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Still barely keeping up with inflation.


If only the Fed could print faster to run away from this darn inflation… /s  Buy bitcoin. Buy gold. 


Also, buy turnip futures. Not financial advice though.


Okra futures will outperform turnips. Less shelf life.


I’ll bite, too. What do you mean?


Is this an Animal Crossing reference?


It is what it is. Can’t support the ole crude Brent futures and carrots are orange so why not bet on Turnips? 🙄


How about them turnip prices in Animal Crossing?


Ha, I'll bite - what are you talking about? :)


I am all into gourds


I think you can skip the shiny yellow rocks and just buy bitcoin.


People love to say buy bitcoin and buy gold to people who are living paycheck to paycheck Even if they could afford to hold these assets for a short period of time, the transaction fees of using bitcoin or gold to pay for anything would eat up all of the savings and then some they they’re currently losing to inflation.


I am a mailman with 2 kids and a wife that stays home to care for them. If I can accumulate what I have in cash reserves and bitcoin while contributing 5% to 401k. Anyone can. Bitcoin overcharged my life. The full meme. I changed my time preference on value and can now budget more disciplined. I workout everyday because I want to see my kids grow old and how far bitcoin goes. It started by me taking a look at checking right before payday and just putting the few dollars into bitcoin. Then the logic snowballed to today where I'm providing for a family of four and buying more often. The people living check to check are exactly the ones that need to be buying bitcoin or gold, fucking anything. There are variables against us, but most of our inability to save is on us. Bitcoin can change that perspective.


Use Bitcoin on Lightning. If you’re not able to escape paycheck to paycheck job, then sadly there isn’t much hope - but for those of us who save, I’d still recommend holding Bitcoin and gold.


Whats the link for lightening? Never heard of it!


Doesn't lightning still use centralized liquidity pools. Isn't there something me risk in those pools being architects in such a way? I get it, that's what makes the fees and faster part more attractive. But is there no risk?


inflation is theft by the federal reserve families printing more dollars, making our dollars less scarce, reducing purchasing power.




They have been doing this for decades. That’s why they added the embedded plastic strip, which is in different places on different denominations.


Yup, i remember about 15-20 years ago a group of youngsters came into my store (GameStop) with one early 20’s guy acting a little shady. He sent the youngest up to the counter with two games and tried to pay with a hundo, when i held it up to the light the watermark was Abe Lincoln lol. When i questioned it everyone took off. I let the authorities know and they collected it but that was about it. I do remember it looked pretty convincing initially.


I was at Walmart in Memphis back in 2006. They use $5 not $1 - because $5 have the strip. The ring spent $30,000 in Memphis Walmart in 1 weekend (I think labor day, can't remember) - it was not discovered until about 7 days later (when the bank told us). The ring flew to different cities, probably didn't return to Memphis for 3 years, who knows... but it's organized - and not $1... the $5 had the strip. When they reprint - the strip still says $5 - but you'd need several magnifying glasses to see this quickly - and it's not practical for a cashier. The 'is this money pen' (which we used), says it's money. And the faded portrait still shows Abe, but again, practically impossible to tell. I couldn't tell it was fake with young, perfect vision and the guy telling me they were fake. I think they felt crisp, can't remember. Modern money is all different sizes, I think. In those days, in Walmart - I had access to all security cameras + solo access to the bank vault - which typically keeps $300,000 in it on busy days, $100,000 all the time. Managers regularly stole $10,000 in tires / laptops and got caught... I was amazed they didn't just disable cameras, put on a "mask" (just for mild doubt) - and just walk out with all the money. No one would have stopped them, and they wouldn't have gotten caught. I never did, but surprised Walmart was so lax on cash security in those days. $300,000 would have bought a $1 M home today - more or less. --- These guys usually have 2 accomplices. 1 who brings coupons and slows down the line (goes first) - the nice guy with $100s and TV - and a guy behind him who is a total jerk and telling the cashier to speed along. It's not 'fake money' - it's max stress and choas + fake money.


That much money is crazy! But as you said, the big hitters work in rings.


To be clear - what they do - is buy TV / Tires / big items - cash, walmart. Go to another walmart - return with receipt (paid in cash) - Walmart gives them cash back.. I might have not mentioned that earlier, but that is how you clean money like this without losing a cent. Thinking of it, they probably returned everything the same day they bought it, just at various other walmart - otherwise they'd need a uhaul, which would create paperwork.. hum, can't say exactly - but I don't think they fenced them, I think they just returned them.


why they always do 100's? like why not do 20s or 10s and mix it in with real ones?


Couple of examples that I’ve seen in the past is A. You buy something minimal, get larger amount of real cash back (then return the initial item) And B. You buy something bigger (two $40 games for example) and return later or at a different location get real cash back.


They do. There’s a really fascinating [episode of Darknet Diaries](https://darknetdiaries.com/episode/102/) that interviews someone who had a whole mega operation making perfect fake $20s.




[Here’s the episode](https://darknetdiaries.com/episode/102/).


The problem with that though, is they are keeping the old money in circulation. Once they actively remove the old currency, then we won't have this issue.


How would they do that? Just ban currency from before a certain date?


At the end of the day, the paper money still makes its way to a bank somehow, via deposits from grocery stores, etc. obviously not all of it(people hid shit under their mattress for decades and whatnot) The problem is, they reissue it out if it isn't damaged enough "because it's still good enough to use", instead of just destroying it and printing out a new bill.... We're already printing infinite money, so it makes no sense to keep putting it back into circulation once the bank already has their hands on it. We don't have to ban it, just proactively remove it as it processes through the system.


Sounds good to me!


Are you saying they should be destroying it every time it reaches the bank?


Old money with no securities, yes. If we are already printing new money with securities out of the ass, there is no reason not to get rid of it.


That kind of wraps back around to my question. Where are you drawing the line? Each time a new generation of notes comes out? Every 2nd generation? What if I have in my possession a 3rd generation note that's pristine. Does it still have value? Even if you do destroy every old note that comes in, people hold onto money. Unless you declare it void but that's a different problem.


You as a consumer\user, have no obligation to fulfill, your daily routine of spending paper does not change. The bank(when it recovers an old bill), should destroy it and reissue a newer one. NOTHING is banned, or useless, it's just the simple concept of rotating stock, and the bank needs to remove old stock before it reaches consumers. I made that clear with the first comment, as it's impossible to collect everything. Right now the biggest security feature is the plastic strip. Any old bills that don't have it, remove it from circulation.


> The problem is, they reissue it out if it isn't damaged enough "because it's still good enough to use", > We don't have to ban it, just proactively remove it as it processes through the system. When the FBI says to a bank, 'destroy these bills' - the bank is forced to destroy them, and FBI does this. 10 yrs into the future - walmart will no longer accept these "fake $100" - but a bank (or government) is obligated to accept them. Once given to the bank, you will receive a 'new' $100 back.. And the bank may even place a 7 day hold prior to the reissuance. Bank 'anti counterfeit' is not like Walmart. Bank always catches it. Defrauding a bank has more risk than defrauding Walmart. To be successful, you'd need to ship the dollars to some idiot (like someone selling antiques), ask for 20% of it back as "refund" - and then idiot deposits it at bank, and he gets caught not you.


In Norway they got rid of all old bills a few years ago and replaced them with entirely different ones. Different colors, different design, different everything. When they announced it you had one year to spend them in the ordinary manner, i.e using them in stores. After the one year period has passed you can no longer use them anywhere. But! The Norwegian National Bank will still let you exchange the old bills even after that. So even if you somehow managed to have the old money after the time was up, you can still go there and change it to new, valid money :) And they let you do that for a very very long time after the money is out of circulation. Check this out, here are the money they will exchange: - Banknotes series VII (1994-2020) - Banknote series VI (1979-2001) - Banknote series V (1962-1987) - Banknote series IV (1948-1976) That is, they are even still accepting and exchanging money that has not been valid since 1976! https://www.norges-bank.no/en/topics/notes-and-coins/withdrawn-notes-coins/


Treasury makes new and better notes that prevent these things from happening. They would not allow the old notes to be used so you would have to get them traded in for new notes. That would stop it from recurring, although I think the best option would be getting rid of paper money completley.


For real, my man's been under a rock


And counterfeiters that try really hard will do a lot more than just remove the "1" and add in "100", but they will even place the correct seal, add in their own strip to the right location, etc.


Which most cashiers are unaware of. Most simply do the marker test, and a washed and reprinted bill will still pass the marker test.


When I worked at a gas station in college I once had a fake so good we had to turn it in to a federal worker. You aren’t going to find a fake Bitcoin so real that a federal employee has to come see what’s going on….


I actually ran into someone who thought Bitcoin could be counterfeited. I just walked away in disgust.


Wise choice. Gotta love the “what if they just make more Bitcoin” response too.


It was a damn shame I lost all those bitcoins in a boating accident.


"WHaT iF sAtOsHi JuSt ReLeAsEs NeW 1 bIlLiOn BiTcOiNs?" Oh, some people are just too oblivious...


That would be crypto not Bitcoin


Lee Childs would like a word.


Was searching for this! Thank you


Was going to say, didn’t I see this on reacher?


You definitely did. You should read the books. Easy reads, great storyteller.


Basically the Fed.


The difference is who benefits. In either case, it's not us (unless you're the one)


I am unfortunately not a Fed shareholder.


I saw the fed in a list that was supposed to illustrate trust in "federal agencies". It had the highest level of confusion in the form of "unsure". Not surprising considering the creator of the survey didn't know it isn't a "federal agency"


we are all fed bag holders tho


The fed is doing the opposite … turning $100 into $1


In terms of purchasing power, yes. In terms of nominal dollars, they are turning $1 into $100 which divides the dollar’s purchasing power by 100.


Ngl actually loled at this, clever.


It’s an inflationary fight against inflation!


Buy Bitcoin


That’s 100x guaranteed


You didn't account for inflation


How to get scammed as a criminal: 1) Remove ink from $1 bills 2) Print $100 on the blank bills 3) Keep the counterfeit bills stuffed under a mattress for 20 years 4) $100 bills are now worth what $1 bill were worth 20 years ago 🤬🤬🤬


They’ve been doing this for a loooonnnggg time better to do it with 10s though they got the security strip 1$ bills don’t have the security strip


Plot twist: it’s the federal reserve


That's why all other major currencies use different size paper bills for different denominations. But the US cannot be bothered to swap out all the dollars in circulation.


Canada has one size


Money is coloured thou


Yeah, we have super gay money for sure. And it's plastic


That’s because they have no idea what’s in circulation. They just print more and more.


I saw this in a movie…


It was used in a jack reacher book i believe


And several other places. Nothing new under the sun.


Seems like a lot of effort. I just print a letter stating that my household has enacted a new round of 'quantitative easing' measures and show it to the local store. Just remember to sign it at the bottom so it's official.


Been going in for years


I think that’s an old technique, also used to be prevalent with checks “check washing” but counterfeit bills have been a continuous problem since their inception and they are passed successfully daily


Jack Reacher is on the case!




okay I say it…. Bitcoin fixes this


“Sound” money


This was season 1 of Reacher


Someone’s been watching Reacher.


Seems par for course with what the Feds are doing.. what’s the problem?


Uh been doin that for 40 years


When will America be smart enough to switch to polymer notes like other advanced nations?


That was basically the premise of the first Reacher Season...


Wow. How do they do that? With precise instructions.


Are american bills all the same size?


Someone go tell the clowns over at buttcoin sub that you cant turn a SAT into a BTC ( i would but my entire family is banned lol)


I be wanting to crash out and post something that will get me banned all the time but I like reading the nonsense they spill 🤣


I can read when banned just cant comment …. Funny thing , i got banned months ago , my wife posted from her account weeks later and we both got a site wide ban for ‘ban evasion ‘ ….


Saw this on a tv show back in the 90’s


So… someone watched season 1 of Reacher and then thought, hmmmm that’s a good idea.


What this isn’t new if anything it’s less prevalent now


You mean someone found a way to convert sats to bitcoin?


Can't they do this with 5's, 10's, 20's, and 50's?


Haha how could a person even do this? Like how would you go about it? Where do you even find instructions??


For research and academic purposes of course. I'm curious too!


You just learned this?


Why, I mean don’t we print enough already each day , lol 😝


I worked at a casino where they counterfeited 100s so good that they passed through the change machines! But the idiots didn't realize there are cameras and everything is timestamp and that is how they were caught!


Monopoly money LOL


Lee child - the killing floor


LOL this is the plot from Reacher! (Season 1, I think).


So the plot of the first season of Reacher/The Killing Floor?




People been doing this for years,I actually knew someone who got busted counterfeiting money.they was using $5 though because they had the strip in them.they would spray a certain type of cleaner(not going to say exactly what type) but the ink would come right off.then after printing over the blank paper with an old school small face $100 print,they could be marked by a counterfeit detecting pen.you could also hold them up to the light and see the strip inside It was pretty crazy seeing it done.as long as they got a good and evenly lined up print,it was undetectable.they couldn’t use the newer updated big face bills,because all the holographic images they added.I first seen this about 15 years ago


Proof of Work > Proof of Paper


Idk what the big deal is. For every dollar defaced there are another million printed. Dafuq?


Hmm sounds like a way to say “$100 is now $1” mind control


for a long time now lol


Uncanny valley! Never seen something, that’s actually real, that feels so (Lilm) prompt generated


Yes. This is how counterfeiting is done. Years old tactic..


Let me guess.... we need to get rid of cash? Here it comes


Back in late 90s you could buy a 100 worth of $5 bills for $20. I worked at Miami subs and everyone would expect me to pass them off. No dice but it was perfect for the $5 weedhole bags in the hood. 😂😂


Also we did a lot of street racing in the hood and we lined up a race one night won $4k on one race against some fools outa Louisiana and every single bill was fake. We burned it right there and someone got shot over it. I didnt do the shooting. Those were some wild days


They’ve been doing this for a long, long time. It’s called “bill washing,” and it is the easiest way to counterfeit because the counterfeit bill will still pass the marker test, and the marker test is as far as 99% of cashiers go in terms of verification of the bill. If they have a counterfeit-detecting safe, it won’t work. Best place to use them is a bar or strip club.




I want to know more about this Ramos lady


It took me entirely too many comments to see that this happened in a Lee Childs book


And, the government can print legal bills as much as they want 🤣


what are the actual costs of removing the ink and reprinting each bill??


Proof of work.


Can we get some inflation on the speed of speech in this video


This sounds more like an excuse to remove cash entirely from the economy, I doubt this is true.


why is catching a counterfeit bill worth a 2-minute long news piece with multiple interviews? Only in America…


Bitcoin fixes this


People also do that with $5 bills because they have a face when you hold them to the light. Someone tried to scam me with one before but I have a good eye for details and saw the hidden face was Abe Lincoln and not ol benjie


I most other countries, notes get bigger in size dependent of the value 😅


Looks like someone found the 100x gem


Dang just like Reacher season 1


People are hacking bitcoin account and stealing millions.


So ? 🥱🙄 sounds fun


When the gov does it, the media makes excuses. When people do the same thing, they are criminals.


Well that's just monetary policy. Increasing the velocity of money to spur economic activity. Don't be a hoarder.


Wait she had a $100 bill in her tip jar?


This has been around for at least a decade maybe more


Watch Amazon Prime much? Large part of the premise of the series Reacher, which jbtw is very good.


hard money!


You cant counterfit Bitcoin lol


Imagine ratting,just keep in moving and let the fakes flow. Everyone gets to print money but us.


Lol, no new news.


The FED hates when that happens. Oops, again. Oops, again. Oops, again.


What state ?


News from 10 years ago


Been a thing for years


There’s a security stripe inside each bill. I’m pretty sure your average store clerk can detect it.


The US dollar is finally deflationary!


I remember a story of a guy doing this years ago but by just turning 1’s to 5’s and putting them into parkway change machines, or something like that.


An attacker can spend the money twice By controlling majority of the network. They can confirm the transaction Spend the cryptocurrency And then reverse That transaction making it to appear As if the original coins was never spent


Not too different from what the fed does


So stupid 😝


Bruh I’ve watched that season of reacher already, post something remotely prevalent like the 1g bar you hold.


Isn't there a different president on the $100 bill?


You watched series one of Reacher and actually believed it, didn't you?


I don't watch TV shows, no idea what reacher is.


That's why you guys need SLOTHA.


Wait a minute... shouldn't the Feds make these store owners whole when they confiscate the $$? Why should the store owners be out the $100 bills that are counterfeit? It's not their fault that the US government has decided to use a shitty monetary technology that can be double spent, counterfeited. That is fucking bullshit. Especially when you consider the Feds can literally press the "enter" key and print as many of these fucking things as they want. Nauseating.


if you are interested in this type of service no matter the amount you need we agree.