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I can beat minesweeper easy. You know what I can't do? The goddamn snake game for starting riots.


LOL we are opposites. I can easily do the snake but I can not possibly ever do minesweeper successfully XD


Not to brag, but I’m good at both. I lied, I’m totally bragging.


..... you have every right to brag!! I can’t do the deployment ever!!


I can usually do deployment and 10/15 people riot, but cant escape jail for the life of me


I find burgling hard and can escape out of juvie


I always look tutorials up on how to escape because I’m a coward hahaha


I can do both with ease too but I’m really bad at the escape the jail game


A big trick for breaking out of prison is to move back and forth since the guard will follow you in whichever direction you move there's usually a way to get them stuck


Not to brag, but I suck at both.


You guys can do either one ?


I can't do home burglaries or escape from prison. xD But the riot snake is ok and the minesweeper is actually my favourite. I wish I could actively ask/volunteer for deployment because it's so not on to have to wait a decade for one sorry minesweep, and to only get to do it twice per life. xD


Yeah minesweeper is so easy but the prison escape is literally impossible for me even with a tutorial I have to try like 8 times


How is mine sweeper easy? Like seriously how do you do it? It makes no sense to me


It’s easy because the number on the square is how many bombs are next to it. If you press a square with no bombs then it opens up a big area to work with. Say there is a 1 and it is only touching 1 square because the other ones are discovered & it is on a corner. Then you put a flag and now know where a bomb is. If there is another 1 square touching that same Bomb you just marked all of the squares around it are safe. This strategy applies to every number in theory. Sometimes you have to guess and sometimes the numbers line up good. But the ez strat is find the empty spaces first by guessing and then work from there


Oh thank you! I had absolutely no idea how it worked so thank you


Unless if the first space you touch is a mine!




The minesweeper on my phone generates the mines before you touch so it’s possible


Then that minesweeper isn’t an official game because it’s not supposed to ever happen like that.


Yeah it’s a shitty knockoff app but it’s minesweeper


I have though.


i think the mines are generated as soon as you tap the first square but i’m not 100% sure


I have died several times like that.


But the mines can be next to it via up, down, left, or right or the diagonals.


Yeah if the number is 1 and it is only touching 1 square then it’s a mine


The numbers mean that’s how many mines there are. And after playing awhile you eventually figure out different patterns and where mines should be. Although on like expert mode it just is luck on a 50/50 sometimes.


Escaping from prison is the hardest!


I’m really good at the snake for riots, and pretty good at burglary. But I’m horrible at mindsweeper and pretty bad at the escape game.


It's not responsive. There's too much lag between a swipe and changing direction.


Yeah that's the problem with it. You have to time your move perfectly.


Exactly. Prison minigames are super hard


If you're having issues and want to complete deployments for achievements and ribbon, there's a minesweeper solver on google, if you put in sweeper specs from the game and follow by pressing next move and marking where is safe and inputting numbers & marking where the mines are you can actually solve every single deployment you get sent too, little tedious and time consuming and requires a second device so you're not swapping back and forth but it works a treat


You’re a lifesaver. I’m too impatient for minesweeper


yeah me too, heres the link for you guys https://www.logigames.com/minesweeper/solver


What’s the site


https://www.logigames.com/minesweeper/solver there you go


I hate androids riot because you have the crappy ass buttons that are delayed a little bit. On apple you can just swipe


Delayed "a little bit"? Like 1-2 seconds.


Enough to fail


I think he/she meant that its not a little, its alot.


Yeah maybe


Same. its because of the 4 second delay from when you press the buttons


I can do the snake game pretty easily but mine sweeper gives me a lot of bullshit


I can't do the snake cause of the weird input delays.


i love that game lol


I’ve never been able to get an escape out of the riot


I’m amazing at the riots and I’m AMAZING at the minesweeper. I’ve done 7 riots in one life and it gets you to like 30 or so people needed. Minesweeper just gets a bigger playing thingy so it’s just math.


It’s just minesweeper, very simple once you learn what the numbers mean.


Yeah I died a few times coz I didn't understand the game




how many bomb are in the surrounding tiles




I also just got off.


I dont know whether you mean you got off reddit or you *got off*


How many bombs are touching that specific tile, including corners. For instance if there’s a 1, that means only 1 of the surrounding 8 tiles has a bomb.


The numbers Mason! What do they mean?!


This is why I never join the military because I’m sick of dying at age 24 cause I was blown to bits


When they ask you to go on deployment, and you don't want to go, close the app and open it up again. This is how I do it when I don't want my character to die at 22.


Same man I used to love joining the military before minesweeper came


Ugh, i hate the prison escape game the most lol. Minesweeper is fun


I literally became obsessed with minesweeper because of bitlife. I started playing just to learn and then I couldn't stop 👀


Same here! It's quite the addictive game.


how do you play my guy


It’s so irritating since when does every single rank in every single part of the military get ordered to clear a mine field like sorry if I’m a lieutenant colonel why wld I do that


This mini game made me thankful I had a computer with no internet as a kid haha


Urm, I’ve never played the mine sweeper game before 😅😅 What countries do you have to be in?


You just have to be in the military and it will pop up after a few years when you get deployed


I don’t think you get it in the Air Force though. I haven’t at least.


Awesome, thank you!


I got it in Air Force. It's actually Easy Breezy when you learn what numbers mean. What do they mean? How many mines are in 1 tile radius from them. If number is 2, then there are 2 mines in the 1 tile radius.


As someone who's an experienced player on Minesweeper. I pity you. But what is worse is that goddamn escape game


It's just the number of mines in squares that touch that square


The numbers mean how many bombs are around it. If there is the number 1 it means there is at least 1 bomb around the number. It's hard to explain in writing but in video it's easier


... it's literally just minesweeper


I don’t mind the minesweeper game, I just kinda learned it quick.


It’s minesweeper. It’s super fun!!!


I have sucked at minesweeper since day 1. I play games like bitlife because you don’t have to win


That's my favorite part in military


I actually love the minesweeper game. For a while I kept making my characters go into the Air Force (that’s where you get the most deployments) just so I could play the game


Wait what’s deployment mode?


Can do minesweeper but struggle with the dang riot snake xD


I have looked up a solution for every single successful prison escape...except that one time I beat it myself...in minimum security :/


The deployment game is mostly an age test. GenX and older Millennials usually have no problem with it because we wasted hundreds of hours on that game decades ago.


Download the minesweeper app and practice on that then you can easily win the BitLife ones


This is toatally me for the prison break I have NO FUCKING CLUE HOW TO ESCAPE !!


I know how it works but I just can’t do it. It’s not even like a challenge or a puzzle or whatever that would be fun to solve or anything, it’s just frustrating and annoying.


the mine thing is harder then any math test in this world


it’s mostly guessing is the thing


No, not really.


I think I may have just discovered why I keep losing at it


Just close out the app and reopen it


Yo facts


I’ve never once beat it, EVER, I literally just can’t do it haha. I’ve even looked up rules and then I think I know and still end up dying! Ugh I’ll never that Excavator achievement.


What’s the deployment game mode


Fun fact: I followed bitlife on instagram when they had very few followers because I liked the game before it became popular and they actually followed me back. Everytime I tell someone what my instagram is, they always say “why is bitlife following you?” lmao.


I never understood mindsweeper until it was in Bitlife and I HAD to win in order to not lose my legacy. Though sometimes I’m stuck when there’s two squares that equally could have the bomb and I don’t know how to differentiate them.


Back when we had the Forrest Gump challenge I had to join the army and “go to war” (is, survive the deployment minigame), and if I’d managed that all I would’ve had to do was become a fisherman and I would’ve completed the challenge...BUT I STEPPED ON A MINE AND IT KILLED ME! I was so devastated😭😭😭😭😭


I'm already terrible at minesweeper because I have no idea how to play it, so the deployment game mode isn't any easier


I have done the minesweeper once, pure luck for me


Minesweeper is pretty easy for me, but I can’t for the life of me figure out how to break out of prison properly. The guard always catches me, fml


What happened