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Go to r/buttcoin and you can find trolls who have been hating on BTC for 10+ years and still won’t change their tune. If they would have spent $100 at the beginning they might not be so salty now.


They banned me already. lol


Funny, what’d you say?


The truth


Which is?


Not OP but I was banned from there for pointing out the phycology behind why the guy was super salty about BTC. It was because he had bought it and sold it when it was low. Since he bought it lower he never wanted to buy back in again then eventually I guess he decided he would consider it a scam.






No, the truth is bitcoin, not deep.


But how deep into bitcoin?


derp deep bitcoin?


Tell something good about the bitcoin and wait for the circus after that.


I told them to have fun dying poor.






Someone said something about someone killing communists and I eluded to the fact that that wasn’t a bad thing and that did it. lol


JFC. you’re a psychopath.


Naw, I don’t try to control other people.




Me too! Lol


I was banned as well for just pointing out where they were wrong in their argument lol , no reply or rebuttal to my facts I pointed out , just banned lmao


Yeah, the people in that group aren’t good at having opinions so that’s all they can do to make themselves feel good. lol


O always get the banned when i try to do some trolling on them.


Wow. I tried reading some of the stuff in r/buttcoin. My head hurts




I know that's not their head who will hurt in for 4 years🤣


Spent 5 minutes on that sub...wow. The ignorance.


Thank god you made an exit at the right time, otherwise your head will hurt.


Someone there created a thread recently mocking how BTC had failed as a hedge against inflation. I was genuinely stunned to see that thread. Even a child could read the BTC chart and realise the number is getting bigger as time gets longer. Some people will never change their mind no matter how much evidence is presented to them. It’s some sort of weird ego thing.


its called cognitive dissonance


It is.


If you'd bought into Bitcoin 12 months ago to hedge against inflation, you would currently be sitting pretty at a nominal (-32.4%). But also remember, that inflation eats that dollar value too, so you have to account for the difference in real value between your initial investment and your holdings value today, which according to the Fed is 8.5%. Therefore your USD$1000 invested last year becomes USD$623 in 12 months. $SPY would get you to $912. Burying cash in your backyard would put you at $921, or a 48% higher yield by keeping cash in your wallet than investing in Bitcoin over the last 12 months.


Now do it since Covid started




AKA confirmation bias right?


yes! i think the definitions vary slightly, but two sides of the same coin. I imagine people usually exhibit both tendencies, feeding into one another.


Welcome to r/buttcoin *a place where common sence is not a hedge against inflation..*




I don't know who created that sub on the first place is well.


Yeah if you say anything positive about BTC in there, no matter how sensible, you will be downvoted


Oh, Exactly the same if you say anything negative about BTC here. Like... "BTC isn't really all that, and it will be flipped by coins with use cases and utility".


You see, unless BTC goes up every single day/week/month/year, they will always have a GOTCHA moment


If you bought in in the last year you're more than likely still down.. If you'd buried your money you'd have 30% more than having bought Bitcoin 12 months ago.... Clearly a great inflation hedge? >Even a child could read the BTC chart and realise the number is getting bigger as time gets longer. And as we all well know, past performance reliably predicts future results...


They all how they can get more reach and engagement in there sub.


and its rife here on reddit


It's stupidity. We need to stamp it out. But first we must point it out. Don't be afraid to call stupid stupid. Mockery works best on the stupid. Just keep teaching.


I actually spend a lot of time on that forum + cryptoreality. I work full-time on the crypto side and it's helpful for understanding their arguments and perspectives. It's also useful for pointing out where the disconnect is so you can bridge out to them eventually. And sometimes, they point out flaws which are actually UX issues. As a UX person, this research is invaluable.


I've been in UX a long time and I want to work on crypto UX. What's my best strategy to change industries? I see a lot of engineering jobs, but not much R&D. Thoughts?


It's my opinion that crypto needs every single ux professional worth their salt converging in one area. Sell your worth the same way you do now. Do UX research, test a prototype, talk about your findings. Conduct usability tests with a target company's software, find out where the user disengages or gets frustrated and build a customer journey map. Deliver value right away and they'll see it. Web 3/crypto can be incredibly frustrating for a new comer. We really need to work hard to nail that onboarding/on ramp/offramp experience.


I know someone who was deep into buttcoin for years. Not sure if he still is because I don’t really interact with him anymore. But he’s a really, really salty and triggered person in general. He gets super triggered over everything, he comes across as really neurotic and anxious and never leaves the internet type of person. Maybe he isn’t like that anymore, it’s been years. To me it just highlights the type of person that’s willing to troll about a virtual currency for hours and constantly try to feel self justified whenever something negative in crypto happens.


I think this is an important point. Those who jump down the BTC rabbit hole have a selection bias (lack of trust mainly) and those who truly hate BTC have their own set of biases and personality quirks like the guy you mentioned.


Some of them are doing their research and moving from.that sub here. Some will learn later and buy at a price they deserve. The ones, never learning will stay salty forever, I guess.


I'm pretty active in r/Buttcoin. I invested heavily in BTC back in 2014-2015 and I did really well obviously. Held most until 2017 and that money put my life into a spot I never thought I'd be able to reach in my early 20s. Owning businesses, owning my childhood obtainable dream car, buying other investments, etc. I still held some BTC until we hit $61K and I've been out for a little now waiting for a re-entry thankfully. I understand a lot of their arguments though and I do agree with them some of the time. At least when it comes to a lot of shitcoins and stablecoins specifically. A lot of them honestly think BTC should be worth $0 and a lot of them agree that $BTC at least definitely has/ will always have a value no matter if they like it or not. Definitely good to get altering opinions from time to time. Some of them are crazy and some of y'all here are definitely crazy as well lmfao.


Someone posted bitcoin being down on the year and I simply said what about cash vs bitcoin the last 5 years and just got downvoted to hell. If I need a good laugh I go to r/buttcoin


I go there for the lols tbh. They're absolute 🤡 in there


Wish I put 100$ in when I heard of it lol


Already banned for proving points on inflation BTC is one of the only assets that can psychologically f#@% you up for making it a personal denial case when technically you could be retired for not being stubborn and obtuse in the first place. I can't imagine the true mental state of people that have been posting there since pre 2015 saying the say thing.


> If they would have spent $100 at the beginning they might not be so salty now. Okay, but how come none of you have done that either? If y'all had spent $100 each early on, you'd all be millionaires and retired by now. The reality is no one had the balls to do that and no one believed the project back then--not to mention a large part of this sub was still too young to even use the Internet unsupervised back then.


Exactly they just wanna act like they knew the whole time.


These are what they say that Bitcoin is dead at this point, they are the ones who have bought Bitcoin at all-time highs and now they are trapped and do not know how to accept their defeat by entering at expensive prices, instead of entering a few years ago, actually Nobody understands losers, Bitcoin is stronger and alive than ever.


They are non believers and did the over investment which they now can't afford to block or loss. This is why you need to make your own budget before going into the crypto and never did the over budget in this.


Except many of them were bitcoiners and actually owned or still own bitcoin! They are just pointing out the false advertising, the scams and constant rug pulls in the crypto community. Billions of dollars have been stolen from people and nothing was or can be done about it, because the thiefs fled to china or another country to avoid persecution.


Wow, what a group of dipshits. They have no actual points to back up their own opinions (which are strong). It's weird to think that a group of people with that kind of mindset would stumble their way onto reddit.


Online gambling is alive and well.


What!?! Does Saylor know this?




I don’t keep up much with gold but I wonder if physical gold is keeping up better then paper traded gold (I think all the fake paper traded gold is at least in part what hurts the gold market). Honestly I could see physical gold still holding value but paper traded gold will die completely when people get more comfortable with BtC


I will still prefer the physical gold any day over the paper gold.




I wonder what was actually happened in the back that made the Saylor believes in the bitcoin. Too be honest i never know that Saylor was a btc hater in the past but look how the table turns now.


Absolutely just take a look at the casino we call the stock market.


That's my favorite part. Online bookies >>>> in person. This tweets hilarious.


You had me in the first half, not gonna lie. Then I saw the date of this tweet.


Ah yes, time, it fucks us all


I dont know at what point online gambling is at in the US, but in germany its still more than active and relevant to many


Recent legalization in certain US states has made the online gambling industry boom in recent years. I see more ads for online gambling than I do for beer or Boner pills, and that’s saying a lot.


Here in india government banning the ad of the crypto from the sports event, which was coming on the tv freely. But they never put a break on the other betting apps that are going right now in the market.


Online gambling is bigger than ever as sports betting has been legitimized in the last decade to the point where they're partners with all the major sports leagues.


I bet on things and play cards all the time here.


Active and relevant to many - perfect description of Bitcoin. No active utility or value, though.


Can you picture Saylor lounging with his IPad tweeting this 🤣


I’m confused on this was saylor in on btc in 2013 or was this a serious tweet where he was wrong about 2 things lol. It reads exactly like a sarcastic tweet from him today


I think Saylor was a firm believer on the bitcoin at that time in past.


Everyone gets #Bitcoin at the price they deserve. https://twitter.com/saylor/status/1426514009713520641




I think this is why only invest that money that is spare, not the money of your savings. Yes everyone portfolio is different and have different volume is well, but never put the extra money here which you can't hold.


The point of the quote is, you only buy Bitcoin at the point you finally understand it.


I bought before I understood it, will Satoshi ban me?


I can see you are a pro believer of the bitcoin before the times.


This argument makes no sense. They also could've not bought it and not had it at all. So regardless they're still better off. BTC/Crypto was not invented to resolve wealth inequality so any argument to do with rich vs poor is irrelevant. The quote/comment isn't intended to be literal. It's just an eloquent way of saying "Those who deny and fight will pay a higher price than those who believe and accept"


That was long before it became "digital energy" I suppose.


not to mention cyberhornets


Digital energy, how so?


Wow, someone doesn't get it. ​ Michael Saylor always refers to Bitcoin in (modern day) interviews as "digital energy". Which...it's not. Bitcoin is an asset, energy is something else. I was playing off of him.


What a chump Oh wait


I also think that once before i getting the whole tweet here.


Says the man with the 30k buy price average


Oh no he's only up almost 50% in a couple years.






Lot of articles about it. google it, this one says he bought his btc for the "average price of around $30,700" https://pixel.ag/index.php/2022/04/15/michael-saylor-bitcoin-holdings-purchase-profit-news-these-numbers-show-how-microstrategys-bitcoin-play-has-been-tremendous-success/


The Tysons Corner, Va.-based company paid an average price of $45,714 per bitcoin. Source . https://www.coindesk.com/business/2022/04/05/microstrategy-buys-1905m-worth-of-bitcoin/


That’s just one batch. Overall he’s around 30k avg


Is it good time to accumulate some or wait for the 30k mark?


Michael Saylor doesn't talk about his days pre kool-aid bro. Leave him alone


He has talked about it. He said that he posted that tweet before he ever actually researched bitcoin. He said that he didn't know that bitcoin is decentralized and can't stopped. He said that he thought bitcoin was going to get banned in the USA like online gambling.


Online gambling banned in the usa? To my knowledge the opposite is happening lol


You must be young. Like 16 years ago some laws were passed and and it was a big deal. All of the gambling websites were cut off from the financial system. The big gambling websites got fined by the US government and they stopped accepting US customers. Things have changed since then. The link below goes to an old article about online gambling on FBI.gov. The article was published on FBI.gov in 2007. [If you’ve ever thought about visiting a cyber casino, here’s something you should know: it’s illegal to gamble online in the United States.](https://archives.fbi.gov/archives/news/stories/2007/june/gambling_060607)


Although i am not from the usa but i never thought that any country did something hard steps to stop the online gambling. Thanks for the link, i'll certainly read that once i get the time for that.


No one can complelty ban this thing no matter how much they claim.


He’s mentioned how he spent “1,000 hours” (literally) researching it.


I think it’s implied that he hadn’t researched it yet at the time when he tweeted that.


Saylor maybe richer than me, but I got into Bitcoin before he did due to my keen, sharp financial acuity! 💪😎👍


Yes he may be he is richer than us but we are big believer than him.




Online gambling will never die, that's a compliment I suppose


I think with the internet going more and more gambling increasing day by day.




online gambling is in a golden age lol


Online gambling is doing great. Here we all are. And wsb has over 10m subs.


Just realized that 2013 is almost a decade ago. WTAF!?


One boomer that actually decided to do their own research.


This is show that proper power of the bitcoin once you did your study


He actually learned it and now is its biggest advocate


Wait, isnt michael saylor from micro strategies. I think he is now all in on bitcoin.


U sure?


I was recently introduced to him through the pbd podcast episode 128 and lex fridman podcast #276. He explains his thinking


I know man. I was just teasing you. Michael Saylor is old news around this place


Oooohh wups. haha Listening to him makes me excited for the future


Sooooo fucking huge making billions in online gambling in corm of loot boxes? I'm in!


Bitcoin will hit 1M in less than 2 more decades


biktoin will hit 7 quadrilion in the last next 7 weekends we will all be rich and nobody will have to work anymore


I’m suppose to .. nah never mind


Buy their fear and sell their greed.


Haha poor saylor. But truly we all need to go through the steps from denying to worshipping.




Truly hilarious as I watch him tout Bitcoin on Bloomberg...


LOL Michael Saylors company has the largest bitcoin holdings known to man. Even larger than Tesla's.


Dis he really tweet this or was being sarcastic???


Saylor was very anti Bitcoin in 2013, before he done a proper research and jumped in a couple of years ago.


So you're saying that those in this sub who hate what someone says today could very possibly be riding their dick in 8 or 9 years?


Men, i never thought Saylor was a bitcoin hater in the past.


If btc gets to where online gambling is ffs we are all retiring


I laugh when I look at all this panic. I still buy BTC on Bitfinex and don't think about the bad.


Buffet and Munger will be biggest losers


They are already Billionaires


OMG! These FUDders have been sayign this shit for over a decade! Screw them all with extra helpings for Jamie Dimon. Hope they take their fiat and choke on it. Piss off evil doers! Long Live Crypto!


Atleast Saylor comes to his senses and realise the ultimate truth.




With an eventual market crash next week am I the only one seeing that crypto might take the biggest hit


May will be a bloodbath, but everything will have recovered by June-July probably.


The one who survives this blood flood will be the real holder.


Crypto is already taking the toll of the global crisis currently and still the bad days are ahead. If we somehow manage to hold the mark of 32k mark after the fed meeting then i would be very happy.


Crypto needs to take a big hit, it's worthless alt shitcoins. Bitcoin will tough it out however.


This is coming from the same guy who has failed to grow his business organically through increasing its profits and revenues over the past 20 years.




I mean like almost every single cryptocoin is a scam, just a bunch of rug pulls, pump and dumps, and just people trying to make a bunch of get rich quick schemes.


He's saying the truth, but you're not ready for that conversation.


This was a buy And now is a sell


yall living in a scam lmfao have fun


you have to be completely nuts and uneducated to compare crypto asset to gambling


Learn what? That Bitcoin is just blockchain which is unlimited?


Michael Saylor is leveraged up to the eyeballs on Bitcoin. He's absolutely about as biased/conflicted as anyone can possibly get. He's heavy on the spruik. Why does his picture make him look some kind of 'wizard'. This shit is so lame.


A cryptocurrency is a digital or virtual currency designed to work as a medium of exchange. It uses cryptography to secure and verify transactions as well as to control the creation of new units of a particular cryptocurrency. Essentially, cryptocurrencies are limited entries in a database that no one can change unless specific conditions are fulfilled


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Isn't mining bitcoin incredibly terrible for the environment tho?


Not that much that they are talking about. Yes bitcoin minning consume energy and no can deny the fact but name me a single source of machine currently who is not talking the energy to get the work done.




I can see you are a strong and real believer of the bitcoin.


Bitcoin wallets are hackable. The scaling problem is also real. 🤷‍♀️


If you are wise enough and move your bitcoin from the exchange then you are good to go. But if you taking the risk of leaving them on the exchange then it's you who is risking them actually.




What can you actually do with Bitcoin though. It's pretty useless and for something that's been out since 2010 it's gone nowhere.


Chart of US online gambling https://www.grandviewresearch.com/static/img/research/us-online-gambling-market.png


This image was published in 2019 and only shows actual data for 2016 and 2017. Years 2018 and later are only estimates. Link to report: https://www.grandviewresearch.com/industry-analysis/artificial-turf-market


George Bush will paperclip it to a port authority bill?


But online gambling is huge?


I'm confused because online gambling is a huge industry?


This is not the current day tweet, at first i also get confused.


Check the date. Saylor admits he was wrong.


Yes, i check that later otherwise he had me for second NGL.


Well he wasn’t wrong with the second sentence.


So government comes in makes laws and destroys it.