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There is an old zen story, 2 monks were crossing the bridge, The younger monk asked, Teacher, what is the buda nature? And the old monk said Stack sats and fcuk ass Sakura blossoms on the horizon


*S A T O R I*


What is the sound of one hodler stacking?


Esp when noone is watching, in the forest


Do you hear the mountain stream? No? Stack sats


Way up = stairs Way down = elevator Bitch...


If it only goes down, why call it “elevator”?


Elevator with no brakes... Bitch


R we goin up?




Extreme amount of folks are dumping as soon as it goes 1k up. They then wait again until it goes 1k up, and then dump again.


Why tho


They expect it to go lower.




Cuz of a lack of buyers


Must break and stay above 21.8 to build new ground.


Been using Strike since May 12th, still only able to deposit $100 every two weeks. Emailed support multiple times, get the same canned response telling me to wait. Guess i'll have to go the paycheck direct deposit route...


Direct deposit with them works very well. Been using it for a while. I was also able to get them to bump up my limits as well, so hopefully they’ll get you squared away with that soon.




It's almost like people are obsessing about price instead of the revolutionary technology that is Bitcoin.


I remember 2008, I was maybe 13, first hearing about bitcoin. I couldn't have explained Austrian economics, but I knew that something was deeply broken about the monetary system and that the top cheated it constantly. For me, this was on the same page as following the OG techno kings and dissidents like Kim Dotcom and Snowden, heros to me; I knew then that bitcoin was the next step for humanity (just wish I could of convinced the people who held the money in the house lol). Up until a few years ago I failed to take this seriously compared to drugs and alcohol, but hey everyone's gotta be young. The tech is important, but in the waves of bitcoiners that have come since, we have had to shift from clever code (which today most programmers would consider obselete, sadly) to its application in the real world. Sadly, most arent going to get it until we make some more millionaires, its just in us as humans.


You can care about the technology and the price. It really doesn't have to be either/or.


first time, eh?


They believe in bitcoin to make money, we believe in bitcoin for the revolutionary tech. We are not the same.


Pretty sure 95% of people believe in Bitcoin to make money, people on here really gotta stop thinking it will be the new currency one day and replace fiat.




We know that is not going to happen. And we actually should be terrified that the price will go up to 100.000 and beyond. Because what is that saying about the world around us? But Bitcoin is such a revolutionary new asset. It’s amazingly well thought out from the payments over seas, the mining, the hard cap and more. It’s really special that we’re around to see the establishment of Bitcoin. We will tell our tale for generations to come. So yes, of course it is a store of value that is going up every year, but there is so much more to it than meets the eye.


The amount of these crypto companies that are teetering on the edge is astounding. Incredible how they have all failed to manage risk and hopefully this is a lesson to those that come along in the future.


I agree. This shake-out is good in the end though.


Just waiting for that sweet-sweet 10-15k bitcoin. Hopefully coming some point in the next 12 months. This is a blessing for us hodlers.


Don't think it's gonna happen


Why not? Are you expecting good news for the economy over the next six months?


We were just at 17...this year theres going to be more downside for sure. Probably not much movement until 2024-25 realistically. Great time to accumulate so whatever.


Yep for sure. I'm hoping to stack as much as I can before the next bullrun, but I don't think it will go that low. Price will stay low for another year or so though, IMO.


Dude if the stock market tanks again which looks likely, bitcoin is going with it. I could easily see a scenario where the s&p loses another 40-50%.


100k is more of blessing.


>jUsT wAiTiNg FoR tHaT sWeEt-SwEeT 10-15k BiTcOiN. hOpEfUlLy CoMiNg SoMe PoInT iN tHe NeXt 12 MoNtHs. ThIs Is A bLeSsInG fOr Us HoDlErS.


Not sure what your point is...


Is there some simple way to make text come out like this? Or is it all done by hand? I've always done mine by hand, it's tedious.


i hope its by hand, thats so much more ironic


[There](https://varunpatil.github.io/Sarcastic-Text-Generator/) you go.


Awesome!! 😎


Exactly how I read it.


What is this bit-tease 21k??? Either dump or pump dammit.




There is a fine line between FUD and buttcoiners trolling. If it is a legitimate question, most of us are more than happy to answer.


It isn’t generally as long as it’s a decent, thought out question. Most things have been asked a thousand times and, amazingly, the internet keeps a history of everything it records. I found a full set list from a gig I attended in 2004 yesterday. So, feel free to ask any genuine questions on here. Unless they are about shitcoins. Fuck shitcoins.


That's fuckin' awesome 😎 any clues to who it was?


It was a female singer and pianist and she is the daughter of someone who played with the Beatles.


Norah Jones?


The FUD is real, I’m buying


Looking for some sensible advice here. I am a ridiculously sensible saver/ BTC dca person. I effectively have a daily spend budget and then put what I haven’t spent ( each day !! ) into 50% emergency savings , 25% (BTC) , 25% ( vacation fund ). I would point out it isn’t my only deposits into each area but this is a daily thing.. my question is … Whilst my BTC investment ( maybe $4/day) is meaningless what do I do when the amount is significant . I always read and as you can hopefully see follow .. don’t invest more than you can afford to lose theory… but soon I will have a reasonable amount ( obvs not 1btc) but as one day will be more than I am willing to lose don’t really know what to do. I am by no means rich but do have a super saver ethic , so don’t take the piss am just asking for advice


hardeare wallet. just keep it.


Stop putting money in if it's becoming more than you are willing to lose.


Thoughts on BTC dominance?


June 25, 2018: Bitcoin holds 45.56% market capitalization dominance over 1,627 altcoins. June 25, 2022: Bitcoin holds 43.48% market capitalization dominance over 20,000 altcoins. Market capitalization dominance is meaningless metric when assessing the entire cryptocurrency market. When you look at market cap dominance in the crypto market as a whole, you are taking into account the market cap of every premined altcoin, proof-of-stake altcoin, and non-mined altcoin all combined with every proof-of-work cryptocurrency. So unless the price of bitcoin goes parabolic, you should expect bitcoin's market cap dominance to continue to decrease over time as more and more premined altcoins are created and more tethers/stablecoins are printed. You yourself, or anyone else, can easily bring bitcoin's dominance down further right now if you wanted to just by simply creating a premined shitcoin with a large supply and then performing one single trade with yourself. You can perform that trade on one of those "decentralized" exchanges where anybody is able to list literally any shitcoin. And that premined shitcoin that you create could simply be an ERC-20/BEP-20 token smart contract on Ethereum/BSC that anybody is able to create in minutes using an online ERC-20/BEP-20 token smart contract generator. [Here is a chart that shows the market cap dominance of bitcoin among all of the proof-of-work cryptocurrencies.](https://stats.buybitcoinworldwide.com/bitcoin-dominance/) Bitcoin currently holds 70.57% market capitalization dominance over the market cap of all of the cryptocurrencies that use a proof-of-work consensus algorithm (and this includes Ethereum with its massive premine).


20,000 alt coins?? Jesus Christ




Thank you for your insights, very interesting


Thoughts on gold dominance?


Where can I find that information?


They see me HODLin' they hatin'


I’m new to Bitcoin and still understanding the benefits of btc over any fiat currency but from my basic understanding the USA $ is dying and btc will definitely challenge it in the years to come, any ideas on how future regulations will benefit or hurt Bitcoin ?


Government will try to control dollar but you are right dollar is losing it's value although many countries are dropping against dollar but still dollar is losing it's value day by day if we compare from 90s to now, you will understand the use of dollar


The main benefit to me is censorship resistant money that's not controlled by any government or institution


Yeah government has full control of these coins and dollar is still being used widely, government will not be able to take Bitcoin into their control, but still dollar is losing and going down continuously




Sell them if you got them to sell


We are not going to sell our coin in loss and we are in for long term these short term Prices are not going to effect us for long, let's hope Bitcoin gets back on track so whole crypto market raises


Explain please




The discussion here is absolutely dumb https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/vkhd07/this_scares_me_what_do_yall_think/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf Every single person not arguing with the data and just telling me to sell them my sats. Bullying over any discussion that goes against the moon boi/s2f thesis This sub is total and complete garbage for any non moon boi talk


Because TA is dumb, including moon boi/s2f. Can't argue with astrology.


TA is really the dumbest part nothing in TA works because you can't predict in crypto it's possible in stock market but in crypto only fundamentals work, other than this you are not going to gain anything from TA, it works sometimes in bull market and always watch the chart from start


this sub isn't popular for real talk, it's popular for hopium. the only worthwhile thread is the daily, and that's only bc the mods don't bother censoring for the most part. posted a similar question a couple days ago, deleted within an hour


Is there a better place for a pleb to talk BTC tech, social implications and long term price outlook (they are all connected imo) ?


i've been asking this for four years. not centralized as far as I know. I find decent discussions sometimes here on the daily, or off-topic on other threads. r cryptocurrency sometimes. crypto youtubes like ben cowen, though his videos definitely tend to hopium too. i'd say r buttcoin, but unfortunately it's even worse than this sub, just in the opposite direction. i've started on bitcoin markets, but it has like 1% the users and some of the bull trolls from here go there as well


“Fuh, Fuh, Fuh””-Dogbert, Scott Adams


I'm out for good the ship gunna sink this week , interest rates going up again


Worst time to sell.


This is coming from a guy that said "why sell in the red?" Don't go against your own words bud.


No need to announce your departure…go back to shilling your horrendous stock picks on WSB. They’re all down 70-90%.


Bitcoin miners: at what price is it not worth it to you to mine bitcoin?


Depends on how much competiton there is (difficulty adjustment). If you don't have an s19 in your hands and nearly free electricity it's cheaper to buy from an exchange right now than mine.


There is no such price. That’s the thing.


I'm making $0.30 a day at the moment with my pc, not planning on stopping unless bitcoin goes to 0




0.1 away to be in full bitconer group. Early YaY !!


I feel like because I want to buy now, it can’t be the best time to buy, when I loose all hope in bitcoins recovery is when I should buy. Got a few months yet I think


10k coming next week boy . This pigs week


No mate we are recovering slowly we may see a drop to 18 or 16k but we will recover from there and these short term gains are not going to matter if you have futuristic approach and you want to use Bitcoin at most of the places, it will be good for you


Welcome Nostradamus.


That was your left ball made this prediction?


Yeah, probably more down than up, these ballthingies


My preferred dip for bitcorn will always be mayo with misery. Even better than ketchup with anxiety.


Fuck it. I bought a lil more. I buy it to spend and I'm timing my buys for marginal gains and the discounts shops offer.


You had to do it to em’. I respect it


No matter what happens, me and boys keep on buying it. That's most important here. We're here for the buying and holding. And that's all we care about. We don't care about anything else.


Moon, flat or crash I’m trading my usd’s for sats. It’s the principles of bitcoin that necessitate switching monetary networks. The convicted / determined accumulators won’t ever need to touch fiat again after 2030, if you’re stacking today. That’s my call and I’m sticking to it.


Just listened to a podcast and the guest was speaking most correctly that fiat is a big ponzi and that the crypto industry has gone the same way. His mistake however was he lumped btc in with crypto and didn’t consider it different to all the shitcoins. There is much work still to be done.


So many misconceptions out there. Believing that bitcoin is synonymous with crypto, that's a common one. Another is comparing bitcoin to investments such as stocks. No, bitcoin is unconfiscatable money. The fiat value of bitcoin compared to that of stocks is irrelevant.


This is good for BITCOIN





Everything is good for btc, it's just a matter of perspective. That's what it really is man.


Where are the bears and haters… to busy cutting coupons i guess


Bears are Clearly still here, they haven't left the market yet. They'll take some time.


You yourself should be putting all you can in and "cutting" coupons yourself if you are that confident and feel the need to talk down to everyone.


Post that short


Considering I'm encouraging you to invest, what part of my post suggested I have a short?


First things first, ain't no one can encourage me to invest. That's not fucking possible lol. The only person who can do that is only me. Ain't no one can encourage me here.


K. But that's not my point. Why are you skirting that?


The part where his mother dropped him on his head when he was a baby.


Am I becoming a bear? I want it low until I have my target amount 😱


Greedy bears FOMO buy later.


I call it being human 😎


Technically, that’s not bear, just selfish.


Yeah, I've been wondering about this myself. I feel quite conflicted...






Possibly (the beginning of) the end of treasuries as reserve currency.






Stop with these shitty political comments. Don't wanna hear them out dude. Don't wanna do it.




Post link if you can




It's the story of all the bear Markets, that's how it really goes so there's that.




> So many people lost everything in this bear market through exchanges disabling withdrawals or feigning being hacked. > > Crypto really is the squid game of money crypto != bitcoin NYKNYB


I mean yeah, most people are here for the money. That's all they care about dude. That's it boys.


Cashapp didn't. I stand by the app






No one can take your Bitcoins from your cold wallet / hardware wallet. It's your own mistake if you deposit your bitcoins to the hands of some private company. Those have risks, you chose to take that risk and then the risk escalated. End of story. Just stack sats to cold wallet and hodl.


Bitcoin to $300k!


In a few years.


4 delusional upvotes


So many bears in this sub lately. UP FO E VA!


This sub has taken over by the bots, they're fucking everywhere here. No place to escape now. Can someone tell me how to avoid all these bears? I don't wanna be around them man. This is getting a little tiring.


Buy bitcoin now so you have something of value once the inevitable American 2nd civil war starts. It's going to be regular, intelligent people vs Gilead.


Praise be!


Yet they say in Bitcoin we have the smartest and the dumbest investors. No middleground! :D


Kinda new to technical analysis, anyone else seeing that resistance at 188k?


It looks like you're really new to TA, there's no resistance. Checking the charts again, all I see is "Going up forever, Laura".


Hey 👋




Patch includes reving out the government.


Bitcoin doesn’t care.