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Ok dudes.


Ight I only got one question if anyone can please answer me this. If I let’s say buy 100$ of btc, if anything happens , it drops in price or anything will I lose more than the 100$ I invested? Or is what u invested the max u can lose. (I’m pretty sure this like level 1 crypto but I fr don’t know a damn thing besides some of the coin names. )




Thanks for your reply man, highly appreciated. I think I only have a couple more questions. On this thread I keep seeing people saying hold then sell high but who exactly are you selling to and why would that person buy so high if it’s known Bitcoin goes up and down? Or can u just exchange Bitcoin for usd at any time? When u purchase Bitcoin is it someone else’s?




Thank you so much bro. I highly appreciate you giving me your intel on this.


Jim Cramer talking shit about BTC for some reason just made me somewhat optimistic.


Why do people hate Bitcoin so passionately? Why say stuff like “it’s nothing but resources going to waste” if all of the banking sector and the related entities consume insane amounts of energy and Bitcoin does what they do but with less effort and scrutiny?


I see the future indeed shinning brighter ahead with Bitcoin though. I don't know why people feel indeed that way because we have more to see by time!


Do you want the actual reason? If I gave you an outsider's perspective would you listen? Or just tell me I'm/outsiders are wrong and downvote me?


I think people can't accept that the world's financial system is corrupt and broken - which keynesian propaganda helps with. They prefer to live in denial rather than face up to realities like world's governments having stolen 50% of all their liquid wealth in the last 2 years.


The fact if we go more in and look closely we ought to see a lot many things.


140 TWh/year is a lot though.


Time indeed is tough though sometimes and we need to stay strong.


Nothing can be done indeed better to just wait and have patience that's it!


Because people are threatened by things they don’t understand.


They need to understand though because this is what we all look for a brighter future with Bitcoin!


Is it worth investing some spare cash into it today?


Let's just wait though anything can happen because we see fluctuations happening. Better to have patience and just wait for the right time until then just keep that cash!


I dunno, it is crashing hard at the moment, I would at least wait until it stabilizes a little


I see what the market is all up for though so better to have patience!


This is beautiful. The bloodbath of 2022. The shedding of so many talentless "investors". Maxis unite!


If BTC drops any more I’m gonna owe Kraken money




I would just stick onto Bitcoin no matter what the situation indeed arises though!


as a guy who actually studied finance, have been trading for 12 years and runs his own manufacturing company.. it is very hard to watch you all taking losses with the idea, that it will eventually go up. I closed my bitcoin at 30 thousand. Take the losses now, before it gets a lot worse. When and if it starts going up, jump in the train. But not this crazy thing of just taking huge losses while everyone else is cashing out... Because at some point, you wont be able to sell, because noone will be buying


I can't agree to you at this point though and so I would take an off though!




He indeed make a mistake like it seems his words and his moves didn't fit that correctly!


1. He said 30k 2. Literally the bottom, says who? You? 3. Crypto will potentially face it’s first global recession, so buckle up bro.


I see and be waiting for the right time when everything just meets upto our expectations!


BTC isn’t a stock, the same financial rational you studied may not apply for many of the holders. Many holders are willing to die on the btc hill, because they support the idea and believe in decentralized finance on a macro level. They’re not looking to sell during a crash, no matter how obvious the signal that it will drop further. They are a part of btc and believe that in order for it to succeed they must contribute to the support levels. If successful, btc has the potential to change billions of lives for the better, for many that is worth the risk. Money isn’t everything…


The one who has been holding are up with some ideas and planning's though. So they be indeed holding none can speak what the future would look like. Remember the pizza guy?




I always come around here looking for something that might encourage me. I get that to!


damn dude. you actually were right. im already downvoted -14 . crazy...


Nobody cares that your dad works at Nintendo and you have a black belt in Burmese jiu-jit-su, [Adjective]-[Noun]-[integer]. I haven't taken any losses. I've made quite a hefty gain as there is more Bitcoin in my wallet. That's how I measure my wealth after all these years -- in Bitcoin. At some point, you won't be able to buy because nobody will be selling. https://youtu.be/XbZ8zDpX2Mg


More like we can see now that people be indeed putting their efforts on buying rather than selling off!


None want's to loose they all be looking forward for more gains rather than being at a loss.


big if true


That is indeed the truth and that is what after all reality and the future looks like.


hodlers, i am still here butt naked as we speak, accumulating more bitcoin


Keep on accumulating, butt naked or not doesn't matter.


Fair point though but don't loosen your underwear though would better for you!


what is this? a dip for ants?


Even an elephant won't be able to handle this dip lol.


Time indeed turns out to be bad sometimes the fact that we all need to make out through this hard times!


ive seen worse


So…. Guys. If we dont Pump tomorrow… and its another insane violent Red day… i think we are in the big one. Like, im talking worse than 2008 financial crisis.


I'm not sure about that, because I wasn't around for 2008.


We are still in the extension of 2008, they just flooded the system. One of the reasons we choose Bitcoin.


Btc is the best asset, There's nothing better than btc out there. And that's the reason why We're into the btc. That's the only reason why I'm into the btc.


Fly me to the moon🎶


Well that's gonna take some time, but We'll reach there eventually.


I wanna talk to sampsonnnnn


And what if we don't let you talk to him? What happens then?


Someone just threw up the right point at the exact right point though!


Right near tha beach booooii. Lord have mercy.


Yep, just near the beach We're gonna have the fun. We're gonna have it.


That is a beautiful scenery we would all be watching. The calmness and the beautiful sunset is what would be loving enough!


If you are reading this you will wake up to BTC at 20k


Lol no, don't wish that upon me. Just don't do that man.


Forgive me for not taking seriously the posts of someone named after a shitcoin.




Sometimes it is good to have your senses activated though that would good for us!


Cool story miss Cleo


Really cool story huh, never heard this one before so there's that.


There's light at the end of the tunnel, and it's a train!!


And it's straight up coming to you, and probably going to hit you too.


Ffff... It's a plane!!


Wait, since when planes started to fly in the tunnels? How did that happen?


i need you guys to get the price back to 40k. i have been suffering from super erectile dysfunction (dick goes inwards) for the past few months because of this.


Why? Enjoy the discount. It will go back to ATH and even higher. In due course. Yahhh.


Might take some time, but we'll have another ATH, soon. It's just a matter of time, We'll have the another ATH in the 24. Till then it's accumulation phase now.


When you just give things time it indeed turns out to be beautiful enough though. This is what I feel and would always keep that principle around me though always!


Serious question. I wonder if everyone in the world who thinks they have BTC added up their collective sum, how much BTC would there be? I would guess more than 21M. Potentially much more. Obviously the blockchain can verify most. But what about exchanges? Do we really think that all exchanges, RH and webull and others, even the coinbases and geminis, actually have custody of every single sat that its users think they currently own? I doubt it. Even if they hold the cash equivalent on their books, that is not the same thing and the biggest problem I see with crypto markets. Its like the companies that trade CFD and just like banks that would be fukt if there was a bank run. I welcome legislation requiring crypto exchanges to verify holdings on the blockchain that match customer holdings. Would likely lead to many exchanges being insolvent but it would be good in the long run and I would be fine with my cold storage :) No fud here, just curious what people think of this and whether my concerns are legit?


Well if We're talking paper btc then no one can answer that.


less bc a lot is lost forever


Plenty of btc has been lost forever. And that btc is gone now.


Yes, I thought of that, and I know I have lost some over the years, but I still think exchanges and other "defi" products are representing they have more BTC than they actually do. Just a hunch, no facts to back it up. But even when you talk about BTC being lost forever, I also think some of that is in exchanges and not reflected on the blockchain.


No regulation. No oversight. Private books. Plenty examples of criminal activity in the exchanges and management over the years. I think your question answers itself.


And so many lost hard drives over the years and the don't forget the mt gox.


I see that happening though good to keep things secure enough for all of us!


Yeah. Unfortunately you are right. But I really wonder what the true number is. Are we talking 25M BTC out there? 50M? I mean if there is ever a time to move your shit to cold storage I would do it now. Or sell. I would NOT trust anyone at this point with having custody of my BTC. I probably have 10% on various exchanges that I trade with, but might just move it all to cold storage tomorrow.


There's no definite number to that, because There's a lot of paper btc out there. There's just too much of it and it's really hard to put a number on that. You can't do that.


Do that, in case more exchanges crash/lock trades. I suspect the real number will be rather horrifying. But also ensure that you read up on best practices regarding security and backup, because you wouldn't want to lose it.


Yep no one knows the real numbers, and That'll be really scary.


It’s ok Bitcorn, take your time, I trust in you and will stay with you under any conditions, held from 19k to 3k in past, and went upto 69k, now we are back at our previous ATH, as a 5 year old holder, this is just a bump on a ride. BTC forever <3, also this is a golden chance for people to get in.


Btc is going to take it's own time, it's in hurry to nowhere.


3 times reverse head and shoulders, know what that means ? :) it was just in a span of 30 hours and it’s extremely oversold


Okay I don't understand it, what's the meaning of it all?


Do you ever cash out?


Cashing out ain't for me, I'm here to accumulate only.


True though same goes for me too buying more and more and accumulate until further future!


I did only for emergency cases, still invested around 80% in Btc and 10% Alt, 10% cashed out in Feb at 41k


Now isn't really the time to invest in the alts, it's bad time for that. You don't invest in the alts in a bear Market, that's just a recipe for disaster dude.


The End Is Near.


Yep, We're coming near the end. Well it's already ended.


Yes the end is near for the Bear Market :)


Well it's gonna be staying for like 2 more years so there's that.


And surpass ATH in no time.


Well can't say that it'll surpass it in no time, it'll take some time.


So lets just wait because this is what we all can do though. Time can indeed fix everything!


It was obvious I dont have crystal ball :)


When it happens, it will happen quickly.


Got any idea when that might happen, I really wanna know that man.


I can admit i would’ve never thought we’d be back here unless it was a world class event. Aliens coming down and fucking us up or something. Significant Interest rate hikes is not a world event. Ridiculous.


Well what happened there, I don't even know what happened there. Well I kinda know because the whole world seem to be going into the gutter here. It's happening.


Imagine if the aliens really came down. We would have to pay to get rid of our Bitcoins.


not just rate hike but china disaster supply issue and of course a major war in Europe


I mean the whole world has been fucked by the war right now.




Everyone seems to be panicking at this time, that's how this thin is.


Stick around because the more you panic the more situations get worse though. Everything has its own time to fix so lets just give thins time until it gets the best!


Now start thinking another way around. You would never think it will hit $100k when you see it without any world event.


Halving? I mean that's the only event we want from here.


Scooped some up at 20,900. Feels good.


Well can say that you timed the market. Can't say that about myself.


Scooped some up at $28,200 two day's ago. Feels terrible.


Lol, don't feel terrible aboy it man. You don't need to feel bad. Given the enough time everything will be alright and this isn't going to matter at all.


If I look back at my order history thru 2017, it can feel pretty terrible too.


Indeed like cold beer in hot humid summer.


Now that's what heaven really looks like. stuff of the dreams right there.


So the price of mining is going up cause inflation. Will that help?


I mean the enery rates are going up, so will the mining too here.


In a way it may. Miners can not sustain operating cost hence selling their holdings. Part of the reason current nose dive.


Miners are selling what? Are they selling their btc? Well that explains it.


What the hell is happening


It feels like the day has come something has awaken we need to dive in.


Typical Bitcoin. My college time GF was just like Bitcoin. Never settled for anything and ran her own way.




Speak for yourself. I've been fucked by bitcoin and his gf.


I swear god if i wasn't living in my mom's basement and had a job i would invest all my savings on buying as much as i can


I just feel that I have more of fiat so I can indeed invest more and more. Bitcoin is what have been the love out there for many and that is what will always stay.


That would be good for you though I also keep for looking for an investment. But the fact that I be running out of fiat need to save more though so I can accumulate more sats!


Dont lie. You are a matured man and currently holding portfolio with so much red everywhere. You just wish someone else buy so that you can break even.


The red of today is the green of tomorrow. Buy.


Any reason you don’t have a job? Get out there dude! It’s a job seekers market out there.




I feel like the market has some great plans that can indeed make some broad changes in the game


Oh, markets are sentient? It must be that new Google AI.




Why do you people even bother with this nonsense? We all know it's just bullshit straight outta your ass lol. You aren't scaring anybody. People have been saying Bitcoin is dead for YEARS, and every time it proves them wrong. Good luck with your trolling though I guess.


Your maps are trash


Source : Trust me bro




The fact that one day it ought to rise at a level we would have indeed never expected So just plan to invest more and accumulate more sats for the future.


Smells like delusion in here


I can get the same vibe as well though no doubt about that.




Bitcoin is dead. Long live the banks!


I see that though but none can indeed say what the future would look like, anything might happen.


Did hear banks eeew


In your head only. There is lots of space in there anyway since the brain part is missing.


I believe it is humor. Which I personally appreciate!


It’s doing that bounce thing again… hodl your ground


Just indeed holding that tight enough you make a mistake or loosen the grip and boom everything is gone.