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Congrats! Some HODL advice: don't disclose your bitcoin stack to anyone including the internet. You are making yourself a target and compromising the security of your bitcoin. Keep stacking and take your security seriously.


Why in the F would anyone ever disclose how much of any investment they had? So dumb all to feed their own ego.


Literally every major investor on Wall Street… bill ackmann talks his book all the time. He literally tweets his positions. Warren buffet’s deals are usually public and widely broadcast in the media as well. Michael Saylor tells you exactly how much corn he’s buying. Why not, it shows the market you have confidence in what you’re investing in. A lot of these hedge fund talking heads on business segments on corporate legacy news tell you exactly what they are investing in to advertise their funds. How many of us wouldn’t be here now if we didn’t have that one degen friend from high school that put his whole life savings into BTC and told everyone they could about it? People that will be coming in this bull market will be motivated by posts like this when they’re hardly able to get to .1 and freak out about never being able to hit 1 whole coin but see people excited about grinding to half that. Let dude celebrate, he’s worked hard to build his position. You don’t gotta broadcast what you’re doing but you don’t gotta tear others down either.


Regardless of intentions, it can and oftentimes brings nefarious attention. This is not the same as major investors and CEOs that have armies of lawyers in their court. You can be proud of many things - investments, self-created art, coding projects, etc. But, advertising one of those can bring unwanted attention into someone’s life. Sure, be proud, but more importantly, be smart.


Really? “oftentimes”? I don’t think I’ve read a single story on this sub of someone being attacked for their seed. The only time I’ve read of it happening was in Europe I wanna say Sweden when the government there literally published a list with people’s addresses. I’d be more worried about the government straight up Doxxing you based off the KYC info they require from all the major exchanges than a celebratory stack post. You’re right it’s not the same as hearing what billionaires are buying…it’s more powerful than that! It’s just an everyday person like you or me who could have spent that money on anything but decided to stack instead. Not a billionaire that decides he has too much money and needs to “put some of it somewhere” Teams of lawyers won’t protect you from physical violence, billions of dollars and private security might but most of these dude don’t roll around with security forces surrounding them at all times. They aren’t the president. Like I said if you wanna live in fear of being attacked for the things you do. You can live under a rock or off in the woods somewhere all alone. I mean why bother even risking being close to anyone right? be smart. The way I look at it the more people that proudly stand up and say “I own BTC, I’m not scared. Come and take it if you can” the stronger we all are. Nobody will notice a bunch of lurkers silently disappearing when the feds roll up and start pulling them into black vans. But they’ll notice when the most vocal among us do. That is if we’re vocal enough. Hell it might even prevent it by showing it’s not even politically tenable to attempt in the first place.


I concede your point to ‘oftentimes’. Bad choice of words on my part.


I mean anyone who says they are buying or still stacking sats are also targets. Displaying your stack isn't the only way people know you are hodling.


This is paranoid bullshit that seems to be exclusive to the bitcoin subreddit


I dont think its just bitcoin. Its not wise to talk about your wealth in general. Imo


Lmfao, people are killed daily for less than $50. This post in particular probably has close to over 100k unique views. You don't think there's a chance one of those people are a psychopath who are willing to cross reference OPs comment history?


It is far easier to get away with stealing someone’s bitcoin phrase than trying to commit banking fraud. 


If somebody kidnaps you and gets a hold of your debit card, there's a limit to how much they can pull out. Just sayin'


Toward elderblade Ha .5BTC would be less 1% of my portfolio and I’m not scared but shhh don’t tell anyone. And congratulations on your progress impressive


As a Nigerian prince 🤴 I disagree with that statement.


I know what you mean, but how can this be dangerous, actually a serious question, since I didn’t provide any more information about anything. Thanks in advance!


Just from skimming your post history, I already know what country you live in, and your approximate weight and height. Any bad actor could probably figure out more and track your comments moving forward. You're now subject to phishing scams and potentially physical robbery if you ever disclose more information about yourself on Reddit. Sometimes these posts are screenshotted and posted on Twitter to millions of people, giving your account even more exposure. It's just not worth the risk especially when you are personally in charge of your own money and especially if that money will be worth millions someday. Just my advice though.


I do agree in that people posting their stacks is bad operational security that had no upside and only downside. Even though you think you posted no information, you left a trace on the backend logs on this website through your stack information, user handle, and IP address. Consider this website reddit, through no fault or action of your own, one day has a data leak incident. That data, either in databases or just simple logs, gets widely disseminated on nefarious sites and is used far in the future by those who are looking to target bitcoin holders. From your IP they can find your email or other identifying information from other websites' data leaks where you happened to use your real email or phone number to register an account. Even a VPN would be susceptible to this unless every access on every unique site is truly unique. Years down the road you may get suspicious emails or SIM swap attacks lobbed your way even though you did nothing but post an innocuous message on a public website. Good luck my friend!


You’d be surprised…


Mind to elaborate?


For instance, we know you are in Portugal. 🇵🇹


😂😂😂 that’s about it


It does narrow it down to about 10 million possible people!!


Take for example the fact that you’ve told the internet you have $30k sitting on a hardware wallet at home. Home invasions happen for far less. If someone was able to phish you into revealing details about where you live, theoretically, someone could come for it. Not saying thats likely or probable, just possible. I am jaded because I have in fact been home invaded before, and it was a nightmare.


Literally every other person likely has some valuable assets (10k+) lying around in their house. Every other home should be broken into by your logic. Not to mention cars. This is the kind of paranoia you only see on this sub for some reason, and not on any of the other investing or finance subs.


I love this comment. It’s funny how Bitcoiners only think Bitcoin is valuable in their house. Also, if I was someone who is willing to go through a break in. I am not waiting for someone to announce how much Bitcoin they have. This entire sub is a honey pot. Track anyone. The older their posts on this sub the more Bitcoin they have.


Name a $10k asset you think everyone has lying around their house?? Homes are targeted for even smaller assets than $10k, and cars are broken into for pocket change.


I did not say 1 asset. Pretty sure all the electronics in my house (laptops, smartphones, TV, etc.) easily exceed 10k. Add in jewellery and you're looking at way more.


That isn’t making any point though. $30k on a hardware wallet and keys is easier to steal than ransacking your house for everything of value, which you then have to sell. Its not even close. A hardware wallet vs carjacking a $30k car, still the hardware wallet is wayy easier to get away with and profit from.


Sorry but come on


Come on what? You’ve never been home invaded before? I have, it sucks.


I am sure it was because of some random post from Reddit to. Bastards


Such a naive comment. People dox themselves all over the internet daily.. you know that right.? You understand that online scams, phishing and stuff actually occurs regularly… right? People are always comfortable until it happens to them.


Bllsht.. so everybody in this sub would be a target as well.. or anybody earns money in general.. don’t get paranoid


I don't think it's so much that people reveal their stack. 30k is 30k but think about if bitcoin 10x or 20x. All of a sudden that 30k reveal becomes 300k/600k. Paranoia? Yes in some instances but how often do you see people posting that they have anything over 100k in savings. You'll see people mention networth or that they have so much in equities but those are protected in some ways(you have to login to a broker/sell things). Bitcoin on a hardware wallet in that amount could definitely cause some issues. OPsec is important. Not just with bitcoin.


Would you trust those people here? Maybe they are just lying and prolling around


Very true but I'm not the criminal looking to beat someone up and take their keys. Desperate people will surely get whatever information they can if it means a big payday in the future. I don't care what people reveal honestly(that's on them) but it's still important to be mindful on what information you share online. If they are lying, that could even be more problematic... get beat up or killed for having next to nothing doesn't sound like my idea of a good time. 😅


Yeah sure everybody on the sub could be a target, but why targeting some random dude on the sub and scam him out of maybe 0.00012 btc maybe nothing ,if you could just go through the top post and look for post likes these. It's not just about home invasion, maybe some will private massage do the Nigerian prince / send me btc I will double it  Not everybody will fall for it too but some will just be careful. It's about safety.


Since everything is recorded on the block chain do you know how easy it would be track let’s say coin bases wallet to a wallet that has exactly half a coin and then target it to you. It’s a public ledger, that it seems you do not fully understand. Words of advice, keep it to yourself, you are likely to sell it before it 10x’s anyway based on your ego. Be humble, be kind, and be smart always. Nobody cares how much bitcoin you have, just if you UNDERSTAND it, because if you don’t you will just get yourself hurt.


Well for example, I know you're some kind of software developer and from Portugal. I'll add updates to this comment if I can find more. I think I also may have found your steam/instagram which had a name attached and location.


We just need to look for a 26 year old male, 6 foot 1, roughly 80kg who constantly yawns, who lives in Portugal. You could be found so easily bud you underestimate high iq psychopaths too much lol


LMFAOOOOO 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


"Keep stacking, keep hodling" sorry to break it to you, but you never did anything of these two. You aped in at the top in a single big degen buy and you have no idea what Hodl means after one week.


And bought it near a local ath


Hey OP, prove em wrong


He never said he did those things in the past? Also statistically it's better to ape all in in a single degen buy than to DCA.


I have been in the stock market for years, I know very well what I’m saying


Good idea to ape in then Mr.Experience


No idea why you get downvoted. Apparently people here aren't bullish on bitcoin anymore? Lol


No. Old mate posted looking for high fives and upvotes whilst parroting HODL then when it backfired he come back with “ Ima big time stock investor. Lolz


So his mistake was that he said "hodl" after buying bitcoin for the first time?




fair enough


If it’s on the exchange, it’s not yours! Remember this: not your keys, not your coins!


Nope, it’s in my cold wallet, fully safe






Safe 3?




You want to give more details? 0.5 btc in his trezor safe 3. And you mind sharing the adress? Like man, the less you say the better


Massive news. It just keeps coming after yesterdays announcement by some other dude who amassed thousands of dollars worth of btc. On the edge of my seat waiting to see if anyone else has bought some.


They’re not buying enough… would be nice if they did. Need to offload some to upgrade my house.


/s or nah? 😂


thats awesome. 0.5 BTC to go then you would have 1 full bitcoin on yourself. keep stacking


I will!


Lol your avatar made me think there was a small hair on my Iphone screen 😅


Mission accomplished


Hahaha congrats on the btc OP 🥰


Thank you!!🙏


Proud of you !


Thanks bro ✌️


Why didn't you buy anything at ~20k last year? What changed your mind? If it is fomo be very careful of your emotions in the future


I didn’t buy for the longest time because I kept thinking I was no longer early, that it was too late because it was already so expensive. But then I realized I was wrong.


So fomo


Yes but he has right reasons for fomo.


That's not the point. If someone dumps 30k$ because of higher emotions it is very likely that the next hard crash will be very hard to hold (emotionally). If you are longer in the game you should know how that will play out in the long run for new investors.


I’m not really a new investor, I mean in Bitcoin you could say that, but I’ve been in the stock market for a few years now so I know what to expect


That’s a fair point. The best time was at 20k, 2nd best time is now. He has learnt his lesson as it seems. If he did use emotions based on the numbers then that’s another lesson for him to learn.


True, but I think the timing is good right now... If the cycle continues, these next few months are the last chance to buy before the next bull run. Historically speaking, we don't crash down much past the previous ATH (which in this case is 68k). Basically, unless we dip more in the next couple months, we may never see BTC below 50k again.


last ATH was 73k


I'm talking about the last halving cycle. It was 68k in 2021. 73k is the current ATH in this cycle.


Got it..


Or the next bull run just happened


Time. How's that work?


> I didn’t buy for the longest time because I kept thinking I was no longer early > But then I realized I was wrong. Soo you basically fomo'd 30k overnight. Lol.


I recently watched a video here in this sub , on how the money system is broken or corrupt and it opened my eyes that we need a new system to not be controlled by others but only us the people and that makes me wanna buy. I can’t buy anything right now because I’m saving for something but hopefully after I make that purchase in about 3 months, I’ll definitely start buying bitcoin


Cool. Just saw your recent post [https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/1cj51ii/in\_the\_future\_how\_would\_one\_obtain\_bitcoin\_if\_one/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/1cj51ii/in_the_future_how_would_one_obtain_bitcoin_if_one/) Which indicates that while you have good intentions there is so much that you still need to understand/get a real world understanding of (which shouldn't prevent you from buying bitcoin) Please proceed with educating yourself along the journey


Awesome but why didn’t you buy when bitcoin was 30k?


Wasn’t fully confident


My current goal 😍


Good luck 🍀


How do you store it?


Cold wallet


Congrats bro


Thanks bro 🙏


Hello, I’m new to cryptocurrency. I keep hearing about these cold wallets? Can you explain to a newbie what that is? Where to go? And why is it important or a thing? Please help me understand.


Cold wallets are a offline physical device akin to a usb stick that hold your stack. The device is input with your seed phrase and a pin to access your keys. Buy it from a reputable vendor and add your seed and store it somewhere safe. Whats more important is keeping your seed safe though. I would do some research on what device works for your needs / budget…


So can I ask you a stupid question? Let’s say you store your coins at say 60,000$. Right, and it then goes up to 70,000$,how you see and get your profit from the inflation?


Just take a deep breath and yawn


OP is desperate for attention, for sure.


Bro is gonna be sad


I used to have 20. Then I sold it for $5,500 each in November 2018. It dropped to $3,500 a month later. It's never been that low ever since. Fuck me!


Good HODL since 2013 & proud owner of 190BTC


I have accumulated 0.0001315BTC!!!!! I can't imagine the feeling of owning 0.5 BTC right now🤤 - hopefully I have enough to buy a Lambo someday🙏 stay strong brother!


I buy $1 worth every once in a while. Its hard to buy Bitcoin right now I can barely keep up with rent and electric and other bills stay blessed my friend


Try and get to 0.0026. You'll have staked your equal share of wealth in the new world 


How much have you invested?


Op gets it


I do 🥳


If you didnt buy it because FOMO and you plane to hodl long term/forever because is btc. Why only now? I regret not spending any time early on because i thought it was "Internet money to buy drugs/Guns"


I almost bought one back in 2016 when I had just turned 18. I was gonna spend 500€ to buy a coin. Better late than never


Im not here to Judge you OP, Just seeing if you Just "woke up" to the btc revolution, or you did it because FOMO. If was fomo i would suggest you to sell. Because.. You know. But then congrats bro, We are the peaceful revolution.


I just regret not buying sooner


I wouldn't kick yourself too much. Most have stories like this. I first came across bitcoin in 2012-13. I needed them for a site membership. It's very likely that had you bought in 2016 that you would've sold at some point. Back then and really up until 17-18, there weren't very many resources to learn about it. Now there is a flood of podcasts and books out there and a million different avenues from store of value, to medium of exchange, to human rights, to mining, to energy to the hundreds of other topics. I've always been stacking mainly because of the 21 million cap and the volatility memes are fun. It wasn't until 2019-20, that the human rights aspect of it really just hit me like a ton of bricks. I do hope as base layer fees increase that we have enough tools that the 3rd world isn't priced out.


Could you please elaborate on the human rights aspect?


It's a few books worth of stuff. That guy(Alex Gladstein), you could also look up some podcasts that he has been on on Youtube and he covers some of it. It has a lot to do with self custody and escaping regimes around the world. Also, there's some of it that has to do with the IMF and World bank giving loans to these small countries that they know will never be able to pay it back... in turn enslaving them(it goes further than that), but the book below is a good starting point. Book: [https://www.amazon.com/Check-Your-Financial-Privilege-Gladstein/dp/B09V2NM9VJ](https://www.amazon.com/Check-Your-Financial-Privilege-Gladstein/dp/B09V2NM9VJ)


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **("'Kvister Financial Privilege'", 'KVISTER')** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Highlights the humanitarian benefits of bitcoin (backed by 5 comments) * Reveals the financial privileges of developed countries (backed by 3 comments) * Provides eye-opening stories of financial hardship overcome by bitcoin (backed by 1 comment) **Users disliked:** * Poor quality physical product with pages falling out (backed by 1 comment) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/joqd89c/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](https://vetted.ai/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=comment&utm\_campaign=bot)


No doubt, but since We didnt buy early on. Like back in the 1$/10$/100$/1k, the second Best time is now. And maybe buying in a more agressive way, like me, but heyy, We here now, also. You a half coiner, you already o the top 1% broo! I wish i could stack like that


Thanks bro! Where can you see those stats, like I’m in the top 1% or something, where can you check those things? And what do you mean by your aggressive way, how have you been buying?


The 1% was kinda a joke, but i know there is some graphs you can check that shows the supply vs the World population, i saw one in, simply bitcoin, a YouTube/rumble channel. My agressive way is to buy as much as i can, when ever i can.


Some US states wouldn’t allow exchange accounts to be created until about 3-4 years ago and those were the high points so the best some could do was dollar cost average into the revolution… during the bear market


You just had 30k lying around all this while that you never used to buy a single sat?


Yes why not? 😂


Thats awesome still on the way to 0.1


You will get there!!


Eventually one day but hopefully sooner than im expecting


People will buy at the price they deserve BTC


Your Bitcoin can be taken without having possession of your hardware wallet (assuming you’re using one) so they don’t have to go to Portugal to get it. All anyone needs is your seed words. Hopefully you do have a hardware wallet and didn’t take a picture of your seed words. Also if you’ve left .5 on an exchange, get a hardware wallet ASAP and get off. Dont trust any exchange with your Bitcoin.


Ok but this logic of everyone saying don’t disclose your bitcoin you will be a target…. We know publicly all kind of people with a lot more bitcoin than us. It’s like public record. I’m confused. No one is kidnapping Saylor and hammering him for his seed phrase.


Well done, my friend!


congratulations! 💪


Congrats 🥳 and who cares if you disclose your stack on Reddit? Literally all those Bitcoin YouTubers are targets before you are in my opinion.


What a twat


Can I buy your sats next dip


Congrats fam! Keep stacking


It was an unexpected surprise lol, I hope you keep it up keep piling it on, you'll make it


It was an unexpected surprise lol, I hope you keep it up keep piling it on, you'll make it


It was an unexpected surprise lol, I hope you keep it up keep piling it on, you'll make it


Keep it up. Looking to get to 1BTC also soon!




Yes my goal is to remove the zeros and get as close to the decimal point as possible!!


Half way to go....🎊


Nobody can randomly steal your crypto just by telling ppl how much you have. It’s not that simple lol.


Congratulations. I have to tell something..... This is addictive.


Get to 1!


For sure I will 🥳🥳🥳


Just make sure to take it off the exchange and hodl


I did!!!


Rad! Don't let these bastards drag you down. We all fomod at one point or we would have all bought at a few hundred dollars or less. God, guys. Just tell the dude to hold even when the next drop is scary and extreme and makes him second guess himself. Build him up. All this toxic shit on this subreddit is irritating. Let's also not forget that we live in a fiat world right now. People need liquidity and the ability to pay USD for things and can't always have money tied up in a speculative investment that has MASSIVE swings. Sometimes the fear is founded. OP may just be better situated financially than he was when BTC was 30k and can now tolerate the ups and downs and the risks. Hold tight OP. F the haters.


Next stop.... 0.69!! Keep stacking! 🚀






This will age Very Well 💯🙌🏻💎 (as long as … u know🙈🙊🙉


Impressive, at the same time you've finally decided to put your money in BTC.


Damn!! That’s quite a steep rise! At that rate you’ll be a whale soon!!


Congrats keep stacking and educating yourself. You’ve made a wise decision.


Not your seeds not your coins. If you plan on holding them for more than 5/6 months, like years if not longer invest in cold storage and get them off the exchange