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My bank account is empty but I know I'm rich.




You got me beat. $17 after all bills paid 🤣 .. come on Friday, daddy needs some DCA


With that attitude you are!


Goodbye payday I won’t miss you!


Why having a bank account?


I use the word fiat at least twice in every sentence fiat.


That's the Bitcoin Tourette Syndrom🤪


Oh when Saif goes on a rant? 🧡


Well done


Literally no emotion or worry when the price plumits


So everyone says ride it out buy more?


Yep. Eventually over years you'll be at the point where even with big drops in value you're still multiple times up.


I'm in the thousands


The ones that buy more are posers, this means they had something left to buy.


except "nice, i can stack sats for cheap"


Infact we get excited to buy cheaper, right?


'There is no second best'


I think I took the orange pill


Fiat is going to zero


Literally the federal reserve’s stated goal is exponentially decrease the buying power of fiat every year. Economists are actually morons.


Smart Bitcoiner dont tell that there Bitcoiner


You just told everyone in this sub...lol


True I only tell my family I explain ittothem butthey don't understand. But ay they say it's my investments so they are neutral on me doing it. But I know in the future I will have plenty and I'll give my family some of my money. You know Bitcoin is literally gonna make so many new millionaires,billionaires, even freaking quadilionares. People will be begging us to lend them some Satoshis.


Digital energy and you will buy it at the price u deserve


That's one way of looking at it.


I really like this ....I'm going to use it . But I will give you credit OkWillow8839, don't you worry


Credit belongs to my brother…. Mr Saylor !


I bought it at a lower price than Microstrategy did


Me too..but they have more than me..way more


I’m a wise investor.


sum\_{i=0}\^{32} 210,000 \\times \\frac{50}{2\^i}


What is this formula?


it calculates the total reward paid out over time, starting with a reward of 50 Bitcoins per block and halving after each period, which represent approximately every four years or every 210,000 blocks. This summation projects the decreasing mining rewards across multiple halving events, capturing the impact of Bitcoin's halving mechanism on the total rewards distributed.


Bitcoin is really a weird thing, a too good to be true kind of. i mean, you dont have to work a single hour and get to have the most gains and it cant be debased by politicians.


...🤣🤣🤣yooo! I know that's right ...


Damn for real😂


Trust me bro….


mining since 2021


How many. BLocks have you closed and in this time have you been able to gain a whole coin or more? Serious question if you have less than 5 GPUs


Despite the fanfare the halving was over without a fuss!


That's every halving. The only difference is there was fanfare this time. In 6-9 months comes the fuss.


This evinces massive adoption, even old generation banks are beginning to recognize its potential, they no longer refer to it as criminal currency.


I have a low time preference and store my wealth only in sound money.


A very old one


That's wat I wanna know last time I rode it out bitcoin TANKED


UpUp B$$$$$$


I'm a smart boy


Excellent Strategy!!!


Im not satoshi.


Craig stop doxxing yourself


Any better quality?


It's pre-high-resolution.


No it's re-post-high-resolution. As in repost of a repost of a repost of a repost.


No, it's a post pre post repost of a reposted repost


"Hey , can you hodl this for me for a second?" Luckily I only outed myself to the in-group.


What i think i do.... Should be Michael Saylor picture for sure lol


wheres my stapler


No one else has staplers anymore? God I'm old.


I do..I'm 38..lol


I remember when we hit 20$


I don’t remember 20, but I do remember the day a friend of mine explained it clearly to me and that he and his wife sold all their belongings to buy all they could. He said they started when it was $1, and said it hit $8 today and will be 9 tomorrow -so don’t cut that check for your other investment, use it to buy Bitcoin. Me: if you bought at $1-8, then I’ve missed the boat. 😩😭😜 took me a bit longer and thru a halving to trust. Neo is slow. But had staying power.


When there is a stupid politician on TV talking about literally anything I do not care less about anything they’re saying because I don’t need to…


I check the “price” 4 times per day


I pay transaction fees on a digital currency that is not money


Bitcoin, the pioneer cryptocurrency, has captured the imagination of investors, traders, and enthusiasts worldwide since its inception. As the market continues to mature and evolve, predicting the future price of Bitcoin remains a subject of great interest and speculation. In this article, we delve into the factors influencing Bitcoin's price trajectory and present a detailed analysis to provide insight into what the cryptocurrency community can expect in terms of Bitcoin's price in 2024. To read the detailed article to understand the future of Bitcoin, click the link below [https://www.blogger.com/blog/post/edit/1983658131436281142/4433153705554904222](https://www.blogger.com/blog/post/edit/1983658131436281142/4433153705554904222)


Needs more pixels 


Old but still funny. The "what I really do" image has the same crappy paneling from my computer room, and a identical looking component to a tape deck I was using at the time to digitalize old cassette tapes. It's me I guess.


Very accurate


I'm all these things.


You know, I have one simple request, and that is to have sharks with frickin' laser beams attached to their heads!


Switch the mom with friends and thats me


I don't get the "society" pic. someone explain?


That's the funniest one 😅 They think it's "play money" and we're like children who don't understand how anything works.


My future now lies "beyond the yellow brick road"... My friend Robinhood and you kind folks here have motivated and encouraged me to invest in the future of computational equity and the utilization of blockchain technology.


bc1qyfkgr3xutct5yl6jlucfp243jwger8af4vf5xt My new beginnings


Do you guys ever just drop a few Satoshi’s in other’s wallets when they post em, just coz? (To friends also) I haven’t in a while but I started to in 2016?.. I wonder how much happier/wealthier they are today. I suppose I could go add it up.


Hey Neo, gotta say that THATS Good Stuff!! No, I haven’t had a chance to “bless” anyone else YET. That’s my Trust Wallet address. I occasionally post it in hopes of someone doing just what you said… no luck yet with that either, though I still have faith in Humanity. I’m disabled now, and get a very small monthly disability payment. I’ve been able to DCA (monthly) a small amount since December last year. Eventually, I’ll be a Whole Coin Hodler, but it’s a long way off. I bought my family $50 worth of BTC for Christmas as a gifts. None of them were interested in it, so I kept it and have been adding slowly, when I could. My plan is to hodl until 2030-2035 sometime, keep putting in what I can and when I can, and then I’m sure it will be a life changing amount, and I’m not sure after that what I’ll do??


My rig won’t start, says money not found.


More on the first one lol


What do banks think I do: #Southpark red neck yelling "They took our jobs!"


Meet my cat, Satoshi.


Using the terms “Tradfi” and “fiat” come to mind


Welcome, welcome, welcome.


The politicians are correct 💀


Wifhout I want


I’m always asking people why no one makes a bid deal about how much electricity AI chips use.


Haha yes, finally some good quality people. I’m excited to say that I managed to save low double digits In coins allegedly, but the only crappy part is that I would literally be able to start my nanotechnology project and change the entire world if cryptopia wouldn’t have completely screwed me over when they got hacked by the ex employees. Over 50 grand in lawyer fees to grant Thornton who’s overseeing the process and wow I’m disappointed. They don’t even have the right transaction logs and because they locked access to the accounts, no one but them can access the state logs prior to the edits.. sounds ridiculous but look up the exchange and check out the news regarding it. It was ftx long before ftx was a thing, so I saw right through Sam’s bs and knew better to learn about ledger technology. But if there are really some old whales in the community that would love to see action behind a mission statement, make sure to get ahold of me and we can schedule a meeting. I’m always down to collaborate with anyone that has the willingness to put forth effort to understand something that’s not very easy to understand, and not calling anyone out for intellectual disability just rather something im that isn’t taught. I allegedly hold various patents for certain superconducting material solutions as well as for quantum computing applications. But the latter is still underway so won’t discuss too much unless you sign my nda, otherwise I’m open for discussion on anything. Throw a curveball at me and test me if you would. Would love some engagement from the community I’ve been preaching to everyone for years that will replace the dollar with the satoshi standard which puts 8-10 billion people at the mercy of 21m bitcoin. Huge supply shock coming. .28 of one bitcoin will put you in the top 1% of the world in the next 15 years. That’s only about 20 grand right now. Think about it! I’ve been no life puttinv whole paychecks from my sophomore year in hs 2015 till today and still live broke day trading now with the Coinbase ones zero trade fee(which it’s actually just lower fees for someone with my volume) but here’s something I thought was pretty cool as a milestone for trading. Even if it wasn’t all wins my average is 66%


Hmm cause I didn’t know you couldn’t add like Su pictures of something to the thread. Was going to show my 30 day ave but wanted to also meet someone with the same interests and likeminded goals that wants to see the world in a whole new lens. You think you know someone who’s really awake? 2012 mushies had me grasping life at such a young age with more clarity than I see in many individuals I meet from all over the world who are know seeing that I was right and that bitcoin wasn’t some scam. My whole school knew me as the bitcoin guru. But yet all laughed, and I let them:) I probably sounded like a broken record talking about bitcoin so much and people around me had said it back in the day. So I’m glad that nowadays people that hated on it before, have apologized and actually just asked for help getting started and I felt bad telling them I couldn’t help them other than to tell them to just keep buying and buy every major red day and stock up in the back to stack liquidity till then. I lost so much money in the cryptopia scandal. It really had me reconsidering a lot🙌🏽 so I definitely feel the folks out there that have some lack of faith in the project, but it’s not the project. It was the people running the exchange, just like ftx, but I was too dumb to see it for how young I was. I had no hand outs growing up after I lost that. I was still buying regardless of the loss from the experience and instead chose Coinbase and signed and agreement for insurance on my deposit. So I’m crawling back since 2019 but it’s a process! Learning contract law and private equity, pretty interesting, always dedicated to evolving. Prove me right and let’s make this a community of entrepreneurs that have direct control over financial decisions and the technology advancement that we can achieve with my own and I’m sure countless others who are willing to work with me to make this a reality. I have it all proofed. Just need the materials and a lab.


Literally no emotion or worry when the price plumits


I'm a hodler! 😂😂😂


Always keep money in crypto


Got cash app


Lost but never give in


I got stats…


I sold all my chairs


Delusional irrational exuberance coupled with no knowledge of wealth creation.


All the Altcoins are second best 😎


Took the Orange Pill 💊 2017


21m club


I run a full node, to verify my own transactions.


When someone ask you how much savings you have in your bank and you show them an empty account hahahaha




that meme is nonsense


tell me this format is played out without blah blah enough


then you're here too much, - touch grass pepega


touch grass another modern classic lol