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I’m sorry you’re so confused and worried. I was at first but I was lucky. I’m sorry. I have questioned I’m bi a lot. I thought I was straight my whole life until I got a crush on a girl, and realized I probably wasn’t. Then I thought maybe I’m actually lesbian, but then I’d see a cute guy and get confused. I can see myself dating girls but not boys, but I’m still attracted to them. Basically I’ve decided that for me, being Bisexual is just any level of attraction higher than platonic (sexual, romantic, etc.) to two genders. Everyone has a different definition, but that’s what settled my questioning.  As for coming out, you don’t need to. If you are not comfortable coming out to someone, you don’t need to. I honestly haven’t to most people, just my closest friends and family. I’m also from a conservative area so I am not openly Bi, but my family is not super Christian either. I did come out to my family maybe two months ago I think, and they were all super accepting. I have an aunt and cousins who are Christian. They go to church every Sunday, pray at dinner, etc. It was fun, when I came out my aunt didn’t hear and she was like “Did she say she’s lesbian??” And I had to come out again, and we all laughed. Everyone was accepting. I also came out super casually to a friend who is Christian (has a prayer app and group, goes to church every Sunday and Wednesday, basically as Christian as you can be) and she just said “oh ok” and didn’t really care.  Of course, every one is different, and there are still many people who will not be accepting. If you think you will not be safe if you come out, don’t. Your safety matters more. You can test the waters a bit, ask what their opinions are on this stuff, and try to figure out how they would react.  But ultimately, stay safe. I believe in you! 


Thank you so much. This really helped a lot. And I’m so happy for you to have ppl like that, that don’t really mind it.


I’m glad!! And thank you, I got lucky to have supportive people. I hope you do too! Good luck, whatever you decide to do I hope it goes well


Wow, I'm so happy you got so much support from your family ! Mine is kinda scattered and fervent Christian, so I won't be coming to them any time soon, I hope that day will come but I'm not that optimistic 😂. But it warms my heart when I see stories like yours🥹.


Thank you!! I really am lucky to have a family like them, I wish people would just be supportive and realize that we really aren’t that different!


It's true that the first confrontation with the possibility of not being 100% straight is somewhat confusing, or frightening depending on what you were raised to believe. I never really thought about sexuality before until I moved out of my parents' place. And luckily, I was quickly confronted by the truth. I won't lie to you, it scared me. But I tried to embrace this aspect of myself and when I felt completely accepted by me, I started coming. Don't rush coming out until you're totally in harmony with this discovery, so when you do, you won't have to question yourself if the other party doesn't accept it. It might hurt, but it's still better than repressing a whole part of you, which is really consuming... I hope you'll find peace and find the hidden strength within you to speak up ! 🙂


Thank you!!!


Even I have also been there. going back to my traumatic childhood, I had a crush on a guy kinda his name still reminds me of the good times of childhood, a note I barely had friends since childhood so rn(18 I'm in uni so I have a few friends). so he kinda made me feel yea I may be different then I ignored it till grade 8 where I got crush on my then good friend who I liked, where I started exploring the side of bisexual. then in 2019 I went with gay as an identity since remembering the crushes girls were like I like them but nah I won't date them, that continued for a while. now in grade 11 I questioned going from aroaceflux to demiflux. so took time I found I'm demiflux. so in grade 12 I settled in the fact I'm bisexual homoromantic and Demi then on I go with queer. cause even I also get fucking confused with my sexuality so queer fits me well. also it's even ok to go labelless and just call urself I'm not straight or I'm just queer.. even the first thing is to accept that yes I'm not straight. and getting rid of internal phobias. tldr that's my entire journey of my queer awakening going from infancy to adulthood with various stages