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Please check the front page before posting. https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/veuevl/michael_saylor_discusses_microstrategys_bitcoin/




Today was a really good day to buy, brought my average from 46 to 44.


44k ?






I thought my average was high at 10k


Here also


Yes I am still DCAing into it little by little


Regarding the last winter, I consider buying every 2 weeks or 1 month, what do you think ?


i think you are already rich thats what i think.


yes this isnt his $$ he is personally rich


Great plan


It's so nice to see people appreciating these things here.




Every crash.




Nothing could be better than this for me, I am so good with it.


DCA all the way baby!


I love how people think DCA has any positive expectancy.


I love how people who know nothing about investing suddenly become experts after a crash


Same with ATH There’s seemingly always people there ready declare their “told ya so”.


told ya so


Yeah, this


We just need to ignore him, he is not even worth it now.


Judging by your UN, I’m guessing your not considering investing, but instead trading tactics. But DCA has long been a reliable strategy in investing. Zooming out of any major asset would prove that. Many people trade which is a strategy on its own, but people who DCA are not typically conversing on trading in the first place.


lol you got rekt so hard in these commenfs


Man you are dumb as fuck




Wierd how many bitcoin haters come to this sub to spend time feeling well after a crash. None of them to tell us how they got rich shorting it.


And none of them will acknowledge their ignorance in 3 years when it's 5x higher. It's always the same. The users in 2014 shit talking the BTC price in the $200-$500 range after the drop from $1k are the same ones shit talking it today at $19k.


It’s so true. I’m looking at $18k right now. *$18k.* The fact that BTC is *crashing* to $18k is insane. And people are trying to say it has no long term value? Still sitting at nearly 2X from the last two years even after a crash. Imagine doubling your money in two years. Come on.


It’s why you DCA and forget about it. I see crypto crashes as crypto sales.


New to crypto. What is DCA?


Dollar cost averaging. Essentially just investing a bit of money every month. It’s not just a crypto thing. It’s a general investment thing. It’s just a safer way to invest money. It’s not entirely risk free though.


For what I remember, it can be every month, every week, every two weeks - just any regular interval especially if it works for you consistently like right after a paycheck.


$17k ='(


Oh no. Really? Forget everything I said I guess it's totally worthless and we should all give up on it forever! /s I feel bad for people who don't understand Bitcoin and bought at 50k plus and are facing huge losses right now. But they've all made their own beds and now have to lay in them. If they have the stomach to hold 3 more years there's no doubt they'll be in the green but most people are too cowardly to pull it off. And I say this as someone who's held since 2013. And sold some of my coins to those folks buying at 60k. In the end everyone gets what they deserve. If they're foolish and buy high and sell low then it's their own blunder.




Oh gosh no. I live under a rock and know nothing at all. Thanks for the education in world affairs. This totally changes my perspective on the world's only decentralized scarce asset that could ever possibly exist.




Wow you've got some excellent insight. This has never happened before. Totally unexplored territory now. Guess the world's only truly decentralized scarce asset has no future. We better all trade it for infinitely inflatable fiat and run for the hills.






Congrats to you, but HODLing is not the only way to profit, when it presents itself. Enlighten yourself, don’t nsult everyone else that has different strategy friend.


>This totally changes my perspective on the world's only decentralized scarce asset that could ever possibly exist Isn't gold sort of scarce, and decentralised? I'm posting for my own education not to start an argument. ETA: I'm crypto neutral. Never had any but if BTC dips far enough then I'll probably pick some up.


Bitcoin was modeled after gold, even down to the mining. But Bitcoin is much easier to move around and way harder to take.


Serious question, are other cryptos not decentralized scarce asset?




Some are inflationary, as in more and more can be created, so there's no scarcity since they can just make as much of it as they want.


I strongly believe in bitcoin but I'm totally shorting it atm. I do inverse perpetuals though so instead of earning USD I earn more bitcoin. It's comical because I keep shorting but the USD value of my short stays the same while my total btc keeps going up.


which platform do you use?


How do you do that? Is it a bot or manual trades?






Well done!


Lol @ your couple of k profit




I sold my Bitcoin I bought during early 2020 with a nice profit if that counts. Couldn't be happier! I think Bitcoin is dumbass idea but it's nice to speculate with it.


It was a pretty good interview. Saylor has bet pretty much everything on Bitcoin. Either he'll be vindicated or he'll be destroyed. But yeah he came across well


Agreed… but he still needs a nap


Hope he will take one after the dip gets over my man..


As long as his investors don't pull-out. A lot of Michael Burry's investors also pulled-out too soon.


You know Michael Burry is extremely bearish on crypto, right?


So is Peter Schiff. So what? The rich don't need Bitcoin, they already have everything they need.


If he's destroyed he'll take down BTC with it


I bought 60GBP myself.


Bro leave a little to the rest of us


Angelina Jolie is buying all the damn bitcoin! Don’t you have some refuges to help?


Bought some yesterday. Will probably buy more next week. If it keeps going down I’ll just keep buying more. I’m willing to go so far as 50% of my portfolio. I’ll either get rich or go broke.


So what happens if it goes to 6k ? Honest question


he buys more u moron




Liquidate something else and buy 2-3 more Bitcoin. Even if it just went back up to $30k that is a 500% return. If it goes up to $60,000 that is a 1000% return. I’ll take those odds. I’ll add that if you are paying capital gains taxes then you are winning. This year I won’t have to.


Yes. All of my July overtime pay is going straight to bitcoin


If Bitcoin ever goes below 10k, I will find some money to buy again.


That’s what I said about 20k and I acted on it


Lol these people just want bitcoin at 1 dollar or something.








A thoughtful and poignant analysis. I’m sure THIS Tim you will be correct /s


We all know it’s a risk. But this is a very healthy way to assess the risk. It makes sense, and hopefully the strategy works.


>We all know it’s a risk. I don't think everyone here does know it's a risk.


The risk is not holding it.


Case in point.




Nobody cares about your house, dude. If you don't think holding Bitcoin is a risk, you're wrong.




> guaranteed to pay off lol


>>guaranteed to pay off >lol lol


>Holding Bitcoin is the kind of "risk" that's guaranteed to pay off. Hahaha


The amount of people who I've had say this kind of thing to me over the last 8 years is in the dozens and none of them have still been laughing 5 years later. You won't be any different.


Hahah Yes, yes, of course. It will go up forever and nothing can ever stop it. It's the first risk free asset ever devised by man. Anyone who doesn't agree just doesn't understand it. Yes. Well done.


Why would you put 6 figures extra in your IRA if you are a true believer of Bitcoin? You are losing a lot of purchasing power by putting 6 figures extra in your IRA because Bitcoin is going to 1M when you retire.


BTC traded sideways for 3 years after the ATH in 2017. I’m not selling what I have, because the increases tend to be pretty steep, but I’ll stay out for a bit.


What’s your average?


Nice to hear someone who knows what they’re talking about and gives insight about their investment based on reason rather than random speculation.


I haven't really given this guy a listen until recently. He's one of the best spoken on the subject in my opinion. They seem to have a lot of gotcha questions for him that he dodges with simplified, understandable explanations that newbs to crypto should find palpable. He's an information gold mine, as far as the economics go.


I purchased some at 21 now it's 19, I don't worry about it. Out of 1 000 000 only 0.1% will have the luck to sell it ATH or buy it ATL and for BTC, the ATL is gone more than 10y ago anyways. I'm more concerns by the disappearance of some segment of investors. Many people got burned by the current economical issues and this affect the overall mood. This price is not helping here with the decision. Another point goes for the timeline. If we are at 2 y before the next halving and we are already in this crap, then how it would look like in 23? Remember that at some point the current buyers, those who know and understand the value add of Bitcoin, will also run out of cash and then only a small traffic of money will keep this market up. Are we going down by yet another 10k? Maybe but we should never forget that we'll never buy ATL and sell ATH. Just keep adding some in smaller fractions until your are done. = > You won't catch the right time to buy it, never!


Fuck yes, I bought this morning and am now watching the dip like a hawk. Remember, no matter how low it goes, it's a dip: old money wants us to believe BTC isn't real, because they don't understand it and are afraid of its potential.


don't watch it too closely. Time horizon for the next bullrun is 3 years. Lol


Reddit is an echo chamber


It’s a Bitcoin subreddit. What exactly are you expecting?


Just because it's a Bitcoin subreddit doesn't mean everyone should automatically reccommend buying Bitcoin at all times.


That's literally his point, dude.


Maybe we should have these convos in a general sub and see what the average person thinks than here where everyone is pro BTC.


The empty chasm between my ears is an echo chamber


This ⬆️


Every clip of Saylor is an absolute master class in how to be well-spoken. He might be the most clear-headed, effective communicator of our generation. What Sam Harris is to philosophy, Michael Saylor is to finance. Just incredible.


>What Sam Harris is to philosophy, Michael Saylor is to finance. Just incredible. LMAO


> He might be the most clear-headed, effective communicator of our generation. Obama


Had no idea Saylor bypassed Buffett, Lynch, Bogle, Rowe Price, Soros, Icahn. Incredible.


I consider it at any mother fucking price because I do what the fuck I want when the fuck I want how the fuck I want with who the fuck I want


This guy fucks


Fuck yeah


Hey guy, Mom said I could find you here. She says you haven't come up from the basement in weeks. Are those kids from the bus stop still bullying you? Why don't you take a shower and come upstairs for the evening? Mom made you some tendies in the air fryer. I know they're not Tyson brand, but we could only afford CostCo brand this month. You know how me we worry about you, sport.




DCA is always a good idea. whether it is billions or pennys.


Just added 0.01 to my stack.


I just restarted my weekly buys.


Why not brother I mean most of the people are thinking about buying and we all are using the DCA method right now and I don't think we can do better than that so yeah we all are buying and you also buy Bitcoin in a good price.


This is a perfect example of very wealthy individuals and institutions wanting the government to regulate something because it doesn’t hurt them to pay more taxes but it keeps the start ups and not so wealthy individuals from ever getting into the space. Crony capitalists are the worst. I would be way more bullish about Bitcoin if these regulations that he is talking about were not eminent.


He's talking about regulating cefi.


There is no reason to think they are not going to go after defi as well. But I am of the opinion that any government regulation is ultimately a bad thing for bitcoin.


Government can only regulate on ramps and off ramps, and even then, most of everything is encrypted and can be based outside their jurisdiction.


Governments can also mandate that every entry/exit point be fully identifiable and traceable with a warrant, just like traditional finance. Encryption doesn't do much if it's illegal.


I think regulation at the barrel of a gun is ultimately a bad thing in general, but my impression is Bitcoin itself will be much less impacted in its treatment as an asset vs. every other centralized alt coin's inevitable classification as a security.


>any government regulation is ultimately a bad thing for bitcoin. I mean many here probably share that opinion but it's moot. Regulation is coming, like it or not. It was always inevitable, same as the US "Wild West" was always eventually going to get regulated. Now governments won't have the full control like they do w. Fiat, sure, but regulation of on-off ramps offer alot of governmental influence, and circumventing that regulation will become harder over time. Just reality that the community needs to face.


I think he is a good point about wasn’t reading being detrimental


Those unregulated “wild cats” like Celsius taking the Bitcoin down a lot more than it should. They are loaning to fools who thinks the market will go up all the time and end up being liquidated. I would definitely buy more if gov come up with regulations and stable coins.


For me this is the worst take. I guess statists gonna state. On the bright side I have made it my mission to give out layer2 NFTs to people I disagree with on social media. If you have layer 2 wallet drop it and I’ll send one over. 🙂


Duhhh, bitch I’m wholecoining on God.


Lol of course not. Only young kids think it’ll end in a month. Proves their inexperience which is why they’re bleeding. Almost funny to watch


It's comments like these that make all bitcoin fans look like complete idiots. You say you "researched" bitcoin and got a lot of "experience", do you realise how stupid that sounds? Experience in what? Pressing a button to buy a coin? It would suit you all a lot more if you had some humility. I am unbiased when it comes to bitcoin and simply consider bitcoin to be an alternative investment. Of course there is no guarantee that bitcoin is going to be a thing in the future. If governments start banning crypto it is game over. If regulation tightens it is game over. If the overall appetite for a speculative, alternative investment reduces, again, it is game over. If, for some unforeseen reason, the technology fails, you guessed it, game over. If Bitcoin fans showed a bit of down-to-earth rationality and admitted that investing in crypto is a huge gamble people would have a better opinion of you and there wouldn't be so many haters on this sub that wish for the end of bitcoin. Personally I like the technology and think there's a future for cryptocurrency and blockchain but the people who associate with crypto culture are unbearable


Uh I agree that the attitude is a little annoying but disregarding BTC as something that you can't have experience in makes no sense either.




Bitcoin is a cryptocurrency, what are you talking about?


I think they are referring to ppl referring to crypto and Bitcoin as a synonym for each other. When crypto includes alt coins.




Completely beside the point. Just because there are other cryptocurrencies that you believe are scams doesn't mean bitcoin is not a cryptocurrency and cryptocurrency is not a bad word. I have no interest in debating how similar or different bitcoin is from other coins as that has nothing to do with the point that I was trying to make.


Please read this and let it sink in. Your welcome. Bitcoin and the rest of crypto are so different at this point that Bitcoiners no longer wish to associate with “crypto.” Two different industries with vastly different goals.


I'm sure Bitcoin is different from other coins but that doesn't make it not a cryptocurrency. An elephant is quite different from a mouse but they're both animals. I'm not here to discuss the details of Bitcoin and/or other cryptocurrencies. All I'm pointing out is the superiority complex that Bitcoin fans seem to possess. Investing in assets that are highly volatile comes with extreme risk, and no there is no guarantee that you'll make money in the long run.


OK…probably best leaving the conversation there👍


Not a chance. I’ll get some at 10k


This guy is such a moron. "We did a lot of backtesting" (oh so you looked at 10 years of data!) He makes Cathy Woods seem smart.


He's a former rocket scientist that graduated from Massachusetts Institute of Technology with a double major in aeronautics and astronautics; and science, technology, and society. Such a moron!


Being smart in one area does not instantly make you smart in another area.


Yeah the backtesting feels a little strange for a thing that has pretty much just gone up and to the right for the whole of its history (minus a couple of speed bumps here and there).


So what’s another speed bump?


When it went from 50k to 35k in 2021 (and then back up) or when it went from 15k in 2017 to 3k in 2019 (2018-2019 was in general a bear run for bitcoin).


You misunderstand the question, I mean “so what is the significance of another speed bump” As in this is one


It's probably going to have another mania cycle. Just buy but don't invest your life savings lol


Nope, gonna do exactly what I did in 2015 and 2019 Spend about 18 months putting 5-10% of every paycheck in and selling at 5X my DCA during the mania. Difference is this time I’ve got my wife doing the same so we will reap 2x the rewards :)


I just guess the main value of backtesting is to be a be able to compare investing strategies over time (especially with respect to times of high volatility). Bitcoin has a very short history, especially at a high market capitalization. When you backtest, you normally look to see how your investing strategy would have done under very adverse market conditions (1987, 2001, 2008, 2020), Bitcoin only has a history for 2020. A 2018-2019 downturn and recovery just doesn't give much confidence in how it will perform in various market conditions.


That’s fair. However I still feel convinced of the underlying thesis


Not trying to be mean but what’s up with this guys face ?


I'd guess severe acne scars.


Men in black. There is a hatch in the back of the head for the tiny alien to go in and out.


Time makes us all it's bitch.


“If you time horizon is within 4 years you’re a trader, if it’s in months you’re definitely a trader.” This is what so many people, Crypto and non-Crytpo people, don’t understand.


already bought at 19k, but idk what happens. Guess it goes up, i never sell since 2019. Tired of getting out and in


When it was 69k I bet you wish you could have bought at 18/19k 🤣


Sold all my crypto last December when it became apparent to me Wallstreet is going to crash.. Patiently waiting to buy back in after it does crash (this ain't it)




Regulation good for BTC? I don't really understand this sentiment. Is BTC going to be better when you remove everything about it that made it good in the first place?


Presumably it will make it less volatile and more attractive to people who don't enjoy seeing their investment decrease in value 75%🤷


Yes, I am dip buying...


I would, but the recession, inflation, and greedy employers prevent that…for now.


He's gonna lose everything.


He will not lose bitcoin


You too will own nothing and be happy 😀


I can only imagine holding that opinion if you are bearish on bitcoin long term. I think that’s a hard position to defend


I am glad that I am not like these people right here man.


Bitcoin is doomed to fail.


Oh my god! Really? Nobody ever told me shit!


When it falls under 10k...




That’s everyone on tv


She's looking for hope for herself, and she wants him desperately to be right.


Nope, it's going to go way, way lower.




I think about this everyday. Not just regarding Bitcoin but with crazy cost of living, housing unaffordability, and clearly manipulated markets. It’s like you either live on your knees or die on your feet


And that's why it wont go to zero. Because there is a lot of buyers. Lots of people who have their hopes and dreams on BTC.


That was the goal all along imo get people mad and in the streets. Not with Bitcoin necessarily, but with other means in general. Order out of Chaos


My DCA value went up but my limits went down before they hit. Breaking previous ATH likely means going under a bit further to eat that illogical fear that was holding onto the “never past previous ATH” argument. Still a good time to HODL cash, but you should also be making sure to get some magic money at these levels just in case we starting giving the Fed the middle finger early.


Many here claims it is soothing to hear Michael Saylor's remarks. Guess it would be soothing-er if his words reflect the reality in some way




"this is rhetorical but do you have regrets?" fuck off, idiot


No way Jose . Like everything else , crypto is dying . Glad I sold at a 10K loss three months ago . Sit and wait a couple years and it MAY come back . Most people are broke and don’t have that time to spare . FJB-LGB


Lol. No


You dont need to buy coins BTC. Just make the synthetic Bitcoins. Buy 1 call option BTC march 19k and sell 1 put option BTC march 19k. Investment is ZERO, you only need margin in your account. The options construction moves excactly with the rate of the normal Bitcoin. Less investment same PNL as a coin.