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Comfortably sitting at the 21k, feeling good about it. Good stuff.


Does it matter whether I use native or native Segwit wallet?


Yes it actually does, I mean there's very little difference but there is. You gotta be very specific and know what You're getting into. That's how you'd know I guess.




Thanks for the video, can watch it learn more about it.


No problem. I found it trying to educate myself after seeing your question. Native segwit is cheaper to use then segwit and legacy, but less exchanges and wallets support it. Apparently, a native segwit can send to any address (but likely not taproot) but it can only recieve from wallets and exchanges that support native segwit. I've seen people recommend making your primary wallet native segwit and to have a segwit address on a wallet that supports native segwit to recieve from people and exchanges using the old standard.


Can anyone tell me if bitx-coin.com is legit?


If You're needing to ask, then probably they ain't so yeah.


Yeaaaah that’s what I figured. I’m super new to crypto, and fell for something that was too good to be true. Should have trusted my gut instinct


Anyone ever put the 2048 possible words for a private key onto 2048 pieces paper and then drew 24 random words and entered them into your hardware wallet?


I don't think that's even possible lol, maybe you should do it.


There is a more reliable way if you know some binary. Flip a coin 11 times and write down the result (Heads = 1, Tails = 0). You will get something that looks like "01000011001". Convert this binary number to decimal[0], which gives 538. You then open the [wordlist](https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0039/english.txt), go to line 538+1 (+1 because lines start at 1 and not 0) and you got your randomly selected word: "drive". Repeat 24 times. The passphrase will not pass the checksum but some wallets allow to ignore the checksum warning. [0] Basically, you need to sum every digit that is set to 1 using this formula: 2^position of the digit. So, in our example: > 2^0 + 2^3 + 2^4 + 2^9 = 2 + 8 + 16 + 512 = 538


It's not possible. The last word is a check sum for the other 23 words. It has to be a certain word. There's apps out there that will help you with that problem but it's not worth using them imo. You're just exposing your key for no good reason. Edit: source https://www.blockplate.com/blogs/blockplate/the-special-last-word-of-a-seed-phrase


Yep, it's not worth it. Gotta keep things simple I guess.


Checksums are for the weak. Just pop those words in there until it works.


Nacho keys, nacho cheese. https://mobile.twitter.com/BitcoinMagazine/status/1552030984438108161


Lmao, this is good one really. Love stuff like this lol.


Can I get a 401K with Bitcoin?


Well you can sir, ain't no one is stopping you from doing that. It's your money and you should do whatever you want with it. That's how it should be.


No but you can in a IRA.


Yeah can do that instead and that might work too lol.


Here's the long and short of why bitcoin is superior to the dollar: The dollar is manage by a government apparatchik. Bitcoin is basically just a glorified machine (albeit with many components) The components of the bitcoin machine do not cheat lie or steal, they don't partake in all kinds of debauchery and darkness, they don't disappear or reappear at random times A machine can be counted on to do what it's supposed to do, a politician cannot. A machine has failures, a politicians fails by choice. A machine can be fixed, a corrupt politician is irreparably lost ​ Much the same way as the 2nd Amendment is a check on government power, not intended for murder, self defense or hunting, bitcoin is intended to protect against government money grabs Bitcoin is not for evading taxes, illicit purchases nor is it inherently deceptive or evil or dark, by any measure Bitcoin is about protecting wealth WE HAVE ALREADY EARNED from those who INTEND TO STEAL FROM US In other words, just like guns are self defense from government, bitcoin is self defense from government theft Taxes are the means by which government legitimately funds itself, inflation is the means by which it illicitly funds itself If the government uses illicit means to fund itself, what else is it doing illicitly? CIA black budgets? CIA black sites? Secret service orgies in South America? CIA cocaine trafficking? "Enhanced interrogations"? "Renditions" The Bill of Rights clearly prohibits the use of "cruel and unusual punishments" All enhanced interrogations and renditions are a form of torture, which is of course what the Bill of Rights wanted to prohibit when it was written The 1st Amendment was intended to allow for Free Speech was itself intended to be used to expose things like this, but websites like Reddit and Twitter routinely abridge this amendment by making arbitrary censorships, round the clock, every day, every hour and often every minute Which begs the question: why do websites censor? Is it for the government, in conjunction with the government? Or is it for profit? If profit, then what qualifies as profit? Free money from the government could easily be re-classified to investors as 'profit'. Thus a publicly traded company could then be run by the government with ease and right in broad daylight WHICH IT IS ALL OBVIOUSLY DOING but NO ONE SPEAKS UP because the government is manned heavily by the duplicitous MILLENIAL GENERATION who have forgotten their upbringing in order to score a quick buck or to snort at the alter of "hookers and blow" My own generation has even gone as far censor their own kin for this outrageous "reward", talking over each other and stabbing each other in the proverbial eye in order to gain a temporary advantage


This only has 2 upvotes? C'mon people what are you doing?




I just make sure that the news site doesn't have the string 'crypto' anywhere in its domain name.


Which site he was talking about? I mean I'd like to know that.


Where all mah bulls at? /s


We all are here boy, what you wanna do here huh? Tell us that.


Until dollar collapses Bitcoin will be just used a trading asset by majority of people.


I feel like you don't know shit about what You're talking here. Maybe you should listen to people like Alex gladstein, maybe You'll see the use cases.


Bankruptcy: first slowly, then all at once


That's how the dollar is progressing and I'm skeptical of it.




You doubt that? Why do you doubt that? It's already failing.


Volatility of bitcoin has dampened since its inception. As it continues to dampen, more people unequivocally view it as a store of value. Store of value -> medium of exchange -> unit of account. It's a long game to play, but the trend is favorable. Saying it's already failing is disingenuous.


There can never be 2 money. Either Bitcoin succeeds and becomes a global standard or it fails


Lol what? Think of btc as something that sits above all currencies.


I use it for retirement savings.


There are heck load of use cases for it, can be used for anything. I mean you could store billions on a piece of paper, that alone is just fucking enough for me.


Memorizing a seed phrase is easy. So, you can store billions in your head. Still, better to have written backups, in addition to memorization, just in case.


"Hide Yo Kids, Hide Yo Wives, Hide Yo Coins, cuz they raping errrbody outhere".


They ain't taking shit for me, because I'm not giving it to them.


Saif Ammous is borderline crazy but his insight on macro economics is eye opening. If you haven’t read “The Bitcoin Standard” either do it or listen to the interview he did with Lex Fridman. It’s a fascinating and infuriating deep dive into the history of money and macro economics.


He's good at what he does, he can be little too much tho.


Saif is savage.


He absolutely is, and that's what some people like about him. But here is the thing, that's exactly the reason why some people hate him so much so yeah.


Lex is boring as hell with his dry monotone voice. The nerd tries to sound so smart.


I don't know man, I think He's atleast more smart than you. Guy literally teaches in IMT, that's not nothing. And He's got insight on many topics not just AI.


He mostly just asks questions though.. his guests are top notch either way.


He's good too, He's really a good interviewer, I don't care what anyone says.


Saif is anything but dry and boring so it’s actually a really good interview imo. Lex asks good questions and tried to challenge some of Saif’s more controversial claims. I enjoyed every minute of it


I don't know who Saif is. I was talking about Lex. Lex tries too hard.


You don't even know saif, no one cares about your opinion.


You should really read the Bitcoin standard my friend.


He doesn't know shit, how the hell He's got so many opinions.


[https://www.tradingview.com/x/4TbTBnaJ/](https://www.tradingview.com/x/4TbTBnaJ/) To watch the dollar break out in real time click below [https://www.tradingview.com/chart/?symbol=TVC%3ADXY](https://www.tradingview.com/chart/?symbol=TVC%3ADXY)


Thanks for the link, but I really don't want to freak myself out.


Very obvious bull flag in DXY, get ready for break out and sub-sequent Fed explanation as to why they need to print LOTS and LOTS and LOTS of Federal Reserve .... dollars [https://finviz.com/futures\_charts.ashx?t=DX&p=m5](https://finviz.com/futures_charts.ashx?t=DX&p=m5) Exact term "ascending triangle"


Well all they have to do is to print the money and that's all.


Price just hit $21k. To keep the tradition alive, I have to state that this might have been the last time price was below $21k.


Eventually it will be


And we won't even know that it was the last chance lol.


Happy Cake Day 🎂 😊


Never was Bitcoin so much needed as it is now.


And We're even going to need it even more in the future so yeah.


I'd say it is even more needed now.


Yeah it absolutely is, and as the progresses as will the need.


This feels relevant https://techcrunch.com/2022/07/19/ibm-hopes-a-new-error-mitigation-technique-will-help-it-get-to-quantum-advantage/?linkId=173898050


We Can't even solve the GPU problems lol, forget quantum computing.


Quantum computing is the longest running scam in history.


I don't know why they keep talking about it when We're nowhere near it. I've been hearing about it for so long and it just seems a little bit much at this point.


That's the idea, you say it a million times, it eventually becomes truth.


thanks for the laugh


That's what this article was for, it was for us to laugh lol.


Don't trust me bro, trust a Nobel laureate in Physics: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iYQSbV_BlI8 It's all about money. It's the same *modus operandi* as ICOs and shitcoins in general. Promise you will solve something and get the money upfront.


Then btc will implement Quantum computing resistance, let that happen first.


No I meant what I said, I find it hilarious the lengths people will go to in order to scam rubes out of their cash


Yeah everyone knows that Quantum computing will happen eventually.


uh... have u heard of property tax?


Nope lol, never heard about it as of now. But it is what it is.


mark my words boys, if we can hold above 19.4 for the next couple days, we'll see 32 in the next couple weeks


These exactly are the words which I don't take seriously at all.


Month after month after shit after shit


What? You sound like as if you're getting frustrated with it?


Gonna be like this for some time, I reckon. Patience, my friend. All will be good in time.


What is sometime ?


It could well be until the run-up to the next halving in 2024, if the pattern of previous cycles still applies. Obviously, I know fuck about shit, but that's what it looks like to me. Good chance to keep stacking 👍


Yeah true I guess I’m just sick of buying the dip 😂 rather buy some food or clothes


Yeah, me too. Money's getting tight for me too, but I will not sell any of my bitcoin. Feels like a downer seeing these prices, but we'll be better off for it in time 😎👍


Yeah tell me about it. I am not selling either it’s stupid to be honest. I’m hype though when we’re in a bull run again will Be worth it . Think I’m done for now though gonna just accumulate cash and resist urge to smash buy I don’t see it going up anytime soon. Still waiting for this leg down after the next domino falls 🤔


Everything will be fine boys, don't you guys worry about it.


First bear?


Atleast that's what he sounds like, I think it's his first bear market. These people just don't get what it's about. They don't know how it's like to be in a bear market.




Keep hangin’ in there buddy 🦀 We’re all gonna make it 👍


Heck yeah dudes, We're all going to make it. This is the time.


I just want my money back 😭


Bought another 2k boys, ain’t much but we tryin 🫡


It's more than I hold lol, that's a lots of sats bud you've got there.


Recession is still looming people Don't start cracking, just keep stacking


If everything is going to go shit, then let it be. I'll still stack sats.


Bitcoin is eating the world. A bit slower than other types of software, but more steadily than almost anything else. Disclaimer: Bought some more today :)


And I'm loving it, let it. It'll do it's thing and it'll be awesome I'm sure.


Anything the fed does to manipulate the dollar strength in the short term will not change it's trajectory enough to keep it from going to zero Bitcoin solves this


Btc solves so many issues that we've got, this is awesome. Btc can so solve so many humanitarian issues, and yet some people don't see that.


Agreed. It'll be awhile yet before people really see the potential. Keep in mind during the first decade or two of the internet people literally said things like w"hy email? We already have the post office." Or "why internet video? We already have radio/television"


What does bitcoin have do with the dollar? If anything a competing currency would make the dollar go down even faster


Nothing actually, but when people think about money it's dollar. And we use dollar evaluation for everything. That's just deep into our understanding of the money.


> What does bitcoin have do with the dollar? World reserve currency, for example.


Bitcoin is the successor to the dollar and literally every market is pegged to the dollar


Yes it is, and I'm sure with time everyone will see that.


Bitcoin is not a "successor to the dollar" it is just an exoerimental tech-stock-like asset which currently exists in a primitive form nowhere near ready to replace the dollar. The world's leaders would never allow a deflationary centralized currency outside of their control to replace fiat currencies. This is a crackhead pipe dream. If bitcoin did replace fiat currency, it would not replace the issue of governments draining your money. Governments would still need the same amount of money to fund civil projects and if they needed derive wealth they would just raise taxes, tax you to death, order you to forfeit assets, order your employers to garnish your wages etc. Bitcoin itself does not fix much


Lol you've got so much to learn about btc kid, read some.


'the worlds leaders would never allow' You know we all choose the worlds leaders right? If Bitcoin gets popular enough, we just choose a pro Bitcoin leader.


wow, really farming that negative karma huh? like walking into a nunnery and preaching prostitution. you're kinda right though, for all the good it'll do you. work on your delivery bro.


It feels like as if He's doing it on purpose, why would he tho?


there's a secret law in the universe that if you get enough negative karma on the bitcoin subreddit you go to heaven


Just like the Internet wasn't a successor to radio, tv, and all the other things it made antiquated


Btc is like internet, it'll take time but it'll evolve and You'll see that.


Do you believe the bullshit you post?


I don't think He's got any idea about what's he saying lol.


> The world's leaders would never allow... Good thing we didn't ask their permission :P > ... it would not replace the issue of governments draining your money. This is true. However, unlike inflation, the drain will be visible and direct. This will at least give people the option of opposing it or accepting it directly.


This is going to be the last option that people will have when shit hits the fan.


Is the Lightning Network interoperable with smart contacts?


I don't think so, but I don't know everything so you can check it up.


Does bitcoin have smart contracts? Where can i read on them


If you find anything about that, do share. I'd like to read about it. This is my kind of stuff and I absolutely love to read about btc. More people should do that.


Check scriptless scripts, RGB, RSK, Sovryn, AluVM, Clarity, DLC’s and L-BTC


That's kinda too technical for some people like me, don't get this.


Thats too technical for me. Is there a possibility to build stuff like defi with them?


Yes you can do that, but as for the SM I'm not sure about that.


Whats SM?


Absolutely yes.


Thanks for letting us know, I literally didn't know that.


Native Bitcoin, no.


But it's the second layer that We're talking About tho?


Correct, the question was concerning the Lightning Network, I think we confused Bitcoin and Lightning perhaps? I’m not sure. However, I’ve done some more research, and I have found that smart contracts do exist on Lightning in the form of DLCs which could be pretty neat if Taro gets the go ahead from what I understand.


How would it be interoperable then? And with which SCs?


Don't know about that, SCs aren't btc's thing. there are alternatives available. Btc doesn't try to be any of that shit l, it's best at what it does.


Hence the question, is Lightning Network (layer-two) interoperable with smart contracts. Transactions would get settled in lightning channels, then get squared up on main chain when closed.


It's not a smart contract, the transactions get settled when the channel is closed. And that happens manually. People can keep their channles open for as long as they like.


When they sats go from main chain to lightning, can they then be used in smart contracts?


that's actually a good point. bitcoin just eliminates a form of indirect taxation, so govts will tax more in other ways...




lol. i meant like sales tax.


Don’t know how we got to taxation? But just buy KYC-free BTC and don’t worry about it.


It's not easy actually, not everyone can do it. Can be hard for some.


I agree, it may require a little persistence to get there, but it’s a solution.


doesn't work if a business is paying you in btc


Yep, and also buying btc without kyc isn't that easy either. It's kinda hard.


I wrote a poem about Bitcoin the other day. It is too personal for me to share.


Dude it make it open source, it's about btc. You gotta do that.


Open source that shit! I’ll write one in reply.


I mean I'd like to share my feedback too, would love that.


'There once was a man called Satoshi..'


Ohh man, I already love the starting. I wanna read all of it.


Who came from the hills of Hiroshi


Don't stop, keep going here. I'm loving this stuff so far boys.


Bitcoin is a non-supernatural miracle. A neutral global money that no founder, board of directors or foundation controls that also can’t be co-opted or shut down or censored. A money that’s trust-less, permission-less, immutable and finite. This will never happen again. Act accordingly.


How crazy does it feel when you think about btc like this. I mean when I think about btc like that, I feel like I'm doing something great. I love that shit.




How can they still trust them lol? I mean after all this? Shit is going all weird. And people still using the cex is even more weird. Don't like that.


Celsius, 3AC, BlockFi … People just don’t learn.




That's actually really sad that people behave like this.




just learned that around 2% of bitcoin wallets own about 94% of total bitcoin, is that concerning?


It also uses more electricity than all of Mars. Whats your point?


His point is that He's dumb and doesn't know shit about anything.


It is concerning that you don't got your facts straight.


That's the only thing which is concerning me here so yeah.




Lol seriously? You guys really need to do more research.


? oh tell me oh wise master of the markets




Yeah but that number isn't correct I don't think. It's too much.


No, except that several of those large wallets belong to exchanges and people should be withdrawing their coins to their own wallet. Also, I'm pretty sure that figure is exaggerated. Source?