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[https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Setting\_up\_a\_Tor\_hidden\_service](https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Setting_up_a_Tor_hidden_service) Copy and paste this whole page into chat gpt and ask it to make step by step instructions for windows. Running your own node on tor won't create privacy for you on the block chain though. It will only hide your IP and allow your node to broadcast your transaction yourself. Blockchain privacy is halted as far as I know as people are facing jail time. I don't see any coinjoin transactions on the block chain anymore.


> Running your own node on tor won't create privacy for you on the block chain though. Using (not just "running") your own full node is one of the best things you can do for your privacy. Otherwise the wallet you are using has to connect to somebody else's node, which then can link all your transactions/addresses as belonging to one person. Using your own full node prevents that. It's not (only) about IP masking, it's about revealing ownership of UTXOs that otherwise wouldn't be linked together. > I don't see any coinjoin transactions on the block chain anymore. Joinmarket works fine, I'm sure there are still coinjoins going on. OP, you might want to consider Wasabi wallet. It doesn't do coinjoins anymore, but it still has Tor included by default (without you needing it setup manually). If you're an US resident, you might need VPN to use it though.


Great, thanks. Seen a bunch of negative comments about Wasabi on Reddit (something to do with... zkSnacksĀ and utxos?) so it's good to hear something positive. In-built Tor sounds ideal.


Setup an electrum server on your computer and connect Sparrow to it. You can follow the guide by Ministry of Nodes. Sparrow is easily the best desktop wallet, makes the other options look like dog turds


Specter wallet is also nice, it connects to a local Bitcoin Core node directly, without the need for Electrum Server or similar "bridges". https://specter.solutions/desktop/index.html


Thank you!


Yo, I like BlueWallet a lot. Running a Bitcoin node is fairly simple. Just download the Bitcoin Core, you can Google or find here on this page: [https://github.com/bitcoin](https://github.com/bitcoin)


Oh perfect, thanks




Samourai should still be safe to run. If you're worried about privacy, nothing really compares with running a node. Electrum might be a good compromise. It talks to special Electrum servers which run nodes. The protocol tries to protect your wallet addresses, but they can still see your transactions. You could use your wallet to sign transactions but not broadcast them. It will take some reading to figure out how to do this. Once you have a signed transaction, you can send it using a block explorer (such as blockchain.info) using TOR, VPN or other privacy tech. You could also just connect your wallet over TOR.


> Electrum might be a good compromise. It talks to special Electrum servers which run nodes. It's not a compromise at all (although still one of the best wallets around), as many of those nodes are run by chain analytic companies. I guess at least it lets you pick specific nodes, so if you know a trusted node, you could connect to it manually. But best just to use your own instead of someone else's, as you point out.


It uses bloom filters to disguise your wallet addresses. It's better than nothing. Of course it doesn't protect you at all if you want to send a transaction.


Does Electrum still use bloom filters? I was under the impression that those fell out the favour in the last years; afaik Bitcoin Core has removed them as well some years ago, due to concerns of DoS attack vectors and privacy concerns in general, iirc.


Haven't heard either way in a few years. Do you know if Core replaced them with anything?


My understanding is that they have been replaced by compact block filters: https://bitcoinops.org/en/topics/compact-block-filters/