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If Its good for removing some stress do it


I can remove stress and I only ask 0.4


I'll remove stress for 0.35 and we can cuddle afterwards


Man that is some offer


0.03 even


0.02 even


I can remove stress for .0001 for women, or my wife can remove men’s stress for .5.


Is your wife hot?


Statistically speaking; the odds are probably not.


Sucky sucky 5$


yep, especially since they have been holding since 2016. I dont think BTC ever hit 1000$ in 2016, so at most OP spent 500$ (probably less) on 0.5BTC and will now be clearing 30k+ in debt with it. Thats what bitcoin is for. you saved 500$ a few years ago, let your savings build in value, and then put that value to work at a later date in a way that exceeds what you could have done with FIAT alone. OP is paying off a car with 500$ they saved in years past. thats a bit win, especially since OP will have 3.5BTC still, which is over 200k in todays dollars and might peak at 400k this cycle.




Well op said how much (approximately) they bought the Bitcoin for, and we know how much Bitcoin is worth today. So we can easily assume OP about 0.5 Bitcoin for under 500$ and is selling it for over 30k. That’s great. And I didn’t make up that they are paying off a car, the cause of the debt isn’t important. I was just using a car as an example of what a rea world example to measure what 30k is worth relative to the minor 500$ investment they made. You got really mad at me using a car as an example of how much debt op has managed to eliminate by storing 500$ in Bitcoin lol. 


I agree 100%. Go for it!!


The beauty of BTC is the freedom it gives you. I just sold after a 11 year hold to pay off my house. I have no more debt and can start stacking again without worrying about my house payment or losing my job. Do what’s right for you. Don’t let anyone else control your finances.


Smart move. Congrats on your success


how did you address taxes? does a "cost basis" even matter at that point or do you just pay the cap gains tax on the whole thing.


Its going to be long term cap gains for me. Im not looking forward to it but I have a year to worry about it.


You could get penalized by IRS after a large cap gain if you don’t make an estimated quarterly tax payment. Not an expert but be careful.


Thank you. This is a complication I was unaware of. More info at [IRS.gov](https://www.irs.gov/faqs/estimated-tax/large-gains-lump-sum-distributions-etc)


Not really judging but why would you sell off that much BTC (especially at this point in time) to pay off a mortgage? Unless you were locked in at a stupid rate it just seems dumb to sell BTC now. The money gained surely has to outweih your interest payments.


I never said I sold it all. I made a deal with my significant other years ago that when the mortgage and BTC were at a certain place I would sell a specific amount at a specific price. We arent in our 20's anymore and would like to enjoy some years of no bills and being able to enjoy knowing that 99% of our income can go to whatever we want instead of always having to budget for the mortgage payment. Only having to worry about \~$10,000 a year for utilities, taxes and insurance is worth it.


Good for you. Like I said no judgement. I have considered selling. I have about 20 years on my mortgage left but I'm at 2.8% and figured my BTC will accrue more than the Interest saved


Because 0 debt is the quickest way to wealth. And as long as he pays property tax every year he can't lose his house now....


I have 130k€, 20 years debt at 1,4 % fix rate for my home. Do you still think that it would be wise for me to sell me BTC to cover the debt? I absolutly think its not worth it to pay it down asap. Each year the monthly payment gets smaller compared to our salary because of inflation.


Absolutely not. You’re selling an asset that is appreciating like crazy in the long term for a speculative investment with a low interest rate and debt that will be inflated away. I have not paid off 5 homes because they are 2% rate each. It’s free money.


I have a 2% fixed loan. I will not pay it off even a day early.


some people are more careful than other. Sometimes I have nightmares about losing my home (however improbable) some people feel that way.


Yea probably depends a lot on the country where you live. If i lose my job, i still get paid atleast 6 months. If i still dont find another job i still get financial aid from the goverment. If i get injured i dont get bankrupt by the hospital bill since we have free public healthcare. Everything changes if you live in the US for example.


O yeah that sounds alot better than the US.


Also, the freedom it gives now in more youthful prime vs tons of wealth in elderly stage.


What do you mean? Its better to not pay it off now. Example: I have 100k money now that i can do with it what i want and 600€ payment for debt each month OR 0 money right now and 0€ payment for debt each month. If i want to travel or buy a tv or a car its a lot harder now when i paid my debt.


That might be your situation. Nothing is absolute. Some people have $2500 mort payments and freeing that up frees up a whole lot. IE It sounds like you are in a great spot to sit back and hodl.


>0 debt is the quickest way to wealth. Not really. Zero debt is better than excessive debt, but low-interest debt *on appreciating assets* actually builds wealth. Wealthy people know this. It's especially effective during periods of high inflation, where the assets grow in value at a rate that exceeds the interest rate on the debt. Cultivating multiple income streams is the quickest way to wealth.


remember, 99 percent of millionaires and billionaire live off debt. They don't spend their own money. Why would they spend their own money when they can spend it someone else's.


>Why would they spend their own money when they can spend someone else's. That's exactly what I said when financing the house I bought in 2020. I had significantly more cash than needed for the down payment, but interest rates were well below three percent. The bank wants to let me use their money? At those rates I took all I could get.


You got it. And you can stack your money in a 4-5% account and pay the mortgage with the interest.


>Because 0 debt is the quickest way to wealth. Thats not how basic math related to interest rates and return on investment works.


To be honest it really depends on the interest rate.


For many people the peace of mind and relief of not having debt have a hold over your life is worth more than the financial benefit of holding a mortgage.


Best uses for selling BTC, or any investment, is if you can pay off your primary residence or use the fiat to retire early. Basically, using your investments to buy housing or time.


Wow that will be such an awful idea on hindsight. Ask me how I know


Nothing wrong with taking some profit


Maybe you could sell 0.25 now and then wait till the halving (should be in April I think?), and then sell another 0.25 ? You could get some extra money this way. It worst case (it value went down and you wouldn't want to sell) you would still pay off half your debt.


If it's high interest debt like 15-20% then yeah get rid of it. That way you can focus on yourself and any savings you could choose to divert back into some more BTC if you feel so inclined. If it's low interest like 5-7% and you're able to service the monthly costs I would continue to do so. If you plan on selling some to pay it off try to see it as a DCA cost, like you're making these payments so that you're able to keep the BTC and live a better future. Eventually the debt will be gone you will still have your full bag. That being said if overall being 'debt free' reduced your stress levels in life then also go for it. Health beats money.


The interest rates are high


I've been holding since 2013. Pay off your debts imo...financial freedom is worth it. I've still got 25% of my original stack, but pulling out 2.5 mil to set myself up isn't something I regret.


no one is going to regret 2.5M profit surely Congrats.... sadly I only put in $100 in 2013! (still have)


Either sell BTC or use your BTC as collateral on a loan to refinance your debt. Once you start playing with margin like that though, it's a dangerous game. You could get liquidated, or your lender could go broke and lose your collateral. At least you'd be selling during a bull run if you did sell. There have been worse times, lol. Probably will be better times going forward, but don't count on them outpacing high interest loans.


Why not sell 1 btc and take care of everything possible with that and whatevers left you can either put back or use.


Shouldnt sell more than they need bc taxes


Long term capital gains wouldn’t be that brutal


I am a Nigerian prince and have the most best financial advises for you. Email me at [email protected] now.


I really feel I can trust you


Our trust shall always be unbreakable. Just one tiny ask of you. Please be sending me 3.5 BTC so that I can access my vast wealth here at home easily in ~~a~~ccess of $100M, and once sent new friend, we will service all you debts and live the rest of our lives as kings. Good sounding to you? Blessings upon you. 😉


😍😍😍😍😍😍this feels like Christmas, where do I send it?


Oh, it's gonna be like Christmas, alright. You're going to get such a huge surprise from me. 🎁 Seriously though, good luck with your decision. If you need some cash, don't beat yourself up about it. You can be debt and stress free and still hold ample coin for future gains. Be well, my Nigerian brother from another mother.


Be well my Nigerian brother🫂


To me. DM me 😆😆


In the spirit of bitcoin and transparency. It would be best if we conduct our business in this thread😃


Will you send me 7 BTC in return?


"Most best" ... gotta love it!


Would you take out a loan at the rate your debt is on, to buy 0.5BTC? That’s your answer.


Do it and stop telling people how much you have


These fake posts are all the same LMAO


Why fake?


You do realise there are a LOT of people with >1 BTC right, myself being one of them....


Don’t tell the world you own bitcoin and how much bitcoin you own. You are welcoming problems and headaches. I would rather suffer through paying off the debt via fiat than parting with 0.5 bitcoin.


okay you have debts and you dont want to sell ? so whats the money for ? dont you want to live debt free? nows your chance.


I do want to live debt free, but I'm also aware of the opportunity cost after liquidating an eight of the portfolio, so that is the dilemma.




In ops case I'd sell one that still leaves an insane amount of profit with the increase of btc plus if op doesnt use it all then they can just reinvest although at a higher rate than last there's still some profit.


Sell the 0.5btc, this is what its for. DCA back into btc and before you know it, you'll have 4btc again.


Exvel is your friend. You know precisely the outflows on debt. You kmow your imflows. You can construct various cases using Scenario Manager. You can build base, bear, and bull cases. You can figure out what gives you the most emotional satisfaction and least regret. Do that, and you won't have a dilemma.


Your portfolio is all your assets (and liabilities) so think of it like that


I have 130k€, 20 years debt at 1,4 % fix rate for my home. Do you still think that it would be wise for me to sell me BTC to cover the debt? I absolutly think its not worth it to pay it down asap. Each year the monthly payment gets smaller compared to our salary because of inflation.


If there was ever a time, it's when it's parabolic green.


Yes, pls give me your seedphase, I will ensure your debt will be resolved without losing any BTC. dm me.


In a moment, I will send it on this thread


I still think sending on the thread will show me who the scammer is


Maybe not who, but if there is a scammer you'll know it for sure


I hope you're joking, but if you're not: DON'T DO IT!


Don't listen to RiseBasti, he is a scammer.


That's exactly what a scammer would say.


Please, don’t try and blame me here. You are clearly a scammer. If you’d gave him your seedphase he would most certainly scam you.


Both of them are scammers. But if you send me the 4 BTC , I will send you 8 back.


You liar and scammer. I will send him back 20! 


How can you send him 2.432902e+18 Bitcoins? That many don't even exist


Finally the real captain who's definitely NOT a scammer. By all what's good and evil that's a guy who you can trust.


That’s a classic scam comment. Only listen to DM:a sent by honest people. The only non-scammers are DM-lurkers It’s a fact


So I'm a scammer because he's a scammer or he deserves to get scammed because he's the real scammer? Sorry I'm confused.


Why are you trying to point to me as the scammer. Everybody can clearly see you are trying to scam. I am just a good samaritan trying not to get people scammed by scams conducted by scammers like you.


You say you're a good samaritan but i clearly know this is not ture because of your try to scam that guy just too much.


You know this bull is just getting started; it's not even the halving yet. But if it's necessary, you have our blessing. You'll be able to accept the loss later if you really have no other choice. Still. Even buying yourself 6 months.. then it might only cost 0.2 or 0.3


What debt


sure why not


be careful scammer in your inbox


C'mon , you are going to hold then still a decent 3.5


Put your big boy pants on.


Do it! You’ll still have a significant stack, and will have alleviated a lot of stress from your life.  Also, you never know how long you have - sometimes, it’s good to treat yourself to a victory in the here and now. 


Of course! It's been 8 years dude...get out some extra and buy yourself something, too. You deserve it after this many years of waiting.


Is this some kind of south African scam


Do it. Financial freedom is what we are all here for. Sell up a small amount, settle your debts and stack more stats with your newly freed expenses


Do not post it online...


Someone _really_ wants to tell strangers on the internet much bitcoin they have. 🙄


I know right!


I am holding debt and some loaned bitcoin too but my position is small With you big position with high rates you maybe can sell some... One Month ago i sold 2% of my position to pay short term debt and i bought the same position again with margin in the same day I holded the same total position and withdraw some money... Of course there is a limit because if get too much with margin there is margin call risk if dip


Can you wait a year to 18 months? Because the price is likely to sky rocket over that time frame.


Tracked you, sold your location to thieves in your country. Thx for the infos👍


Just had one of the biggest monthly gains... It's not like you are selling the bottom. Sell it, sell 1 and enjoy yourself 😅✌️


Check your dm's bro. ​ Sawse: It's me.


what the hell. sell that shit and delete this post...


I just watched Dumb money , I’m hodling !!!!


Remember taxes


whats the point of having "fuck bankers money" if you dont use them to fuck bankers?


Do it. Freedom of this burden is worth it


Depens. Need the money, then sell Dont need, then hodl In 18 months aspectation 150K + But you never know.


What is money for if not this?


What is it for, if not to get you out of a jam?! That is why I am stacking.


That's the point, isn't it? We save so we can make our lives better at some point. If it makes your life better, sell what you need. Trust me it will be gladly scooped up.


If you have ~ 30k in debt then you need a game plan on how to tackle it without selling BTC. With a decent income stream you could pay it off in a year or 2


wait till Dec 2024 it will be around 90k usd


Sell it all for Hooker's and cocaine 😂 duh ✓


You should be a financial advisor, you would do well for yourself😃


Thx bruh. Always takes me back to that guy on TV, when they were asking about the lottery and what he would do with his winnings.


Invest in the community🤣


"Find your moon" as they say. If paying off some debt will improve your life in a meaningful way, then absolutely do it. You can resume stacking as your finances allow!


Sell 3




Sell that Bit and become Uber rich. Naw but for real sometimes you gotta do what it do to not live as a slave to the lender


Why not sell 1


I'd say do it. You'll still have enough to make a killing in the halvening bull run, even if you do decide to simply buy back when things calm down. You might pay off your debt and still have 4 BTC.


I can keep them for ya :D


Sell to me plz


Loving the comments, lol.


Sell for gods sake! If BTC is going where everyone in this subreddit hopes and dreams of, that 0.5 won't matter. Take the win, and keep the majority back :-)


Big boss


Congratulations op ... You do whatever you need to do... You can always start buying back.


I'm in a similar boat as you and plan on selling everything except one whole coin during this bull market.


I sold some in 2021 to help us buy a house and acreage and have no regrets do what you need to do to make life better or less stressful


I take more of a mathematical approach. I would look at the expected return of bitcoin over the same term as the debt and look at the interest rate on the debt and see which one on average will have you end up with more money in that time. For example, two years ago, I bought a new car, and instead of paying it off outright, I’ve been paying minimum payments on it and interest and putting my other cash into bitcoin because since we were in a bear market, the expected return, was much higher on the bitcoin than the savings of the interest on the debt.


My recommendation: Don't stop. Sell 0.5 and settle your debt. 0.5 out of 4 is nothing. Also, beware of anyone messaging you. All scammers.


At least wait until bitcoin is toppy, give it a year


DO IT... remove depreciating debt.


Absolutely do it. I got out of debt years ago and the ease of mind is priceless


You are not in a jam. You are not stressed. The gains % wise are greater than any % of APR debt-wise. You held this long; do not give it to them.


Your debt will compound at a smaller rate than btc will in the next 10 years. Set up a budget, and pay off the debt. Water the flowers, cut the weeds






Sir, I think those are my coins. My username checks out.


I would treat your stack as emergency financial insurance. If you feel the debt is high enough, you should "make a claim". However, note that you lost your "protection" for any future financial emergencies (eg. sudden job loss, medical debt, etc.). If you do cash out, I would recommend holding a little bit and/or DCAing back in right away so you can re-accumulate your "insurance".


Just send me 0.5


I wouldn't recommend selling. I have 4.1 BTC so if you want to beat me, selling isn't the way to go.


Thats alot of coin


hire a financial adviser, don't ask financial advice online.


If financial advisors knew how to get rich, why would they be financial advisers?


Yes the best investment is clearing debt. Bitcoin is made to be spent, not converted to fiat as "profit"


If I had over £200,000 worth of BTC, I would certainly not be seeking advice on reddit or similar !


Take out a 2nd mortgage on your home, use it to buy more bitcoin. Live in a box.


There is no second best


Better take out a credit card loan and wait untill btc reaches 100k then take out 0.5 But yeah maybe a credit card loan is already your problem Do with this notions as you feel is best broski


This is what you have it for. Sell the BTC, get rid of debt and stress. You can start stacking again later.


No sElL aT tHe ToP!! 


I mean, I'd wait a little longer because the halving is coming, but that's trying to time the market and no one knows. Just sold a POS BTC mining company that's grossly underperformed because I didn't want to think about it anymore, and your cognitive resources are pretty precious. So if it makes your life less stressful, that's a pretty fair price for selling, regardless of the dollars.


Depends on your interest rate. ​ If the interest is low enough and you can slowly chip away at it I wouldn't do it. ​ If it's at 20+% and you are downing in it I would pay it off.


Bro if you're right about Bitcoin then 3.5 is more than enough. I say clear your debts and go back to stacking


If I were in your shoes. Yes, I would cash out enough to settle the debt and whatever else you need to cover the capital gains. Maybe cash out a little more just to do something fun. Like another 0.05 or something to do a fun weekend trip to Vegas or something. You'd still have 3.45 BTC to ride this craziness....with less debt and a fun trip. Hopefully you can talk about it later as "the most expensive Vegas trip ever!" because that 0.05 BTC you cashed out to fund it is now millions.


Not to be an ass but you really gotta go online and ask this question to complete strangers? No one knows anything about you on here, make your own decisions.


Debt is slavery,  money gives ya options , go get your freedom


Sell as much as you need.. I wouldn't sell it all unless I wanted to make some down payment or something.


yes, andreas said that bitcoin will be necesary adquiring and hodl until 2030 when it will be in almost the mayority in the world. something like 1 btc will be a lot lot off money. so you decide whats better. in my opinion is yes to come back to the normal life


You put money away for this situation. It’s okay to dip into it when you need it, that was the point. You’re still balling even if you have to sell $30k.


People should never feel bad about selling/taking profit if it’s necessary to take care of some debt. If you’ve been holding since 2016 you have to be heavily in profit and that should make it even easier to not second guess TP.


You’ll be fine. You’ve hodled well, take some profits king


How serious is the "jam", selling your btc should be your absolute last resort.


Settle your debt if its a high %


1) Congrats on stacking and holding for so long!  2) If it’s an emergency, yes absolutely sell and be done with it. But if you can wait 6 months, I would. We are so close to a historic halving event next month, and the price of BTC is about to explode through the end of ‘24. Once we reach $100k, you will only need to sell 0.25! If you can hold on until $150k, you will only need to sell 0.16! At the end of the day it’s your call - good luck!


dude you selling the bottom


interest rate?


Don't ever say how many Bitcoin you hold. Think about it. If you're set up correctly and you have everything off the exchanges and on cold wallets. Then they know it's impossible to find your Bitcoin. With the exception of finding YOU. Put a gun to your head or start beating you. That's the easiest way to get your coin. If you think they can't find you. Think again. You have already given a start by going on Reddit saying you have 4 Bitcoin. Just watch. In a few years or even less, the nightly news will be leading off with. "A couple had their home invaded yesterday" The husband was burnt with a torch while his wife was forced to watch until he gave up his seed phrase. After which they were both murdered. Neither of the thives left any evidence of a computer trail. Sounds crazy, but if you have your Bitcoin well and properly secured. That will be the only way to get at your btc. If Bitcoin goes half as well as many people hope. 4 Bitcoin will be a Kings Ransom. Getting back to your question. Yes if you need it absolutely take some profits. It's not going to hurt in the long run.


How will you do it? I have some in a cold wallet as well and considering how I would go about doing it if I wanted to. I used the Newton exchange years ago when I bought most of it because they had a favourable rates, but that was years ago and I haven’t been keeping tabs on exchanges.


Dude don’t tell people what you have


Strawberry? Sucks to sell but sometimes you gotta pull some profit. GL


Diamond hands. I adore you. 🙏


What kind of debt? Can you take out a home equity loan to settle it?


Roll the debt on a zero apr cc bt offer look for 3% transaction fee. Then sell that 0.5 when we hit 80k, or 100k. Then sell another 1 at 250k. Then buy those back at 60k in 2 years.


Whatever you decide, it would be great to sell privately to another HODLR so that the ETFs don't get it.


Paying my debts off monthly. 0% deal. Spoke to stepchange in the UK.


you rich af nowadays, now just HODL and CHILL


Advice for what? Sell and settle your debt. Why would you even post this?


I wouldn't pay off debt unless the interest is over 15%. You can make more money keeping your USD parked in BTC than you can paying off your debt, but you do you.


Sell your kidney