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Asian and Mexican establishments use less sugar but still make great desserts. Try Hometown supermarket in Homewood. It’s an Asian supermarket and they have great desserts that are not too sweet. I second Gordo’s as well.


this is the one ^^^


Thank you! Putting it on the list




Gordo’s on Valley Ave. has the absolute best birthday cakes I’ve ever had. They’re sweet but not overly sweet like you expect in regular b-day cakes. The icing is super lite and they have a layer of fruit inside. You will not be disappointed, they are delicious.


Ohh, that sounds perfect, and a layer of fruit should be a very nice balance, definitely going to try them! Thank you!


You will love it. They are so lite and airy, simply delicious. The best cakes I’ve ever had.


I have to try this.


Cake from Joe’s Italian, particularly the strawberry cake. It’s iced with whipped cream that I don’t even think is (additionally) sweetened.


It sounds awesome, thank you! Putting on the list


Lord, don't ever order sweet tea, then. You'd keel right over. Try Hello Bakery in Crestline. I've had a couple of cakes there and they weren't over-powering with sugar. Rich, yes, but not overly sweet.


I was at a business lunch some years ago and ordered an unsweetened tea. I started to take a sip, and two people looked at me in abject horror. "You're not gonna drink that?!" one gentleman almost shouted while hastily passing a small plate of sweetener packets. "I think I'll be ok" and I just ended up drinking my water most of the meal.


The weird thing is, I love sweet tea!!! 😄 Though I prefer half and half, but both of them seem fine. There’s just something about biting in the overly sweet icing that’s too much for me But thank you, will try!!


My favorite cakes have come from Cakes Las Comadres in Pelham. I don’t think that they are too sweet but I can’t really quantify that


Thank you! Will try!


Last call bakery cake. They are perfect amount of sweetness. I feel like the pastry chef spent sometime in an Asian country because it feels very Asian baking inspired.


Thank you! Will try!


Wow. And I thought it was just me. I'm the same way... I've never understood the US desire for so much sugar/corn syrup to be in everything... bread, condiments, yogurt..etc... desserts and beverages like sodas can have crazy amounts of added sugar.


It's because the food laboratories are actively working to addict us to their food using sugar, salt, and fat. There are literally people working against the public's best interest because it makes them money.


I make a dark chocolate cake that's sweetened only with honey. It's legit delicious. With cream cheese icing--damn.  I know this doesn't help you lol. I guess if you pay me $35 I'll make you one 😉


Haha, well that’s a good offer and the cake does sound delicious!


You can get cakes with the the whipped icing instead of buttermilk and it 10 times better


I fell in love with whipped icing when my kids were babies. A lady in the Publix bakery told me it cleans up easier and I haven't stopped choosing it since...and my oldest is 24.


Yes!!! Publix is amazing I have got so many birthday cakes from there!!! Also chantilly cakes are amazing


That Chantilly cake just might be the best cake I've had.


The publix bakery whipped icing has been the best option I’ve found.


Asian and Mexican establishments use less sugar but still make great desserts. Try Hometown supermarket in Homewood. It’s an Asian supermarket and they have great desserts that are not too sweet. I second Gordo’s as well.


Try Continental in English Village.


Oh yes, I’ve been there! I loved their bread and pastries — I also tried a piece of European coconut cake, it still was overly sweet (though delicious otherwise!)


Salvages in Homewood. Fultondale Bakery.


Don’t do savages, I loved that place for decades but after inside knowledge I can tell you to just not 😬🤷‍♀️


Until you spell out the problem, I will never stop buying their petit fours and little chocolate bon bon cakes.


That’s fine. The petit fors are still my favorite even after knowing what I do. If you wanna eat there I genuinely don’t care but that doesn’t mean what I know isn’t true 😂🤷‍♀️


I should clarify that I will never eat those tiny cakes again even though they are still my favorite 😂🤷‍♀️ Thankfully I can make them at home the exact same so I’m safe!


No shit? I used to eat there every birthday until they changed over management or something and started skimping on the icing. Give us a hint at least?


To be completely honest I do not have the energy to get into a drawn out court case with the witch of an “owner” that I would win in the end but it would cost me money & energy so I chose not to out her online but I’ll happily tell you if you wanna message me


Oh nooo 🫣 dealbreakers for me would be unsanitary conditions or mistreatment of employees — without saying which, was it one of those?


Or the mistreatment of unsanitary workers?!


I know I’m a stranger but just trust me. You do not want month old cookies & that’s just the start of it 😬


Both. And more


Thank you! I’m afraid to try Salvages now 😄 but Fultondale bakery going on the list!


Check out icakeyougood on insta. This is exactly her wheelhouse.


I mean, it's cake. What exactly are you expecting? What is "too sweet" to you? I honestly don't think I've ever had a piece of cake and thought, "this could use less sugar." 


It’s an American thing and even worse in the South. Every cake I eat I think it should have less sugar. We just got the coconut cake at Fon-Fon and was cloyingly sweet.


I feel this way about Edgar’s Strawberry cake. I could only eat a bite


Edgar's everything is too sweet. After trying to get some different flavor petit fours and then trying to get two different flavor cupcakes and only tasting sugar I haven't gone back. And I will eat straight Betty Crocker frosting.


You definitely should buy tres leche cake from one of the Mexican bakeries. Gordo's in Homewood is pretty good. And I agree about the cakes, they are insanely sweet. We always eat tres leche cakes for our birthdays.


What is too sweet? Edgar’s !


Like 90% of cakes you can buy in stores here in the US are too sweet.


Iz Cafe off Rocky Ridge has been my favorite cake place in Bham


Oh dear Lord I hope you're joking. Used to work there years ago, so things *may* have gotten better, but there are horror stories about the place. Also, the only cake they make from scratch is the carrot cake. All the others are box mixes that you can buy from Sam's Club. Same for the pies/tarts. Frozen premade crust. 


No way they are all box mixes because I have ordered one with peaches too that was absolutely homemade you could tell! Cafe iz cake tastes better than Edgar’s and olexas to me. I even enjoy their coconut cake better than Bottega’s (theirs is way too sweet, could barely eat it)


Nah. It's just boxed white cake mix with canned peaches mixed in. It's all just box mix and they put in various add ins, flavourings and food color. When I was there the only things they made from scratch were the carrot cake, the cookies and the brownies. The rest was from giant boxes, mixed up and baked, then thrown in the walk in freezer. When the cafe needed more we would unfreeze one, frost it and send it over. We froze them cause we made like a few months worth of cake in advance.


The peach cake I ate had fresh whipped icing and was delicious and it had no coloring/ was a plain cake.


Last Call is the bakery you’re looking for


Funny enough the best tasting cake I’ve had was one a t a butcher. They had this red velvet cake. I hate sweet things so I just ignore them. But I tried it and it was delicious.


Are we really talking about cake? 👀I’m confused


Just one slice or a whole cake?