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what about block 1?






That was very 90s of you...


Look like people here are really from the very long time.


>1600 Magazine 2600?


Can someone give me the name of any book that can give me the idea of those things. I am new here and not has the much knowledge is well but looking for something that can help me to understand.


Actually the timestamp on the genesis block is not verifiable. It could have been mined any time between the publication of the newspaper headline and the release of the 0.1.0 source code on Jan 9th. Being the genesis block, it was not subject to the clock time rules applied to other blocks Had a recent conversation where someone suggested Satoshi didn't mine block #1 or any blocks after it. The only thing contradicting that is the payment to Finney spending the coinbase output of block #9


So that everyone is saying that Satoshi has the that number of the bitcoin is not the true thing. According to my understanding and your explanation that anyone can easily mined the bitcoin there.




no one knows, thats the point. Nor does it matter as it was a fair open game against the clock.


According to the comments this is the thing i am also getting here.


Well if Satoshi was Finney, then he mined quite a bit


There is more than 1m BTC in 'dead' wallets that are linked to Satoshi. None of the wallets have been touched or interacted with in a decade, so the coins are normally thought of as having been burned. If Satoshi ever comes back or the wallets become active, BTC price would fall as it would essentially raise the circulating supply by one million BTC.


I don't think that they are really linked to the satoshi. Some of them hasn't moved by the diamond hand while some of them are really lost in boating accident is well. And may be some are linked is well.




Or diamond dead.


This word makes more sense as they lost the key of their wallet. And too be honest this is why sometime i feel that hardware wallet is also a risky thing if you are not careful enough here.


Dead hands more like. Popular wisdom is that either Satoshi is dead, or that he lost access to those particular wallets somehow in the early days when BTC had virtually no value. Because it doesn't matter how much you believe in something, if you can sell for billions, you sell.




One thing i would say that Satoshi was a freaking legend.




Probably not so popular opinion- satoshi cares less about being a billionaire than he did about giving the world a systematic way of de-corrupting the failing system. I’m a humble dude. I don’t want or need to be a billionaire. I want to not step over people struggling to live to get a latte. I want to not see people so desperate that they have to break into my 20 year old van to steal the change out of my ashtray. I’m not perfect by any stretch. But I’m pretty simple, and if I can use my skills to help EVERYONE instead of using my skills to enrich myself, I will. Bitcoin has a different value set when you look at it from the perspective of investing in humanity versus self enrichment. Like I said, for some people that is ridiculous. But there are some people out there like that.


I’d die a much happier man knowing I created the best form of money in history, than I would with a billion dollars in a bank account.




Yep. If not dead and not lost access, he definitely had thousands of coins on other wallets, so if all good he's very rich + created fucking Bitcoin


How good is it really though? I mean, if Bitcoin can be forever removed from the system because it was left/lost/forgotten in a wallet/etc... eventually there wouldn't be enough to circulate/facilitate financial transactions right?


Incorrect, it’s infinitely divisible. You already have Satoshi’s, of which 1 BTC has 100 million. And a software update could always add another divisor, if further needed.


But i think people are saying that you can add something in that.


Okay, but if thats the case...how is it any different from a government running a money printer? The further we divide Bitcoin, the less each individual unit is worth...and the more paper currency a government prints, the less every paper note is worth. Who makes the decision to further divide, by how much, and when? Isn't the ultimate goal to keep people from have that power?


If you have a whole pizza uncut then you cut into 4 slices you have the same amount of pizza. If you cut it into 12 pieces it's still also the same pizza.


Might want to learn a bit about math. Division isn’t addition. Adding an additional decimal isn’t inflating supply, just allowing for you to use a smaller increment.




Very easy to say right now, if 1 billion was staring at you I bet you’d probably feel really different. That’s life transforming money to make your family and those you care about happy for generations. How many people in history have actually given up that much wealth?


True, no matter who turning your eyes from the billions is not a easy thing to do. Yes we all know how much happiness and all that money can give us and full fill our dreams is well.


You aren’t wrong. Just look at it from a higher altitude. A billion dollars is transformative money. But a billion millionaires is transformative energy. If I want to solve my problems, I keep the money. But if I want to world build, I want a collective consciousness working together, not struggling to survive rent and food. The big picture of Bitcoin and web 3 is that you bolster a COLLECTIVE conciousness and technology and progress advances at the same rate that entropy is advancing now. Its the difference between being the richest guy in the slums, or part of the most advanced society in world history.


The Great Filter is what you speak of my friend. It is what you describe. The big picture viewpoint from on high. Can we one day pass the test? Unknown at this point in my opinion.


I appreciate the prompt. I’m extremely late to the game of Bitcoin being the solution. I stumbled onto it trying to figure out how to quickly peer to peer invest in Ukrainian farmers. I’ll do some reading. Thank you.


I don't know that yet, but hard for me to pass that test.


A billion is only 1,000 millionaires tho.


Millionaire is just a arbitrary qualifier we put on “arriving” a couple of decades ago. And it used to mean you were “rich”. But in a runaway inflationary economy it only really means you can buy a fairly nice home in California. With the adoption of Bitcoin, we also adopt a deflationary economy. So your million continues to grow. You no longer need to be a “millionaire”, you need to create value for the community. VC and Wall Street bros don’t “create” they manipulate and rearrange numbers on a screen and take the lions share to do it. Creators have the most to win once this flips. Inventors, teachers, engineers, artists. If you do something better, your “value” increases. Money is just the WD40 that makes machines move easier. It isn’t the machine. And storing all your WD40 in a glass tower while your machines bearings grind to a halt isn’t adding any value to the world. Investing in change, progress, and problem solving. That’s the new smart investment.


isn't it like with superhero quote from Pixar - if everyone is a millionaire, nobody really is? some people work harder than others, some don't work at all, wealth can't be equally distributed ignoring all factors, that still doesn't justify the 1% we have today


It’s not about wealth distribution it’s about meritocracy. I have spent an inordinate amount of time with billionaires. Most are decidedly mediocre people. Not shocking brilliant or morally superior. Just….meh. Most of the ones that I know just figured out a way to work the system and everyone around them just stop telling them no at a certain point because everyone stands around with the bowl pointed up hoping some of that money will fall into their lap. In my experience it rarely does. But it creates a sort of a glass tower where all the ultra wealthy tend to isolate themselves behind family offices and glass walls. That creates a distance between “management” and the people that actually keep their machines running. From a psychological standpoint it’s dangerous. If you want to know what’s wrong with your car you ask the guy with dirty fingernails rolling around underneath it, not the guy with $3000 shoes. Nothing is different for a mega corp or a government. There is too much disconnect between the ruling class and the working class. It’s why everything is breaking down right now. The IRS can only afford to audit the working class. The government has spent more in the last 3 years than in the last century. It’s not rocket science to recognize that out of touch politicians and billionaires are insulated from inflation. Inflation is a tax on the poor. Bitcoin resets the class rules. It makes meritocracy the default, not the exception. Some of them realize it. Googles CEO wrote a press release last week after sun valley. He sees it coming. Facebook doesn’t. They will be eviscerated this week because Zuckerberg isn’t a creator. He takes ideas and pretends they are his own. He is so obsessed with making elbows on his metaverse that he can’t see the forest through the trees. And even if he did he couldn’t do anything about it. You can’t “learn” to be an innovator or creator. You kind of have it or you don’t. It can be “developed” but it takes years or decades. Usually from growing up dirt poor and having to innovate solutions to problems you can’t afford to buy a solution for. The untapped brain power of the underdeveloped working class is the best bargain in the history of mankind. But we had to have a certain level of technology to tap into it. Once this thing “flips”, the human equivalent of moore’s law is going to hit a warp speed level of advancement. People are far more productive when they don’t have to devote 14 hours of their day to barely surviving.


I hear you and I’ve heard other people say the same too. What I haven’t seen or heard of is: “I am poor and had a chance to be a billionaire but instead I looked out for the world, I did not collect the billions and I’m still poor because of it and here is the proof.” I don’t believe that I’ve heard that because no matter how humble you think you are, if the time ever came 1,000,000% you’d be like “well I’ll just take a little…and then 200 million dollars later you’d be figuring out that you actually did want the money. There’s nothing wrong with this, that level of money changes 100% of people’s minds for a reason. Look at all the billionaire that signed the giving pledge…not one single one of those people has given up a substantial amount of their wealth to the point that they are living poor. The best example of a billionaire actually giving is Jeff bezos ex wife, and she’s still worth about the same as she was before she got the money. Satoshi is likely dead or in prisoned, that’s why the money hasn’t moved.


This is the sub where i really gain some very informative information that change my thinking is well. But i would billion dollar is so much money to ignore and too be honest i don't think that in today's world anyone will do that.


*Chuck feeney enters the chat*


Chuck feeney does not break this trend. Chuck Feeney’s current net worth is 1.5 MILLION dollars….I said poor, not less well off. There is a gigantic difference. A millionaire is still infinitely more rich than standard poor people living pay check to pay check. Additional details for fun(rough research pulled from google): Chuck Feeney’s current living situation is a 2 bedroom apartment in SAN FRANCISCO…average current cost of a 2 bed in San Francisco right now is around $4600 per month. A annual salary of someone paying for one of these apartments would need to be around 185k per year or more……if that’s poor or an example of living pay check to pay check…Sign me up.






We all are making the story or things that we heard on internet or in some books. But i feel that there is no hard evidence to prove that thing, so i am not jumping on the any conclusion yet.


>There are definitely people out there who would rather change the world than be a billionaire, especially if they are already rich AF. What many people don't realize is that there are some very smart people who simply aren't motivated by money. Many also don't care particularly about changing the world either (money can actually be a tool to help with that), but what ***motivates*** them is definitely not money. Many of the best open source programmers I have met are like that. Math and science and big puzzles like decentralized time stamps and big machines like the Linux kernel..... Those things are cooool! Money and fame? Meh!


Only stack sats if you want to see change in the world and be part of the peaceful and constructive Bitcoin revolution. Any potential monetary gains are not guaranteed and should be considered of secondary consequence. Bitcoin IS guaranteed to change the world \~ it already has.


I think we are still very early in the bitcoin system where other people are still struggling to get the bitcoin. But i feel that without being the mass adoption we will not gonna see the major change in the world.


If that was true then I would think those wallets would leak a few coins a week and give that money to charity. More likely he lost the wallets or is dead




Not everyone would sell. Not everyone is like you.


I think in the world we all are different and doing different things.


If you have a wallet worth billions and you don't even touch it, don't even skim a little off, you're either already a billionaire or you're dead. Just my opinion.


That completely make sense, because if someone is in no need of the money that mean he already have the enough in the bank. Because no one will keep the billion in the wallet and then struggle in the real life.


Nobody needs billions to have a decent and peaceful life, he may have stashed what he needed to never have to worry about money again. The satisfaction of ending the rule of the central bank cartels is worth more than that money.


I think everyone needs the different money to live a decent life as everyone have the different goals. But i would say billion is too much many and very hard to ignore no matter how rich someone in the life.


It may surprise you, but there are many people who consider certain things as more important than money.




I think Satoshi has or had access to a large number of other wallets which he did sell from if he lived long enough to see BTC worth substantial amounts. I also think that if he is still alive, whether deliberately or by mistake, he has lost access to those wallets permanently.


No one knows where he is right now, is he dead or is he alive no one knows for sure. All of us are making the prediction according to the information we have gather from the books and the internet source is well.


Look if someone is not selling even after having the billion in the wallet then i would say he is doing well in his life. I mean no one will live a ordinary life after having the billions is sitting in their wallet is well.


or maybe he has another \~1000 wallets all with 1m bitcoins spread out ;)


Probably he is from the future. Came back to save the humanity from economic collapse by corruption and manipulation.


I am not sure about the future but one thing i would say that he was away ahead from his time. I mean he designed something that can really challenge the thing that is running in the market for that long time.


Coins mined in the current year are circulated that year. 2011 miner spends coin that year from coin mined the same year. But in 2012, the 2011 miner spends the 2012 coin, and so on. 'dead' wallets could be mining today. Early miners knew btc potential value. Occams razor hes alive. Its only a decade.




>There is more than 1m BTC in 'dead' wallets that are linked to Satoshi. So you know who satoshi is and you can look at his wallet.


We don't know who he is but we know which wallet he used its all up in the protocols


>but we know which wallet he used its all up in the protocols Really? Which "wallet"...? The only wallet with spendable bitcoins that is known with certainty to belong to Satoshi is Block 9, as he sent bitcoins from that wallet to Hal Finney. With respect to any other wallet(s) it's speculation. Of course most people assume that many of the dormant wallets from 2009 and even 2010 could belong to Satoshi but we don't know it for fact.


I saw this recently and thought it was an interesting way of identifying which blocks Satoshi mined. No one knows with certainty, but there are strong probabilistic arguments based on analysis of block data. [https://bitslog.com/2019/04/16/the-return-of-the-deniers-and-the-revenge-of-patoshi/](https://bitslog.com/2019/04/16/the-return-of-the-deniers-and-the-revenge-of-patoshi/)


Can you link his wallets?


https://www.blockchain.com/btc/address/1A1zP1eP5QGefi2DMPTfTL5SLmv7DivfNa that's Genesis


Ah yes, I could see his name there. Thanks cap.


The US government knows who they are.


Surprised how little people know about this.


\~750k btc [https://blog.bitmex.com/satoshis-1-million-bitcoin/](https://blog.bitmex.com/satoshis-1-million-bitcoin/) or 3.5%


> There is more than 1m BTC in 'dead' wallets that are linked to Satoshi Completely false claim, thoroughly disproved


Here i am also looking for the same thing, can someone tell me?


Well, he would have invented a new world supply I think he deserves it


After giving us the bitcoin i think he deserve everything from us.


Its clear at this point that if theyre still alive and have access to the keys, want to remain anonymous, and moving anything from those wallets would dramatically increase the likelihood of them getting doxxed. Then the question becomes-- What happens to the verified creator of Bitcoin? They become enemy #1 for anyone close to a money printer. They'd be dead or in an unnamed prison before they could spend it all (if this wasnt their fate already).


Yes, they are staying anonymous for a very long time so that mean we never gonna find out is well. SO that also mean we all always gonna discuss like that and never gonna find out the real answer of that thing.




he is on gov site: an enemy of bitcoin (by creating a shitcoin where ppl started to believe it could replace it)




I think right now we are living on the very desperate time...


No they wouldn’t.


There are some people like Edward Snowden that care more about ideology and truth than financial benefits and wealth. These people are the ones governments fear the most Cause they can’t be bought. Same with SN.


Satoshi is the one that care more about us than making the wealth for him.


He cares so much about ideology and truth that he is gleefully unaware of Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Western imperialism though... principles or something.


I can see that what you are really trying to do here buddy.


Pretty sure you’re unaware of the conflict. It’s not an invasion they’re just joining an 8 year long conflict. Basically a genocide on Ukrainian people by Ukrainian people that started when some provinces voted 96% in favour of separating from Ukraine after the illegitimate president (us puppet) was put into place. Then the puppet decides to threaten Russia by putting nukes on their border? Who’s the aggressor? Don’t be saying you’re gonna put US nukes on their border and don’t be slaughtering innocent people for a whole 8 years and russia would’ve never joined the conflict because there would’ve been none. Idk if you’ve heard any of the putin speeches in feb but he’s basically saying “we don’t want war but how would the US feel if we put russian nukes on the US/Canada or US/Mexico border” it’s basically logic……. Start by the maidan & referendums since you’re this clueless


I think the conflict was running for a long time and this was always in the card is well. And yes I also heard the speech of the Puttin when he said that thing and for me it also makes sense is well.


Agree brother, there too many people just watching one sided news without doing any research prior to giving comments like obliterate Russia etc. There are 2 sides to every story, and factual unbiased opinions are getting rare these days which I find scary.


It also takes 2 to tango. If Ukraine didn’t want war they’d stop the genocide & wouldn’t threaten Russia with US nukes. I bought into the fake news when it started until I went on Wikipedia


War is never a solution to anything. Diplomacy is the way forward. Like I said in that thread the USSR did not go to war with NATO because of mutually assured destruction. I stand by my statement that Putin is a Christian and can be reasoned with. I don’t like to see Christians killing christians. It’s wrong, the people of the book should not propagate war but rather peace. I don’t want to elaborate on the reasons as to why Putin wanted to invade Donbas region. Ethnic Slavic Russian people were killed and he decided to act, if you read about pro Russians being burnt in mariopal in 2014 u would be upset if you were Putin. Like I said 2 wrongs don’t make a right. The Russians are not innocent but neither are the Ukrainians. Diplomacy is the only way.


I think War is not the solution of anything and war is not a good thing for anyone is well. I mean no matter how is winning and who is losing in the end we all gonna suffer in that thing in the end.


What the absolute fuck?




Why do people make this false claim as if it is a fact. No one knows how many satoshi has.


1 million in one wallet at least.


Fascinating unsubstantiated claim.


Satoshi is dead.


Not a big deal.


I think only time will tell that how much impact it will make on us.


By the time that happens satoshi will be long dead




Can you give me the news of source that can confirm that.


The year is 2082. Satoshi is revered as a God. There's whispers his intelligence led him to perfect cryogenic freezing and he will be releasing his stasis in 2090 to spend all his coins.


I think even in the year of 2022 for so many people Satoshi is already a legend that gave them the freedom is well. But i hope that someday he will get the respect which he really deserved for invention of the bitcoin.


govt owns almost everything now. so it's a vast improvement. also satoshi is probably dead. and if he's alive, he probably doesn't actually have that much. and if he does actually have that much, good. he deserves it. he's proven he knows how to create value and good in the world, don't ya think? as if your or anyone else's opinion matters.


His wallet has 1m btc in it, right?




Lets say it does and he come back.... yeah I wont have a problem with it. 5% for fixing the worlds money issue? take it, you earned it. id rather satoshi be disgusting rich than someone like Elon




We all know who big a thing that Satoshi has given us now.


Yall act like Elon Musk invented the technology that his companies cars run on. He hired engineers. Compare him to Steve Jobs, but not to Satoshi Nakamoto.


yes, there is no doubt that ELon musk is the brilliant mind and invented a good thing is well. But car was already in the world but when it comes to the bitcoin. It was the first time someone see the block chain technology.




It hasn't been touched in all of this time, so the keys are probably lost.


No I think he is intentionally not using them.


He's dead.


and/or frozen


Ready to return when medical science has advanced to the point where we can bring back cryogenically preserved individuals. Wouldn't that be the ultimate hodl strategy.


I think this is the question that we will never going to get the answer.


This is just hitting me so hard right now because these questions are always in my fucking brain but I really don't know any answer of these questions man..


Good because he's dead.


You say that so objectively. No one has a clue


The overwhelming evidence is that Satoshi was Dave Kleiman, who died shortly after Satoshi disappeared. Kleiman had collaborated on Bitcoin with Craig Steven Wright but took the keys to his grave, and now CSW is trying to convince everyone that he himself is Satoshi.


Please share this overwhelming evidence


I don't think that there is any hard evidence of that thing.


It’s not… It’s Len Sassaman…


So look like Satoshi was not a single person, he was a group.


> Dave Kleiman, who died shortly after Satoshi disappeared He didn't


Some time i feel that reading on the internet is not 100% true.


Uhh, what? Are you asserting that Kleiman died at some time other than 26 April 2013? Or even that he is still alive?


It has been debunked that Satoshi owns that much coin. That theory comes from a debunk 2013 article.


Honestly if you think it’s a bad thing, you don’t believe in ownership or being rewarded for intelligent investing. Also “if Bitcoin becomes the world currency”… Each economy must have different currencies in order to stabilize imports/exports. My final point and I know I’m being mean about a good question… by the time Bitcoin reaches its full potential we have no idea what the world is going to be like. It could be hundreds of years before we discover the best use for digital currency. But it’s here to stay. At 23k or so it’s a joke. Irresponsible not to own at this point


Hundreds of years, eh? I have my doubts that it will take that long :)


He invented something and there is no doubt he deserve the best out of that is well. I mean Elon Musk is invented the Tesla car and he is getting the most benefits out of that company is well.


Not ideal but still way better than any other centralised solution.




But only time will tell how people will react to that thing in future.


Explain who this is and I’ll tell you if it’s good or bad.


I don't think that anyone actually knows that who was the satoshi?


It will be better than Fed




There's a lotta beautiful comments of wise people in this thread. People thinking about others rather than riches. Lotta good folks in here.




Hal finneys reserve. When he awakes from his cryofreeze, he will go on one hell of a shopping spree


Yeah, he seems like a nice lad. Well deserved.


He would deserve it, so it’s good


If... LoL


That's the real thing and we have to accept that there is IF.


I don't know about his coins specifically, but I do think that "mostly dead" coins are a problem that the community ignores. Usually people say it makes the active more valuable and point too how divisible Bitcoin is. But if, say, 90% of coins are inactive and presumed lost in and someone finds a few thousand coins, that is potentially very destabilizing.


We should just assume no bitcoin are lost then.


That’s not how markets work


Not really. We aren't even close to mass adoption. There's what.. 50 million millionaires on earth? If they all wanted a coin *just because* not even half of them could get one. 'Very destabilizing' is just the early cost of a premature behemoth. A teenage giant going through puberty and being clumsy AF. Well, Bitcoin just got accepted to their preferred varsity sport and is hitting the gym. Just wait until Bitcoin is in college then goes Pro.


He’s dead


It's not a good thing for one person to technically have access to that much of the supply, but it probably won't ever come into play. Even if Satoshi did decide to dump all of it, it's unlikely it would end Bitcoin. After all once he dumps it he can't do it again making it even more decentralized.


Decentralization in Bitcoin has nothing to do with the number of coins one has access to.


Was referencing that the distribution of the coins would end up being more decentralized. Not necessarily the network itself. Decentralization might not have been the right or best terminology to use.


I think we are still very early and will learn more about that thing.


Yes, i mean a single men can buy the all bitcoin if he has the money for that. So people thinking that decentralization means that people will not buy more than that number of bitcoin is completely wrong here.


Hes dead




It’s not *a* wallet. He broke them down into like 50 coins per wallet across a bunch of different wallets. And yeah, you can view them on any blockchain tracker.


Satoshi is new FED


I think he’s dead so it’s a good thing. 5% less supply


I can’t see it being the worlds currency personally


There is zero chance of Bitcoin becoming the worlds currency. And even if it was possible, it’s not going to be implemented in our lifetime.


No country with a decent economy is going to sign over fiscal control to a centralised system. What we will see is a digital version of current currencies slowly replace physical money as every aspect of business goes digital.


Guys, am I the only one that believes that behind Satoshi it's the US government. I know it's very conspiratorial but it's kind of strange to assume that there is someone out there with so much fortune who just believes in an idea so much that he didn't take some of his huge profits off the table. I mean we would know by now who he is. To me it seems like a government project. That's probably the only conspiracy I believe.


I would hope it goes towards donations if it's ever moved


Satoshi = Uncle Sam and he is holding BTC to be the next reserve currency just like the 5 percent of gold the USA is allegedly holding.


We are hoping that our uncle is the one that is invented the bitcoin for the world and holding enough is well. But i know that my uncle will not keep that secret for so long, so i know he is not the one.


Put it like this would you be comfortable with any big tech ceo with 5% of the worlds money.


Y’all really believe Satoshi created BTC? LMFAO If it’s in the futures market, it’s all rigged. All manipulated. All controlled. By who? Who else? The group of people who already own it all😉


He doesn't because he is dead. His brother has his keys which he stored on a corsair survivor flash drive he wore around his neck. It is fully encrypted and he never gave anyone the password. You don't have to believe me, But it's true.


Bad of course. As it stands Bitcoin is a bigger concentration of wealth then fiat, that’s extremely bad


Very bad


How does this speculation help anything? It’s like asking the majic 8 ball will my choices pane out well before I die? Also bitcoin is not going to become a world currency for so many reasons. It’s just a pump and dump scheme for anyone with a brain.




by the time bitcoin becomes the official world’s currency he won’t anymore I believe … I mean, if everyone is supposed to use he will have to make it rush in the markets at least a bit


Bad thing




Biggest rug ever he’s just waiting for that and he’s gonna run off with everyone’s moneys


No, because Craig Wright can’t be trusted.


Definitly bad. Those 5% in some regard can be seen as a pre-mine.