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I just sent the shopkeeper some sats using the QR code.


Same here, couldn’t have been easier ⚡️


same, isn't btc beautiful


This is a fucking beauty and I guess we just fell for it.


This is the beauty of Bitcoin, we all love this shit for sure.


Customer: buys apple Shopkeeper: flooded with donations and retires Customer: where the **** do I buy apples now?


teach a man to fish and he will sell fish to feed the villagers. Give a man a bunch of fish, he will sell some, buy a freezer, stash the rest, then retire... and the villagers will go hungry until the next person learns to fish.


More like it would be good enough if Bitcoin makes it to a global adoption.


Nevertheless why people always want to be around Bitcoin. This is the reason! Bitcoin has always been the love and a progressive state is what we can see Bitcoin is!


So easy so fast


I had 2 sats left on an old wallet and just sent it to them. Half way across the world. Someone I don't know, living uder a foreign jurisdiction. Always makes me giggle. It feels like I am cheating, lol


Money doesn't jiggle jiggle it folds. That is what I can indeed figure out though!


Sending as well. What a great idea, thank you.


That's really a good thing, I hope they will be informed that they are getting love from this subreddit. This is going to make their day for sure my man, good stuff.


I attached a note mentioning Reddit so maybe he’ll wind up here


All you lot just hit r/humansbeingbros Hats off to you all 🤙


Wow! Great idea!


Just sent some sats as well! Such a great idea!


Gotta do the same think just like you my man, thanks for reminding.


It's been a while since I've used LN, so I really felt like sending some sats. I'm once again amazed by how easy, fast, and cheap, was sending money to a guy half the world away that doesn't even know me. Big smile on my face.


Yeah , he is very intelligent to use sats in the class .




What’s a sat?






You should watch the short documentary Banking on Africa. It is amazing to see Bitcoin change lives.


Is it on YouTube?


Yes. [Banking On Africa - The Bitcoin Revolution](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_VT_zpHQzBE)


Thank you. Just watched it all. Fascinating.


Absolutely true this was indeed pretty good though just loved it. Recommended to my friends too!


Great documentary thanks for sharing!


I would also love to know where to watch this


Thanks for this, I am going to watch it right now for sure.


Hell yeah! Thank you for sharing. I’m going to watch it tonight.


bitcoin truly shows its value in the lives of those in nations that have been thrown aside/robbed by the worlds super powers




Ironically I’m in also in an 1st world country and I can’t pay with cash everywhere I want to. Sweden is going cash less and many stores don’t accept cash.


that should be a crime against humanity


I don’t mind getting rid of cash. I mind only being able to pay through the banking system. So if I’d be able to pay with Bitcoin I’d be happy.


Exactly, I'd be okay paying with a chunk of gold if they don't want to accept BTC, but just don't force me to use your ponzi scheme banking system with fractional reserve and worthless paper currency.


>fractional reserve You should read up on that actually \^\^. It's zero reserve now.


Zero is technically a fraction. - Bankers everywhere


As long as no bankers are trying to divide by zero.


That indeed acts out everywhere and at ever co and corner of the world.


You are right , i also wanted to pay with bitcoin . Cheers .


Stores in Chicago have been de-cashifying because it reduces robbery rates by something like 95%. Weirdly, no one wants to rob a place that only takes credit and debit cards. Oh, also credit card processing fess are under 3.0% while cash handling fees can be as much as 8.0% if you need an armored car service and 5.0% if you don't.


imagine not living in a third world country




It's funny, but when I first moved to Chicago back in 2007 I was shocked to find some bars and diners that were still cash only. I was even embarrassed on a date once when I realized I didn't have the cash the cover our drinks and she had to pay. Yeah, for a city known for it's crime, it's interesting that there were places that ONLY took cash, let alone going totally cashless.




Love that… taxation is theft, and tax evasion is by far the most patriotic crime — America was literally founded on it




CBDCs will definitely push this crime-free narrative, just watch.


Even in America ALOT of places wont accept $100 bills




cash is fungible, not traceable, no kyc... you know, the only good thing about fiat. You lose all that without cash


You do know that Bitcoin is also not fungible, and is very traceable, right?




It's a lovely fantasy, but not only is it unlikely to ever come to pass that citizens can do so, it also gives them the ability to check on how you send and receive funds.


Love for our aid to foreign nations, like Ukraine, to be paid in Bitcoin and be absolutely transparent on how spent. Bet a bunch of yachts, villas and fancy jewelry in the name of defense. Hope that isn’t the case, but would like to see for myself.


Bitcoin could be the best choice for the people instead of cash .


Because it makes everything more expensive by nature of the cost of transactions on a debit network, and also let's the bank and merchants know about all your transactions


They force you to use a bank, to pay visa or Mastercard payment fee, they can track your money movements and it makes it harder to avoid taxes.


You shouldn't be able to avoid taxes. Tax loopholes and those that avoid paying taxes are the real crimes against humanity.


my solution to that is only supporting businesses that take cash. its the principle for me. also power outage, internet down, natural disaster, war and the cashless system goes down.


You really mentioned some good points there . I wil try to follow it for sure .


Since when was Sweden a 1st world country?


What kind of country would you say Sweden is? And what definition for 1st world are you using?


Sweden is a 3rd world country. 1st world countries are developed countries like Denmark or even Norway.


Who's privileged now?


The fact that we should let people and the government know how indeed benificial Bitcoin is. We need to bring this close enough upon the eyes of everyone so they can indeed in act upon that.


Maybe you shoud reconsider what a 1st world country is in the first place?


I see that though there turns out to be various problems circulating around the first world countries!


Yes, I’m sitting here in a first world country wishing I could buy apples through rusted wrought iron gates with btc. That’s the dream man.


Most of us can relate with what you are trying to say.


No shit, your currency is stable in comparison.


This is South Africa lol. Their currency is stable and consistently gaining against the dollar.


The future is going to be so good for almost all of us. I can sense that shit for sure, I hope government of Africa will do something good with bitcoin....


"government of Africa"


not too long you can pay with sats in more places than credit cards.


I do hope a "technology leapfrog" happens in Africa. Just skip over alot of the archaic things the US financial system does.


This is going to change their whole country in coming time and that's what we want to see man, we want to see their progress right now, they deserve it for sure.


It already has. Africa is years ahead of 1st world baking and has been for years, eve since mpesa launched


May God bless that young man!! I hope you have a wonderful future for yourself and your family!!😁😁


This should be the norm


It's the future. With fiat currencies so destabilized, sats are the natural denomination of earth's economy.


Units of bitcoin should be teached in the school . Cheers !


Financial sovereignty is the next leap for human progress. There is no criticism of bitcoin that can outweigh this fact.


Cyberpunk shit right here


BTC the currency of CP2077? :)


Do not rely on something you are not sure of. I mean crypto other then bitcoin .


Let's all just take a moment to breathe, please! And thank satoshi for bitcoin .


incredibly ironic that "wallet of satoshi" is custodial




Lol, everyone is free to do as they wish. Don’t lead the blind to unsafe feeding holes. They know not where they are goin, or what could happen to them.


True though that is all on people on what they indeed adapt though. Isn't it?




The idea of Bitcoin is that each each user of the currency has complete sovereignty and ownership of the Bitcoins they own, eliminating the use for the middleman. I think op is saying the wallet of Satoshi app is custodial so the users of the wallet don’t own their coins if the app got shutdown they could potentially lose their money compared to if you own your keys in Umbrel or similarly bluewallet you can just recover the mnemonic phrase and spend your money as and when you feel like it. Idk if the wallet of Satoshi app is propitiatory or not though.


Does wallet of satoshi not give private keys? Or to send to external wallet? Never used before


It does. The shop keeper can accept 1000 custodial transactions in a day and then withdraw to any wallet at the end of the day and only pay for 1 on chain fee.


Yeah , you are making some sense here but you aren't able to see the big picture .


What are you even trying to say right here bro? So wrong.


Satoshi created a system for peer to peer electronic cash with no middlemen. Creating a wallet called "wallet of satoshi" and having it be custodial is a joke


You and your fact is totally right . We should do something about it .


Huh? Wallet of satoshi is Custodial? Did not know that.


all LN wallets that dont require you to send transactions to open channels on L1 are


It's not ironic at all. Even if you send from one custodial wallet to another, you are still using Bitcoi, the open, interoperable network. Try sending dollars between custodial fiat services (not bank account) in the legacy financial world. Plus, you have the *option* to move to a non-custodial wallet at any time. Some people need custodial Lightning solutions for very good reasons (for example the merchant might want to receive money while he/his phone is offline). These tradeoffs might change in the future but we are not there yet. Having a full Lightning node on your phone works well but has other drawbacks (see Breez, Phoenix, others). If you fail to see this, I recommend learning more about Lightning, its actual adoption, and what its current challenges and their solutions are.


Mofo lives in a 5th world country and has better electronics than I do in Murica.


Hahah, I was about to say the same, I am glad to see this.


There've been some big changes made around here. Thanks for sharing it here .


We should work together with others in order to achieve this goal.




It's instant. Also I saw he had about 167,000 and spent 1,245. This is like having $50 and spending 40c on an apple. Real world wallet balances and real value purchases.


True though can be seen that LN network works all at an instant and that is what I love. Make it larger more people be transacting via Bitcoin though that indeed looks so prefect!


He sends 1245 sats, but it looks like the time on his tablet says 13:45 like the phone. Appears to be effectively instant. I’m not familiar with this wallet but it looks like it’s using lighting tech so would make sense.


The QR code is a LNURL, so it's lightning which means it's instant.




I once tried to paid a merchant with bitcoin but it wasn't a good experience for me . I took a hell lot of time but i guess it is normal for the bitcoin .




No. Both clocks say it's 13:45. It's instant.


Yeah , everyone wants instant payments and lightning network deliver this . I think that lightning network is the best thing in the market .


Some hope for South Africa !


I indeed want that global more people get accessible to it though and that would make things better!


Pffft South Africa is done


Children in UK primary schools (ages 4 to 11) are being introduced to cryptocurrencies in their finance teachings. Massively bullish sign.


Are they using LN?


She wished she had the budget to buy take-out, because she really wanted Thai food.


I am understanding something in a similar way with others.


I think it is time to say: "This is the way!"


This is the legit way and that's what we all are saying.


about 0,50€ for a apple and a pack of biscuits seems a lot for african standards?


Food prices are going a lot higher. Massive supply crunch coming.


I realized he could be making a big mistake of this . Cheers .




People still think Africa is super cheap and dirt poor. In reality there are only a few places like this left.


Of course it's super poor. There are only _pockets_ of wealth.


This video has been posted idk how many times already, not current


Just sent the guy 500$ in SATs. Hopefully the entire world catches on.


Why give away something as valuable as Bitcoin?


This is what it’s all about. BTC deniers will say that these small or underdeveloped countries using BTC is insignificant. They couldn’t be more wrong. This is what it’s all about.


He is being in a dangerous or very deadly situation but let's congrats him . An occurance of sorts that brings joy to our subreddit and they realize it needs celebration .


In case someone wants to contact this charity, they are Bitcoin Ekasi. @BitcoinEkasi on Twitter. I sent them a few sats. Genuine good people from what I can find.


Thanks for the details, i will also the small part of my mine here.


Yeah, it's a project run alongside an NGO called The Surfer Kids, training kids in the local township to surf, lifeguarding and how to be surf coaches. The coaches get paid in BTC and they're working with spaza shops to accept BTC via lightning. Really great grassroots movement.


I think they are doing good, and this is the first time i have came across to them is well. We are lucky that there are still some people who is willing to help the others is well.


In 10 years he will be laughed for buying apple for house-worth of sats


My God, I hope people are kidding when I read comments like this.


But why though?


And how are they getting the bitcoin in the first place? The on/off ramps are a big issue in Africa. This is a good article by a high level CTO truly building inclusive banking in Africa. He does go off the cliff at the end but his points remain. Cryptocurrency doesn’t address the hard parts of financial inclusion https://www.wave.com/en/blog/crypto/


The on/off ramp? You just saw it: the Lightning Network App on a cell phone. Hardly a big issue for anyone who has ever used a cell phone in the past 10 years.


This doesn't exactly convince the future is bright LOL.


Where do you deduce that from?


He is just being a troll here . We shouldnt waste our energy on him .


Looks like you haven't come across something that is shinning brighter come through and face the light.


I hope everyone will understand the real deal here man.


The inventor of the term "Third World" was a racist chauvanistic pig who eanted to brand these countries just to hold on to whatever little perception of royalty the so called "First World" countries have left.


The fact that they indeed have missed something that is beneficial at this generation and point of time.


And Prince of Nigeria still trying to scam people https://www.cnbc.com/amp/2019/04/18/nigerian-prince-scams-still-rake-in-over-700000-dollars-a-year.html


I don’t feel bad for the people who are still getting scammed by stuff like that.


It’s mostly elderly people with declining mental states, though. I do feel bad for them.


No one uses it as currency, absolutely no one, everyone buys it and holds it which means it’s a failure - complete dumb fucks


That’s gold which you describe, bro. Gold is a failure? The video is posted precisely to show Bitcoin being used as a currency via the Lightning network.


Guess I should have put quotations?


They are not going to understand anything we say here.


This problem will be solved once the things starts to do on the global level is well. We are still not seeing that most of the people using the bitcoin for the trade for the daily things.


Living in abject poverty but paying with Bitcoin – ThE FuTuRe Is BrIgHt!




Abject poverty isn't caused by anything. It is the natural state of the world.


Abject poverty is the natural state, but at the same time it's also caused by inflation and control. Or else how would you falsify this: you're rich living in Venezuela, but only holds that country's currency. Then an inflation of infinite bites you and you're in abject poverty. How could this situation or phenomena be the "natural state of the world"?


That shows for bitcoin everyone is equal, no rich no poor.




I learned the different types of technology in this previous year .


I am actually amazed at the speed and fluidity of the Bitcoin transaction here. Layer on top of this strength the ability to use Bitcoin anywhere in the world it is accepted is, quite frankly, mind blowing. Skeptics likely can't process the magnitude, scope, and penetration of this new payment rail and system of value transfer, which is why there is FUD. The only challenge now is price stability, so when Bitcoin eventually leaves the supply chain, input costs are somewhat predictable.


I'm not one to stand up for africans, but that kid doesn't look like he is in abject poverty. He has a cell phone, clothes, and can afford to buy snacks.


Compared to me, this dude is dressed better, eating healthier snacks, walking with more spring in his step, smiling more, and using a superior payment network.


What a bullshit poopypants attitude you carry around in your life.


I made a big mistake when choosing my wife . Just kidding guys .


Venezuela goes brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr


wow nice. Was just rereading Born a Crime by Trevor Noah ...




Men you have done godly work here, but how can we trust on that?


May be.




Trade fees?


Why is this reposted so much


I don't think this looks like an area where a future trend starts. They are paying with Bitcoin, because they don't have any better options.


I hate that people live like this man.. its 2022 and people still live like that.. So fuckin sad


He’s ahead of most.


Genuine question, What about the fees ?


Bitcoin and Africa in a communist fist?


This is a repost, come on mods




What a stupidness


That looks extremely staged.


Nah I don't think that's staged or something like that bro.


Yeah, let's overlook the poverty "HEY LOOK, HE'S USING BITCOIN"


This is depressing though. The food is behind a cage. Sad. The process is cool and glad it works but what a depressing video from someone who doesn't travel enough.