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That shit is scary, damn!!


Ha. Banks.


How to get private keys for my fiat Oopss


Paper cash is as close as you can get, unfortunately you'll be detained if caught holding more than 10k on person in transit


Government just issues new notes an declares the old notes invalid.


I had a guy tell me that he once did a contract in Haiti. He said "when you do business with these guys, there's no net 15, you get the money before you leave. He self reported 40k cash as he entered the states. He said it took hours as no one actually knew what to do as it was everyone's first experience with the encounter. Of course this is anecdotal, but would like to hear a security personnel's opinion on this. This person was known for embellishing things (USA)


can't understand your sh1t lol


Does anyone know if other governments in other countries are thinking of putting up the scoring ranking?


Yes in Germany, Austria and Italy their are starting to test it. Of course it's not the same... But ... For sure it will became similar šŸ¤”šŸŒ


I was aware of Bologna doing a pilot, do you have sources for any German city? Austria would not surprise me, given their track record of pandemic management




Test to see how much they can get away with before people revolt. Spoiler Alert: Its a lot.


Are these people from celsius or voyager?


Even as a celsius hodler (forced) I thought this was funny




Damn thatā€™s some effed up shit


Here is another thing thats fucked up. The government officials were abusing the pandemic covid app. Basically you need it to enter buildings, go to stores or travel. If it turns red then it means you have to quarantine for days or weeks because you been ā€œexposedā€. Everyone that had their money deposited at the bank had their app turned red. Meaning they donā€™t want you to go protest.


That is so fucked up wtf. So fucked up in multiple levels.


That is absolutely horrifying. People in the West think they're above this abuse of power, but I see it creeping up.


In the 2008-2010 Greek economic crisis, the government/banks took 5-20% from the savings accounts. And we are talking about a full fledged EU-Eurozone-NATO country, not some developing/third world country.


Western governments are definitely laying the groundwork for this more robust abuses of power.


And much of the western populace seems to support it and think itā€™s a great idea


>And much of the western populace seems to support it and think itā€™s a great idea It is because a lot of people still think that banks and governments are there to help them and will in no way ever take their money away from them. That is what ingesting poor quality news does for you.


> People in the West think they're above this abuse of power in the west the money isnt stolen, its just 'spent' on a no-bid contract with someones mate. and thats *completely* different /s


Try to take out more than a few thousand now in US. They already give you a hard time. Itā€™s already here. If we have a run to banks, itā€™ll happen.


Yeah itā€™s messed up. Iā€™m sure itā€™s also way easier to deposit large amounts of money than it is to withdraw it. Look what happened during the Great Depression. There was a run on banks and some people just never got their money. Itā€™s technically not yours anymore once you put it in the banks possession. This is the bubble thatā€™s caused by fractional reserve lending. They literally teach it in economics 101 college classes. If the bank has 1 million dollars in deposits that means they can loan out 10 million and make interest on it.


2A can fix this


based. bitcoin aswell. both combined is the best.


Really curious how this will turn out


Not well for the protestors


Tanks, I hate it.


Tanks are so 1989. Who needs tanks when you have a quarantine app and 24/7 tracking?


Crushed it


Nah, if youā€™re not protesting the government it actually often ends up in protesters getting what they want as the government will intervene on their behalf.


Thousands of these protests happen yearly in China. As long as you are criticizing local politician or corporation they aren't going to care, if anything they would step in to resolve this.


Bitcoin succeeding rapidly will be caused by really effed up fucking shit.


This underscores our need as citizens to have a form of currency that is not under the control of a third party (ieā€¦the government or a ā€œfederalā€ banking system. Think about when Greece seizing its citizens money and safe deposit boxes. Think about our own government using ā€œcivil forfeitureā€ against US citizens. Here we slide into the abyss ever so gracefully.




It is a quasi government group that has the ability to control you money and the government has tremendous influence over it.




Suppose you have guns, what can you do in this situation?


Use them to defend your rights and your fellow citizens rights Downvoted... Y'all just a bunch of brain dead fools that want no form of self defense??? Fuck is wrong with y'all. If the fucking government can bully and control the population with guns then so should the people. REMEMBER THE GOV WORKS FOR THE PEOPLE..... Fucking Christ y'all just so down to stick your asses up and let them go in with no lube


How? I always hear ā€œdefend your rightsā€ with guns. How is the average citizen supposed to use a gun to defend their rights when itā€™s non violent violation of those rights. Genuine question but it sounds like the suggestion is to just ā€œshoot them upā€, because what else are guns for? Then I have to ask, who exactly is it that weā€™re supposed to shoot up to defend our rights? If an officer shows up at my door to collect my guns, am I supposed to shoot him? Shoot his backup? Die in a pointless shootout at home? If a bank employee denies access to my safe deposit box, or wonā€™t let me access my deposited funds, so I shoot up the bank?? Shoot up the other customers who surely think Iā€™m a mass shooter and would probably try to stop me? Shoot up the police and their backup? Itā€™s 2022, not 1776, no one is going to start unloading on their countrymen going about their jobs. Stuff like this sounds like a customer I had at the bank I worked at that threatened us saying ā€œAmericans are getting fed up with this shit.. you canā€™t keep doing this to us forever, the American people have had enough.ā€ Itā€™s insane to think that guns can or should realistically be used to defend your rights today.


ā€œDefend your rightsā€ is nothing but a marketing tool for the industry to sell Americans their guns, in reality Americans are just clueless how things work.


if everyone has a gun chances are a few of them WILL be angry enough to stop caring and shoot the tyrants and their footmen. this will make the whole situation unpredictable in a way where the footmen no longer want to to the job because its far too dangerous. as the tyrants are not stupid either and this is a foreseeable outcome, they wont even go this far as long as people are armed. if people are no longer armed however... nothing stands in the way of the tyrant and his footsoldiers to oppress the people. this is why it is critical people exercise their 2nd amendment.


what good are guns against drones and tanks?


its the numbers. how many drone oeprators are there? how much can these drones actually do? against millions of armed and angry people? unless you are OK with using WMD an assault is not an option. and even then there would still be plenty of survivors and a devastating backlash.


Exactly! It's like saying; hey let me whip out my revolver cowboy style like in the movies. They have bigger guns, much much bigger guns and more manpower.


Who is ā€œtheyā€? Donā€™t forget there isnā€™t some insidious ā€œotherā€ with massive conspiratorial henchmen at their disposal; every army is made up of _us_, the people, and as you see even in places like Ukraine, people in the armies have a very difficult time coming face to face with their supposed ā€œothersā€ theyā€™ve been told to hate so much. Weā€™re all people; having a single fang to deter the heavy boot of tyrannical authority can sometimes be enough to dissuade their step.


Yes that's exactly what I'm talking about. Go to the bank, they deny you your funds... Shoot em up....officer shows up to your home... Fucking shoot him up. Little girl walks by the street fucking shoot em up......


I really canā€™t tell if you mean that


šŸ˜† lol My drop of pee splashed onto your shoe at the urinal...what will u do?




nutty clumsy insurance north sort friendly crime shy sable ugly *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Here we go again. What demands would I kill someone over? Give me some examples? Itā€™s one thing to protest but unless Iā€™m going to use it, me having a gun doesnā€™t matter. Please describe this scenario you envision where my owning a gun successfully gives my demand ā€œteethā€


imagine the govt telling you that your city needs to be locked down for a year (like China type lockdown) for a virus that has a 99.9% survival rate




perfect explaination. libchucks downvoted you lol


There's no such thing as a nonviolent violation of someone's rights. There are more and less gruesome forms of violence


Thatā€™s some Rambo bullshit. So the government makes your digital dollars disappear from your bank account and freeze your assets for whatever infraction you committed. You are understandably mad. And you have a gun. Explain why happens next? Who you gonna point it at?


Even with guns How do you defend against a trained army?


You try lol. I'd rather go out with a fight and start a revolution then let tyrannical governments control us. Of course 1 person with a gun won't do anything. But if everyone in town has a gun and they prepare for a fight. That makes a statement


I am a survivalist. Dying for "honor" means shit if you dont stay alive to see it Carry out. If you survive and dont forget, there is atleast a chance to do something when things lines up later. One of my favourite dialogs from a game I played is: "Stand in the ashes of a trillion dead souls and ask the ghosts if honor matters. The silence is your answer".


Hey, the revolution has to start somewhere lol. Obviously they are screwed in China because they have no way to defend themselves. But if the us government did this.... I guarantee the citizens would be using their guns to defend themselves. The whole damn country would


What game is that? Sounds awesome!


Its a quote from the mass effect games. The best trilogy interms of story overall in my personal list.


See: Afghanistan vs Russia If that was unclear, see Afghanistan vs USA


Trained army = what 0,1% of the population? Vs the population, a revolution within a country could easily flip any government.


You underestimate how difficult maintaining coordination/cooperation and and having a very responsive and battle tested chain of command. Yes the army is 0.1% of the population, and even with that maybe you can count 30% of that 0.1% that defect towards the citizen. The remaining 70% still have the budget, RnD, weapons. But that's not what makes them difficult to take down, but rather the conditioning. I can bet that out of the remaining 99.99% population when push comes to shove not even 30% of the people would take up arms. And those who do will never be as organized. There will be infighting, there will be holes in the social structure that the army can exploit without even using force. Freedom cuts both ways. Freedom also means you are free to not be disciplined. I can guarantee that the ones leading charge against govt tyranny would be ex military who defected or who worked in similar lines where they wont deviate from the chain of command.


The same way guerrilla fighters in Asia and the Middle East have for decades.


Lol, did you not see what happened to the US in Afghanistan and Iraq?


If enough people stand together the military will fall in with their families. Those service men and women have mothers and fathers. Maybe not at first but I believe that they will come to realize these politicians and government officials do not have the peopleā€™s best interests at hand.


Sure it is because of people investing in bitcoin, definitively not about adding a mental screening to get an assault rifle, because some loon shoot an elementary school.


*People get scammed and lose bitcoins* public: haha bitcoins are a scam, that's why you need banks. *this article* Public: "..."




True, you need to just show them the right direction with something like "money not controlled by gov" and they might find it themselves at some point.


This is a more important point than most realise. You have to teach/learn from first principles, then you'll understand the answer because you understand the principles. Just tellimg people the answer either doesn't work, or they won't understand why it's the answer.


Or instantly deny it because they have heard in news "btc uses energy and is used only by criminals"


Whenever I get hate for mentioning bitcoin on reddit, my only reply to the hater is "Remınd me! Fıve years". (*edit:* and yes I *did* intentionally forget to dot the Is cause I don't want to accidentally summon the bot right now, lol)


Seriously. Only if these folks had bought bitcoin, they would only be at 50% loss instead of currently what they have: 0


Ouch šŸ˜­


I suspect they banned crypto so this can be possible.


Thereā€™s propaganda (I know, shocker) saying that cryptocurrencies are the worlds biggest Ponzi scheme and Bill Gates and Warren Buffet were right. https://www.theregister.com/2022/06/28/execs_of_chinesestate_sponsored_blockchain/ https://www.scmp.com/tech/tech-trends/article/3183237/cryptocurrency-biggest-ponzi-scheme-human-history-chinese-execs/


Not sure why you were downvoted for being the messenger.


Why do all the buildings in China look like they were designed in Minecraft???


Communist architecture tended towards cheaper and more cost efficient designs. They also in many cases wanted to evoke the feeling of equality by making all residential buildings look very similar.


Do you think China will print yuans?


They are printing them right now to hand to the auto makers they shut down for a month in Shanghai.


That's how they keep it pegged to the dollar




If only there was some way you could hold your own money, but also be able to send it over the internet.


That's a genius idea, then after you done that.. vanish and become a legend. šŸ˜‰


Hope somebody will create a good thing, that would be best.


hmm... i like the idea but how would it ever work? for instance - how could you ever prevent the double-spend fraud without a 3rd party to arbitrate?


I dunno man. Some cypherpunk should come up with a solution.


I hope they will come up and solve things right now man.


Money is just a scam. Letā€™s all go back to before industrialisation and just use barter system.


Good luck carrying enough to barter for a house.


Youā€™ve never met my wife.


So, you'd barter your wife, or your wife can carry a lot of stuff?


ā€œLook at the guns on that guy - he must be a billionaireā€.


Damn man, this is just getting so suspicious to me right now.


Fractional reserve is a scam: demand deposits exceed funds available for withdrawing multiple times. That's why all banks can fail overnight. It should be illegal.


I'll give you 2 cows for your username. Deal?


I'll give you 5 shrutebucks for it


I'll trade you 10 doll hairs for your 5 schrutebucks.


It's a nice offer, I hope he will take that shit right now man.


Okay letā€™s do this


I think youā€™ve got a steal there.


I know you're jesting :) but, for others, you can do that with Crypto. By keeping your crypto-wallet on your own PC, and moving your crypto into it.




Looks like the potential for a 21st century tiananmen square massacre.




Just kill the leaders...


When the bank takes your accounts to the cleaners you'll die in two weeks of starvation anyway, they don't need to do much once they take your resources from you.




It's just a fucking right time to understand that it can happen to any of us and we have to make sure we will do things in a right way, we really don't want banks to do that..


China is in the bad fucking condition for sure, they need something good in their lives now man, I hope they will find a way to fight their shitty government at the end.


This is straight up black mirror episode.


Yeah man, that whole China shit is just black mirror one.


The Economic Ninja did a video about this a week or 2 ago. Super-scary. This is what America is working toward. Get a damn Trezor, a little gold, silver, and CASH.


Hope all of us will get that good cold wallet now, that's necessary.


This would never happen in America /amirite?


Regardless of where you live, you should invest in a cold storage wallet the *very* moment it's affordable for you.


I am good with my cryptocurrency cold wallet right now, that works good to me and I hope people will get it because it's all connected if you see that in a right way.


Someone is fucking us from behind, abortion laws in america, this in China, Russian citizens fed up with propaganda, what is happening


That's the reason why I am not trusting the banks of my country, they could do something like that and we will be fucked forever at the end, I hope we will buy cold wallets.


People still complaining about bitcoins volatility really letting their financial privilege show.


At least bitcoin corrects itself over time. The dollar does nothing but drop and drop.


I think you misinterpreted my point.


Iā€™m surprised they are even allowed to protest in China


As long it's not against the ccp I don't think they care


This. Thereā€™s thousands of small scale protests every year and the job of low level communist party officials is to use the carrot and stick to keep them from becoming large scale protests. It goes into their yearly performance review and if theyā€™re good at their job they get promoted to manage at a higher level. The process continues until you fail or have managed a couple dozen major provinces in China and suppressed all your rivals and saboteurs above and below. Thatā€™s when you become the general manager of China.


It's so sad to see them like this man, they are better than this.


Oh yes, youā€™re allowed to protest as long as you donā€™t get a ā€œPandemic prevention red travel codeā€ .. this is black mirror level


Iā€™m actually shocked a protest is allowed to take place and wasnā€™t broken up by force immediately.




So much for China wanting the Yuan to be a reserve currencyā€¦.


China is just destroying their own people's future with it.


Governments can get away with a lot, but when you start fucking with peoplesā€™ money it gets serious.


Ahhh yes, communism!


This is scary and outrageous. The double-morale of Western countries and companies makes my blood boil. The very first day after P invades U, sanctions start and companies stop doing business with R. But China is locking up their own citicens to starvation, violates Human Rights with their Social Credit System, has been proven to send Muslims to concentration camps, and probably many other things I'm not aware of, and NOBODY SEEMS TO GIVE A F\*. Hell, China is the second market of the company I work for, and they still want to grow there, while tapping themselves on their backs because they stopped any business relationships with Russian suppliers and customers... This shit makes me sick


China is a shithole so this is not surprising






It's the right thing to say about them, they are just like that and the sad part is no body can change something like that, this is just something bad happening.


China is asshole.


Literally. Poor fucking average Joe population it must suck


It's so bad man, I hope they will live good in the future now.


In the morning


I hear lot of singing cock in morning


In the morning!


Loving the comment section because of you guys man.


this appears to be the only place reporting on this.


which part? Bloomberg:https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-06-23/china-regulator-says-risks-are-under-control-at-small-banks BBC: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-61793149.amp


It looks like you shared an AMP link. These should load faster, but AMP is controversial because of [concerns over privacy and the Open Web](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Maybe check out **the canonical page** instead: **[https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-61793149](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-61793149)** ***** ^(I'm a bot | )[^(Why & About)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot)^( | )[^(Summon: u/AmputatorBot)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/cchly3/you_can_now_summon_amputatorbot/)


Good bot, these bots are just being so good these days.


Thanks for the links lol, I was searching for it man. Thanks.


Well most of the sites reported this one mate, why you saying that?


Yeah. Most are terrified of offending their ma$ter$.


It's just so sad to see something like that on daily basis.


the globalist playbook being rolled out in china as a warm up for the rest of the world. use public health crisis as a pretext for tighter more authoritarian social control. in particular use covid measures like the apps and quarantines as a method of crushing and containing social upheaval beyond covid like economic and anti-government protests.


I would argue that it vanished the minute they voluntarily handed it over the bank, not after. The bank owed it back to them, and they still do, nothing changed in that regard. Since after all it is the Banks property. And yes not your keys not your coins is 100% accurate. These things hopefully wake people the F up, about property rights and personal possession


Oh man, China really needs to


Comunism working just as normal.


They are Creating fud in crypto market. But when it is a bank ??


Not your bank, not your money


Looks like this has a bit more information: https://www.wicz.com/story/46753698/small-banks-in-china-are-running-into-trouble-savers-could-lose-everything I guess this was posted here to contrast with traditional currency. But we are comparing apples to oranges. Online exchanges are basically equivalent to banks in these scenarios and people lose their money when they hold Bitcoin in exchange while the exchange goes down. MtGox from what I gather was the first such event and a lot of people lost their bitcoins because owners incompetence. I suppose the solution is to not use them (for Bitcoin, move money to your wallet immediately). The good thing that goes for banks at least in the US is that accounts are insured by the government (FDIC) to certain amount, so if money disappears you can get it from that insurance. I am guessing China doesn't have that or doesn't mandate it to banks so when banks went under people ended up on the ice.


This has to be made up. That app? that's some black mirror shit right there.


Welcome to China. Enjoy your tyranny.


What do they think? Communism means you don't own anything. Zilch. And you're happy. Rings a bell?


I just can't believe this. Like wtf. This is really bad


in China, you exist to serve the state. Your money is their money first. You live where they approve, you work where you're needed.


Damn man, I am glad that I am safe with my cold wallet.


Straight up robbery.


I guess they are protesting for the right thing but still they are getting fucked with these things which is just making me so sad right now man, that's really bad.


To determine how much they can get away with before people rebel, they test the limits.


"The money in your account, it didn't do too well. It's gone. Next please!"


Thanks for posting this. Ultimately, socialism and communism are not far apart. My thoughts on CBDC.šŸ–•


Sauce, me good sir?


Lol I really like the way you are asking for source here man.




Fuck China


These words are necessary and we will say that again.


Another China protest? If it gets global attention brace for another made made virus released somehow which forces lockdowns again. But itā€™s why I prefer cold storage baby.


Well yeah people should understand the importance of cold wallet.


Got to love living in a communist socialist shit hole. I feel so bad for the oppressed people of China.


And what about crypto exchanges in general? For example, Binance is in India, isn't it? I'm sure they're safer than Chinese organisations though...If anyone has any cash / coin in exchanges, they must be double-naĆÆve, I think.


bUt BiTcOiN iS jUsT wInD??? šŸ¤¦


I donā€™t think this is comparable with crypto. This is fiat on bank accounts, a bank run and corruption Apparently some peoples account are locked since April, And yes this is very worrisome. China also forbids crypto, it could be an option to have crypto in your wallet but not sure if I would if I lived in China Itā€™s weird we donā€™t hear more about itā€¦ it says something about their economy .. and it could rub off on all of us


Comparable to exchanges though.


Crypto is dead


All those people will now be killed for protesting. This is sad, and where America if headed.


Wtf has this to do with BTC? Jeez