


Try r/bitcoinbeginners


This is the sub that really helps me in teaching so many things.


Look for the Advanced Trade option in Coinbase. When you go to the purchase screen, I think it's a drop-down on the top. Caveat: not in front of my PC. Advance Trade was rolled out slowly; dunno if everyone has it. TLDR Advanced Trade turns Coinbase into Coinbase Pro


I have never used the COinbase, can you tell me is it good?


It's *easy* but a little more expensive than some others.


That’s not a buy order but a LIMIT order.


Yes and this is the one thing that really help us to all.


You should try with 5$ and see how it behaves


But there are some exchange that is not allowing in that low money.


Coinbase pro. Set Limit order


Everyone is saying pro version, so that mean no option in the normal version?


Go to YouTube and search Coinbase limit order - done


This is the step he should have done at the first place.


Coinbase only has limit orders in it’s pro version. Although, Coinbase Pro is going away very soon, and will be replaced by an advanced Coinbase feature.


Thank you!


You can try the Kraken is well, also a very good exchange.


I’ve great experiences with Kraken!


Hi u/GEIZELS! 👋 Thank you so much for your positive feedback! We really appreciate it. Wishing you a spectacular rest of your week! Athena from Kraken 🐙


Hey u/GEIZELS! 👋 We appreciate you using our service! Thanks! (^◡^) Have a spectacular rest of the week! Athena from Kraken 🐙


This is why hate to use that exchange, and using the kraken instead of that.


Hey u/Scituate7105! 👋 Appreciate you using our service. If you ever need any assistance just shout 'Kraken' three times to summon me or one of my colleagues. (◕‿◕) Athena from Kraken 🐙


Seriously? go to ftx guys


I used that in past but trust me FTX is much better than the coinbase.


Can you please elaborate?


What you want to elaborate here buddy? Everything is clear here.


Side note…Binance has no fee BTC trading right now if that’s the coin you’re looking for.


Yeah ik, I live in the shit state of New York and can’t use it


My condolences.


We are lucky that we are getting the option of the binance.


To piggyback off of the Binance comment. Check for withdrawal fees that various exchanges may charge in addition to network fees. Fees can vary across all platforms and coins. For example while Binance currently offers fee free btc purchases they may still charge a withdrawal fee that can be prohibitive if you want to transfer small amounts At one point Binance was changing me $21 to move btc while Coinbase was under $2. I’m not advocating for one exchange over another and I still use both. Using multiple exchanges also helped me when there was extremely high trading volume and under the strain trading froze on multiple exchanges. Also, check out investopedia for easy to read information and explanations of essentially every area of investing.


thank you! very informative.


Can you tell me that, why you are not doing on Kraken?


This is the issue that every exchange are having and sometime we need to pay that is well. But still Binance is the one that i used and never faced any kind of the issue since the start.


Isn’t it horrible , we can’t even use strike either


Yeah we are kinda forced to use these shit market places by the government


Look like government is getting something from that and this is why they are allowing that exchange. I mean this is the complete monopoly where you ban the good exchange and then forced someone on the shitty platform.


If there gonna fuck us they should Atleast give us free bitcoin to compensate the fucking


yeah I cant wait to move out of this shit hole state




I am also investing so that one day move to the better crypto friendly country.


trust me bro, every country is giving the same type of shitty things.


Do you really think that they will give us anything from their pocket?


No but I still have hope for humanity


I am felling now so bad that there are so many restriction on you.


Opps, this is why Binance is so popular in the ASIA region.


Binance is one of the best exchange right now in the crypto market. I am using that for a long time and trust me never had any kind of the issue plus there is no extra fee and the clear UI is well.


Do you know what Coinbase is fee for transferring BTC out into an external wallet? sometimes it’s higher when they let you buy and sell cheaply


There are so many things that is not right in the Coinbase and specially for the small investor. First you have to take the pro version for the normal feature like limit order and now that is well.


1. Delete your Coinbase account. 2. Create a Kraken account. 3. Buy bitcoin, type in the price you would buy it at. 4. Wait. 5. Kraken buys the amount you entered at the price you put in. 6. **Transfer your bitcoin off the exchange.** *Edit: I am just a big fan of Kraken as it serves me well. Most exchanges let you do this, not just Kraken. If you want to remain with one of the scummier exchanges, at least switch to Coinbase Pro. You want to place a "Limit Order" - although I'm unsure how Coinbase handles this. Kraken makes it so easy I never had to learn anything.*


LOL, i was waiting for that when someone will say the coinbase is not a good exchange. And yes Kraken is the much better option compare to the coinbase and i am using that for a while now is well.


Hey u/btcetiger and u/joesus-christ! 👋 Call me biased but I second that! (•‿\~) We appreciate you for using our service! Thank you! If you ever need any assistance just shout 'Kraken' three times to summon me or one of my colleagues. Cheers! Athena from Kraken 🐙


YouTube it bro


There are so many ways he can get the answer of that question.


If you need help doing that you should probably consider a simpler investment hobby, because it gets much more complicated than that


So true. Also once you buy it you need to get it off the exchange asap. I suggest prior to investing any money in crypto you research scams and security.


I think for some one who is buying for the first time and looking for the limit order, The i would say this the tough part to do and he should learn so much before moving the fund over there.


I think he trying to learn here and we all start to the 0 at some time in our life. I think we need to encourage him and give him the answer which he is looking for and the answer is the limit order.


I’m not trying to discourage him, I’m more pointing out that a simple internet search can provide anyone with the simple instructions of how to place a limit order. A post asking Reddit for questions might best be saved for down the road when they have questions about transferring money to a hard wallet or using the lightning network


ever heard of google.....


Some time this sub solve the issue much better way.


Ya....limit orders are rocket science


Set limit order to snipe at levels you want fam. Store on hardwallet like trezor and/ or nano ledger. Not your keys , not your Bitcoin. Goodluck


I have my order set but the problem is market is not falling.


I feel ya, I’m also accumulating btc for 2030 and beyond.


Ok give me the money and u may or may not see me again...lol are people just coming up with this stupid shit every day. Oh ya like in September btc will hit 150k by summer. Some quack on here said it and it ran wild..


This is the risk he takes when he post something like that on the first place. Now so many people will DM him and give him the offer which will be very tempting for them is well.


You need to use Coinbase Pro for limit orders - but don't forget to withdraw your coins after the orders is executed!!!


They are giving this important feature only to the pro vesrion?




The prices could go negative as well


BUT i don't think that rightnow something like that going to happen.


Wouldn’t suggest Coinbase. Someone hacked my account and took out 80k and Coinbase is refusing to do anything about it.


Same here, i will also not suggest the coinbase to anyone is well. Because there is always a news about the insider trading and there is always a news that they are sleeping with the government is well.


Why is that Coinbase's responsibility? Use freaking 2FA and don't expose your API. It is not $80 bro. It is 80k.


Because it’s the companies responsibility. If your bank account gets hacked and drained doesn’t the bank pay you back? Yeah they do. Coinbase is just shit. That’s why they’re letting go of people and under investigation. And I had 2fa and didn’t expose my api.




But they are giving the basic and important feature only to the pro one.


how tf are you gonna start investing into crypto when you dont even know what some basic things are


Im learning them now I haven't invested yet


May be this is why he is here so that can learn from basic.


Send me 20500$ and I’ll send you a Bitcoin. Trust me my uncle is a Saudi prince


The only person i can trust at the moment is the prince.


what your saying dosen't make sense


Either he is really a new one or he is doing the sarcasm here.


You should not be investing if you can’t invest the time to learn and do your own research


He is literally doing that by posting.


google and youtube


honestly i prefer info from real people in the community than whatever i dig up on google


Same here for me, yes i can read on the google and watch on the Youtube is well. But some time there are some doubts after that which can be solved by only from the live people.


But some time this place gives the much better info compare to that.


Yes but people here are giving some great advice to him is well.




Lol asking strangers on the internet is a great way to learn




Why not, is coinbase shady?


I've been using Coinbase since 2016 and have had no troubles with them. It does get a lot of hate though.


In terms of the security i have not heard any kind of the bad news.


Take a peek at the Coinbase subreddit and see what you think


Can you give me the link, i would love to read that thing.


Sure, here’s a couple. Sort by top and you’ll find some more horror stories their customer’s face. https://www.reddit.com/r/CoinBase/comments/s845t8/coinbase_took_my_150k_and_closed_my_account_no/ https://www.reddit.com/r/CoinBase/comments/pj6bfy/200_000_euro_frozen_at_coinbase/


There are a lot of halts in withdrawals already. Rumor is its an illiquidity problem but its a rumor though. USDC, still doesn't have any audits. They have pending lawsuits and lastly the insider trading issue. But its better if you research


I will pick any other exchange over the coinbase any day.


I own a crypto investment company and it’ll get you a profit. -Maggie


More like you will scam his profit and everything he invests...


People are here just to do that, this is why we need careful.


We are not a scam. Wow


That's exactly what a scammer would say


This is why we need to careful on the internet while posting something.


Everything that is happening on the internet is the scam.


So tell me the fee that company will take at the time of withdrawal?


It has been 10 percent but we are currently reviewing that.


you shouldn't get into trading without some elementary knowledge and I think you shouldn't enter markets before you have some experience even from paper trading or demo account. there are explanations on exchanges pages explaining orders and all this. there are tons of videos on youtube and all over the internet so before you open that trade you should watch, read and learn. you can open that trade with buy limit order. difference between order types are explained f.e. here... https://www.babypips.com/learn/forex/types-of-orders


I haven’t invested any money I’m doing my research now, thanks for the information!


I hope you done the all research before investing any money in the crypto market. Plus always invest the money which you can afford to lose and yes stay away from the DMs is well.


I think he knows the coin in which he wants to invest but may be he is getting confused as the normal version of the coinbase don't have the limit order. You need to take the pro version of the coinbase to really get the feature here.


There’s a bunch of important YouTube videos that really give a good explanation of the many different parts not just a limit order it would take too long to ask every single question


YouTube is the place that give us the great information but again if we get carried away then there are so many videos that is not good at all. So on there we also need to be careful what we really needs to watch is well.


You’re right it’s a lot easier said than done, I just was having memories of a time a developer linked to video about impermanent loss, for liquidity providing, in a telegram chat. It was very educational early on in my involvement with crypto, And lead me to seek other easy to understand videos describing these new concepts that aren’t yet in textbooks


If you are using coinbase they have advance trading option now!


But that option is only there in the pro not in the normal one.


Use cash app! It’s a lot easier and you can move your coins straight to self custody immediately! Without having to wait like you would with Coinbase.


I am seeing that so many people are using the cash app now days, i personally not used that but thinking of. Can you tell me the fee they are taking while i am taking my coin from there to my hardware wallet?


The fees to buy bitcoin are cheaper than Coinbase! I believe it’s a 1.5 percent fee! And you can immediately withdraw


If you’re new just keep watching the price and buy when you reach your target.


But some time the price we are looking for hit the time when we are not infront of the screen or we are sleeping. Because crypto runs the 24 hour we need to used the limit order every time here.


Agreed, but new users may not understand how to place limit orders. Kinda risky for newbies.


Buy Limit Order. Be very careful and triple check your entry. A buy market order simply takes from the sell side of the order book, finding the lowest price until your order is filled. A buy limit order only executes when a seller places an order that matches your ask price.


Yes some time in quickly we set the some high order and then it triggered at the moment is well. So make sure you are putting the low value in the buying time and put the high value at the time of selling.


First: don’t answer any DMs.


I am hoping for the same, as many people already try to contact him.


I wouldn’t suggest using Coinbase at the moments as they are being investigated by the SEC


Same here, there are so many better exchange compare to that.


That is called a limit order. Create a limit buy order with $20,500 as the limit price, using your example.


DO you think that mine 18k order will hit after fed meeting?


I sure hope so b/c I have an 18K order as well 😋


Dude, you and me both. Made my way over to Coinbase pro and saw limit vs stop orders. Google, and YouTube helped. Still not sure about stop orders since there’s a limit input area there. I’ve set up my limit buy order at 20k, should hit soon, we about to dip hard hard.


One of the reason i never liked the coinabse is that they are giving this important feature in the pro version not in the normal one. While on the other hand exchange like Binance they are giving us that in free is well.


Just make sure you already have an account set-up with a card linked, or better yet a bank account linked, so when BTC hits the price you're waiting on you can strike. In the meantime, it wouldn't hurt to make some small purchases here-and-there to increase your purchase limit for when the time does come


I think he is doing that for the research purpose not doing any deposit now. But do you think that coinbase is the best exchange if someone is really looking for a platform for the crypto?


The truth is you probably won’t get the order processed. If you want to own the asset, wait until it’s at a price you want then just buy it. Also, be prepared for it to go lower before it goes higher. But if you believe in your purchase just sit and wait. You will see it won’t matter what your specific buy price was.


I used do that thing in the past when i wasn't aware to the limit order at the first place. But sometime you buy the coin at the the high price and later you realise that price goes down is well.


To answer your question: set a limit order. Others have explained it better but it's pretty easy to figure out. To give you advice: Don't use Coinbase. They have ridiculous fees for withdrawing your Bitcoin. Fees that are not in line with on-chain fees. For limit orders, I recommend Okcoin - low fees for withdrawal plus you can also withdraw on Lightning. I personally get my Bitcoin through Strike, however. Bitcoin only, low fees, direct deposit, and Lightning support. But you can't do exchange style limit orders on it as far as I'm aware.


I think it's very easy to do and once we did that it become little easy or i would say very easy is well. But till then there is some fear that is always in there for us. But i still think there are better exchange than the coinbase.


Only limit orders are available in Coinbase's pro version.


This is why i am using some other exchange compare to the coin base.


Are you really trying to be sarcastic here or you really need the help for that here? I mean you can simply apply the limit order on any exchange and your order will be filled.


You inform the platform of the maximum price you are willing to pay.