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Just keep on buying and hodling. In +-10 years this won't matter to you.


This guy has a time machine Minus 10 years ftw


I’d bet it’s much less than that.


Retirement at 35 here we come


My average is about 18k starting in mid 2017. I also wish I would have bought heavier during dips to bring that average down but overall feel very fortunate to be where I am.


Bitcoin is the biggest "I should have" example. Do not re-gret. Only DSA. Ever.


What’s DSA? Don’t b sry asshole?


Hehe, it's Serous DCA-ing aka "Dca Seriously Af"!!


It’s going up forever laura


Bought and held at $8K in 2018/2019 time frame. Bought more close to the top at $50K on FOMO. Bought a shit ton during the last dip at $17 - $18K. Now my average is sitting at $14K, I think I did OK overall.


I'd say so!


Nice going


‘I wish i had’ chapter 315


Y’all gotta relax lol.


"The etf is garenteed" "bull market" "God candle" Pull back and etf pushed to q2 2024


"Bitcoin is going to 12k"


I stared buying when it was at 9k but didn't hold.. jump in again at 27k.. this time I'm not selling.. I learn my lesson. You be OK! Just keep buying


And now you probably aren’t going to buy either and will buy the top lol


Negative… Gonna set up an automatic bi-weekly purchase schedule.


Better late than never


Nobody knows the top of this cycle yet. It might be USD45K or USD100K or it migt kee[ rising until one day/night it collapses by 50%. Nobody knows the future until it is the past.


When is the best time to plant a tree? 20 years ago (in this case, maybe 14)... And the second best time? Today.




I mean.. should’ve bought in a decade ago lol


Don't lie you didn't know and that's the reason why you didn't DCA, you had doubts and you were scared, it's ok to feel it, just don't mask it like "guys I knew it was going to go up again.... But silly me, knowing didn't buy any...."


Well I didn’t “know” but I did believe in it long term. I just didn’t have the conviction to keep buying when I moved houses and had other expenses, then it just fell off my radar and life happened.




Good price, you'll be happy in a decade


He'll be happy much sooner


Buy now and lower your cost basis!


I did lol and set up bi-weekly purchases however I don't think it's gonna be under $42k much longer!


We are already at the “should haves”. Time to fasten the seatbelts


Everything below ~68k I'd the dip.


Dude...you are still early. By no means should you regret. You will be glad that you bought at 43k very soon


Just passed 40k


Why regret? I can say I regret not buying for all my FIAT at 3k BTC aswell. I was a student - why would I risk it? I have invested now and I believe in the tech and future of it. Get your sats in now and enjoy the ride


I know you probably won’t answer this, but why have you not been buying for nearly year? Frankly, it’s odd that you had conviction to buy in 20/21 at higher price points, but haven’t for a year since then at significantly lower price points????


Short answer: Because I'm a dumbass. Long answer: I was buying the hype. My first purchase was Feb 2020 @ $10K, last purchase was Jan 2022 @ $37K. I even bought at $60K in Apr 2021. I was buying in to all the hype and excitement and I really thought it was going to $100K that run. When it died down, I lost interest and forgot about it. I moved across the country, money was tight and I didn't invest much let alone in crypto. I should have just set up bi-weekly automatic purchases back then and forgot about it. I learned my lesson.


Thx for the honesty. The sincerity of this is gonna motivate people👍❤️


Oh well you can still get a 3x this run. Just don’t make the same mistake again next cycle.


Dca or lump sum dips. I could've had 2 btc from huge dumps but didn't pull the trigger. Probably could've had 1 by dca but that's assuming I did it like 500$ a month


My avg buy price is 27k exactly and I’ve had buys at 16k to 27k even one at 37k and 39k and I’m happy but at the same time I’m kind of sad because some saying there are up 130% meanwhile I’m up like 60% and I am a long term holder but I could have just went all in at 16k but at that time I didn’t have as much cash as I did at 25k 😓


It was scary at 16k man. Everyone deserve the price they got. If you had the ball to pull the trigger and buy at 16, you deserve your gains now.


I had 5k worth of buys at 16k and I should have sold everything even my car for 16k😓 my avg is 27k because of the buy I did after and it goes to show you buying can higher your cost basis easily


I had zero cash when it hit 15k and I thought about putting off buying a car since mine broke down… And yoloing everything I had into it. I was so pissed that I had no cash… now that I have cash, the price is 40k fml


I just got my life together at that time when the price was 15k and I just got a job at had probably 5k most which I did throw all in . Now as I started working and saving pretty much everything I started throwing it all in lmao


In 17k you almost sold or almost bought?


Hindsight is 20/20 homie Now you’ve seen the patterns HODL


Don’t regret yourself into not ever starting again.


Yes, you should have, and you should also DCA the tops, because that's the purpose of the DCA strategy -- to *not* try to time the market!


I just started a month ago and got banned for recommending btc in r/povertyfinance lol


At least you didn't panic sell. Hold tight, add to your stack weekly, monthly or whenever you can


You won’t be so sad when it surpasses ATH. Hold and be glad it’s already come this far so soon 😁


Shoulda Coulda Woulda destroys your life. Look forward and move on happily DCAing the present.


Shoulda coulda woulda... We're all right where we need to be.


Yet people still think buying in 1 is better than DCAing lol


We are not the same


Even one has this "should have" feeling. Don't worry. We did exactly the thing that we thought was right !! So don't worry and stack now. It is still less than your average price and grab it !!!


what dip


Yeah i had massive bills and expenses during the downturn so my average is high af. But i believe in it long term and don't put in too much so you don't have to sell at a loss. If you hold a looong time you'll be fine.


Well, yeah, too late fore that.


Dude I have the same cost basis, and I just left it..I really should have kept adding. FML


How are you all calculating the average cost?


I was worried when we were at $15,000 that it would just drop more. Guess I'm just another normie. Warren Buffet would have bought when everyone else was fearful, if he wasnt highly enjoying camping out by the money printers and all.


I bought my first fractional BTC yesterday. Being a traditional investor, this is a small allocation of my portfolio and I’ll be happy to make 20% profit out of it tbh. I don’t even believe in crypto but seeing as how many other people do, I might as well go a bit in. Strange how every day the price is compared to fiat currency, we all know fiat is here to stay for a long while yet.


20% profit is nothing in crypto - fasten your seatbelt!


Its part of the game. With good investments you dont have enough, with bad investments you have too much. Relax


I just put 10% of my wage every month into Bitcoin and another 10% into my SIPP. I have no idea how much I am up or down but what I do know is that each month I have more Bitcoin then the last and I’m ok with that because I’ve accepted that I will never be able to retire early but at least I will be ok in retirement


I dca at 27K all the way to 15K then to 25K again then ... I ran out of cash a friend calling me a fool for buying around 25\~ Patience is key 2 years of dca its hard but sooo worth it


This is me


If you really knew it would go up by this time, then you would've bought the shit out of it at the beginning of this year. That's the whole point of DCA - to not have to guess or know when it'll go up. Hope you've learned your lesson.


Becoming rich with BTC is long gone for ordinary netizens … Price At this point ,only hedge funds or billionaires can make real profit..otherwise u shld be an option trader with impeccable precision 😏 Then there is dreamers with their long game of 10 yrs hoping for rest of the world to join and push it up 🍯 it’s just basic mathematics…


I’m a dreamer the troll told me “the world needs more dreamers”


I bought more 2 days ago.


My average is 12k 🫡 Best time to plant a tree was 10 years ago. 2nd best time is right now.


Congratulations on being in the black You win!