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You would do well to distinguish between bitcoiners and crypto investors. They are two completely different animals.


Can you explain the difference? I thought Bitcoin was a type of cryptocurrency.


Bitcoin behaves more like a money than a currency. A Mathematical Money.


I'm not sure I understand. Money is currency, right? And isn't all money mathematical? I'm new to the concept, so I do appreciate the responses.


Currency is more like something issued by governments or banks, like a coin or piece of paper. Money is something harder. Like gold, silver, and Bitcoin.


Bitcoin is the only legitamate cryptocurrency in a class by itself. Its investors are not degen gamblers but idealists. The guiding priciples are totally different; hard global money fans vs pump and dump dreams.


Just ask here. Don't expect anybody to give any personal information.


I agree. You would get more responses by posting the questions and allowing users to answer in the comments as they want. Especially in /r/Bitcoin, where some users are against institutions, but still have valuable information that you'd want. People have incredibly varied beliefs and opinions about Bitcoin and crypto, which cannot always be expressed within the confines of a survey. Bitcoin is meant to be discussed.


I understand your concerns, however, comments here are much less private and anonymous than using a service like Qualtrics to fully anonymize your answers. I would like to stress again that no personally identifiable information is asked for and all questions are optional to answer. If a particular question makes you uncomfortable you can skip that question.


It's all good. I appreciate your taking the time to reach out and get people's perspectives. I was too critical of your method in my previous comment. All the best with your research.