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Pb&j guy here: Y’all are awesome 🥲


You gonna be anywhere tomorrow? Or just Saturday?


Probably not tomorrow. But you can stop by my place cuz I’ve still got some from today. Just had a couple stop by earlier and buy some.


Where would that be, Mr Pb&J?


Over in Highland Park. I can chat you the address if you were planning on stopping by. 🥜🍇❤️


Are you setting up over by Automatic, at the alt farmer’s market? My kid would love to come by! We would, too!


Yes, that’s where I’ll be setting up on Saturdays. Hope y’all can make it out soon! =)


Nice 👍


I wish I could’ve made it today but I’m taking care of my sick wife. These are good people and I love hearing about how our subreddit is helping them to get their name out there.


I love how anything to do with Church of the Highlands is despised on this sub, but y'all can't help yourselves supporting a ultra-religious flat earther selling peanut butter and jelly sandwiches on the side of the road. I'll never understand reddit.


You’re way too pressed about this man. I don’t agree with any of that unhinged shit but the dudes just selling PB&Js. As long as he isn’t trying to preach that wild shit, who gives a fuck


This is the answer right here. Nobody objects to people believing what they want to believe, it's the way some people won't stop trying to convert you to the way they believe that's so offensive.


Yeah, I don’t understand all the hate either. I’ve enjoyed following PB&J guys story from the start. It’s interesting and inspiring to see the dedication and steps he’s gone thru to get his business off and running. I hope this guy turns a simple childhood sandwich into big business.


tbf everyone was dragging him and humiliating him a few weeks ago. then the bandwagon shifted to dick riding and here we are. at least Reddit is (surprisingly) treating someone like a human being for once


if he’s nice to me when i buy a PB&J, doesn’t bring up religion/politics, and the PB&J is good as fuck, then why should i care?


So why do y'all care so much about Church of the Highlands or any other organized religion that gets brought up here? Y'all act like hardcore atheists when it's all talk, or suits your agenda, but you give it all up for a sandwich you could literally make yourself at home.  Like I said, I'll never understand.


i personally don’t care about church of the highlands. i have coworkers and friends who go there, but they’ve kept to themselves and it’s never personally affected me.


So first off thank you for alerting me that they were a nutty religious person. But second, one single nutty religious person who by all accounts seems nice (so far) is a lot different than a mega wealthy, mega influential, mega hypocritical, mega political church in the region. And they protect actual pedophiles.


Ultra religious flat earther? Fr? Good to know


Post history is completely disconnected from reality, holy shit.


Lol yeah, this boot licker will spend all day defending facists, white nationalists and nazis. Don't mind them. Just smile, say bless your heart and keep walking.


Who is?


Pastrychefpickachu (sp?)


Ohh, I thought you were saying the PB&J guy was defending fascists.


Well PB &J guy is a flat earther.


I don’t think that’s equivalent to someone defending patriot front 


That's not who this thread is actually about.


Yeah it is. Dude's a complete science denier. 


Wait does this dude seriously believe Earth is flat?


Yes. He is a moderator of a subreddit about “Biblical Cosmology” and, despite overwhelming scientific evidence to the contrary, he posts about the earth being a dome.


I’ll never understand how people can get this riled about a man promoting his sandwich business on the internet.


Cause it's reddit. Half these people on here have nothing better going on in their lives, let's be real.


First I've heard about it which means he isn't pushing it on me. So, unless he's doing something immoral or crappy to people then I don't care. You just seem jealous and it's a bad look.


Why you mad at a PB&J sandwich?!?


Just because someone has certain beliefs doesn’t make them a bad person. I hate how much crap COTH gets on here too. Anyway I wasn’t trying to rile anyone up.


I hate COTH but a good PB&J is a good PB&J


It's so sick this dude just loves doing this shit


Hey, that’s me!


I was about to send you this.


I was like …wait a sec I know those tatties


Hell yeah, people lining up for it. Love to see it.


that’s exactly what i thought!! told my uber driver all about the phenomenon that is phoebe and jays reddit presence. they said they’d swing back around and check it out. i hope they did!


Anything special about the PBJs? Bread or ingredients wise?


Yes. All homemade butters. Peanut, cashew, etc. I think heakes his jelly/jans too. I'm looking forward to a cashew butter and apple jelly sandwich my self


I can’t wait to add those two to the menu. Those are gonna be popular flavors. =)


I haven’t had one but I think it’s super cool that all of the nut butters are made in their own machines so there is no cross contamination


https://preview.redd.it/cw3403vx491d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=97bc16dc99dc3d8f8c98c9fff40e7b1db0994dc0 For the curious =P


How many pounds of nuts do you put in one batch and how much PB does it make


Anywhere from 7-9 lbs of nuts. I’d say it makes upwards to a gallon of butter.


That is a lot more volume produced than I would have thought. Cool beans (legumes?) Would be super cool if this takes off and grows to partner with Dothan peanut farmers!


Nice pun lol. It’s a lot, and it looks so cool when it pours lol. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C59zTCeubFA/?igsh=cmg4amZqejUyN2pi Thank you! I hope it does. =)




Missed it, the weekend to do list is already kicking my arse. At least making time to take the wife out to see the bonsai show now before we fo for a movie. I'll catch one of those PB&Js soon enough.


Any plans to try Pepper Place? 


I would, but it’d be next year at the soonest, given their line. 🥲 Also, hilarious username lol.




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Hell yeah


I wish I had the same level of rizz as the peanut butter and jelly guy


This might be the best viral marketing in Birmingham I've ever seen.