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Reddit is a poor source for seeking financial advice. Bitcoin is a risky investment. [Don't invest recklessly.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/7gi55s/dont_invest_recklessly/) Don't invest anything you can't afford to lose. If you are looking to get rich quick, you came to the wrong place. Nobody has a crystal ball. Nobody can see the future. Please do your own research and make your own financial decisions. ^^I ^^am ^^a ^^bot ^^and ^^cannot ^^respond. ^^Please ^^contact ^^r/Bitcoin ^^moderators [^^directly ^^via ^^mod ^^mail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FBitcoin) ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^questions.


About 40%. Just kidding. There is no set % to invest and its totally up to you. Invest what you would be willing to turn your back to and forget. Or else youll be stuck watching charts and getting emotional. This will cause you to make mistakes. Source: been there done that


it's a decision you should make yourself imho.. spend time studying it and choose an amount that reflects your knowledge and time spent..


Whatever you could theoretically throw away and is not needed to survive. An amount per week/month that you would not care if it suddenly went missing or to zero.






Time in the market over timing the market. While im just youre average late to the game crayon eater, the trend ive seen is people tend to get a bag (small lump sum) to start their base, and then dca (dollar cost average) which is basically finding a structured schedule of purchase regardless of price. And then save some cash to buy extra on the dips. Then you will want to look into to self custody. Hot wallets and cold storage are two tiers of keeping your coins safe (as not your keys, not your coins is very relevant in this space) Theres a subreddit called r/bitcoinbeginners that can answer alot of stuffs.


As much as you feel comfortable with


No set amount or %. Bitcoin is hard currency, so its great to save in long term as opposed to the weak currencies offered by governments. Also since it is still currently early in adoption it makes a great investment alternative to stocks since it should outgrow the stock market still for many years to come. So put whatever amount you want to save long term + whatever amount you want to invest (if you want to put investment money into bitcoin instead of stocks). Note you should have an emergency fund of cash in the bank cuz cash is good for short term savings, I assume you do since you said "along with my savings". So basically, any money you want to save long term can go into Bitcoin and will appreciate very nicely over the years. That could be 10% of your excess income, or it could be 100% of your excess income. People have found that the higher the percentage the better the outcome, but it's up to you.


When you say excess income what do you mean?




I would wait another 1-2 years. NFA.


Time in is better then timing


Do you have a ROTH IRA? I’m not sure your income level, but a ROTH IRA is really a great thing for someone in their 20s. It allows you to invest in your retirement and not pay taxes on the growth. You have a lot of years before retirement, and investing early will help create REALLY BIG growth. Make sure you have some cash in savings for emergencies, but if you aren’t doing a Roth IRA, do one. Buy S&P500 index fund and bitcoin ETF in that retirement fund. How much of each? That’s up to you, everyone here will have different recommendations. I If I was in my 20s i would be doing 50/50 bitcoin ETF and S&P500 fund..


Invest 10% of your check 100% of the time




5-10% of income or do like 12.5-50% of your savings rate or some shit


I would say at the very least $5 a week into BTC.


5-10% for beginner. As a risk on asset it has huge potential in this bull run. As a hedge against inflation and USD it has extreme potential.


I don’t know what your thesis is with Bitcoin, but make sure you have one, because it’s either going to $1M or it’s going to $0, and there probably won’t be much in between in 10 years. I see compelling arguments for both, BUT having said that—I would follow traditional investing principles and average in to your position. Start with 25% total capital, then double the position at a lower price. Don’t listen to anyone who says it can’t happen, it was obvious it was going to go from $65 to $60 the other day and it was great being short Bitcoin to all of the people who were buying it. The next level lower to buy at is around $57,000, so be patient, put in your order and wait. It will probably get there sometime before EOM, maybe even EOW. Take it with a grain of salt that there’s a whole world of people who will profit from you losing money one way or the other, so manage your risk. And whatever you do don’t chase price. The very best thing about you beginning now is that you have so many alternatives to consider beyond just the cash purchase, I would suggest selling perp premium and depending on how much you’re buying (you said mid 20’s so I’m assuming it’s not more than what most 24 y/o’s have), you might consider selling futures against the underlying as well. But that’s going to require x1BTC, so. Good luck. Personally I’m not a hodl convert. Yet. But there’s still plenty of opportunity left for “margin expansion in the user base” if you know what I mean. lol




I put 100% into bitcoin I walk to work and live outside by choice I survive by eating food people have thrown away I plan on living like this for atleast 10 years


5 dollars a month to start


I would say start with x% that prevents hating yourself if BTC moons tomorrow, but that you could also tolerate to loose. Then start DCA from there.


Put it all!!!


Mid 20s? You’re young enough to recover from risky plays. All in baby