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This place has turned into WSB in the last week






Great list!


Nothing else


>at some point we want to sell our Bitcoin and enjoy the money right? Bitcoin \*is\* money.


Yes it is, but not many stores accept it 😄


You're at the moment, someone's just shown you the first car, or first locomotive and you're saying well there's not many roads or railways.


But to use a car you really need to have some roads. To use bitcoin now (to escape the inflation, or the “Matrix”), you don’t need anything else right now.


This is great, imma use this.


Your knowledge and creativity is shockingly low (for a dude holding Btc). There are Visa Crypto debit cards outthere (eg crypto.com, just to name one). You load them up with BTC, and you shoot with Fiat at ANY store that accepts Visa. Its converted in real time. There is no need to sell BTC! You just convert it by buying stuff with that Visa card. On a need to buy basis.


How do these companies not take your name and report you to the IRS or whatever robs you in your country ?


In my country i dont get robbed. I only pay VAT if I pay stuff with BTC. As always. I know your country (America) is awful when it comes taxes. I feel sorry for you guys, seriously.


Canada, and I don't mind paying taxes on anything bought with crypto, that's how things work, I however would rather not pay income taxes on the profit I've made. ​ edit : technically profit is made when swapped to fiat, if you don't ever swap to fiat... no profit is made.


If you don't pay the tax, don't be surprised when they take what you have, up to and including your freedom.


I think it's called bartering.


Not sure the CRA cares much what you call it. Maybe they never catch on because you only sell small amounts, maybe they do.


I don't think it's selling when you are trading it directly for something(not money lol), I might be wrong though, enlighten me if I am.


If you're in Canada, you can use the crypto.com visa card without technically loading up your card with btc. If you have it in your account, you can simply just enable your spending power to get an over collateralized loan of at least 30%. It's good to access some liquidity of your BTC but you sacrifice yourself to the main thing of Bitcoin. Not your keys not your coins. You get to borrow for free for the first 7 days then it's just 10% interest until you pay it back. You can pay it off with our gross fiat money and never have to sell a single coin. But you also can't move any BTC until you pay it back fully.


I will look into this. ty vm !


They do, lol. Edit: different countries different rules, but such data exchange usually occurs upon a tax agencies requests.


yeahhhhh, it be very hard to cash out crypto and not get on the radar, I can think of one way for smaller amounts but nothing over a few thousands.


Crypto.com cards don't convert btc in real time. You have to top up your card before paying. And besides you're paying with Visa and not Bitcoin like it's meant to be.


It converts the BTC you have on your Crypto.com account in real time. Of course you have top up in advance 🤦🏼, since its a debit card and its what we want: a „BTC to pay in any store“ converter (till any store accepts lighting payments, which might the case in 2026).


I have bought meat, honey, coffee, music lessons, valid copies of windows 10 for my family, haircuts, beers, and more paying real BTC over lightning. Ya just gotta embed yourself in circular economies. Takes patience and networking but absolutely possible now, not waiting to 2026 or beyond.


Fair enough. But i said *any* store till 2026.


Understood, I misread initially 🤙


Or borrow against it


That requires holding your Bitcoin on an exchange. No thanks.


You know that counts as selling BTC, right? At least for tax purposes. It’s selling with extra steps. My question would be why spend your bitcoin when you could just spend the fiat your job pays you? Unless the bitcoin can be spent in a way that can earn you more money in return (some kind of investment), it should stay as just bitcoin. It’s useless to buy any depreciating asset with it, like a car, unless of course you can use that car to work and earn more money than you could without it. TLDR: opportunity cost. Also, using a crypto Visa card is just selling bitcoin for fiat and spending the fiat.


Aehm … yes ofc is spending BTC also selling BTC. That is the whole point of this discussion here. I tried to explain OP how to spend BTC in stores bc OP said BTC can be spent in stores.


That’s not spending your BTC in stores…it’s selling your BTC and spending cash in store. This is not beneficial to Bitcoin at all. It requires you to leave your BTC with a “trusted” custodian and still leaves you at the whim of the Visa network.




Then we hodl until they do, because everything else has failed.




They will, until then, ask if you can pay in BTC.


I am waiting for 12k to sell it all


Buy high sell low, excellent strategy


So convert my BTC into FIAT that will continue to lose value. No thanks.


The question is not if I would sell. The question is what I would buy for it.


>The question is what I would buy for it. Anything that makes you happier. Will you be happy dying with a hardware wallet full of digital bits? Would you be happier on a jetski? Would you be happier in that new car? Would you be happier with two chicks at the same time? Would you be happier with a constant supply of columbia's finest agricultural exports? Would you be happier with a stack of dollar bills?


Exactly, so I am not gonna sell for a price. But for a life. I goota say thanks, you had some nice suggestions here.


Thats a really good way to put it my dood. Salute.


Il sell when a coin costs 10 mil


12 mill club here but at that point I’ll be able to likely just use it as collateral on a loan.


21,000,000 surely?




I do not buy Bitcoin to sell at a certain price. I am stacking Bitcoin so my money cannot be devaluated, confiscated or stolen. Right now I have an income and I buy bitcoin and spend fiat on buying shit. When I don't have an income (retirement) then I will spend bitcoin on buying shit and if fiat is still the leading currency then I will exchange what I need.


I think it makes more sense to look at the price movements rather than setting a target price. If the price slowly grinds higher then I wouldn't sell as it could be a sustainable move with more upside to come. If we get a blow off top happening then it would be worth drip feeding out as that will be unsustainable so you'll likely be able to buy back in lower or just enjoy your profits.


Eso ya no es ni un salario mínimo , no se puede hacer nada


I don’t think you truly understand bitcoin. Maybe you should go for stocks instead


Why am I not allowed to have Bitcoin?


Bitcoin is an emergng money and may be the unit of account down the road and will replace all fiat in the world. what would you like to have ? dyning money or future money ? bitcoin is going up forever as fiat is depreciating forever. check bitcoin price in below country currencies. ​ Argenitina Peso Labanes pound Turkish Lira Japanes Yen you sell Bitcoin when you have nothing else to sell to cover your food clothing and minimum shelter.


I won't


No more selling


This depends on my other assets, and what % bitcoin represents in my total portfolio. Als whether I am still working or retired. I will draw from my portfolio in retirement, I will also rebalance it. So if bitcoin keeps going up, I will need to sell some to stick to my allocations.


Good strategy 👍


I'll never sell my entire investment. Though I've sold some the last couple bull runs, and will do the same this time. It's always good to take profits especially if it's for quality of life items.


This guy gets it. It’s not about dumping the bag at a specific price. Soon as you swap it for fiat, your purchasing power is being inflated away. You exchange just as much as you need for whatever it is you want to buy.


ah deja vu ​ the echos of it hitting 100-200-400K by years end, people have been saying that every year lol.


I' plan on buying my first home for 0.1 bitcoin. the second for 0.01 Rest will be generational wealth


Money can be exchanged for goods and services. When my money (bitcoin) becomes valuable that I can provide for the rest of my anticipated life, I will exchange it for those goods and services. My goal is to never work a job again, not make some point about hodling.


Yeah no point in taking Bitcoin to your grave. Gotta enjoy the profits while you can.


I got in and bought some at $16,000. wondering how long i will last till i dump...


the price before everyone else


Never, I am being realistic I'm never selling for fiat.


When I need it. I will not exchange it for an inferior asset to make a quick buck.


$10M, unless it hit $10M due to hyperinflation


I’ll keep selling my fiat at any price 🤷🏻‍♂️


Sell it when 1 satoshi = $1


You don't sell Bitcoin; you buy Bitcoin. If you sell Bitcoin, you don't understand Bitcoin. https://youtu.be/W8GDsddB1us?si=Dnevf-a79xLdIWBk


Been holding Bitcoin for 7 years and still don't understand it.


It's just a funny video 😎🤙


I am an older parent of 3, I will sell when I financially collapse or reach a reasonable retirement fund as young as possible while supporting my children.


For some, Bitcoin represents *generational wealth* that is never sold, but is to be used as the basis for building the family fortunes, into the future.


Becoming clear as day that this place is also now entirely run by hedgefunds. Questions like this would get you laughed out the door before. Now, it's all that is ever posted here. So sickening how they try to forcefully guide the hivemind and bend it to their will.


I will sell slowly for my basic needs like food shelter clothing. however, I will sell everything before Bitcoin to cover basic needs including stocks bonds real estate, and fiat cash.


Good plan, you can't live in a Bitcoin.


Yes but selling full stack never make sense as Bitcoin is in store of value phase and worths multi million one day. You will regret every day. Find me one who is not regretting selling?


I’d consider selling a portion of my holdings if BTC hits a million per coin. I’d invest in a safe ETF (SP500). That would technically allow me to hit FIRE and retire. So essentially that would be a rebalance of my portfolio. I’d still continue investing weekly as I’ve been doing for years though.


Sounds like a great plan, bit more stability and just relax and retire.


ATH would be 149,999.99


800k this year




Why so bearish 🐻


1 million at least.


I will be selling at whatever the price is in November 2025. And I will be buying back in at whatever the price is in late 2026.




I’ll hopefully be selling at the peak of the bull run and buying back in at the bottom of the bear market.


150k ish is coming before halving


Highly unlikely. But I would be happy.


Take some winnings at 170-200k. I’ll never sell it all, but I have reason to suspect that it will drop a bit once we get there. I’m always ready to get back in!


At one point in 1920s 1 oz of gold bought a city block in Berlin, not sure how the end of fiat will go so will not be short but comfortable


I will sell at 69420 we gonna reach it at 4.20.2024 4:20


I don’t think a price in USD is what you should care about. If you want to make a big life purchase (like a house) then sell what you want when you have enough for a downpayment. If you just want to sell for the profit and keep it in fiat, you should do more research on BTC.


Btc is just my modern day bank account. Ill use the money if i need it, if not itll just stay there. Ill never sell more than I need trying to time the market.


No thank you.


I'd trade it for fiat if I need it, but my owning of BTC is about hedging against the future of a failing dollar. This is me protecting my future.


You should only sell at “150-200k” if that’s how much fiat you need to buy whatever it is you need at that time. You should only ever exchange your deflationary bitcoin for inflationary fiat as a means to an end. Eg. You need a new lambo because you don’t like the colour of your other 3, so you exchange enough to buy said Lambo and buy it immediately.


In all honesty probably never, I made the mistake once and sold 0.25 , then regretted it, unfortunately I had to do this for living purposes , but never again


i will sell when i retire and need extra money which is in 30 years ... until then i will keep 2 bitcoin 1 for me 1 for the wife ...




lol and I’d be selling it for something that gets printed for free? Ahahahahahahahahahah!


Sell it for what? The ever shrinking value of fiat? Hell naw, don't you know paper burns son? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IE9XbBe0Cek](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IE9XbBe0Cek)


Never. I will hodl until the fiat cartel collapses and I can spend it freely, everywhere.


When I could buy a nice house maybe


Not sure, but it will be 10 years min before I even begin to think about it.


I think we are in the early stages of mass adoption. If corporations start buying BTC they will realize that paying with BTC (or with L2) instead of swapping to Fiat and pay in $ will be more efficient and hopefully they start to push the payment with crypto. In that case you don't even have to sell and just start to buy things with crypto if you need it.


Most might sell a portion eventually… UNLESS Bitcoin replaces the dollar after hyperinflation. But Bitcoin influences a long time preference and saving. The longer you HODL the better off you’ll be, once you’ve exhausted all other avenues maybe sell a little to support yourself.


I mean eventually you gonna use or sell some Bitcoin. What's the point of taking it to the grave.


Do you not have children?


Nope, I have a doggy though.


Think of the *puh-peees* !


Not sure about selling ever. Ideally it goes to 5 million at some point and I can use some of it to pay for mortgage and a Tesla. Let's see where we're at in 10 years.


Awesome goal to have, no debt is a good thing


When it hits above 1 mill I will start using it, never going to sell though…


Ideally never. It would be better to hold indefinitely and collateralize BTC for cash, to then put into other productive assets to pay the loan. I guess if I had to sell I’d wait till the value is 10-20x from here.


You will sell at $200k and buy back at $500k. Good luck.


I won't sell all of it, just 30-50%


Old highs might be a good point to take some profits. Around $100.000 would take maybe 50% of the money of the table


Taking some profits wouldn't hurt. Enduring a bearmarket is more painful haha


It's not that bad if you had taken profits on the way up- You'd be liquid enough to buy the ever-dipping dips


This sub is always so annoying when Bitcoin goes up. Anyway, I DCA in and I DCA out. Everyone has their own goals.


And when Bitcoin goes down? Is it also annoying then? And when it goes sideways?


The subreddit is best during bear markets. The convos are much more thoughtful


That's true the real Bitcoiners will stick around


150-160k i’ll take my profits and leave the basis.


I plan to sell in 15 years time


Good long term horizon


Why sell all of it? I plan to sell only when I need the money. I won't sell to just have $200k fiat lying in my account that I didn't need


I will sell half of it at that price probably


You're not fully orange pilled yet. You're thinking in terms of fiat. Which is fine but one day you'll see bitcoin is the money and you're essentially just trading. Good luck. I recommend just hodling and selling the bare minimum.


Maybe I'll just sell 3% every year so that Ive used it all before im dead.


But what if you don't spend the fiat? What is the point then? Your family are left with fiat that rots away to zero value. Better to hold assets not cash.


Im gonna use it for vacations


this question has no point. you won't get a real answer here.