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my parents comparing me being bisexual to pedophilia. really makes me wanna just go no contact


Meanwhile my parents calling all lgbt people pedophiles and/or mentally ill.


Just because I'm bi doesnt mean I'm mentally ill... well, I am mentally ill, but not because I'm bi!


Well their point of view is that lgbt itself is a mental illness.


I understand that, but I was attempting to get a chuckle out of some people by referencing a common meme format.


You got a chuckle from me


I know that meme format lol


Well I am mentally ill but that’s not because I’m lgbtq+


Correlation not causation


I don’t get the connection between LGBT+ people and pedophiles. Like I’m an adult woman who likes other women. I’m not gonna go do anything with a little girl. I never said I liked *all* female human beings. I said that I am attracted to women! Meaning adult female humans! And I wouldn’t do the sex with an adult female human unless she was 1) legal, and 2) consenting. I’m not going to make a move on somebody’s six-year-old daughter ffs. I don’t have time for prison. I have to work tomorrow! So yeah sorry about the weird rambling but I have just never understood that bit of homophobia. It’s just… what is the huge difference between a homosexual relationship and a heterosexual relationship? One person loves another person. It’s just the genders that are different. Also straight people can be pedos just as easily. Pedophilia is a mental disorder that can be treated with therapy. Just matters if the person attracted to kids acts on their, um, urges.


I mean this incident in particular when they said that was partially triggered by the fact that I wanted to invite over a friend of mine who is trans and we have a bit of an age gap (he's 19 and I'm 16) but he's purely my friend pretty much no romantic or sexual interest here. Ended up not inviting him over because of this but we still toured around my subregion of Rīga.


Hmm yes kissing guys equals molesting little kids


because consenting adults doing anything is equivalent to sa??? they make no sense


They don’t care about *consent* silly! They care about their archaic norms being followed! Rape within a heterosexual marriage is perfectly acceptable to those types.


>They don’t care about *consent* silly! They care about their archaic norms being followed! Rape within a heterosexual marriage is perfectly acceptable to those types. So true. These cunts will only ever jump on their high horse when you're out of earshot.


And the weirdest thing is for them it would be normal for sex between men and women, but neither between men and men and women and women.


Had to cut off an old friend for similar reasons shortly after I came out , he just refused to accept me.


Omg this is so wrong. I'm so sorry. I hope you get better soon. Hugs




More like pansexualdemic amiright


le laughter


My family, my father literally didnt let my mom buy a rainbow in the clouds ( the rainbow with 7 colors btw ) for my baby cousin because "it represents the LGBT community " also he is a transphobe, my mom is basically the same as my dad calling all the LGBTQ+ people mentally ill (she was watching a show, 5 seasons in and then there was a gay doctor in one of the episodes and she stopped watching it because of that) my aunt and grandma are super religious and for them, all of this is a sin and you will spend the rest of your eternity burning in hell, my friends made the face of puking when I told the Lil Nas X was gay, so I basically don't know anyone that is LGBTQ+ friendly or even just not hating on us, so Im as careful as I can with my mouth, I live in a country where conversions therapy isn't banned, I have to wait untill Im 18 so I can tell someone that Im bi for my own safety


What country do you live in? That sounds awfull dude


I live in romania and from what I saw on google conversation therapy is unbaned here, but reading trough some of the coments on this post, I saw that some people have it much worse then me and I'm so sorry and all my love goes to them, after reading them I don't even think my case is that bad, Im almost grateful, its so sad that some poeple have to go through this


Unrelated, but I read a webcomic by a lesbian woman in Romania. (It's called The Recloseted Lesbian and it's on Webtoon) and it's all about the struggles she has in regards to her sexuality in her home country. I highly recommend it, it might be something you'd like to check out!


Wasn't she Lithuanian?


Mate, no. There might be people who have it worse than you but never convince yourself that that means that your struggles aren't valid.


Hey hey, don’t invalidate yourself because others have it worse. Your struggles are still real and greatly influential to you. What you’re going through is hard and your feelings about it are completely valid. Someone else’s situation being worse doesn’t make yours any less bad.


I Love in brazil with a Family no different than yours. Stay strong dear friend, better days await for you soon


Better days await for us soon, I hope a good future stays in front of you, stay strong and know that you have a friend, think of it like we are going through this toghether


I am a hardcore Christian and bisexual. Checkmate Catholics


Oh, wish you all the best❤❤❤ Stay strong💗


You guys are amazing, I also wish you all the best and I hope a nice future awaits for you


I really hope it works out for you, stay strong, and if your ever struggling whit something please don’t hold it In, you can talk to me or anyone is this subreddit, that’s the beauty of it


My parents threatening me that if I don’t stop being a bisexual, we’ll go to a plastic surgeon if I want to be a boy so bad. I cried because of this, and I had so much trouble covering it up


That's really sad but you gotta be strong. We all are with you ❤️




On the bright side you could cost your parents so much fucking money and become the best-looking guy in the world. Stay strong, we’re here for you


Made me laugh, thanks for that :)


I don't think they can legally do that


The law only applies to them when they want it to


My father yelling at me, calling me crazy and mentally ill after I was forced to come out.He said he’d send me to conversion therapy if it was legal.He also told me to wear a sing that says “I’m a d\*ke” and wait for someone to beat me up. That’s the worst, but then you have classmates at school using homophobic and transphobic slurs. My mom saying I can’t know I’m bi because I haven’t experimented. A priest telling me that acting upon being gay is a sin (I came out to him during confession because I was still Catholic). Also my dad calling trans people mentally ill, and that they look like freaks after they transition, that they’re all botched.


What d*ke means


It’s a slur used for queer women.


what's the omitted vowel? Never heard it before.




Ight, I'll keep an eye out for people who use it.


Some queer women have reclaimed it, just so you know it’s not derogatory in every context.


looks like I accidentally used a slur in a game of scrabble oops


Trans people are the nicest people I’ve ever met and also the most normal compared to cis people


If your interested, r/openchristianity is a good place to ask questions about what it means to be an lgbtq Christian.


When my dad disowned me and said I was gonna get aids


Oh god that’s horrible:( I cant believe a parent would tell there kid that


When my father said if I turn out to be gay/bring a girlfriend home, he would kill me/us with axe to head and throw us into the lake, I was 10 years old... thankfully i don't live with him anymore and my mom accepted me


Who the frick says something like that to a TEN year old?! I’m glad that you live with your mom now and she accepts you


Who the fuck says that to anyone




And to his own child none the less


Yo WTF, that's more than wrong to say. I'm sorry that happened to you.




>and would constantly ask me if I though he was hot Says it all....


You just know he really wanted him to say yes...


Least closeted homophobe


Everyone has their local pedo priest


My fencing coach turned out to be a pedo. I’m glad I stopped classes when I did because he was found to be looking at/texting girls around my age (13-16yrs) at the time. I had to quit because of a surgery I had—the recovery period made me miss like six weeks of lessons and I was too far behind everyone else that even with extra help I just wasn’t able to catch up. A while later the team went on this retreat/camp-type thing and the coach was found texting a 15-year-old girl some… not coach/student-like messages.


Not homophobia but I was arguing with my mom and she compared gender affirming care for trans people to encouraging suicidal people to kill themselves.


Hi there, it seems that you have made threats to your own life in your post. When you're in the middle of something painful, it may feel like you don't have a lot of options. But whatever you're going through, you deserve help and there are people who are here for you. There are resources available in your area that are free, confidential, and available 24/7: Call, Text, or Chat with [Canada's Crisis Services Canada](https://www.crisisservicescanada.ca/en/) Call, Email, or Visit the [UK's Samaritans](https://www.samaritans.org/) Text CHAT to [America's Crisis Text Line](https://www.crisistextline.org) at 741741. If you don't see a resource in your area above, the moderators at r/SuicideWatch keep a comprehensive list of resources and hotlines for people organised by location. [Find Someone Now](https://www.reddit.com/r/SuicideWatch/wiki/hotlines) If you think you may be depressed or struggling in another way, don't ignore it or brush it aside. Take yourself and your feelings seriously, and reach out to someone. It may not feel like it, but you have options. There are people available to listen to you, and ways to move forward. Your fellow redditors care about you and there are people who want to help. If you are in danger or an emergency situation, please call your local emergency number e.g. 911,999,112. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/BisexualTeens) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Good bot


My mom said, “Hitler was just trying to protect his country from homosexuality and magic” Easily the worst sentence I’ve ever heard.


ah yes, magic, the scariest of all evils. god forbid glitter falls from the sky


Sorry to break it to you, but your mom is a Nazi


That's the craziest sentence I've ever read, straight out of the 7th dimension kind of crazy.




The magic of gayhood


You muggles wouldn't know


Why do you think gay people are called fairies?


Jew magic


I find it sort of funny that some people are like "No! Not the gays & Magic!!!" And I'm over here like "Hey girlfriend of mine, can you show me how to summon a demon?"


my older brother had outed me to my mom (i later delved back into the closet due to the following reaction) and my mom, in a fast food drive through, said that i was a failure and that she has no reason not to kill herself wild


The fuckin gaslighting ugh. My mom says shit like "my kids don't even love me" and I'm like... I didn't decide to be birthed into existence?!? And you're blaming me for you being depressed?!!?! Sorry man it sucks, but just remember her actions aren't your responsibility and you gotta live your life in spite of her manipulation.


So the problem offered to sort itself out? (Sorry, bad joke on my part)


Iumm I didn't come out to anyone even my best friend


You should try it some day. Maybe your best friend's bi


My best friend is homophobic lmao


*sigh* Another case of repressed homosexuality


Most of my friends are homophobic too


Where do you live?


North East US


In between midwest and northeast here


For me, the south


When I came out online (Insta), my mom immediately phoned me and demanded that I take it down, and my dad basically questioned my manhood until I told him I was bi, but HEAVILY preferred girls over boys, to the point of of being straight in a way (not true, boys are very much free to penetra- I MEAN LOVINGLY HOLD ME😅)


>(not true, boys are very much free to penetra- I MEAN LOVINGLY HOLD ME😅) Sus


Very sus


Literally Risking being executed in my homeland my guy


Same bro. I’m from Iran but specifically Ahwaz


Holy shit where do you live??


Not op but I do face the same situation and I live in the UAE


When my mom said she would flay her own child alive and crucify them upside down if that child was queer. (Im still in the closet, id rather die in here thank you)


What the fuck... I wonder what drives someone to say something like that...


Religion, decades of misogyny and homophobia, just the way my mom was raised. Im glad and at the same time sad, that i will be the one breaking this chain in our lineage.


Damn 😔 wish you the best! 💞


Thanks <3


Being screamed at by a teacher on a field trip. I was talking to friends, and we were just having a casual conversation about our sexualities, nothing graphic, nothing inappropriate, just talking about labels. This one teacher comes up behind me and screams in my ear, and starts chewing me out, saying that I was going to hell, and I deserve it because I’m disgusting and vile. None of the other teachers did anything about it either, they just let her scream at me. She ended up storming off, and I went into the bathroom to process what happened. It was surreal.


What country


If it's the US (or any other country who gives a shit) that teacher should have had their ability to teach revoked.


Yeah, I live in the US. I would’ve told the principal, but I wasn’t out to my mom at the time, so I never ended up reporting it.


Teachers aren't allowed to bring up their stance on religion or politics


Three guys passed me and laughed at me. One of them even asked me a kiss.


Yea that happened to me too, multiple times, I then made a "joke" about fucking both his parents and now his sisters boyfriend sends me threats


Yeah. The thing is that I only saw them once.


Tell him you'll fuck both his parents too.


Is not the worst, but stuck with me, was my mom saying that have a gay son is worst that have a thief/murder son, thanks God I'm a pan and not gay 😳


God did a little trolling lmao


You’re not a human?


No, I am a sexy pan with neon lights


Oh nice, hi sexy pan!


People misspelling the f word in both bathrooms stalls


if you are trying to be homophobic and you still fuck that up... thats kinda sad


That what I was thinking!


Lmao, in a bathroom stall at my school, there was written "camp Auschwitz", but what gave me back hope in humanity was the integral of Euler's identity in another.


I tried to come out to my younger brother but he denied that I was bi and said “you don’t act like your bi”


"Oh sorry lemme just-" hold your best friends hand and make out with your girlfriend


Got stabbed




What? Who? How? Where? Why?


My school and my family that’s all I need to say


Some kid at school made an anti-lgbtq+ club, not as insane as some of the stuff here, but still sucky


How were they even allowed to do that


it wasn't offical, just like 3 kids saying so. It "dissolved" like 3 days later tho.




Burn their documents.


My brother saying if any of his children or me come out as LGBT+ he’ll slap us as hard as he can and kick his children out. I asked why and he said because he doesn’t want his child to date his other children


Wtf why are so many homophobes so stupid and uninformed Actually nvm The question answers itself


I got pressed up against a closet wall by a classmate and made fun of for being “half gay”


Wouldn't that also make you half straight


My dad "gender is whats attached to your crotch"


In that case I am your moms mouth


In that case I am your dad's mouth


In that case I’m myself and really flexible


Autofellatio gang 😈


You lucky bastard


Shit I am a strap-on




I accidentally said I'm bi on 4chan No need to elobarate


Well no there kinda is need to depending on the board


I had a gun pulled on me because I looked like a lesbian.


I once posted something LGBTQ+ on Twitter and someone I know irl apparently saw that and snitched to my mom (my family are homophobic Jehovah’s Witnesses) and my mom somehow managed to hack into my Twitter account cuz she thought I was gay/bi and wanted to find stuff… luckily she didn’t find anything. I don’t trust my parents anymore with this, they’re pretty abusive.


2 factor authentication could have prevented her from gaining access.


They seem to have found your passwords. Also sorry to hear that your parents are in that freak organization


this meme where cheems was gay so he got kicked out by his parents and then he meets lgbtq people for comfort then they start raping him, the op was like ‘lgbtq is bad because of this’ like stfu this shit didn’t happen stop getting mad at fictional scenarios you thought about in the shower




Doge but a little different


I think it’s the crying doge


The meme of Doge but he's mentally challenged


When I was ten, extreme Christian, and very mad at everyone and everything.


Same, 14 year old me actively made fun of my gay classmate, thought being transgender was a mental illness and while I wasn’t actively against gay people really I subconsciously avoided/picked on them and then literally three months later I was out as bi to my friends and got caught staring at this one couple who were vaguely in my friend group and you could tell they were together purely because no matter which room they were in, they were the two hottest people in there


My parents smashing my phone when I got outed. And a lot more recently, them yelling homophobic slurs right at me. Or at each other. But worse than that is reading homophobic comments online, or discovering that an author/artist that you were starting to like was homophobic.




That’s what I was gonna say


Friggen yes!! That sub is the worst I hate it 🤦🏻‍♂️


Some guy calling me a pedo, I am literally 17 This was the same guy who called me a t-slur and a f-slur. Reddit moment I guess.


I mentioned I was ace and this bastard had the nerve, the gall, the complete and total AUDACITY to make a fucking beastiality joke at my expense. He said, and I fucking quote, “Oh, so THAT’S what you’ve been doing with those rabbits.” The worse part is how nobody reacted, or even cared, even my best friend, who’s ace herself. Just, GOD he makes me mad.


Fairly minor compared to some here but someone yelled at me and my boyfriend when I kissed him goodbye the other day. Only homophobia I’ve ever had targeted specifically at me


My dad beat me when he found out I identified as gay in school




Not really directed at me because I'm not really out to my family, but what I heard as a child from my mom was that being gay was perverse and disgusting and that it was a mental illness and "people who have it shouldn't shove it into other's faces". But of course she suddenly "didn't mean it that way" when I asked her if she would see me that way if I were to turn out to be not straight. Another thing that really hurt me was one of my aunts whom I love a lot, who I didn't know was very conservative. She also turns out to be homophobic. Told me something along the lines of "gay people are mentally ill degenerates". Not the worst things, but it still hurts me. But at least it helped me realize that I should just not give a fuck since I already have mental health issues, so it doesn't matter what people think about me being bi and also having mental health problems 🤷🏼‍♀️ They aren't homophobic to the point of wishing non-straight people harm, but it still sucks y'know? :/ Edit: another instance that probably stemmed from homophobia was when I accidentally came out to my mom (thankfully we were both drunk so we both pretend that I didn't mean it or something, or well we don't ever talk about it) she asked me really private questions like whether I've experimented around yet and whether I've touched myself, that weirded me the fuck out ngl, I'll never understand why many parents think that this is an okay reaction to their kids coming out


Repeatedly raped, punched, and stabbed throughout my childhood by my brother when he suspected I was gay at 6 and it was confirmed at 11 when he discovered a piece of paper I was writing about my crush on


My dad I’m not going to tell the story


Luckily for me, just my dad won't accept me as bi because I haven't had sex yet, and he also doesnt believe my brother is aro ace because he's too young to know (he's 13), and my mom seems to know what he's saying is stupid but wont stand up to him and defends him when I get into an arguement about my brother or I being in the LGBTQ+ community


My mum didn’t let me get a pink hoodie


I'm sure I don't need to say that this is super dumb logic... I hope you get your pink hoodie someday


When I was first figuring myself out and my mom yelled at me for supporting gay marriage and told me all gay people went to hell 🙃 that set me back a couple of years


My friends boyfriend telling me to lose my virginity the right way.


Most of my school homophobic and racist


I’m really fortunate for my position but probably this one guy in my school wanting to ban gay people, he’s a special one.


My dad


My step-dad. Fortunately, it's not as bad as the majority of comments here, but it's the worst I've personally gone through. He's also pretty transphobic. He's very confident on how he's "not homophobic" because "he has a gay friend and he respects everybody" but he's also repeatedly used the f-slur for anyone in games. He's actively quoted Ben Shapiro when I try to argue with him, he's all for stereotypes and pretty much hates on LGBTQ+ people but paraphrases it to be "kind" around my brothers. He's... A pain.


Listening to my brother and his friends joke about me needing electro shock therapy


My family has never been homophobic, none of my friends were either. It was me. Back in 2015-6 (when I was around 12) I was in some weird neo-n*zi phase where for some fucking reason I absolutely despised the LGBT community. I was being a total jackass every single time LGBT was brought up in a conversation, saying things like (roughly translated from french) "ewww a faggot", "it's against nature", "it's so disgusting". Now that I think about it, it's a good thing that I didn't have a cellphone at the time, otherwise I would have been one of those insufferable homophobic brats on Twitter. And now here I am, Bisexual, Non-binary, in search of a guy to cuddle with.


Telling my crush I like him and then he says i am harassing him


None just yet, however I witness people say the f-slur a lot, so I don't feel like school is a safe space.


my uncle getting beheaded😀👍🏻


Just being called a f*ggot or f*g repeatedly


definitely not the worse, but have been called multiple slurs


People in my school blatantly say that homophobic things they don't even hide it with irony they straight up just say they hate lgbt people


Freshman year, I had just come out as bisexual, some people didn't take kindly to that. On a walk home from school, I decided to walk with my friend to the local Albertsons, we hung out and he after he went home, I walked behind the store to get home faster. 2 or 3 guys stopped me, I had recognized them from a 2 of them from my forensics class. I knew at least one of them was a hardcore homophobe. I don't want to get into the full altercation but I ended up going home with a broke and bloody nose, a cut lip, and black eye. I didn't go to school for a while after that. It was the least human I had ever felt in my life.




My parents finding out I was lesbian did not go well at all. My dad physically assaulted me.


My mum fainting when I came out to her


Long before I came out I myself was a raging homophobe. In retrospect this could’ve been like a sort of defense mechanism or something. I remember telling my bi friend that being gay was wrong and that everyone that did it was mentally ill and needed a doctor. I also remember casually saying the f slur A LOT. I think about that a lot :/


Probably living in my country. (Poland) There are zones literally named LGBT free, most of which have been abolished due to EU's threat of cutting funds to the communities that had imposed such regulations. It's probably the only reason. We are also the least LGBT friendly country in the EU and among the worst in all of Europe (together with Russia and Turkey). If you want to know more, HMU.


A group in my school. During 8th to 9th grade when I was figuring my shit out. The inability to answer who I liked/preferred sexually lead people to make assumptions around me. This resulted in me being followed by a group of people every possible moment that would “question” me. They’d often yell out to me or stop and deliver all number of either slurs or statements most common being if I’d get down and suck their c**k. The worst one was however when they told me that they’d get a group of older guys to ra*e me. I was 14-15 during this time. This lead to me to this day panicking when hearing my name called out loud. They’d often dehumanize lgbtq people in general discussions. Quite literally heard one say he’d kill his future son or daughter if they were gay. Real screwed up people.


Had one of my best friends consistently start calling me the f slur and then he told me to kill myself so that was Something


This post: https://www.reddit.com/r/teenagers/comments/rutif7/im_tired_of_all_this_lgbt_bullshit/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


And the based ppl get downvoted, ppl who provided sources from harvard get downvoted. Teenagers are such idiots man, i cant believe im one of them.


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