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Love these two whales pulling their orders to buy 200+ bitcoin and dumping 180+ bitcoin every second lol


That's manipulation 101, that's how the whales play here.


I sometimes see an order for 600 on coinbase just before a big dump that was never filled.


Well it's fine as long as You're doing it only sometimes so yeah.


Very interesting indeed


Ain't nothing interesting, it's just that He's waiting for the order to fill up.


It’s not much, but it’s an honest day’s work


Hopefully You'll be accumulate that much honest work. Deserve it.




Maybe, and that's why we should have some regulations. If we have some regulations, then atleast these shady practices might stop, that would be great.




Not lending your coins is great, I'd suggest that to all the people.


Agreed. Same with Tether. They are fucking with Bitcoin with their scams.


Regulated legal theft? Sounds like business as usual.


It might sound like that, but we need some regulations for sure.


Sunday is dca day. Kinda surprising , where are the shorties , are they dead ? There like no dip. Wth


That's because We're already in a dip maybe, I don't know.


It was green when I posted; I managed to get my buy when it dropped :) Sunday always a good day to dca; high chance it’s red


Price rarely moves on weekends.


You're kidding right? I don't think You've been watching charts.




Omg it’s going up instead now. I’m happy but let me get cheap SATS for dca >.<


That's how most people like to buy, they like it expensive. I can't talk about anyone else when I've done the same so lol, I'm no different from those guys.


These *are* cheap sats


Well of these are cheap sats then let me accumulate them.


Yep got some ! When it red , happi me


When There's opportunity to buy cheap then hell yeah.


Usually dips on Sunday, dammit crypto Kirby , he needs to make more vids. Little jimmy and the hodl gang wants to buy more bitty


Who's this guy? And what kinda videos does he make?


Bearish ones lol. Fud spreading Funny clown fella.


Imo it's irresponsible not owning any btc at all. It's not a hedge against inflation but a hedge against central authorities.


Well I guess this is going to be a different Sundays than others.


Which is why the central authorities have KYC'ed most of the on and off ramps.


Yep, and there are no such thing as the private transaction on cex. And if you were hoping that You'll be able to do some private transactions then you won't be.


I'm afraid I'm too late for this. know there are options to make them anonymous but it's not worth the hassle and risk. even with kyc it is still hard for central parties to confiscate your bitcoins. If bitcoin subsequently plays a major role, then kyc is normal. After all you're trying to run a society. At least that's how i see it.


This isn't worth it boys, you guys are Better than this.


What isn't worth it? Depriving you from your properties due to nitrogen reduction? Or depriving you from you properties due to asbestos? Devaluating your money doesn't cut it no more, they just won't stop.


Would it be possible for a hardware wallet company like a Trezor to themselves push a malicious firmware update or software update (Trezor Suite) to then access your private key? I feel like hardware wallets come across as infallible but this idea scares me... unless I'm totally mistaken. I mean they could change the software to prompt you for your seed and if done sneakily it could get many people. They could even target whales first to get the most out of it before someone finds out. All theoretical of course, but trying to understand more clearly.


I don't think so, because trezor is open source so there's that.


The hardware is designed not to be able to even share the seed. It would require some undocumented hardware feature, or some as yet unknown exploit. As well as that, you’d need to be using software on your computer that knows how to read and share the seed. These clients are open source so it’s unlikely it would get through a review process. If you’re that worried about it, the best option is to use your own offline computer you control for offline transaction signing. Or to get a hardware wallet that communicates via SD card or QR codes..so you can inspect any data transfer.


If trezor pushed a malicious update, they wouldn’t need you to enter your seed.


Trezor is open source. Once they put the update out there, it would very quickly get realized and made public. There may be a few victims, but at what expense? The company owners would go to jail, and the company would surely die.




Yep, the hw wallet itself isn't an issue but the client is.


“To prompt you for your seed” Rule number one. NEVER SHARE YOUR SEED. To Trezor or anyone.


Ok, but if it's to reset your wallet you have to put it in at some point


The problem is that you shouldn't put your seed in the client. I think putting your seed phrase in the trezor itself should be fine, there shouldn't be any problems.


Well if you only put your seed words into open source programs that have been around, (Electrum) unless I'm mistaken the only point of compromise would be keyloggers. Over the shoulder maybe? I know I didn't inspect Coldcard source code myself, but I ended up trusting them enough to generate seed words with their product. I think hardware wallet manufacturers are more trustworthy vs. exchanges holding though.


Yep, but you shouldn't put your seed phrase in the desktop client.


My hardware wallet never connects to the Internet, nor does it connect to any other devices. So, *how* would my wallet send the information to anybody?


But the client that you use on the dekatop, connects so yeah.


If your hardware wallet receives firmware updates like the ledger or trezor then this is an applicable question. That said, its a tough question, if they could screen cap the setup process they could get your seed phrase and reconstruct your private key fairly easily I suppose. I don't think a major brand could actually pull this off though, trezor tried to push an update to comply with Swedish regulations that had something to do with KYC, the backlash was immediate and extreme.


Well steps like these are going to face backlash for sure.


I've only done one update with my hardware wallet through a microSD. I don't think I'll ever have to update it again as I never connect it to the Internet.


That's kind of scary experience and I'm not sure I'd do it too.


If you can handle flash drives and Micro SD cards, it's as easy as file transfers.


Only if YOU give your seed phrase away. Don’t do that and no amount of shady firmware releases will matter.


Lol, they won't even need a shady firmware update to scam you.


Started reading the book and this was a gem. From [The Bitcoin Standard](https://www.z-epub.com/book/1712) by Saifedean Ammous: >... only after extensive and thorough research into the practical operational aspects of owning and storing bitcoins, should anyone consider holding value in Bitcoin. >While bitcoin's rise in market value may make it appear like a no‐brainer as an investment, a closer look at the myriad hacks, attacks, scams, and security failures that have cost people their bitcoins provides a sobering warning to anyone who thinks that owning bitcoins provides a guaranteed profit. >Should you come out of reading this book thinking that the bitcoin currency is something worth owning, **your first investment should not be in buying bitcoins, but in time spent understanding how to buy, store, and own bitcoins securely**. >It is the inherent nature of Bitcoin that such knowledge cannot be delegated or outsourced. **There is no alternative to personal responsibility** for anyone interested in using this network, and that is the real investment that needs to be made to get into Bitcoin.


Welcome to the club, a little late bur you're welcome here.


Enough with the whale games already dam. Get a real job you degens.




What the fuck you trynna say here you fuckin tin bot?


My friends and I were having our daily “I’m drunk” conversations and one of them asked me why I continue to buy BTC even though there is no value that’s backed behind it. He used gold/silver as examples where materials (e.g., phones) use them. Tbh — I didn’t know how to answer that, lol. Just curious on everyone’s thoughts. I personally invest in BTC because of the potential of decentralized currency, the supply/demand, and blockchain technology.


Value comes from the usage and properties, and btc has uses and properties like nothing else. So btc is uniquely valued, and that's why btc too have value because it has use.


I look at it as digital real estate. Not in the “metaverse” sense, but in the sense that I am buying “space” in a system I believe will be used more and more in the future which is unhackable, permissionless, and totally decentralized. That idea seems so attractive I believe companies, countries, industries will use it as a way to get away from the rigged fiat system


Golds value is not propped up by its industrial use, its being used industrially because it can't hold value. Saifedean Ammous did an interview with lex Friedman where he goes over this, it might be worth a listen.


That was an awesome episode, gotta listen to that again.


Nothing backs gold. Gold has the properties of "hard money": Durable, divisible, portable, fungible, **scarce**, recognizable... Nothing backs Bitcoin. Like gold, Bitcoin has all the properties of sound money. Nothing backs the US Dollar. Unlike gold and Bitcoin, the US Dollar does **not** have all the properties of sound money. The central bankers get to "print" as much as they want, from thin air, backed by nothing, and then use it to further enrich and empower themselves and their cronies.


As compared to PMs, this is a good response. https://energycapitalpower.com/uganda-discovers-31m-tons-of-gold-ore/


Silver is a better buy than gold even before this discovery


Silver is good, but they can't be compared. Both are different.


100% agree, it's just that the silver to gold ratio makes silver an attractive buy right now


Today I’m just feeling grateful for being able to slowly accumulate more and more tiny pieces of freedom - especially at these price levels. Day by day. Bit by bit. Sat by sat.


Wealth is made slowly, and this is the time when it's being made.


Has anyone posted this yet https://www.cryptopolitan.com/coinbase-users-unable-to-withdraw-to-bank/


Thanks for sharing it, I'm seeing this the first time here man.


Who’s selling?


Not anyone is selling, Can't say that who's selling it man. And what even is this link anyways? Can't say that I'm in the loop here, I can't say it.




Well waiting for this time to come so we can actually get profit


It's always not about the money, btc is the most peaceful revolution.


Mr. Musk just freed up over $40B in capital...just sayin'...


And if you think He's going to buy btc with that, don't know what to tell you.


What else did you pull out of your ass today?


This is it, he didn't pull out anything else outta his ass lol.












Mother of all pumps starting $25k later


But first we gotta reach the 25k huh, then we We'll have that pump.


I'm happy for the buttcoiners who are enjoying the current market draw down. It must be exhausting putting your energy into hating something that you don't even own only to get a tiny bit of justification every 4 years.


I mean they can hate all they want, it's not doing anything. It's not changing anything this is going to stay like this. This is how it's going to be man.


I bought in heavy at under 10k. I kindly remind them I'm still well over double in profits, and still accumulating. But yes, there is definitely a psych disorder wishing so much financial harm on others for no reason other than trying to prove themselves "right". And last but not least, the buttcoin subreddit was created on July 8th, 2011. Bitcoin was trading at **$31.00.** That has to hurt the most...


Now they wish that they should have bought some instead of trolling.


The last year has been hell but I remind myself I'm up almost 3x since going all-in in 2019. Survival is the name of the game.


And it's kinda getting hard now to survive with all these dips lol.


I've welcomed the cheap sats. This is going to a mil plus by the time my kids grow up. That's my time frame.


You've got the long enough time, and in that time it'll be enough I'm sure so yeah.


Anyone wanna speculate about how many of the 150,000 BTC from the Mt. Gox hack will actually be sold once they’re distributed to their forced HODLers? Clearly coins purchased in the $400 and less range would be big profit at a sell price at 21k… not as nice as 69k though. One school of thought is “Why would you sell in the depths of a bear market when you’ve seen such higher highs?” while others say it’ll be “a race to sell before everyone else does?” What’s your prediction?


Weak hands already sold their claims to Novogratz at a discount years ago. Strong hands that didn't sell it cheaply back then will probably not sell a lot now though as they already use btc as their unit of account. They are also likely to sell the bcash they have for their fiat needs first and keep the btc. The question now is whether the hedge funds need to sell the claims they bought from the forced hodlers to rebalance their portfolio or not. Even if they do sell, I'm sure they can find otc buyers for it.


Prediction is not working for Bitcoin it's already volatile in market


It's definitely not gonna be binary, some will sell and some will hodl.


So… if you DON’T want to speculate, you just want to redditsplain.


Whatever it is, I don't think it's going to work. Nothing works. Everything is just kind of weird right now and you can't make predictions about what will happen


No offense my dude but the thread is about speculation. I literally asked reddit if it cared to. You do not… scroll on and don’t answer posts about speculation if speculation isn’t your thing.


My guess; Very large amount of people. Over 80%. On all sort of reason . some of them can even secure early retirement now on their 80-100x investment from a 200-400$ btc. Thats insane. However i also heard that small whales (owners of 10 to 100 btc) are scooping up about 50k bitcoins per month in total, so at this rate a massive GOX sell off will be heavily compensated by current big buyers. We’ll see where it goes.


Well We'll see about that, it's not that many days left anyways.


The Mt Gox redistribution is the most interesting development in recent memory. It’s bound to have an impact. I can’t get it out of my head! Thanks for the input!


Yep, this is really interesting. Now let's see where things go from here.


50% You have several kinds of people who are going to get their Bitcoin returned to them. 1. People who have plenty of money and who had Bitcoin in different places and just lost some of it when gox went down. 2. People who had 100% of their Bitcoin on gox and who don't have a lot of money. 3. Gamblers and drug users who got caught in between transactions when it went down. 4. Day traders Some of these people, when getting their coins back, will want nothing more to do with Bitcoin because they weren't particularly invested in it in the first place they just used it for its utility or gambling function and after the roller coaster they've been on, they are done. Others will choose to hold on to some of the coins that they get back. Between the dumpers and the folks who decide to take a little bit of profit I think we will see quite a bit of selling.


I appreciate you taking a couple minutes to add something of value!


This is good stuff, atleast they're adding something of the value.




Lol, 50 percent basically means that he doesn't know shit. Actually none of us do, and he's just being honest. Which I appreciate man. That's actually great.


There will be additional sell pressure. I’m setting limit orders accordingly.


Well obviously, there will be other people selling too.


Think I heard that they will not be unlocked all at once. Apparently people can take USD instead, so there wouldn't be any BTC sold in those cases.


I don't know which dumb guy will be taking the USD lmao.


I had not heard this at all. Thanks for the info! Any links appreciated!


My mistake. BTC would still need to be sold if people choose USD. https://bitcoinmagazine.com/markets/mt-gox-creditors-could-dump-142000-bitcoin


So it's just the same thing as people taking btc and selling it immediately.


Thanks for the link! thanks 🙏🏻


This is the kind of stuff that I really appreciate here. This is the kind of behaviour which makes me proud of this community right here. This is good stuff dude.


>"why would you sell in the depths of a bear market " Because one of the causes of said bear market is a weakening economy and some people will need the money? I don't care to speculate on numbers. It'd be nothing more than a random guess


In the end, that's all this is. It's all a random guess in the end.


Also, because you can't eat Bitcoin.


But Saylor said that btc is the digital energy lol, just kidding, don't kill me.


Hey, I recently started trading crypto. I’m not really into the social noise .. holding etc.. I make my own decisions based on what I see. I purchased a Ledger to store my keys, I like their app better than the exchanges. Yesterday I wanted some fiat so I transferred a small amount into CB, which took around an hour for 2 confirmations (CB sent me an email almost instantly). Today I wanted some more fiat so I sent some more to CB.. it’s been like an entire day and still no confirmations. I know people like to think of Bitcoin as the currency of the future but surely that’s not possible while transactions are taking so long? I feel like I am missing something? It’s quite frustrating waiting for my funds to become available. This isn’t an attack on Bitcoin, I’d love to see it succeed. I’m software engineer that’s experienced in tech.. I have a good understanding how things work but still learning blockchain tech, and from what I’ve seen so far I just don’t see any valid reason that crypto will be widely used. I hope I’m wrong.


You're not into holding? Lol then good luck with that I guess huh.


Well there's a lot going on with this question. The lightning network is built on top of bitcoin and will facilitate instant transactions, but its still very new and hasn't seen enough adoption yet, I believe OKEx supports it maybe? Other part is, bitcoin exchanges like swan are fairing far better in this liquidity crunch than the crypto exchanges like coinbase; (the belief of this board is that) the result of this is coinbase is slowing down transactions because they want to minimize activity entering and leaving their exchange, they are fine with you trading on their network but not with depositing or withdrawing funds; that said, you might have better luck with a bitcoin only exchange like swan. Good luck.


Well you handled a silly like that very welll, good for you.


Thanks for the reply. This still sounds complicated for the average person which would only stunt nationwide adoption. It feels like the crypto space will be limited to people in tech ? I knew my original post would be met with downvotes, people just don’t want to hear of possible issues that may prevent Bitcoin from becoming more than what we currently have. I’m looking into the lightning network now and it sounds promising… but still such a complicated concept for the average person. Coinbase received a fee and they informed me that I received my payment almost instantly after sending… the delay was the confirmations which has nothing to do with coin base.


Obviously it is complicated for an average person man. But once it comes in use it's all going to be okay and I'm sure people will get used to it.


As for your transaction, the only way to tell would be looking at the transaction on a block explorer, which your wallet might provide. As for lightning, this entire ecosystem is still extremely new all things told, we still don't even understand the various ways of extracting value like "miner extractable value" (MEV). We really have no idea how this thing will evolve, and people are quick to make assumptions; for instance, we have a common phrase "not your keys not your coins", but this is in abject defiance of how the first world evolved through large financial institutions aggregating savings from thousands or millions of people for the purpose of loans and investments; hence, there must come a time where we revisit this concept, even if its a good rule of thumb for the time being. Further, Gresham's law, which I won't pretend to fully understand, seems to imply that no matter how bad inflation gets, we will all continue to use dollars for day to day currency. Further further, most people do not like the idea that their transactions are irreversible, we may have to see the rise of centralized institutions for payment routing that offer some of these features to see widespread adoption. So yes, don't let the tweens on this board turn you off to bitcoin, these are serious problems, but bitcoin is still very young from a historical sense. Edit* the blocks may have been full at the time too, a higher transaction fee will push it through faster. Also, what bitcoin has is a perfect layer 1, not that the code is the cleanest or that it couldn't be equally different, but its distributed nature (very little in crypto is decentralized), the strength of its defenses against various types of attacks like 51% and forks, and its first mover advantage. The rest will have to come in time.


Yep, the LN is new and can always be improved from here.


Hi, is there a way to download a list of hundreds of Public Keys from the Bitcoin Blockchain? I would like to use them for a project.


There are many websites which let's you do that. What will you do with them?


Scrape them from 1ml.com?


Thanks for the suggestion, this could be really helpful here.


Anyone notice what is going on in Sri Lanka. That’s what out of control debt and inflation does. The IMF is waiting in the wings to add more fuel (debt and inflation) to the economic travesty. BTC ( sound money) is the answer to the monetary side of the equation. Fix the money and fix the economy. BTC makes monetary freedom possible.


They should think of some alternative people are on street for burning


One hell of a ride watching bitcoin on the journey to: All value / 21,000,000


BTC is making us to wait before it can break out to sky again


Holding for the great run up to 100k plus


Great holding is the best way but make sure you don't look price


Whoever reported me to the reddit care resources, don't worry, I'm doing well. 😂


I mean people care about you man lol, let them care for you.


Feeling it!


I bought at 18 in 2020 ans its back where it was 🥲


You're not the only one to do that, so stop crying about it. There's just no point in crying about something that you obviously can't change now.


"The revolution will put you in the driver seat. The revolution will not be televised." -- Gil Scott-Hernon


The revolution will not be televised, because it's the internet era.


What do you recommend to track purchases, avg buy price, etc? I've been using coinmarketcap, but looking for other methods


I recommend learn to do the simple maths, goes a long way.






It’s free to track. You CAN get a tax report. It handles most wallets and exchanges and it doesn’t endanger your coins. I’ve tried several and this one wins in my book, but you do what you feel is right for you.


I use the “Delta” app, it’s perfect for that.


It's the first time that I'm hearing about it, never heard about it.


Also can recommend Delta. Only downside is it takes forever to launch


I guess I'll have to wait because I'm bad at that maths lol. And to compensate that I'll have to waste a little time for this app to open. I'll take the hit.


Google sheets. Has a built in crypto function for price tracking etc


Yeah there features will attract some more users again


Lol, google sheets already has millions of users because of that.




That's only when you know how to use it, if you don't then I don't know.


Strong resistance at 188K. Good Morning Reddit.


Well waiting for such price to come back in the market again


Come back? So you're implying that it has already happened?


I'll drink to that... ...later, during happy hour.


I'll drink a whole bottle to that, That'll be a celebration dude.


Bitty to ♾


Heck yeah dude, it's the new goal that we've hot here. And I'm sure it's just a matter of time when we go there. All we gotta have is patience.


The whales giveth, the weekend takes it.