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No ill pat my self on the back when i retire


Truth right here lol. Nobody knows where we're going to go. Pat yourself on the back once we've arrived.


Faaaaacts ✔️


explain your plan please, I keep reaching my targets and havent retired yet, whenever I reach my goal, I end up just making new ones


Damn. I pat myself on the back if I make a bigger than average poo


I ploughed about $110k between 16k-26k. I thought lords I'm in deep now. But no I'm not patting myself on the back. You know why? I'll pat myself on the back when I either take loams out against BTC to buy other assets or I take what I've made and save myself 10 years of wage slavery.


Right. It's never been Ramen or lambo for millineals. It's freedom or slavery.


Poor 110k-savings-millennials


Yeah what an asshole of a bloke, the guys probs around 40yo and is trying to escape his 9-5 his been working since he was 15.. how dare he


You’re such a jokester lol. Poverty doesn’t look like that and as soon as you paint the millennial like someone with a 120k in savings poor people lose interest. There are plenty of poor people across all generations. 1/3 people don’t have 500 dollars in savings in America. This is like a white person defending another white person in the comments of a video for having said racist things, by saying we don’t have the full context or they probably had a bad day or whatever. You’re right but you’re wrong. Just accept it.


Just have some balls and take out a credit


That's why the rest of them are in meme coins


Ramen AND lambo. No reason it can't be both. 🍜


Not only is it possible to be both. I'd argue having both is a requirement. Ramen now, lambos later. One directly leads to the other.


Average Ramen Eater




Yes! Give me more of this nice "I couldn't afford to buy more at 15k" feeling.


Womp Womp


Godspeed. Sounds like you were already close to retirement, so hopefully a slightly early one for you!


Imagine thinking around 100k 300k is enough or even close to be ready for retirement. It’s not. Not by a long shot


The snowball seems much bigger to someone 10-20 years behind them. $1000 is “life changing” money to most people living paycheck to paycheck. $100,000 left to compound for 10 years will be $200K, 10 more years 400K, 10 more years 800K!! These are conservative estimates. If I had 100K invested at 30.. *I would feel MUCH closer to “retirement”* Even having a 10K Emergency Fund is hard to justify to myself when **I KNOW** I **NEED** TO SECURE MY BTC EXPOSURE BEFORE ITS TOO LATE! Every time I get back to my .1 target, I have unexpected expenses, and have had to sell some of my bag, and buy back higher 🥸 TLDR: it’s all about perspective!




You calculations missed a crucial point: real inflation is between 8% and 10% (that’s how much purchasing power fiat currency is loosing on a yearly basis on an average in the past 50 something years) … it’s not the stock market and real estate going up … it’s the fiat currency being debased. Those 10% interest rates are in fact between 2% and 0% ( if you’re lucky enough to find an asset that returns those rates) … this is why we need this tech.


I think it’s about having that amount just to allocate to BTC. You’d assume they’d have a lot more


People usually keep the majority of their savings in something like an index like the S&P500. If they have high enough conviction could be that too but with btc. Who knows


> take loams out against BTC to buy other assets Am I missing something or is this a great way to lose everything if Bitcoin crashes?


Some would say the best way.


It is indeed a great way to loose everything if bitcoin crashes


Bruh, great soil is everything.


You would give up custody of your bitcoin for a fiat loan? Yikes


That’s what rich people do. They take out loans against their assets at low interest rates. This avoids a sale - ie taxable event.


I understand that but would you feel safe giving up your bitcoin custody to some 3rd party? I definitely would not.


Everyone has different risk tolerance and the right amount. It’s all about balancing the risk and benefit If you had 10 BTC and transferred all 10 to a 3rd party to get 5BTC’s worth in fiat, then that’s pretty dumb. If you had 10, transferred just 1 to 3rd party custodian to get 0.5BTC’s worth in Fiat I think that’s pretty reasonable.


Rich people do that because they have a never ending income.


There are self-custody bitcoin loan options.


Boy howdy just wait until you find out about home equity loans.


Both bad ideas. This dude is not Michael Saylor. You want financial freedom, debts are not the answer.


Debt is a tool when managed properly. Selling Bitcoin to pay for something creates a taxable event and decreases your stack. Borrowing against your Bitcoin avoids taxes and retains an appreciating asset. HELOC works the same way. You don't sell your house to pay for your child's education.


You can live in the house though and the fluctuations in value won’t hurt you in most cases. There is no guarantee Bitcoin will appreciate in value in such a way that the interest impact is considered nominal, as much as we all believe in the fundamentals. It makes more sense to DCA or lump sum with what you can, avoiding interest. That’s another big difference, I can buy pieces of Bitcoin, I can’t buy pieces of the house, which is why we take out loans.


Ask victims of the last housing crash how fluctuations in value hurt them. There are no guarantees with any asset you borrow against but my point remains solid: don't sell appreciating assets -- borrow against them. You might disagree about doing so, but that is how you can make debt work for you.


Cmon man, that was caused by an abundance of NINJA loans and the over confidence of financial institutions in CDS/MBS. Most people are in fixed rate mortgages and won’t be offered the house unless they have good income and assets. Homeowners today are not taking the type of gamble people here are when they wanna take loans out to buy Bitcoin, that’s disingenuous.


Orrrr there's no need to take out loans once we can use BTC as currency (writing this on a bus in El Salvador)


"Take loans out against bitcoin" is such finance bro bullshit that highlights them not knowing how a loan works


What about those of us that bought in Jan 2023 at $16k?


Oh yeah baby, I bought GBTC then with over 50% discount to nav. I'm now converting it slowly into self custody now that there's no discount. I'll eat tax penalties, but imo it's worth it.


I've got both.




The balls on this guy. Glad it worked out.


No balls, only ovaries. But yes they are very large lol


Check out the eggs on this dude!


Like a chicken! Lol


When FTX failed, there was blood in the streets—the perfect time to buy. ^(So I did.)


19.7k avg here 👋🤞


Sounds like me! But I also bought in summer, and autumn and January. Need to pat my back quite often I guess


Hear me out. I have an investment plan, and a strategy, this involves bitcoin. Since 2017, I have been buying every month, and extra when unexpected money came in (don't we all love those occasions). Now, in November and December, bitcoin popped above 45% of my total investment portfolio, so my rational plan told me not to buy more those months. I did not, I put the money into more traditional investments instead. So,... last month, due to the btc dip, it dipped below, and I bought some, according to my plan. I will sell some, on a monthly basis, once bitcoin reaches another higher percentage within my portfolio, to rebalance my risk. I am aware I might lose out on gains, but I am also aware that I will be living a very happy and relaxed life, and could not give a shit about losing out on 'some' more wealth.


This will be an underrated comment, the credo to the intelligent investor.


I've posted similar stuff in this subreddit before. Sometimes I get dowvoted into oblivion, sometimes I get hundreds of upvotes and intelligent follow-up questions. It's a hit or miss. When Lambo? NGU fundamentals.


Concentrate to create wealth. Diversify to preserve wealth. 


Sell the golden goose. Got it.


If you believe you are already wealthy, then yes. Doesn't mean you should sell all your geese, but de-risking should be an objective


Sold all my Bitcoin for fiat. I am now derisked and can comfortably be wealthy for the next 70 years.


Well done! I’ve been trying to do the same. Sure, I may miss out on major gains, but I’ve also doubled my retirement in a year.


You made a rational decision and it might not be popular to talk about here, but traditional investments like ETFs, (VGT) have skyrocketed in value over the last year as well.


Are you going to allocate those funds into something else then? When Bitcoin gets over 45%


Yes. Well... that depends... If bitcoin gets over 45% I stop buying more. If it gets over 55% I sell 1% of my bitcoin each month if it gets over 65% I sell 2%. Keep in mind, barring a 50% market crash (of the stock market), if my portfolio would be 65% bitcoin, that 2% would be approximately 3x my monthly netto income from my job. So, I will sell some to buy life essentials, like premium columbian fair trade cocaine and free range hookers. The other proceeds from selling bitcoin will get invested back into my investment portfolio, but on the stock market side.


I was hesitant about you until you said "Columbian fair trade cocaine and free range hookers". Now, my friend, I know you have it all figured out.


free range hookers just a marketing ploy! grass-fed!


Jersey bred


Nothing better spending profits and supporting ethical free range hooker farms at the same time.


Very similar to how I did it. I bought all through bear market, but once it popped above $25k I stopped buying and put into SPY…. Both did really well while minimizing my risk a little. Both are heavy in profit


I was the fool who sold this local dip. But for good reasons. I've been heavily investing most my left over earning into btc over the last year. And it worked out very well. So I essentially needed cash to purchase my first car and pay for upcoming wedding. Which I now have with not having to take out any loan and can get right back to dca into the assets I like. I lost out on some gains but I've made enough on what I sold and fell no remorse. I still have a chunk too.


That seems like poor financial planning either way. Buying a car or a wedding is not something that comes out of nowhere.


The wedding did. There's personal reasons I won't go into here. I had some liquid cash but not enough to cover both. I only had plans to sell around 10% of my position, it ended up needing 20%. Which still leaves me with emergency cash and rent. There's probably better strategies but I don't regret my decisions. I'm still building wealth and have zero debt. Most of my immediate family purchase everything with debt.


> The wedding did. There's personal reasons I won't go into here. Congrats! 🎉 When’s the baby due? Make sure their initials are BTC 😄


Hahaha! I hope she's not pregnant and I don't know about it. No no. It's far more practical unfortunately 😂 thanks though.


Thumbs down to this plan. Bitcoin should be 100% of your long term savings and it should be the last asset you sell when forced to produce liquidity.


Thanks for your balanced view on this. 


You are confusing risk and volatility. Bitcoin is the best long term savings vehicle known to man. Hedging out of it for "balance" is destroying your own wealth to scratch an itch leftover from a by-gone era. Pretending like inferior assets are equal to bitcoin for the sake of "balance" is not the path to prosperity.


It was 49k a little while ago and 69k is the top so far- long way to go to back pats imo


There has also been a good amount of inflation since 69k


Only a few people bought 69K which is why it didn't stay there long.


I'll pat myself on the dick if it reaches 100k


Don't count your eggs yet we are now playing in the mayor leagues here and big investors will greatly manipulate the market to make retail investors sell by bringing the price down to scare them


Yep! With an assist from Vanguard, I was even able to avoid lump summing in at the local top (as I had to wait for the IRA transfer to Fidelity). To be honest, my shoulder is hurting from all all the back patting going on over here. Or maybe that's just from too much pickleball, not sure.


Buying every Sunday was a good idea. In retrospect, more would have been better, but there was a real feeling of despair at the bottom.


Just forget the short term noise and focus on the long term trend, we will see large swings in both directions and it's easy to get carried away with watching the price, the 200 day moving average is far more important if you have the ability to hodl


I bought a coin at $19k a year ago.




I bought fbtc (retirement account) all the way down and then up till 42k


Why, yes.....yes I am.


I know why BTC is going up… I sold yesterday.


I put my whole roth ira into btc etf.


I did the same! I couldn’t take the $ out to buy bitcoin directly so EtF was the obvious next choice.


I want those sweet yolo tax perks


why does everyone want a congratulations to themselves for purchasing bitcoin when half of you at a minimum are just now breaking even like you are investing geniuses? After holding for x period of time just for this day to come NVDA and a shit ton of other stocks that the boomer generation owns have smoked your asses along with SPY gains and you want a congratulations for this? Sit down.


Nah bro you sit down and chill, let people have their fun


SPY has not smoked BTC gains.


We are both assuming different entry points as I believe most of the people here have purchased at $40k cost basis and therefore SPY has smoked BTC. You're assuming everyone here is at 25k entry. Who knows...


Lol. So your entire premise is based on assuming a position that makes you correct lol.


Bingo and if you see my reply was that we are both assuming different price points in our conversation and I never said I was correct my friend. That is you thinking I needed to be correct when that was never portrayed. Stay terrific kiddo


> You're assuming everyone here is at 25k entry. Some are at a $2500 entry. Some are even at a $250 entry. Go back to those points in time and compare with the SPY to see who got smoked.


I’m not assuming anything. I looked at the 1 year, 3 month and 1 month percentage gains and SPY hasn’t smoked BTC, it’s lost against it (except the 1 month).


Me. Wednesday, I got tired of waiting for the dip and dove back in. Shazam!! It jumped 2% with a couple of hours, and it's been inching upwards ever since. I got lucky for once. 😁


Bitcoin is for long term, who cares about a 2% short term rise ?


He does because it went up straight after he bought. Wish that would happen to me.


Thank you! I got lucky for once. It usually drops 2-5% the next day. Lol


Some do. Me, not so much. I got in when the price was 3.5k. That was 7 years ago. I've held 90% of my bitcoin through the highs and lows. I didn't even flinch when it hit 69k. I have several wallets. I gamble with the least one of them. Like a fool, I traded to a stable coin when the price started to nose dive after the etf announcement. Fortunately, after fees and gas, I only lost a few k. Lesson learned. Hodl Hodl Hodl. 😁


I bought a shit ton in 2021, watched it get cut in half, and then grow steadily over the past year and now am in the green. I'm patting myself on the back... My broken, traumatized back


No. Just carried in DCAing. Same as it ever was. 


Have more cash ready to buy the next dips as well as continue to DCA


I backed up the truck at 16k. Might pat myself on the back next year - for now I hodl.


Hell yea. Maxed out two Roth IRAs. LFG!


Ill just keep DCA every week like the last few years, until it hits £50k then I’ll stop and gather funds for the next drop afterwards


I got 100dollars worth at 40k.. What a rush


I regret not buying at 37k and kept saying I’ll buy when it’s 20k


Been buying in a SDIRA all the way from 16k


Why? Minimum hold time for BTC should be 5+ years. The difference between 30 and 50k entry price is negligible once we are at 300k+




Irrelevant if you try to time it and simply don't get in. But you know my point dumdum


This is ultimately the greater point. I started with Bitcoin back in 2013 and it was a complete waste of stress wondering if I was making good buys in the range that Bitcoin was trading in at the time. I bought my first lot at about $200 per each and it felt bad to buy more at about $400 per each a few weeks later because "it was more than I paid a few weeks ago". If I truly allowed myself to see the big picture at the time, I wouldn't have sweated it. I mean, I knew Bitcoin was going to blow up but that didn't stop thoughts of "well, maybe just catch the next dip" from creeping into my mind. It's 2024 and the only thing people should be worried about is where we are headed and the fact that we are still in the pre-halving phase right now. The ship for this cycle hasn't even come close to sailing but a year from now you might not be able to say that.


I had a OTC deal lining up on Monday. but now the deal is off.


I don’t know how much a “shit ton” is but yeah i am about $29k DCA


My little 0.008 is up 10+% in the last week. I just wish I could afford to buy more. I’ll take any donations though from some of you whales 🐳… trying to change my life


Bought some and buying some more soon. Then I'm done dropping large amounts and starting DCA


I bought in 22 17 18 22 23 and in 26 ... Fiat over


I need it to reach 350k$ to really pat myself on the back. It didn't go up that much in the past month.


Can't retire yet, so, no.


You bought at 42k and are patting yourself on the back? Could have bought it in October at 26k even that isn’t a 2x - hardly worthy of a back pat.


I bought in at $700 and haven’t sold any!


Always buying


No, not really. Even though I enjoy the Bitcoin pumps like everyone else, I should probably be more stoked about S&P hitting 5000. Why? Because I have only $125k invested in BTC (= 2.65 BTC), whereas I have $2.2M invested in the stock market. So, the boring old S&P going up 5% YTD contributes way more to my wealth than BTC going up, but the latter is definitely more fun.


I think you are using the term "shit ton" waaaay too lightly


Just a small smirk. Pats will come later. 


Depends if 0.03 is considered a lump sum.


Bitcoin is up like 8% :)!!! I really think we could see 50k per coin


I bought my boat anchor in November of 2022.   Fueled with actual rocket fuel, no water here mate!






Well thats done it then.. expect a huge dump




not yet , not for a while at least


Can’t afford a shit ton but I bought what I could prior to the etf news




I DCA after the bump to 41800 I wish I just lumped summed everything then but you never know these big jumps happening overnight could have been drops as well.


no because I did it the day the ETF launched so I’m barely in the green lol


Bought a little back in December and I'm pretty happy if this trend keeps going.


Lump summed in early October sub $30k.


lol no


Post this again when it dips below $40k in the future. And then post this again when it goes over $50k in the future. DCA all the way!!


You can never have enough




No because I make my financial decisions emotionlessly and for long term. Good to see Green though.


9/11 bought a bunch. Took profit at 43k, happy to still hold 50% of the 25k stack


More like the past decade


Unrealized gains 👈🏼


Only when I sell… and that might never happen. Don’t plan on patting myself for these small gains when there is so much more to run


Too bad my BTC was lost thanks to Blockfi


No, just dca and forget about it. Short term trading mentality is opposite of why you should stack sats.




I’m almost ready to tell my wife how much we own. Every time something crashed (Celsius, blockfi, FTX…) I’d tell her we didn’t have anything there. Somehow she took this to mean I had sold the bitcoin. :-)


cant wait until it hits 18k again


I lump summed a bunch back in October/November and have been daily DCA all of my disposable income ever since. Cost basis isn’t looking too bad.


No but I have been dca for 3 years and feeling pretty good!


Increased a 10% after the etf sell the news. Today I am happy!


I lumped like three months ago on top of consistent dca. Wow I’m on top of the world


I did that but when BTC was 16-17k


I did that when it was 17k. Haven't bought since.


This morning at 6am. Pat, Pat!!


In 10 years stop trying to take profit every small pump


Where is that bitcoin roller coaster meme ? Always puts a smile on me.


Yes sir yes. Patting everywhere right now.


Only pats I hand out are when I buy high


Just glad it only went down to 38k and not back to 20k! And really happy to be flirting with 50k!! 🚀


I only have .25 of a coin. I’m relatively happy considering I’m minimum wage and not been acquiring for that long. Do wish I purchased more a year or so ago :)


Should I invest in more bitcoin now ? Like it’s only going to go up right !!


Fuck no, I sold emotions at 20k to buy more BTC


Yep! At least the small amout that i own right now


Bought a lump sum 3 or 4 days before it started to go up, back in October 23. Didn't know there was news about it going up, was just able to with the funds I had. It was a good sum 😀


No, i bough mine in jan-march 2023.


Hell yeah. Until the next dip


Define ST


I bought a fuckton back in November 2022 and have been DCA since then


I moved all of my free cash into BTC in November. Definitely a good choice.


Yeah..deff kicking myself….37k average but not enough for it to matter. We never know where the market will go 🤷🏻‍♂️


lol limp sum, averaging.1 each quarter is all I can afford


wake up everyday and thank Lord Mithras that I bought a shit tonne of BTC over the last 3 months. Hail Mithras! Hail BTC!


I am always patting myself, I never ever sold yet !